True Protector (part 6 of 8)

a Gundam Wing fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 5
Releena barely managed to keep the blow up from happening until they 
were in a fast car heading for the Gundam Peacekeeper's hangar bays. 
"Why on Earth does it have to be you?" she finally asked Noin angrily.

"There's nobody else," Noin answered quietly, "who's piloted a Gundam 
or even fought one before and lived, who's available to the 

"What about Wu-fei?" Releena demanded.

"He was badly injured getting casualties out of the Preventer 
headquarters fire." Noin saw the worried look on Releena's face and 
quickly added "A piece of the roof fell on him. He'll be all right, 
but he's in no shape to try piloting a Gundam for a while."

"What about the other Gundam pilots, then?" Releena asked more softly, 
but something in the tone of her voice said she already knew the 

"Trowa and Duo are both basically unreachable," Noin said with a sigh. 
"Duo's become a professional rogue and wanderer from one end of the 
solar system to the other, and Trowa seems to have found some measure 
of peace as a member of the traveling circus," she said softly. "And I 
don't dare call in Quatre."

Even Releena had to agree with that. Quatre Rebaba Winner had become 
one of the driving forces behind the reconstruction of the Earth and 
the Colonies, as well as a major political force. His loss would be 
devastating to everyone. "And that leaves..."

"Our two former boyfriends, the Lady Une and me," Noin concluded. "The 
first two are... way, way out of reach, and there's no chance in hell 
I'm going to let a woman with a serious bullet wound climb into a 
mobile suit."

"You know something, about what happened to Heero and Zechs. What is 
it?" Releena asked Noin quietly.

"That colony ship Heero was leaving on," Noin said, focused on the 
road ahead of them, "I found out Zechs boarded it as well."

"Zechs and Heero," Releena said to herself softly, an very odd look on 
her pretty face. She smiled, a small, nervous giggle escaped, then she 
just broke out and laughed. Noin looked astonished, but found the 
laughter too contagious, and soon both of them were wracked with 
laughter, so much so that Noin had to pull over to the side of the 
road until they stopped.

The two grinned at each other a moment, about to speak, when the cell 
phone chirped and interrupted the moment. Noin pulled it out, and both 
of them heard Lady Une's voice come in loud and clear "Epyon has 
launched! I repeat: Epyon has launched! Noin, you've got less than two 
hours to try and intercept it, understood?"

"Got it!" Noin barked. Then she floored the gas pedal, moved them back 
on the blacktop with a screech of tires and down the road at top 
speed. Releena was silent, lost in thought.

"I understand you have to do this," Releena said as she stopped Noin 
at the cockpit hatch, "but please, make sure you come back to me."

"Of course," Noin said softly, then she grinned at Releena, "we do 
have a wedding to go to, remember?" Noin leaned over and kissed her, 
then climbed in and sealed the cockpit. Releena watched the suit 
launch, a silver and black figure soared into the sky.

Releena's eyes widened as something about the suit's appearance 
clicked with a memory. 'The silvery knight from my dream,' Releena 
thought, 'and in it Noin slew the red dragon. Could that be Epyon?' 
She shook herself and waved, even though she wondered if Noin could 
even see it, but she didn't really care. Noin would know, that she was 
sure of.

Noin smiled as she shut down the rear view camera as Releena's image 
shrank in the distance. She had to focus on the battle ahead, not on 
who she was leaving behind. She carefully ran through her checklist as 
she moved, and declared each aloud as she finished "Disrupter Blade, 
check!" She received the tracking data and studied Epyon's flight path 
to plan where she would need to intercept it. "Shield, check!"

'That's an awfully inefficient route to take,' Noin thought, 'but she 
probably wants a chance to show off the suit. Epyon will have more of 
an impact that way when she tries to rally the colonies behind her 
with it.' She grinned ferally, 'Gives me more time to reach her, too.'

She opened the throttle and tore upwards to the edge of the 
atmosphere, up where Epyon hung, and waited for her. "Space drive, 
check!" It rested there, saving it's fuel as it rotated with the Earth 
until it reached the proper moment to move out into space. The 
dragon-like flight mode was a sight that had struck fear in men during 
the last war, and now they wanted to revive that terror. 'Not if I can 
help it,' Noin thought, and fired a demolition charge!

The explosive threw Epyon into a short lived nose-dive, but it quickly 
recovered and rose again even as it changed into it's own mobile suit 
form. The dragon wings stretched outward, the energy blade ignited and 
the chain weapon unfurled, ready for battle. Noin's video screen came 
on and she saw Hilde's face smile out of it at her.

"Well, well, well, it's Lt. Noin. Fancy meeting you here, of all 
places" Hilde said to Noin with false cheerfulness.

"We don't have to do this," Noin said to her simply. She continued 
calmly "Hilde, if you power down your weapons and follow me down, we 
can try to fix things."

"Oh, really?" Hilde said wryly. "Somehow, I doubt Lady Une would be so 
quick to forgive me," the last part said with real emotion in her 
voice. Before Noin could reply, or even begin to wonder what had once 
been between Une and Hilde, she attacked, energy blade swinging! Noin 
parried, her own blade stopping Epyon's cold!

"Releena would," Noin answered her calmly, only to be answered with a 
snarl of anger and a series of slashing attacks from Epyon's sword! 
Epyon drove her backwards, but Noin was too fast for Hilde to get any 
solid hits in!

As they fought, Noin realized this was a very poor copy indeed, not 
nearly as fast as her own suit, much less the first Epyon! They bobbed 
and weaved together along the edge of the atmosphere, their weapons 
fired as Hilde tried to shoot down Noin, and Noin worked to find a way 
to disable her foe. Noin had an real advantage in speed and 
maneuverability, but Hilde fought with a burning fury and little self 

Noin ran through her suit's arsenal, and fired restraint device after 
restraint device at Epyon with little or no effect. She shot to 
disable Epyon's joints but was unable to cleanly hit them. Finally, 
Noin realized she had only one weapon to stop Epyon with, and as they 
fought, she began to conceive of a plan to use it!

"Releena," Hilde suddenly growled to Noin angrily! "I hate her! I 
could have been a great pilot, an ace! But she took the war away from 
my generation! But now I'm undoing that mistake!" Epyon's tail snaked 
out and wrapped around the Peacekeeper's arm, heated white hot, but 
strangely the forearm armor was undamaged!

"Thank god for Gundanium," Noin muttered, and quickly yanked the off- 
balance Epyon towards her by the tail! Before Hilde could recover, 
Noin took her disrupter blade and slashed across the chest of Epyon, 
and right through the cockpit and Hilde's own body!

The scream tore through Noin's cockpit speakers, as Epyon went limp in 
space with all it's command systems shut down at once. Noin brought 
her suit in close and gently, carefully cradled Epyon in her arms as 
she prepared for the long trip home.

Lady Une looked into the antisepticly white hospital room and leaned 
heavily on Noin and Releena's support. Hilde lay unmoving there in the 
hospital bed as the monitors tracked her condition. "Will she make 
it?" Une asked them quietly.

"Hopefully," Noin said softly, a bit of sadness in her voice. "We've 
only rarely had a direct hit on a person with the disrupter blade, and 
the long term effects are simply unknown. The doctors are optimistic 
that there's still brain function and neural response."

"Good," Une said, and smiled darkly as she continued, "I want her 
alive and awake to face her trial."

Noin rolled her eyes and Releena looked at Une disapprovingly. "Lady," 
Releena started, only to be cut off.

"Releena, she betrayed her oath, her friends, and me personally," Une 
said seriously. "I'm not prepared to easily excuse that." She looked 
at the pained expression on Releena's face and smiled a bit at her, 
adding more gently "I'll try, of course. But it'll take time."

They all went back to Une's room, where she quite painfully lay back 
down again. "We'll be back to see you soon," Noin said softly. Une 
smiled to herself as she saw the two of them leave together, holding 
each other's hands.

'I wonder when the wedding will be?' Une wondered to herself drowsily 
before she finally fell to sleep. 

Onwards to Part 7

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