Washing the Dishes (part 8 of 13)

a Noir fanfiction by Bakablonde

Back to Part 7
Anton hands me another stuffed animal over his shoulder. I wedge it down 
into my pocket. My sweatshirt is getting full and quite lumpy.

"I don't think I have room for another one."

"Well I guess we should go play another game then!" he booms out 
cheerily. It's been fun watching them both try their luck at various 
games. Mireille was shocked when I returned to Anton's back, but said 
nothing. She's been looking at us though, I can see it from the corner 
of my eye. I don't care what she thinks right now, I can't remember ever 
having this much fun. I've never been to a carnival. Or if I have, those 
memories are gone. But I promise myself that I will always remember this 

We stop in front of another booth. "This is the one." Anton whispers to 
me, and I slide down off his back.

"Mireille darling – let's have a go at this one!" he grabs Mireille's 
hand and leads her in. I follow them, looking at the game. Fake guns 
with water for ammo. It seems silly, but then games are silly, I've 
learned. That's why people like them.

"Looks easy." she says, looking at the target holes.

"Well then, we've got a wager for you."

"A wager...a bet?" she frowns.

"Here's the deal." he tries to drape his arm over her shoulders, but she 
backs away, eyebrows arched. "All three of us play. If you win, we buy 
you a round of ammo for the range. If either of us win, you have to give 
the winner a kiss."

"What!" she gasps aloud, sending us both backwards, hands protectively 
to our faces.

"I wasn't going to smack anyone." She pauses. "Yet." She gives me a 
stern look, and I feel like hiding behind Anton.

"What sort of ideas are you putting into her head? Kirika, you can't be 

"I want to play." I say, finding my voice. "Please, Mireille."

"Absolutely ridiculous idea." she huffs. "Not that it matters- I've been 
at the range every day. I could use the extra rounds."

"Last call!" the man behind the counter calls out, and we settle 
ourselves on the stools. The bell sounds, and I start to spray out the 
stream, but it's a lot harder than it looks; in a short time, the bell 
clangs again, and young boy with glasses jumps and down with joy. 
Mireille looks up from her stool and shrugs.

"Double or nothing!" Anton stands up, digging in his pocket for more 

"Silly, both of you." she snaps, then readies her water gun again. The 
bell clangs but this time I'm used to how the water moves. I stare 
straight ahead, concentrating only on the target in front of me. The 
bell clangs again, and Anton slaps me on the back.

"Quite a show little bit! You should come to the range with us. I'll 
show you how to use a real gun!"

Mireille starts to laugh, and Anton looks puzzled. I pick from the round 
of stuffed creatures that the man shoves at me. A little white seal with 
big eyes. I wish they had a cat, but I don't see one.

"Here." I hand it to Mireille, who looks surprised, but takes it.

"And now don't you owe the winner something?" Anton teases, poking at 
Mireille's ribs. She swats him away with the seal.

"I'm most certainly not kissing anyone in this crowd. I have some sort 
of decency, you know. Unlike other people." she looks pointedly at 

"Well I think we should call it a night and go back to the car then. You 
can pay up your part of the bet there. Coming up, little bit?" Anton 
squats down and pats his back for me. I nod and climb on, ignoring the 
look that Mireille gives me.

Eventually the crowds thin out, and I take one last look back at all the 
lights and happy people. The walk to the car is quiet, except for 
occasional remarks about where Anton has parked. We traverse up and down 
rows until he gives a shout and points.


I feel nervous as I slide to the ground. I look sideways at her, and am 
relieved to see she looks just as worried as I do.

Suddenly she leans in and pecks me quickly on the lips, so quickly that 
I barely feel it.

"Well then that's over with." she says brightly, relief in her voice. 
She turns toward the car door but Anton blocks it, frowning.

"Good thing that bet was double or nothing, because that was the poorest 
excuse for a kiss I ever did see. That poor girl's never been kissed 
before and you go about and give her such a peck? Or is it that you're 
out of practice yourself?"

Mireille's mouth drops open, and she glares at Anton.

"That wasn't my first." I blurt out without thinking. They stop staring 
at each other, and turn to stare at me.

"Oh, some lucky bloke stole one at school then, eh?" Anton ruffles the 
top of my hair.

"Who?" Mireille's hands are on her hips, and her eyes are narrowed. I 
step back, hitting my backside against the car. "Who, Kirika?"

"No- no one." I stutter. I can't face the look in her eyes and I drop my 
head down.

"That artist? I told you not to get involved with him, didn't I?"

I nod my head, hoping that will end the matter. I feel her hand under my 
chin and my face being lifted up. I don't want to see that angry look in 
her eyes, so I keep mine closed.

Then she's kissing me, her lips firmly, angrily, pressing into mine. 
Even though it's in anger, it feels so wonderful that I find my mouth 
moving against hers. This, this is the something closer I wanted. Too 
soon she pulls back from me and without a word, opens the door to the 
front seat of the car, gets in and slams it shut.

"And with that, off we go." Anton mumbles in a daze. I climb into the 
back seat and stare out of the window. I hear them talking up front, but 
my own thoughts tune them out. I've never felt like this in my life. I 
feel excited, angry, and...wet. I look down at my lap and wiggle my legs 
together. This has never happened to me before, but I know it's from 
kissing Mireille. I steal a look at her, the back of her hair softly 
glowing in reflection of the city lamps. Looking at her, I know only one 
thing: I must find a way to kiss Mireille Bouquet again.

Onwards to Part 9

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