The Excalibur Alternative (part 18 of 29)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 17
The Marauders: Two

Diana Ramsey came awake almost instantly, the brown
haired woman who called herself Codex tensing up
slightly as she felt the presence in her bedroom. She
sat up, rubbing at her eyes and saw the woman who was
standing in the doorway with a casual smile.

"Breakfast is ready," Jenny Gibson said simply, her
trademark shades covering up her light sensitive eyes.
Oddly she wore pajamas too, the sunglasses looking
even more odd on the black haired young woman.

"Thanks," Diana swung her legs over the side of the
bed and got up, not really caring that she was just
wearing bra and panties. "I thought it was my turn to
cook?" she asked her as she looked around for her

"I kept you up helping me with my correspondence
courses," Jenny shrugged, "seemed only fair to let you
sleep in this morning."

"It's not that hard for me," Diana answered dryly,
swiftly pulling her pants on. She followed Jenny out
of the room as she got her sweatshirt on. Voice a bit
muffled by the cloth she asked her, "So is Freelance
up yet?"

"Yeah," Jenny agreed, "I had to scold her about doing
battlesuit maintenance on the kitchen table again,

"I'll try to talk to her," Diana sighed as they walked
through the lower floor of the converted warehouse
towards the kitchen.

The warehouse was a compromise that Diana had made
between giving her people some independence and having
them be available when they were needed. The interior
had been torn out and refurbished into something that
resembled a apartment building, two floors of suites
plus a large common room, dining area and a well
stocked kitchen. Not all the team members lived here
full time, of course, but the majority did.

"Commander," Freelance said in greeting, looking up
from where she calmly sat waiting at the table, her
blue hair wet from a shower. Her skin was oddly pale,
normally concealed beneath her namesake armored suit.

"You can call me Diana, you know," she offered as she
headed straight for the pot of coffee. Freelance just
blinked, gazing at her calmly, Diana poured herself a
cup with a sigh, looking a bit surprised as she
sipped. "This is better than usual," she noted, "who
made it?"

"That would be me," Rusty Collins answered her from
where the redheaded man stood by the fridge, pouring
out cups of orange juice for the others as he added
cheerfully, "I tried adding just a bit of cinnamon
this time."

"Keep it up and I'll make you the official coffee
boy," Diana chuckled as she took another drink,
savoring the taste.

"He's good at it," Skids agreed, the blonde carefully
setting out the forks and dishes. Unable to entirely
shut down her slippery personal forcefield she always
had to be cautious or things would slip right out of
her grasp.

"So what do you two think of our happy abode?" Jenny
asked them curiously, smoothly flipping the pancakes
that were cooking on the stove. She was a very good
cook, especially considering how long she had lived
rough out on the streets.

"Surprisingly comfortable," a smiling Rusty quietly
admitted, "especially considering how run down looking
it is outside."

"Protective coloring," Diana shrugged casually.

"So how many of us are living here?" Skids asked

"We five," Diana answered, "and Steve stops in pretty
regularly for the food. Blaze and Reaper both maintain
suites in different parts of London."

"Why does Blaze call you a different name?" Rusty

Diana looked a bit uncomfortable as she said, "I first
contacted her under an alias, and she doesn't let me
forget about it."

"Foolish," Freelance surprised them by quietly
remarking, the dark blue haired girl sitting quietly
at her seat.

"Well," Rusty put the cups of juice down at each place
as he said, "I just wanted to say thanks for giving us
rooms here."

Diana flashed a smile as she drawled, "Trust me, it's
worth it to have you all available when I need you for

Jenny shook her head with a smile, setting the plates
down for everyone. "Like you don't do charity cases,
boss," she remarked as they sat down to eat.

"Oh?" Skids asked as she dug into her pancakes

"Jenny," Diana frowned.

Jenny looked up, black sunglasses gleaming as she said
with a smile, "She's been known to take in lost sheep
at times, but I can't really say more."

Diana shook her head, "You have a big mouth at times."

"I thought it looked about average sized," Freelance
noted quizzically.

"Figure of speech," Jenny offered an explanation to
her cheerfully.

"Ah," Freelance went back to eating robotically.

They finished up breakfast in a less than comfortable
silence, Diana volunteering to stay and help Jenny
clean up. Rusty and Skids walked down the hall
together, waiting until they reached their room before
beginning to talk.

"So what do you think so far?" Skids asked Rusty as
she flopped down to sit on the side of the bed,
bouncing on the soft mattress.

Rusty ran a hand through his reddish hair, "It's
almost too good to be true, honestly. We're getting
well paid and offered a place to stay in return for
using our powers for Diana."

"And for whoever she's working for," Skids reminded

"It bothers you, not knowing who she reports to?"
Rusty asked her with a sigh as he sat down beside
Skids, covering her hand with his.

"Doesn't it bother you?" Skids narrowed her eyes,
"However nice she may seem Diana's a professional
mercenary, taking jobs from the highest bidder."

"Which is exactly what we resolved to be," Rusty
reminded her. He puffed out a sigh, "After our tenures
with the Mutant Liberation Front and Magneto's
Acolytes there's no way we'd be welcome at Xaviers
again. We have to be ready to make our own way in the

Skids sighed softly, laying her head on his shoulder
as she said, "I know."

Back in the kitchen Diana rinsed a dish off, setting
it in the drying rack. "If you want to tell your own
story go for it," she lectured, "but Freelance's story
is her own business."

"Sorry boss," Jenny sighed, scrubbing a plate clean
then passing it over.

Softening her voice a bit Diana asked, "Do you think
that you want to try to make contact with your family?
I could arrange a neutral meeting place...."

"No, thanks," Jenny answered firmly.

"They're worried about you," Diana said softly, "my
sources say they've even posted a reward for any
information about you."

"They could have been worried about me when my
invisibility first manifested," Jenny gave her a
pained smile, "instead of throwing me out of the

Diana put her hand on the younger woman's shoulder as
she quietly said, "I won't push."

"You never do," Jenny answered with a sigh. She washed
another dish, "So what's the word on our two new

"I think they'll end up staying," Diana answered her
calmly, "they'll debate it awhile but I'm pretty
certain that they'll stay on."

"Good," Jenny flashed a grin, "it's been hard enough
trying to get a date around here, some new blood will
make it interesting."

"Jenny!" Diana scolded.

Onwards to Part 19

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