Back in the Saddle (part 2 of 13)

a Gunsmith Cats fanfiction by Erica Friedman

Back to Part 1
"Dammit!" Rally slammed her hand on the desk. "This is totally unfair! 
They shot first!"

"Rally, calm down or you’ll face more than 30 days suspension." Roy 
was more than a little exasperated. "You can’t just go around town 
acting like a vigilante!"

Rally interrupted. "I know that! I didn’t kill the guy, did I? I just 
put him out of action." She blew her hair out of her eyes in 
frustration. "Geez, Roy. I made it easier for you to find ‘em."

Roy pushed his chair back from the desk and stood, both hands on the 
desk edge. "Listen to me Rally - I’m not joking here. Those guys 
weren’t on any wanted posters - you had no jurisdiction."

"What about the gun?" Rally insisted.

"We didn’t find any." Roy stood and stuffed his hands into his 

"What?" Rally could not believe her ears. "The shooter took out a 
window at MacAfee’s. How could there be no gun?"

Roy shrugged. "Look, all I know is that the guys in the car were aides 
from the City Planning Office and neither of them were armed." Roy 
sighed heavily. "The one you shot was released from the hospital. His 
story is that they were out for a lunchtime ride, when you and your 
friend pulled up and you shot him. The other guy," Roy held up a hand 
to stall Rally’s protest, "the guy you say was the shooter - he’s 
unconscious. Got thrown from the car when it flipped."

Rally cursed under her breath.

Roy looked at her strangely. "What were you doing on the back of a 
motorcycle anyway? That’s not your usual gig."

Unaccountably, Rally found herself blushing. "I told you - there 
wasn’t time to get to the Cobra."

Roy frowned a bit at Rally, then shrugged. "Go on - go home. We’ll 
talk later." Rally turned away from him and he said softly, "Try not 
to get yourself killed, okay?"

"I promise." Rally waved over her shoulder as she walked away.


"Cool!" May said, around a mouthful of fried rice.

"Gross!" Becky said, as she picked a grain of rice from her sweater. 
"Can’t you finish chewing first?" May giggled while Becky scowled back 
at her.

Rally finished chewing, then nodded. "Yeah it was kind of cool." She 
smiled until she saw May giving her a funny stare, then cleared her 
throat. "But there was something odd about Cowboy, too."

"You mean, like how she knew where the Trans Am was going?" Becky 
asked, flicking a second grain of rice back at Minnie May.

"Exactly." Rally locked her feet under the chair and pushed back to 
lean against the wall. She had changed into a crop top and shorts, but 
she could still feel the aftereffects of the adrenaline from today’s 
joyride alternately giving her chills and hot flashes

"So, you think they were gunning for this Cowboy, then." It was not a 

Rally nodded, but she wasn’t sure. Cowboy had seemed 

"Rally," May said, ostentatiously swallowing and wiping her mouth with 
a napkin before speaking, "do you think she was trying to set you up?"

"No." Rally answered a beat too fast and knew it. Both women facing 
her had astonishment written all over their faces.

"Rally?" Beck said.

May was plainer, "She got you to shoot the driver. Without your ID, 
there’s nothing but a few police reports of a car-motorcycle chase on 
the highway. No Cowboy Simms…no one but Rally Vincent." May’s voice 
was serious and Rally nodded contritely.

Becky stood up abruptly. "Right, before I forget - Terri "Cowboy" 
Simms." She walked over to her briefcase, pulled out a file and handed 
it to Rally. "21 years old, 5’10", born in Driftwood, Texas."

"Becky, that’s got to be fake!" May laughed. "There can’t really be a 
Driftwood, Texas."

Becky grinned. "There shore is, purdy lady." And she tipped her 
nonexistent cowboy hat over her brow.

Rally looked down at the file, but didn’t open it. "What else?" she 
asked the informer.

Becky waved her hand insouciantly. "The usual. High school dropout, 
runaway. Did some courier work for the local drug dealers, but nothing 
deep. Drifted, ends up here. Hasn’t settled down, though. She’s had 
four addresses in six months."

"Hmmm." Rally sounded thoughtful. "Basic courier stuff, you say? Then 
why would two guys from City Planning want to take her out?"

Becky winked and pointed at the file. "Look at the addresses listed 
for your friend there. Notice anything funny about them?"

Rally read the addresses out loud. Minnie May snapped her fingers. "I 
know! Didn’t they all get vacated?"

Becky nodded. "Each and every one of those streets was preemptively 
purchased under the auspices of the Industrial Street and Alleyway 
Vacation Program."

"Right," Rally agreed. "I remember that. Businesses can expand into 
"under-utilized" alleyway and street areas to, if I remember 
correctly, ‘improve security.’"

"Yep." Becky said. "And those companies can buy that land for way 
under market prices. The best part is that property owners of adjacent 
property have no choice - they have to agree to the vacation."

Rally whistled. "Nice. I wonder how many places were put out of 
business that way."

Shrugging, Becky said, "Not many. Remember, these areas are mostly 
abandoned warehouses, crackhouses and other tourist spots."

"Yeah, but still!" May was indignant.

Rally looked back down at the file on her lap and wondered how Cowboy 
fit into all of this.


Rally rubbed her eyes and stifled another yawn. She was beat, but she 
couldn’t sleep. Rolling over, she turned on the lamp at her bedside 
and grabbed the file Becky had left her. Opening it, she stared at the 
photo of the tall woman. Brown hair - it’s longer now, she thought - 
blue eyes crinkled up in a cynical smile. Looks that would fade into a 
crowd, nothing special. Rally reread the information in the manila 
folder for the third time, but nothing new caught her attention. She 
flipped back to the photo and pulled it off the file.

Lying back on her pillow she gazed at the unremarkable picture for a 
long time. She closed the file, stuck the photo into it and laid it 
back on the night table. Turning off the light, she lay back again and 
spoke into the darkness.

"Goodnight, Cowboy - wherever you are."

Onwards to Part 3

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