Old Business

a Gunsmith Cats fanfiction by Shanejayell

Riff Raff paused, the tough blonde holding the phone to her ear as she 
waited outside the apartment building. Her single green streak in her 
hair fell into one eye, the star tattooed on her cheek seeming to 
twinkle as she waited impatiently. "Come on Becky..." she muttered into 
the phone, tapping a finger on her Cobra's steering wheel impatiently.

"Got it," Becky exclaimed, "he's in room one-twenty!"

"Thanks," Riff Raff said, "I'll meet you at the usual place."

"Good luck," Becky said as Riff Raff hung up.

Her long coat flowing around her Riff Raff left her car and calmly 
walked over to the building, slipping inside via a side door that she 
had scouted out earlier. Running in would be amateurish, tipping her 
target off, and besides it lacked style. The elevator was waiting once 
she reached the lobby but Riff Raff skipped it, taking the stairs two at 
a time till she reached the right floor. Pausing a few moments to catch 
her breath she headed off down the hall, knocking briskly.

"Yes?" the familiar voice called.

With easy precision Riff Raff kicked out, hammering her boot into the 
lock and sending the door crashing in. The man jerked in alarm as he 
tried to pick up a gun from the nearby table, but Riff Raff was fast, 
slapping the weapon aside as she growled, "Hello Mr. Jones, been 

"Oh fuck," Jones said weakly, the bulky man's hair wild, not tied back 
as usual and his beady round eyes wide with shock.

"You don't sound happy to see me," Riff Raff said coldly as she advanced 
on the bathrobe clad man, following him as he nervously backed away till 
he hit the edge of the bed.

"Y.. yo.. you're not still upset over the Bean Bandit business, are 
you?' Jones stammered out nervously, pulling his bathrobe around him 

"Why would I be upset?" Riff Raff asked. "You just screwed up my chance 
to race Bean and get a reputation, pulled a gun during the middle of the 
race the dumped me as a driver when you were finished." A snarl, "Why 
would I be angry?"

"I'll make it up to you," Jones squeaked.

"Oh shut up," Riff Raff struck, her punch coming from nowhere. There was 
a crunch and Jones bounced against the wall violently before collapsing 
out cold. "That felt good," Riff Raff shook her hand out with a grin, 
"now let's see..."

For the next five minutes Riff Raff went over the suite, finding various 
items that she casually stacked up on the bed. In addition to various 
firearms there was an assortment of illegal drugs, including the 
notorious Kerasine a.k.a. Powerball. Calmly she collected all of the 
money that he had there then she dialed up the cops on her cellphone, 
coolly reporting hearing an argument in the suite before slipping out 
once more.

Returning to her car Riff Raff took a drink of her still steaming cup of 
coffee as she waited, soon hearing the sound of sirens howling off in 
the distance. The police roared in with astonishing speed, rushing 
inside the building then hurrying out a little while later with a loudly 
protesting Jones. They all casually tuned out his protests as the 
evidence collection teams went in next, hauling out the drugs and other 
items, too. Even if Jones copped a plea he'd probably be in jail for a 
while, and not bothering her for even longer.

"I guess this is better than getting Jones myself," Riff Raff murmured 
to herself as she started the engine, "but I still wish I had hit him a 
few more times."

Her Cobra purred as they cut through traffic, navigating the streets of 
Chicago with ease. With a comfortable familiarity Riff Raff headed to 
the edge of town, out to a warehouse that she had visited more than once 
over the past few months. Over the door a neon sign glowed, the words 
'Arisugawa's Locket' shining in the twilight, the animated image of a 
locket opening up to reveal the face of a pretty girl.

"Riff Raff," the slim, black haired bouncer nodded in recognition as she 
passed, "remember to leave your gun and knife at the bar."

"Got it, Six," Riff Raff sighed,. wondering how the odd woman always 
seemed to know what she was carrying. She strode by the greeter, 
scanning the brightly lit bar for a clear route to the bar. Swiftly she 
navigated the mob of all female customers, nodding greetings to friends 
and enemies both.

"Your regular?" Mahoro asked, the cheerful black haired girl pouring 
another beer for a customer as she talked.

"Thanks," Riff Raff nodded to Ryouko who was tending bar on the other 
end as she pulled her pistol and boot knife, leaving them on the bar.

"Here you go," Mahoro left the scotch and water in place of Riff Raff's 
gun, then she apologetically raced tom help another customer.

Picking up her drink Riff Raff scanned the tables nearby till she 
spotted her, then made her way through the crowd easily. She was well 
aware of the admiring glances of many women, but she coolly ignored it 
as she warned the ladies off as she reached her friend.

"Hey, Riff," Becky looked up at her with a welcoming smile, the brown 
haired woman's bands falling into her eyes.

" 'Lo Becky," Riff Raff nodded as she set her drink down then slipped 
into a seat, then reached into her coat to set a envelope in front of 

"Thanks," Becky calmly put the envelope into the inner jacket pocket of 
her stylish business wear. They made a odd pair, the rough around the 
edges Riff Raff and the stylish Becky, but they looked good together. Of 
course Becky could do casual with the best of them, too... "It went like 
we thought?" she asked.

"In that neighborhood the cops came running," Riff Raff agreed as she 
took a casual drink, "they probably thought my call was about a drug 
deal gone south." She grinned, "And it was sweet, seeing Jones hauled 

"Told you we'd get him," Becky raised her own glass in salute.

Riff Raff toasted her too, her own thoughts tending back to how they had 
first met. Just after the mess with Jones she had been sent an email, 
one offering a information service. Calling up Becky the first time she 
was oddly enchanted by the smooth voice as Becky explained her services, 
including her detailed knowledge of Riff Raff's own history. Trying her 
out Riff Raff found herself making better money as well as being burned 
less by shady employers, and eventually they settled into a comfortable 
working relationship.

"What's wrong?" Becky asked, her round glasses catching the light.

"Just thinking I'm glad I met you," Riff Raff admitted, "even if you've 
been guiding me on the straight and narrow... mostly."

Becky smiled back calmly, "It's more profitable, partner."

"So how's Rally?" Riff Raff asked curiously.

"I think Misty's wearing her down," Becky confided softly, "she's even 
moved into Gunsmith Cats with her and Minnie."

"That must be an interesting arrangement," Riff Raff chuckled. She had 
been a bit annoyed when Becky finally confessed that she did work for 
Rally, too, and that was how she found out about Riff and Jones. Still, 
Riff Raff quickly realized that Becky was very good if a bounty hunter 
like Rally Vincent employed her, and she felt complimented to be in such 
good company.

"You have no idea," Becky giggled. Leaning forward she said, "I met one 
of Minnie's old coworkers when she was a prostitute, she ended up 
explaining some of the things Minnie taught her." A blush colored her 
cheeks, "I thought I was going to die of embarrassment."

"You're cute when you blush," Riff Raff dropped her voice as she teased.

"And you're a charmer," Becky said as she looked up at Riff Raff 

Riff Raff just smiled back. "So, did you pick this bar to meet in for a 
reason?" she asked Becky curiously.

Becky put her chin on her hands as she studied Riff Raff, "Well, if you 
knew if I thought it'd be a pretty good sign."

"Looks like we're going in the same direction," Riff Raff nodded 
thoughtfully. She finished her drink then rose smoothly as she offered a 
hand, "Care to dance?"

"Love to," Becky let herself be drawn to her feet, "you lead?"

"Of course," Riff Raff grinned.


Notes: I have a bad habit of developing a fondness for minor characters, 
it seems... Riff Raff and Mr. Jones were both introduced in the Bean 
Bandit storyline in Gunsmith Cats and I found Riff Raff a interesting 
character. She's a pro driver like Bean Bandit, out to make her rep, and 
seems a mostly decent kid. This story is a sequel to "One Shot" and is 
set after the first GSC series ended.

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