The Darkness in Their Eyes (part 8 of 11)

a Noir fanfiction by Rune Traverse

Back to Part 7
The park was quite nice in the early afternoon. Spring green grass 
spread in a soft carpet over the smooth ground, dotted with perfectly 
trimmed hedges, small, well-tended groves of trees, and 
color-coordinated flower beds. Tasteful paths of inlaid paving stones 
wound through the area, intersecting at hubs decorated with cement 
fountains and green-painted wood benches. Birds sang cheerfully, dipping 
and swooping, some no more than flashes of shimmering feathers in the 
warm sunlight. A gray squirrel ran across the nearest fountain circle, 
pausing to stare around it before vanishing with a twitch of its fluffy 
tail. The air was clean – well, as clean as city air could be – and 
filled with the scent of growing things. It should have been calm, 

It seemed more like a trap. Mirelle shifted her bag on her shoulder for 
the fifth time as she walked, irritation simmering sullenly beneath the 
good mood usually granted her by the fresh air and sunshine warmth. She 
felt uncomfortably exposed, more vulnerable then she had been in a long 
time. The normally solid, comfortable presence of her partner, just 
behind and to one side, had morphed into an empty hole that ached like a 
fresh bruise. Every passing businessman out on a stroll, every 
dog-walker or happily smiling group of friends set her nerves on edge 
and wound her muscles wire-tight. It was like she was damned-well naked. 
Her upper lip curled in exasperation and disgust. Somehow, it hadn't 
been this bad when she was away on the Sanders' job. Why was it getting 
so much worse?

Her throat tightened briefly as sapphire eyes fell on a pair of young 
women sitting on a blanket under a nearby tree, no older than herself, 
apparently enjoying a day together in the wonderful weather. The smaller 
one had dark hair and tanned features, reminding Mirelle instantly of 
Kirika, though she didn't look Asian and her large eyes were a dusty, 
normal brown. She was giggling softly at something, snuggling back into 
the arms of her friend, which were draped around her shoulders 
protectively. The other girl was taller, almost willowy, with long 
blonde waves of hair falling down her back and gray-green eyes. Pale 
skin had a dash of freckles across her nose and bare arms, the mouth 
next to her friend's ear shaded a soft pink with some light lipstick. 
She was laughing quietly, too, talking in a low, intimate voice that was 
nothing more than a murmur even to the Corsican's keen hearing.

The dark-haired girl brought her arms up, hands clasping to her friend's 
where they rested against her breastbone, body obviously relaxed and 
content. Mirelle watched without meaning to, heart catching in her 
chest. The scene was so sweet, it made her smile, but there was also 
something dark twisting inside her, a painful mix of longing and hidden 
jealousy spearing through her gut. Kirika would never be that happy. 
She's so serious – I don't think I've ever heard her giggle like that. 
Her thoughts were almost wistful. I wish she would sometime. She'd be so 

Then the tall blonde touched her lips to the other young woman's cheek, 
the movement soft and affectionately gentle, and Mirelle's entire body 
froze. Her brain stalled, shocked into a single thought. They were –

With an answering smile, the smaller of the two turned slightly, mouth 
meeting her friend's – her lover's – in a slow, pleased kiss. Mirelle 
blinked, breath tight and slightly harsh. The sight brought every 
sensation of her dream roaring back, with an all-new rush of added 
fantasy. Kirika was cradled in her arms as they lay together in bed, 
sheets pulled casually around them and that thick, unruly mop of silken 
locks tucked perfectly under her chin. Their breath came and went in 
perfect rhythm, an invisible cloud of warm contentment almost touchable 
in the air. "Mireyu." Kirika's voice was soft, languid. It wasn't a 
question, just a happy sigh.

"Hmmm." Mirelle answered anyway with a quiet humming of her own, eyes 
lidded and calm. She had never been so relaxed in her life. One arm was 
wrapped gently around Kirika's slender waist, the other curled around 
her partner's shoulders, completely at ease with the smaller girl's body 
leaning back against hers. They were both still in their pajamas, but it 
didn't matter – this wasn't about sex. It was possession, connection, a 
reveling in the simple pleasure of being close and the warmth of 
belonging utterly . . .

Mirelle shook herself, quickly burying a flaring mix of anger and some 
strange longing she didn't understand. To her surprise, she found she'd 
stopped still in the center of the path for a few moments, watching like 
an intruder as the pair of lovers made out a few dozen yards away. Lips 
pressed together, she sprang into motion again, steps more hurried than 
before. Where the hell was Breffort?

She finally spotted him seated on one of the benches, bad leg stretched 
out, cane held negligently in one hand. Just another businessman 
enjoying a moment in the sunshine. Riiiight, Mirelle thought sourly. And 
she was the queen of Sheba. Still, the tense, furious knot in her 
stomach loosened just a bit. The blonde may not trust her contact, but 
at least she knew what brand of danger to expect from him. It was a 
welcome distraction from the uncertainty of the last few days.

Seeing her approach, the Soldats High Councilman stood smoothly, a 
pleased smile on his lips as he nodded in her direction. He knew better 
than to offer a hand to shake. "Hello, Miss Bouquet. It's wonderful to 
see you again."

An answering smirk twitched across Mirelle's face, eyes glinting. She 
nodded back, one of her own hands tucked casually into the pocket of her 
jacket. To a normal onlooker, it was a perfectly common gesture, but 
both she and Breffort knew that her Walter was also settled beneath her 
fingers, ready to draw at a moments' notice. Not that she would want to 
shoot through this coat – she and Kirika had picked it out together, and 
she'd rather not ruin it. Gunpowder, like blood, was next-to-impossible 
to get out of leather, even if she patched the hole it would leave. "I 
would say the same, Mr. Breffort, but I dislike lying when I can avoid 

Breffort laughed. "And of course, this is one of the things I enjoy most 
about you." He gestured toward the bench. "Would you like to sit, or 
shall we walk for a little while? I have someone that should arrive 
soon, but she can find us either way."

"Let's walk." Mirelle realized the words came out faster than she meant 
them to, soundlessly cursing herself. The two girls were still too close 
for comfort, cuddled together only a few dozen yards away and patently 
oblivious to anything but each other. The sight of that dark hair and 
the long blonde waves mingling bothered her much more than she was 
willing to admit. "If your leg can handle it, anyway."

The High Councilman nodded, smiling, completely ignoring the slight 
taunt – although Mirelle was almost sure she caught the barest 
understanding flick of his shrewd eyes toward the lovers. "After you, my 

Mirelle's lips twitched, and she fell in step beside the Soldat, more of 
a leisurely saunter than a true walk. Breffort was very careful to keep 
from stepping behind her as well as in front, something she vaguely 
appreciated. "You said you had information."

Breffort nodded, full silver hair glinting in the sunlight as his face 
became serious. "I've been working with a few of my contacts to get a 
better picture of the current situation. Most of them only confirmed 
what I told you earlier – like myself, the rest of the Council is 
prepared to leave the two of you be, provided that you are willing to do 
the same."

"Most?" Mirelle echoed, raising an eyebrow. The older man's faint smile 
was something almost cynical. "Perceptive, my dear. At the moment, there 
is at least one other high-ranking Councilman who considers Noir a tool 
for Soldats' use."

"And of course, his own." The Corsican snorted.

Breffort nodded. "Of course. Although we aren't exactly sure who it is, 
we know they've been rearranging the movements of the lower 
foot-soldiers. It's nothing overt, but they're more than triple the 
numbers they should be here in Paris."

He sighed, shifting the cane's head beneath his palm. "More worrying, 
though, is the fact that they seem to have plans for the two of you as 
well. From the intel, it's clear they've got some sort of strategy in 
the works, but we've only got the barest details."

"Joy." Mirelle muttered under her breath, though she knew the Soldat 
High Councilman could hear her just fine. A small child ran across the 
path, dirt and grass staining the knees of her sensible blue jeans and 
her purple T-shirt. No more than six or seven, her cheeks were rosy in 
the fresh air, long ponytail of mahogany curls whipping behind her like 
a glimmering flag and blue eyes bright with glee. Watching the little 
girl, Mirelle smiled softly, a bare curving of her lips echoing the 
flash of gentleness in her own sapphire eyes before she turned back to 
Breffort. He was watching the child too, a similar, affectionate smile 
on his face. The blonde Corsican's gaze turned wry. "Don't tell me she 
belongs to you too?"

Breffort glanced back at her, shaking his head slightly, and his smile 
widened. "No, dear, although I do have nieces and nephews around that 
age." His gaze turned a shade more intent, almost thoughtful, as if he 
didn't know whether what he wanted to say would be believed but had to 
say it anyway. "I find the happiness and . . . innocence of children to 
be a beautiful thing, worthy of admiration."

Mirelle nearly swallowed her tongue. Half-choking on a combination of 
indignant fury and righteous disbelief, she coughed and stared at the 
silver-haired Soldat, not sure whether to glare or laugh as wry 
resignation touched his elegant features. Before she could manage a 
reply, movement pulled her gaze to the side. It took only a heartbeat to 
recognize the tall, slender girl striding toward them, straight blonde 
hair tumbling down her shoulders and gray eyes glinting with 
intelligence. "You don't have to believe it, miss Bouquet." Lisa's voice 
was sharp as she approached. Obviously she'd heard the comment, and the 
Corsican's less-than-complimentary response. "But contrary to popular 
belief, my Uncle rarely lies when he isn't forced to."

Her Uncle? Well, that certainly explained the odd looks in the vet's 
office. Mirelle growled sourly. "So you have people watching us 
everywhere, huh?"

"Get over yourself." Lisa retorted before Breffort could do more than 
open his mouth. To Mirelle's not-so-faint surprise, the girl was glaring 
right back at her, apparently unfazed by the bad mood that usually sent 
sensible people running for cover. "Not everything has to do with you. I 
work at the pet store because I like animals, and Dr. Lucas is one of 
the best vets I've ever known, not to mention a nice person."

Oh. For a moment, Mirelle wasn't sure whether to believe her or not – 
but thinking hard, she realized she remembered seeing the other blond 
girl a few times, back before Kirika had even arrived. Breffort was 
watching her carefully, a touch of caution in his steel-blue eyes. "This 
is my niece, Lisa Breffort. She recently returned from studying in 
England and America. Lisa – this is Mirelle Bouquet."

The inanity of the introductions made Mirelle smile just a bit, and 
glancing back at Lisa, she saw the other girl's lips were twitching too. 
Their eyes met, and both of their smiles widened wryly. "We've met." 
Lisa grinned, nodding to Mirelle. The Corsican nodded back, unable to 
help herself. It was kind of funny. Her voice still came out a bit stiff 
when she managed to speak again, but it was fairly close to normal 
again. "How are they?"

The worry on Breffort's face faded slightly, replaced with a flash of 
carefully hidden confusion. Lisa, on the other hand, laughed shortly. 
"They're just fine." She assured the Corsican. "I told Dr. Lucas I'd be 
seeing you today, or she'd have called you this morning. The flea 
treatment went fine – turned out they didn't actually have worms, 
somehow – and the infection in Blue-Eyes' ear is mostly cleared up. Dr. 
Lucas said they could be ready to go home as early as tomorrow."

Mirelle felt an edge of her worry slipping away, like a shallow breath 
she hadn't realized she was holding. The kittens were important, and 
knowing they were safe made her feel better. Of course, thinking of the 
two little fluff-balls brought her thoughts back to Kirika –

– the attack on Kirika –

"Kirika was attacked last night." She spoke suddenly, gaze hardening as 
she looked back up at Breffort. The older man looked startled, and Lisa 
openly gaped, her shock obvious enough that it really didn't look fake. 
In the back of her mind, Mirelle realized their surprise made her feel 
better; her subconscious hadn't wanted to believe Breffort was involved, 
even if it made logical sense. She didn't even want to consider why that 
might be. Shoving the thought aside, she continued, "Ten thugs, all of 
them in Soldats' favorite suit-uniform. They had weapons, but they 
didn't draw them."

"Didn't get the chance?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow, a ghost of a 
grin hovering on her lips. Obviously, she knew about Kirika's deadly 

"Not the first few, but even the ones that had a chance didn't try." 
She'd gone over the attack with Kirika at least twice, detail by detail 
as only a trained assassin could, until she knew the events backwards 
and forwards. It still didn't make any sense. "It was almost like they 
were – " She paused.

"Sacrificial lambs?" Breffort picked up the thread wryly, his voice 
laced with faint hints of a soft sadness. Mirelle knew what he was 
thinking. She and Kirika had been the last 'lambs' in the trials of 
Noir, but there were so many others. Chloe, Uncle Claude and the rest of 
Mirelle's family, Kirika's unknown family, the hundreds of targets and 
nameless, faceless enemies they had taken out over their lifetimes – all 
led or brought to the slaughter. Shaking away the many dark memories, 
Mirelle nodded, and Lisa looked concerned. Breffort, too, seemed 
definitely grim. "It isn't unheard of to have foot-soldiers used as 
decoys and disposable targets, although most of us choose not to do so."

So the sheep volunteer to be eaten? The retort rose instinctively to 
Mirelle's mind, though she found she really didn't feel like 
antagonizing the two of them any more than usual. They were being 
helpful, in their own way. Obviously they had their own reasons, but she 
realized she could live with that. Instead, she moved on. "So you think 
someone was testing Kirika?"

Breffort nodded slowly. He could see Mirelle's eyes flash with raging 
anger at the thought, and he knew it ate at her that someone might 
threaten her partner with something she couldn't defend against. The 
Corsican was strangely predictable, in her own very inscrutable way. She 
would never voluntarily admit how deeply she cared for the smaller 
Japanese assassin, but to anyone who had watched them as long and as 
closely as he had, it was almost painfully obvious. Still, he wouldn't 
mention it outright, at least not right now – there were more important 
things to worry about. "I would assume it was part of the plans they've 
laid out. Our people are still working on getting the details."

"Slowpokes." Mirelle snorted, the word leaving her mouth without 
thinking about it, and Lisa choked on a light laugh. "It's harder to do 
than it sounds." She pointed out calmly. "We have to make sure there 
isn't any way to trace it back to us, either. Uncle's personal views 
aside, it's very bad for one Councilman to be caught giving information 
on another."

Not bad giving the information, just to be caught. The Corsican's lips 
twitched with a smirk, and Lisa's eyes were knowing. Breffort sighed 
tolerantly, continuing. "Now that we know about the attack, it might be 
easier to find some information – "

A ringing in the breast pocket of his suit interrupted him, and the 
Soldats' Councilman fished out a rather ordinary-looking cell phone, 
giving Mirelle an apologetic glance before flipping it open and holding 
it to his ear. "Yes?" Listening for a moment, he sighed. "Alright, I'll 
be there as soon as I can."

Mirelle knew that look, and judging from the expression on Lisa's face, 
so did she. Snapping the phone closed, Breffort shook his head. "I'm 
afraid we have to leave, my dear. There's been a problem at the office." 
His eyes flashed, a glint somewhere between curiosity and a faint, 
teasing amusement. "You'll give our regards to Miss Yuumura when she 
gets home?"

"Of course." Mirelle tried her best to keep her trademark smirk and 
ignore the comment, even though it seemed to stab at her heart like 
small needles. Unbidden, her eyes flicked across the grass, somehow 
finding the pair of lovers beneath the tree. They were still there, 
although they'd finally stopped kissing, simply curled happily in each 
others' arms with a soft flush on both girls' cheeks. The sight made her 
feel oddly better and worse at the same time. "You know how to reach 

Lisa nodded seriously, and Breffort inclined his head with a slow, 
noble-looking motion. "Be – safe, my dear. Bon heur."

Good luck. Mirelle watched them walk away, wondering what Breffort had 
meant by that and almost afraid she knew. Taking a deep breath, she let 
it out in a sigh, turning back the way she came.

Maybe Kirika was home by now.

"Here we are."

Kirika took a deep breath as Alexander's moped slid expertly into a 
parking space just in front of the apartment, the throbbing roar of the 
engine trailing off into a low, dull growl. Carefully, she loosened her 
arms from around Alex's waist and stood on the sidewalk, lifting her 
borrowed helmet from her head in a smooth motion. She was surprised to 
see her hands were trembling slightly, muscles shaking all over her 
body. Was she really that scared?

"Don't be scared." Alexander murmured softly, giving the kickstand a 
practiced whack with the heel of his boot before swinging his leg over 
the 'bike' to stand beside her. Kirika raised an eyebrow in surprise. 
The brown-haired young man pulled off his helmet and glanced over to 
her, lips quirking in a crooked sort of grin while he answered the 
unspoken question in her eyes. "You're not obvious. Anybody in your 
position would be scared. Hell, I'm terrified." He dropped the helmet on 
the leather seat. "Is she there?"

"Yes." Kirika could answer that without ever looking; she'd felt the 
presence of the blonde the moment they pulled up, and even if she hadn't 
noticed the curtains twitching lightly in her periphery vision, she'd 
have recognized the weight of Mirelle's sapphire eyes focused on her. It 
wasn't usually an uncomfortable heaviness – but considering what she and 
Alex were about to do, it was more than a little worrying.

"So you're ready." The words were more statement than question, 
Alexander's eyes focused intently on Kirika as she set Lisa's helmet 
back on its rightful hook. She managed to swallow hard, nodding ever so 
slightly. Her throat was painfully tight, chest so squeezed it felt like 
she was caught in a vise. If this worked, she'd be able to confess her 
feelings for Mirelle, and Mirelle would confess her own feelings. If it 
didn't work . . .

She wouldn't think of that. Alex's smile was soft, understanding. He 
took her hand, carefully tugging her almost flush with his body. "It's 
okay, Kirika." His whisper made her shiver from head to toe. Her heart 
was beating triple-time; she was sure she'd never felt this frightened 
in her life. Before she could lose her nerve, the young woman surged 
forward, pressing her lips to her friend's.

Ohhh. Kirika would have squeaked if her body hadn't been otherwise 
occupied. Alexander's arm moved carefully around her waist, the smooth 
motion cradling her softly. It wasn't that the kiss itself was 
particularly spectacular. A fluttering in her chest, a slow tingle 
against her mouth, nothing much more than that. But her heart was still 
pounding, slamming so hard she could feel it through every part of her 
body. This had to work, it just had to.

Alex pulled back a few seconds later, breathing just slightly faster. "I 
think the first part of it all definitely worked." He whispered. "I can 
feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head. When you get this 
all sorted out, make sure to tell her I was only helping, okay?"

Kirika giggled softly, surprising herself. Okay, it was kind of funny, a 
little. Nervous giggles, she supposed. Glancing up at Alexander, she 
smiled faintly. "I promise." The Japanese assassin agreed. On impulse, 
she hugged her friend quickly. "Think it looked real?"

"As a heart attack." Alex grinned back down at her. "The hug was a nice 
touch." Scooping up his helmet again, he swung his leg back over the 
bike and settled in his seat as Kirika glowed with pride. "See you 
later, Kirika. Good luck."

With a nod, Kirika watched him buckle his helmet, kick the kickstand 
back up and rev the engine. He roared away, and she turned toward the 
apartment door, carefully not looking up at the windows. She was 
trembling all over again.

Time to face the lion.


Mirelle glanced up from her glowing computer monitor for the millionth 
time in the last hour, sapphire eyes automatically tracking to the 
windows before she sighed and dropped her gaze. Damnit, this was so 
stupid – it wasn't like watching would make Kirika appear any faster, 
for cripes' sake.

Still, where was her partner? It wasn't anywhere like Kirika to have 
been gone this long, especially not without calling or even leaving a 
better note. Mirelle had returned from her meeting with Breffort, put in 
a call to Dr. Lucas to make sure the kittens were alright, made the bed, 
cleaned up what little mess was in the apartment, grabbed something to 
eat and been surfing the 'Net for at least an hour.

Pushing to her feet, the Corsican trotted listlessly into the kitchen, 
taking a glass from the cabinet and filling it at the sink. The orchids 
on the windowsill looked like they could use a bit more water, and it 
was something to do that didn't involve sitting on her butt, at least. 
Flipping off the tap, she moved back into the afternoon sun spilling 
into the apartment proper. If Kirika didn't get home soon, she'd have to 
start the dinner preparations by herself. It wasn't an appealing 

Awwww, is the big bad assassin missing her bankie? Again, that inner 
voice piped up, smirking and sarcastic. On second thought, Kirika's 
probably a lot warmer than a blanket – and so much more fun to play with 

Mirelle's upper lip curled, and she took a deep breath before she 
touched either the orchids or the water glass again. She'd never forgive 
herself for hurting Kirika's plants in a moment of anger, even if it was 
partly the younger woman's fault. They didn't deserve her fury.

The roar of a souped-up moped below distracted her from her dark, 
brooding thoughts, and the Corsican glanced down in surprise as the bike 
pulled up in front of the building. She recognized the smaller figure 
instantly – she'd helped Kirika pick them out, after all. But what was 
Kirika doing with some guy on a moped?

It must be Alexander. The simple thought made Mirelle's fists clench, 
jaw tight with a flaring of rage. Kirika had sworn she wouldn't look for 
him or hang out with him again. She swore! Swallowing hard, she watched 
the two of them get off and stand talking for a few seconds, her mind 
humming with the chaos of raw emotion and thought. How could Kirika have 
made a promise and then broken it? Why would she have broken it? Mirelle 
couldn't believe it. Maybe she had run into him by accident, that made 
sense – but then why would he be bringing her home? Was this boy who 
she'd been out with the whole time? It didn't make sense, if she'd just 
happened to run into him, she should have called! And why were they 
still standing there talking, anyway? Didn't Kirika realize her partner 
was watching? Didn't she even care?

This was all so stupid. She should just leave the window and let Kirika 
get up here – they could talk calmly and rationally about this whole 
idiotic thing –

Then she saw that familiar head dart forward, meeting Alexander's lips 
with a soft and gentle kiss, and Mirelle's brain came to a screeching 
halt in a blanket of pure, red-hazed fury. How dare he! The blood roared 
through her ears like thunder, a voice tearing from the deepest part of 
her mind in a primal scream. He touched her, he's touching her, he's 
holding her how dare he! SHE'S MINE! MINE! Mineminemineminemine!

Her teeth were gritted so hard her jaw hurt. I'll kill him. He doesn't 
deserve to live, that sonofabitch – her thoughts degenerated into a 
swirling storm of curses in several different tongues. She would kill 
him, she would rip the bastard's tongue out, she'd tear his treacherous 
hands off and feed them to him. He had touched her beautiful Kirika, he 
deserved to die.

Yeah, but she started it. The sarcastic voice smirked. You saw it. She 
kissed him first. They look so very cozy together, too. Riding double on 
the bike, a cute little kiss goodbye –

SHUT UP! Mirelle screamed the word in her own head, slamming her fist 
into the sill hard enough to make the potted plants shiver. Her rage was 
growing in leaps and bounds, a fire burning out of control in her chest 
and lungs so tight it hurt to draw breath. Below, the two of them had 
pulled apart, and Mirelle glared furiously as they spoke again. Kirika 
giggled, the sound like a razor slashing at her heart; the boy got back 
on his bike, and Kirika hugged him, sending the blonde's blood to a boil 
of jealousy and rage. HE made Kirika giggle? He, not her? It – it wasn't 

The bike roared away again, and Kirika turned toward the building. 
Upstairs, Mirelle snarled, slamming the window shut again. Her hands 
shook so badly she didn't dare pick up the glass to bring it back to the 
kitchen – not that she wanted to. Kirika had to have known Mirelle was 
standing there, had to have known when Alexander brought her home what 
the result would be. This was going to be a showdown.

Bring it on.

(snicker) Yeaaaaah, showdown sounds about right. Poor things, I put them 
through so much shit. xD Please excuse the choppiness of Mirelle's 
little hissy fit - somehow I don't imagine her being too coherent at 
that point, even with herself. And yes Kirika is OOC at the very end, 
there is a very good reason for that which will be explained in the next 
few chapters. So no flamers telling me Kiri-tan doesn't giggle or hug, 

As a sidenote, my webcomics will officially be up soon, linked as my 
homepage. For those wondering, there will be two manga - one a doujinshi 
(fan-sequel) to Noir called Le Deux Retour. No romance in that one - 
sorry to the Mirelle / Kirika loving crowd - but there will be Chloe, 
and new characters, and my own take on all the mysteries Bee Train 
insisted on leaving unsolved. The other will be my own graphic novel, 
aNoir-similar action drama calledWhisper Blade. There'll also be raw 
sketches, layouts, character bios, and possibly even swag! (for Whisper 
Blade, not Noir, obviously) Feel free to come visit!

Oh, and PLEASE R&R! Pretty please?

Onwards to Part 9

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