Itsumo Means Forever (part 10 of 10)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 9
        "So how's the eye been working?" Willow asked him softly.

        Willow and Xander were walking around one of the many 
construction sites that Xander helped run, enjoying the warmth of the 
afternoon sunlight. He was the owner and operator of his own small 
business now, supporting himself quite handily.

        "Just fine," Xander smiled slightly. Even Willow had a hard time 
noticing the enchanted replacement she had crafted for the eye he had 
lost during the battles with the First. "The only odd thing is that I 
see stuff normal people don't," he added.

        "Gee, that's different than normal?" Willow teased, and Xander 
laughed softly. More seriously she added, "I hate to tell you this, but 
you've always had a touch of the second sight. That, and I do think your 
regular run-ins with the supernatural helped, too."

        "You might just have a point," he admitted. Xander looked at her 
curiously, "How are you and Tara doing?"

        "That's part of why I wanted to see you," Willow looked down and 
blushed furiously.

        "What?" Xander smiled slightly.

        Willow, her face beet red, softly said, "We're going to have a 
commitment ceremony. I was wondering if you'd be my best man, more or 

        There was a long beat of silence, then Xander grinned, "You're 
getting married?" He crushed her in a sudden hug, "Good for you!"

        "Thanks," Willow laughed, "I still can't believe I'm doing 

        "You sure about this?" Xander asked her seriously.

        Willow nodded her head firmly. "One of the things that I most 
regretted when Tara was... gone, was that I never had the chance to 
publicly state my commitment both to her and to our relationship," she 
said to him quietly.

        Xander nodded his agreement, then he looked down at her as 
seriously asked, "Well, I have just one other question for you."

        "Yes?" Willow looked up at him worriedly.

        "Who's going to be wearing the dress, and who wears the tuxedo?" 
and Xander grinned down at her suddenly.

        Willow began to laugh softly as she admitted, "I have no idea!"

        In the Summers home things were bustling as they began to get 
ready. Faith smiled down at Dawn, "I was surprised you offered the back 
yard for the wedding."

        "Commitment ceremony," Dawn corrected with a smile as the brown 
haired girl organized the various Slayers in preparing food.

        "Whatever," Faith made a face. The dark haired woman was dressed 
in black pants and a T-shirt, though she had promised to change before 
the ceremony itself.

        "Willow's my friend," Dawn smiled with a cheerful shrug. She 
paused, looking out at the green yard, the wooden arch decorated in 
white. "And I'm pretty certain that Buffy would have approved, too," she 

        Faith had to nod at that, "You got that right." She chuckled to 
herself softly and added, "B always was just a bit of a romantic." She 
pushed off from where she was leaning up against the kitchen wall and 
softly said, "I'll be back down in a bit." Faith went upstairs, passing 
by one door and then knocking on another on.

        "Come on in," Kennedy called out to Faith.

        Faith pushed the door open, smiling slightly at her lover in her 
new dress. It was formal, but was cut to show a bit of leg and bosom, 
anyway. "Nice," she grinned.

        "Thank you very much," Kennedy smiled, leaning forward to gently 
kiss Faith lingeringly. She smirked just slightly as they separated and 
asked, "And when are you going to make an honest woman of me, Faith?"

        "Actually," Faith smiled down at her, "that's part of why I'm 
here right now."

        "What?" Kennedy looked surprised as Faith knelt down in front of 

        From out of her back pocket Faith produced a shining silver 
ring, "We've been together for a while, and if I'm going to be honest 
this is the most serious relationship I've had." A deep breath, 
"Kennedy, will you marry me?"

        Kennedy's eyes widened in surprise, a few tears glittering in 
her eyes. "Yes, I'll marry you, Faith," she gasped out as Faith slid the 
ring on her finger.

        Faith rose and gently enfolded Kennedy in her arms. "Let's get 
Willow and Tara through their ceremony first," she murmured to her 
softly, "then we'll get hitched."

        Kennedy chuckled softly, "Hitched. You are so old fashioned at 

        "Well, we could always exchange leather bondage bracelets for 
our commitment ceremony," Faith said with a wicked grin.

        "You would, too," Kennedy laughed.

        In another part of the house Tara looked from where she was 
standing in one of the bedrooms and smiled happily at Willow, "Did he 

        "Xander will be my best man," Willow smiled, "or whatever."

        "We're both making this up as we go along," Tara agreed. "I'm 
just glad that the priest from the local Unitarians was willing to 
perform the ceremony," she added.

        "I'm so glad you said yes," Willow murmured softly.

        "So am I," Tara answered quietly.

        It hadn't been very long after they had sent Willow's vampire 
twin back to her home world that Willow had popped the question, 
stuttering just a bit as she asked. Tara had been behind the till of the 
Magic Box when Willow had done it, and Tara was glad that she had the 
counter to brace herself, he knees had gone too weak to hold her up.

        Deciding to change the subject Tara said brightly, "The outfits 
Giles ordered us arrived."

        Willow chuckled softly, "So what did you two decide on?" Instead 
of answering Tara handed Willow a package, which she opened carefully. 
The suit was all in black, the fabric silken under her fingers. "It's 
lovely," she said softly.

        Tara opened up her own package, holding up the white gown 
against her front. "Perfect," Tara smiled. She met Willow's eyes, "I'm 
even qualified to wear this, despite all out times together I'm still 
technically a virgin."

        "It's wonderful," Willow said honestly. She snickered, "And 
don't mention that last part to either Faith or Kennedy. Knowing them 
they'd give us a strap on for the wedding night!"

        Tara chuckled, "They probably already bought it for us." She 
gently kissed Willow on the cheek as she said, "It's tradition not to 
see the bride before the wedding, love. Beside which, I have to get 

        "I'm lapsed Jewish and a Wiccan," Willow reminded her good 
naturedly as she was leaving, "they aren't my traditions."

        Thinking of something Tara stopped her from leaving with a 
gentle hand on Willow's arm. "Did you hear back from your parents?" she 

        "No," Willow shook her head regretfully, "I dropped off an 
invitation and tried calling them, but they haven't responded."

        "I'm sorry," Tara sighed.

        "So am I," Willow said with a slightly sad smile, "because 
they're going to miss one of the happiest days of my life."

        Tara gazed at her for a moment, then suddenly kissed her, 

        "What was that for?" Willow blinked, "Not that I mind, but.."

        "For being you," Tara smiled happily. She noticed the time and 
gently pushed Willow out, "Go talk to Giles! I've got to change, and so 
do you!"

        Walking down the hallway a little while later Giles smiled 
slightly as Willow emerged from another bedroom, garbed in her black 
tuxedo. "I believe it's a good fit," he noted with a smile.

        "Thank you," Willow smiled up at him, "for this and everything 
you've done to get this organized." She hesitated, "And there's 
something else I wanted to ask."

        "Oh?" Giles looked at her curiously.

        "Would you be willing to give away the bride?" Willow asked. She 
smiled grimly, "We contacted Tara's family, but none of them want 
anything to do with this, or her."

        "I'd be honored," Giles smiled happily.

        "Thanks," Willow looked remarkably boyish as she stuck her hands 
in her pockets.

        Giles reached over to pull the hands back out, "You'll wrinkle 
the suit."

        With a wave he headed off, checking first in the kitchen to make 
sure the food and beverages were ready, then walking outside to make 
sure the yard was ready. The arch was decorated, a red carpet went from 
the door to there, and chairs were placed for the guests to sit in.

        There was a time Giles had hoped to be standing in this place 
helping to prepare for Buffy's wedding, but it was not to be. Still, he 
was comforted knowing that Buffy had died fighting for what she believed 
in, and that her sacrifice helped save the world. Both times.

        He heard a car pull up outside, friendly greetings, then the 
back door opened as Willow led the three out to the backyard. "I'm glad 
you were able to make it," she beamed at them.

        Charles Gun looked around with a smile, "Hell of a set up."

        "Rupert," Wesley gave him a reserved nod.

        "Wesley," Giles returned the nod. They maintained a straight 
face for a few moments then laughed, clapping each other on the back.

        "I'm so glad you invited us," Fred said with a smile. The young 
woman looked a bit uncomfortable in the formal dress, but she carried it 
off pretty well.

        "I've been to LA to help you all out enough for us to become 
friends," Willow smiled. She sighed softly, "I just wish he had come."

        "Angel avoids Sunnydale, you know that," Gun shrugged. He smiled 
wryly, "Why do you think he had Faith set up the Angel Investigations 
branch office here?"

        "Hmm," Willow nodded her agreement. She looked at her watch and 
paled, "The priest will be here any minute!"

        "Calm down," Giles put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll go find 
Xander, make sure everything's prepared," he nodded to the others as 
they headed off.

        Xander looked up and smiled as the two of them approached where 
he was waiting in the living room. "Hey, G-man! The guests are all 
here," he smiled.

        "Keep an eye on her," Giles sat Willow down forcibly beside 
Xander, "I'll get the guests seated and make sure everything's ready."

        "Got it," Xander saluted. He patted his friend on the shoulder, 
"Take it easy, we've got everything well in hand."

        "Right," Willow murmured.

        "Now, where did I leave those two rings," a frowning Xander 
began to pat at his different pockets absentmindedly.

        "You didn't," Willow squeaked.

        "Just kidding," Xander produced the two boxes with a gentle 

        Willow looked over at Xander, her eyes compassionate, "This 
isn't bringing back any bad memories for you, is it?"

        "Nah," Xander smiled a bit sadly. "I wish things had been 
different, but I guess I've accepted that it was just not meant to be," 
he finished.

        "Any luck lately?" Willow asked hopefully.

        Xander laughed, "Considering my run of demon girl's, I'm staying 
out of dating for a bit."

        Talking about some of Xander's more unusual dates, including the 
mantis woman, Inca mummy girl, Drusilla, and others helped distract them 
both for a while. The time flew, and finally they were interrupted by 
Dawn's arrival.

        "It's time," Dawn smiled happily.

        "Oh, goddess," Willow said weakly. She was lucky that she had 
Xander there to help guide her to her place in front of the arch.

        The priest smiled at the pale young woman, "Have strength, it'll 
soon be over."

        "Gee, thanks," Willow sighed. She gazed out at the crowd, seeing 
the crew from Angel investigations, Faith, Dawn, Kennedy and the other 
young slayers, friends from their school days, and the members of the 

        With a sudden flash of regret Willow wished that Buffy, Anya and 
Spike were here as well. Still, she knew that they were watching still, 
from within the seal of the Hellmouth, and hoped that they were all 
happy for her.

        The wedding march began, and Willow gulped at Giles, dressed in 
a fine suit, led the white clad figure up the aisle. The ceremony itself 
was almost a blur for her, she was so focused on Tara and her happy 
smile. At the right cue Xander passed out the rings, and with a slightly 
shaking hand Willow slipped it on Tara's finger. Much more steadily Tara 
put the matching ring on her finger.

        "You may kiss the brides," the priest beamed.

        Willow flipped up the veil, smiling at Tara's beaming face 
beneath it. "Itsumo," she murmured her own vow softly, "forever."

        "Forever," Tara agreed, tears in her eyes.

        Then Willow gently drew Tara into her arms and kissed her 
thoroughly. The kiss went on and on, with only the cheers and whistles 
of the crowd finally causing the two to finally separate. Tara took the 
bouquet in her hand, even as Faith, Kennedy, Fred and some of the other 
young slayers gathered to catch it.

        "Heads up," Tara flung it over her shoulder with a smile.

        The bouquet arched up, hung in midair for a moment, then 
descended. "What in the.." Faith blinked, the flowers practically 
dropping into her hands.

The End.

Author's Notes

        A young man dressed in a T-shirt reading 'Author' is seen 
watching a video of "Once More With Feeling" and signing along with the 
songs occasionally. Waves hi. I should confess right from the start that 
I got into Buffy late, only having started watching episodes after 
"Graduation" parts one and two. I saw a few episodes casually, began to 
get into the series, then began to watch the re-runs on Canada's science 
fiction TV station, Space.

        One of the things I most enjoyed about Buffy, other than all the 
witty dialog and comedic sequences, was the development of all the 
characters. Buffy, Giles, Xander, Anya, they all came across as 
believable people, with realistic flaws and virtues. And then there was 
Willow and Tara...

        I was so surprised when Willow and Tara were actually depicted 
as having a real, honest to goodness relationship. They made such a 
believable couple, and were so cute together. I even began to think of 
doing a fanfic on them, something funny like 'Willow and Tara do Anime.' 
And then they broke up on the show! Arrgh! I watched the episodes 
anxiously to see what would happen, watched them beginning to come 
together again... and they killed Tara off!

        Willow did the whole 'Dark Willow' bit, the season ended, and I 
waited to see how Tara's death would be dealt with. Problem was, they 
didn't deal with it. Willow came home and showed a total lack of visible 
grief over Tara's death. Yes, I know that the new season started up a 
few months after Tara's death, but still, it seemed quite unrealistic to 

        So I wrote my 'W/T do Anime' fic based around the idea that 
Willow held her grief back, did her mourning in private. It came out a 
bit bittersweet, but I think that feeling suited the story pretty well. 
The only problem was, I started getting requests to continue it...

        The idea of Willow and Tara being anime fans is mostly the 
product of my own twisted imagination. That, and anime is generally a 
very gay and lesbian friendly medium, so the two of them might have 
gravitated to it. Also, it has fairly positive portrayals of female 
characters in general. I rather enjoyed writing most of the main cast, 
especially Xander and Giles.

        For those who don't watch any anime: Haruka and Michiru from 
Sailor Moon are lesbian lovers. Yomiko and Nancy from Read or Die are at 
least implied to be in love, and Anya is dressed as Asuka, from the 
series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The character with spiked hair and the 
duster coat is Vash the Stampeed, from Trigun. Finally, the Utena movie 
focuses on the relationship between two female students, Utena and 

The Interlude:

        Obviously, I had guessed wrong about how the Buffy series ended 
when I started out with this fic. This chapter is to reconcile what 
happened in the final episode with the story that I had written before 
it came out. Turned out pretty well, and I've even had a Buffy fan say 
that they liked my version of the ending better.

        One thing that peeved me off a bit was the nearly completely 
pointless death of Anya in the episode, so I decided to give her death a 
bit more of a purpose here. And while I'm not that big of a Spike/Buffy 
fan, I felt that my idea of how things ended was a bit more consistent 
with how the season was going, overall...

Part Two and Three:

        Written due to popular demand, really. Not to mention a few 
threats! I had gotten a fair number of requests from all the Willow/Tara 
fans out there, so I decided to continue this as a short series. (Though 
my last 'short' series ended up being over twelve chapters, so...,) I 
hope that my explanation for Tara's return doesn't offend too many 
long-time Buffy fans, I tried to come up with something that might make 
sense in the Buffy/Angel universe...

        A section of this fic has also previously appeared as a piece in 
my big anime x-over series, Arisugawa's Locket, featuring a bar that 
exists across multiple Earths. The vampire version of Willow has also 
made as cameo appearance there.

Part Four:

        After Amy the Rat's short appearance in the last season of the 
Buffy series, it was very clear to me that she bore quite a grudge 
against poor Willow. Add that on to the fact that she also seemed to be 
dabbling in the darker range of magics, and you have a prime candidate 
to be recruited by the agents of the First. This gave me a chance to 
illustrate how powerful Willow is now, as well as how in control of that 
power she is.

Part Five and Six:

        Gee, Vamp Willow sure is a popular character! I've almost had as 
may requests to feature her as Tara herself. Giles working in a 
bookstore seemed quite logical to me, considering his past library 
experience. Similarly, I liked the idea of Faith running the Sunnydale 
branch of Angel Investigations. With the season ender of Angel, it 
seemed quite possible.

Part Seven:

        I really wanted to do a story on Faith, especially after 
watching some re-runs on the interactions between her and Buffy. I don't 
know if they're supposed to look like Faith is flirting with Buffy, but 
boy does it seem that way! Faith's comment about Buffy comes from one of 
the Angel episodes that she appeared in, "Sanctuary."

Part Eight:

        Yes, this is the end of the series for now. I'm still leaving it 
open to add on to, and I may do a Angel working with Willow story 
eventually. I thought that ending with the wedding of Willow and Tara 
would be a cute way to do it, as well as being a good excuse to include 
most of the Buffy cast.

        The only thing I wasn't quite sure of was the exact status of 
Willow's relationship with her parents. They almost disappear from the 
series once the college storylines started up, and I don't know how they 
would respond to her being an out lesbian. If it was addressed in an 
episode, let me know and I'll do a bit of a rewrite.

        To those who are a bit disappointed by the ending of this 
series, cheer up! Not only am I still doing the continued adventures of 
the Vampire Willow and her Buffy over in my spin-off story: Slayer and 
Shadow, but I'm considering a series about Willow's adventures after she 
left Sunnydale. The tentative title is 'The Willow Files' but I'll 
probably change it. ^_^; I hope you'll join me there.

Shane :) Shannon J.L.

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