Meet the Parent (part 9 of 17)

a Noir fanfiction by Cozmos

Back to Part 8
It's been a while since the secret been revealed. As if nothing had 
happened, the Japanese-looking girl still helped the female vet in the 
clinic as her assistant. Tough Kirika was no longer worked everyday, and 
only helped the female vet from Tuesday to Friday. Kind as she was 
already, Dr. Naomi agreed to it right away. Due to Kirika's schedule of 
work, there was still some time when Mireille easily get bored without 
her around, which sometimes made the blonde became even more paranoid at 
losing the brunette.

But as time kept passed by, the blonde had been able to manage her 
uneasy feeling. Sometimes Mireille could easily ignore the thought and 
destroyed it completely from her mind. As the Japanese looking girl was 
now back by spent much time with her, Mireille was simply delighted.

It was now Sunday morning, and that meant that Kirika wasn't at work. 
Mireille as usual was sitting in front of her laptop, browsing. While 
Kirika, unusually was watching a drama from the television. From a quick 
glance and the noise aside, the blonde assumed that the drama was about 
a man rescuing his lovers. Strange enough, the brunette had been 
following the drama every week, as if the movie was fascinating or 
something. It was now had been a new activity for the Japanese-looking 
girl finally, besides gazing to the sky.

In the middle of her hectic activity, Mireille's laptop screen suddenly 
went black. The Corsican girl tried to turn it on again, and 
unfortunately failed. A few times trying with no satisfying result, the 
blonde started swearing. Her laptop was broken, no further explanation. 
Despite how noisy the room had become, Kirika sat still on her position, 
and remained focus to the TV screen, as if her eyes glued on it.

Finally Mireille, tired by swearing and frustrated, decided to join the 
brunette watched the TV. The two of them watched the drama in silence at 
first. Some minutes passed, and a sound of yawn slightly heard from 
Mireille. The drama was boring to her.

"Why do you like it so much..? I don't see anything interesting, 
honestly.." said Mireille.

"Hmm..." Kirika didn't answer the question, as her brown orbs still 
attached to the TV screen.

Mireille sighed. "Whatever.."

"It's.. confusing me." whispered Kirika slowly.

"Confusing you..? What..?"

"It looks strange." Kirika said shortly.

Mireille felt puzzled. "What do you mean..?"

Kirika now glanced at her partner. "The girl refused the man."

"Eh..?" Mireille didn't understand what the brunette tried to tell her. 
"So what..?"

The Japanese girl once more didn't answer. Confused, Mireille watched 
the film further more to find the answer by herself. Finally it became 
clear for Mireille that the story wasn't what she expected to be. It 
somehow continued to a scene where a father tried to rape his children. 
It was obviously clear that the girl didn't want her father, as she was 
struggling and screaming. The Japanese-girl didn't get it, tough.

Got the point, the blonde smiled. "They aren't even lovers, Kirika. They 
are family."

Kirika looked at Mireille with a confused look.

Mireille showed a serious expression. "Family is not supposed to do 
something like that."

"Doesn't family love each other..?"

"Yeah.. But.."

The Japanese girl whispered softly. "I don't understand."

"Uh.." Mireille lost her word. How come I got to explain about love to 
someone I love..?

As now the drama was cut by some commercial, the brunette looked at 
Mireille. Her brown eyes showed a desire for a further explanation.

"It's.. uh.." Mireille muttered. Has she ever fallen in love..??

Still couldn't get the idea how to explain it, the blonde pushed her 
brain to think. She could have tried to browse the exact meaning of love 
in the internet, but since her laptop was broken, the blonde couldn't do 
so. In the end she came up trying an example.

"Let's see.. You don't fall in love with your family. You care for them, 
you love them." Mireille explained.

The Japanese looking girl still got the ‘I don't understand' look on her 

"But, your family isn't your ‘special person'. When you found this 
person, your special person I mean, you fall in love with him first, and 
kind of feel some passion and urge.." the blonde carefully explained, as 
her cheeks turned red. "to hold him, kiss him, or have him."

The Japanese girl stared blankly at Mireille. "I still.. haven't really 

It wasn't a good explanation after all, I know.. The blonde sighed.

"Of course you haven't.." Mireille looked at the brunette sitting next 
to her. "Have you.. ever love somebody, Kirika..?" she asked, curious.

"Fall.. in love..?" Kirika seemed surprised at this question, as she 
raised her eyebrows.


The brunette seemed to lose in her own thought. She said nothing for 
some time, before finally looked up to see the blonde's face.

"Does.. a feeling of care count..?" she asked timidly.

"Yeah.. somehow.." Mireille said, smiling. Who is she talking about, I 

"Mireille.. Can you tell me more about this ‘love'..?" Kirika asked.

"Eh..? Okay.. What do you want to know..?" Mireille couldn't help but 
felt a little bit confused by how determined Kirika was to know more 
about love.

"What.. do you feel when you look at this ‘special person'?"

"Uh.." Mireille looked at Kirika, who was also looking at her. "Some 
desire to kiss, or to just be close to that person." said the blonde, 
now avoiding eye contact with the brunette. "Actually.. sometimes your 
heart will even pound faster, especially on a few occasion.."

"What.. occasion..?" Kirika insisted.

"Well.. When that person was smiling gorgeously, or very close to me.."

Mireille was about to add ‘when her skin is barely wrapped with towel, 
when the clothes she's wearing are revealing.. ' It was fortunate though 
that the blonde could stop herself from saying things in her mind.

"Is that.. true..?" was what the Japanese looking girl slowly asked.

"Yeah.. That's what I think." said Mireille lightly.

It was then that the blonde saw that the Japanese girl looked like she 
was in a deep thought. "Something's in your mind, Kirika..?"

The Japanese girl smiled. "Nothing."

With that answer, their conversation about love was over for the day.

Mireille once again was stressed by her dead laptop on the next day.

"Why can't it turn on..? This damn laptop..!!" the blonde shouted her 
desperation out loud.

"Why don't bring it to some place to be repaired..?" Kirika suggested.

Mireille stopped exclaiming for some seconds, as her brain was 
considering about the advice she got.

"I don't like it.. actually.." She looked at her laptop and glared 
fiercely at it. "But since I can't do anything, it can't be help."

Kirika smiled. "Let's go, then."

The two of them then walked to the door, while Mireille carrying her 
laptop. Just when Kirika was about to open it, she stopped. Someone was 
knocking. The brunette automatically reached her pocket, to convince 
that her gun was ready. It had been a habit out of caution, since they 
were already anybody's enemy by became assassins. When they felt ready, 
the blonde slowly opened the door.

The unknown guest was calmly stood after her, as if already expected a 
gun pointed at her.

"You again." Mireille said, as she steadily pointed her gun at the 

"Hi there, both of you." she greeted Mireille and Kirika.

The Japanese girl said nothing and smiled to the unexpected visitor. The 
blonde lowered her gun slowly. She knew from experienced that she would 
sooner or later lower it down.

"What do you want, Chloe..?" the blonde asked in a boring tone.

The purple haired girl smiled enigmatically. "I bring something..," she 
looked at Mireille. "you've been waiting for."

Killed her desire to just slam the door in front of Chloe's face, 
Mireille asked, "What is it..?"

"It's not exactly a thing." Chloe calmly said. She approached Mireille 
and said right in front of the blonde's nose, "I hereby challenged you 
on a fight."

Huh? Mireille seemed confused and startled at the same time. As she 
found no word to show her expression, the Japanese girl replaced her 
position first.

"What do you mean, Chloe..?" Kirika softly asked, also confused.

"I'll fight with her. One on one." Chloe proudly said.

"What for..?" the Japanese girl insisted.

"Yes." said Mireille. "Why must I accept your foolish whim..?" Tough 
it's true that I've been dreaming to kill her..

Chloe had a look of sadism on her face. "It's because you ignored what I 

Before Mireille could reply, the purple haired girl move forward and 
grabbed the collar of her shirt. She then brought Mireille to the edge 
of the room, pushing her hardly on the wall. The Japanese girl herself 
knew the best that her roommate and Chloe hadn't get along well. But to 
Kirika's surprised, the blonde seemed to let Chloe did as she want. 
Beside, Mireille calmly stared at Chloe while being carried. That's why 
the Japanese girl decided to not interfered them for a while. Kirika did 
nothing besides reflected worry on her face.

"What the hell do you want?!" Mireille whispered in an angry tone, while 
trying to keep her cool.

"Don't you remember what I said..?!" Chloe's voice was as low and quiet 
as Mireille's. "Kill her!"

"What the..?" suddenly the blonde remembered her last conversation with 
the girl next to her.

It wasn't me who suppose to kill her. Rather, it's you.

Mireille's glare at Chloe became even sharper. "You just said that I was 
the one who supposed to kill her. You didn't say that I must kill her. I 
will never do what you want me to, after all." Mireille smiled in 

Chloe seemed to be embarrassed at herself, as she said nothing to reply 
the blonde's sentences. The purple haired girl must have realized that 
she didn't ask Mireille to kill Dr. Naomi.

"Now you can let me go."

Chloe loosen her grip on Mireille when the blonde finished her word. 
Kirika, standing in front of the door quietly watched both her friends 
unusual action. She couldn't hear what they were talking about though, 
as their voice was kept low.

The purple haired girl shut her mouth for a while before opened it up 
and whispered, "Still I challenged you to a duel."

"What for?"

"The winner will have Kirika."

At the last sentence, Mireille felt her heart pounded hardly it could 
have hurt her if it was alive.

She calmed herself and said, "Stupid brat. I will never allow Kirika to 
be the prize."

"I know that deep inside your heart, you WANT to kill me." Chloe's voice 
was as cold as ice.

"I have no time to chit-chatting with you." Mireille said, as she moved 
her body, in order to walk out of the room.

As skilled as she was, Chloe blocked Mireille's path. "Listen. I am no 
longer patient. You are intimidating me by slacking off and play 
around." she said. "That's why I myself will protect her."

"Play around..?" Mireille snapped. "Who do you think you are to talk to 
me like that..?!"

"You can show me your skill. Accept."

"There's no need to." The blonde threw her head away from Chloe. 
"Beside, she can protect herself properly. She never need you."

"That's not what I mean, you dumb..!" Chloe tried to lower her voice as 
she could when she said that.

"I don't care. Pissed off..!"

"Looks like there's no way make you agree." the purple haired girl said 

Chloe's voice definitely brought chill ran down on Mireille's spine this 

As the purple haired girl lowered her head and remained silent, the 
blonde took a few steps aside to make a distance, which fortunately was 
ignored by Chloe. Mireille's instinct told her that this wasn't good at 
all. The blonde tried to walk as far away as she could from Chloe.

Just when Mireille was about to reach her boots and grabbed her gun, a 
lot of knives all of the sudden were spreaded in the room, all directed 
to her. As the blonde was already aware of the unfriendly situation, she 
could dodge almost all the knives. Fucking crazy brat! This is an 
apartment, doesn't she think about it..!?

The sound of knives stabbed on the floor and the wall were dancing in 
the room. It was lucky that Chloe hadn't broken a mirror, which could 
easily invite unneeded gossip. As Mireille pulled out her gun and ready 
to shoot, Chloe was already throwing two knives at her, which could 
hardly be dodged now. One of the knife was accidentally stabbed into 
Mireille's left arm. The blonde tried her best to run and rolled under 
the pool table, avoiding the knives and completely ignored the pain on 
her left arm. When the purple haired girl's expression turned into some 
more horrible one and was preparing to launch even more knives, a sudden 
boom was heard.

It was Kirika who made the noise. The Japanese girl had shot her bullet 
right in front Chloe's nose, just missed about 2 cm, which she did in 
purpose. With that, all Chloe's action was stopped.

"Enough." Kirika calmly said, her gun was hold tight on her palm. Her 
face once again became expressionless as usual.

Mireille, felt relieved by the sudden outcome which likely was a truce, 
sighed. Thanks God she's here.

"Now Chloe." Kirika took two steps forward approaching Chloe. "Mind to 
talk your business with me..?" she asked in a friendly tone, but somehow 
was also cold.

Chloe now was stepping backward, unconsciously felt guilty and also 
angry. She definitely was broken by the brunette's word and at the same 
time hated to be disturbed. "Why do you choose her..?" she muttered to 
herself. After that, Chloe said nothing and jumped off from the window.

Before she jumped out, Mireille saw that the purple haired girl glanced 
over to her and said something like, "It's not over yet."

Mireille, suddenly aware of the pain on her left arm, tried to release 
the knife.

"Urgh!" she exclaimed in pain when the knife was released. The blonde 
looked at her wound. Geez.. She made a deep one..

Kirika knelt down beside Mireille and looked worriedly at the wound. 
"Anywhere else was hurt, Mireille..?" she whispered.

The blonde simply shook her head.

"Wait, I will take the medicine." said the brunette softly, as she stood 
up and went on.

Mireille's mind went on to the action that had just happened. Why does 
she want to kill Dr. Naomi that much..?? Private grudge..? Suspicious..

In the middle of her thought, Mireille felt her head was dizzy. With 
that, everything then went black.

Onwards to Part 10

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