a Noir fanfiction by Bakablonde

Scene: Deserted warehouse. Mireille comes up behind Kirika.

Mireille: "Hey you! Seen some handsome stranger wandering about? I'm 
waiting for my hot date to show up."

Kirika: "I've been waiting...for you."

Mireille: "What? Don't tell me I've been duped again! Last time it was 
some old geezer and now this...some twit of a girl!"

Kirika: "Well I'm flat-chested like a boy, does that count?"

Mireille (pulls out gun): "Why you sneaky little- hey! Come back here!"

They chase around the warehouse, until Mireille breaks a nail.

Mireille: "Now look what you made me do! First my parents, now 
this...will the tragedy of my life never end?"

Kirika (starts to cry): " I not care if you break a nail?"

Suddenly men in suits with large nail clippers appear.

Kirika: "Naildats! Run, Neo, run!"

The Naildats chase after the girls. They start running until suddenly...

Kirika: "Mireille! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Mireille: "What, that we've got guns and they don't?"

They turn around and blow up the Naildats into little pieces. Mireille 
stares at the dead Naildats, then back at Kirika.

Mireille: "Well, you do sort of look like a cute boy...."

Kirika: "And I've got nice nails...wanna see?"

Mireille (looks down and inspects Kirika's nails): "You do them 

Kirika (blushes a little): "Yes, even though I have no memory of proper 
buffing technique."

Mireille: "Well it's crude, but there's no doubt you have skill. Want to 
move in with me, become my partner and kill all the Naildats?"

Kirka: "Will you promise to trim me once all this is over?"

Mireille: "Oh, down to the quick, baby."

Kirika (under her breath): "Can't wait to get home and buff you..."

Mirielle (under her breath): "I'll bet you can file all night..."

And so goes the story of the two maidens with a fetish...Nail.

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