When the Shadow and the Hammer Fall (part 1 of 9)

a Gundam Wing fanfiction by Blue Griffin

01 May AC199

Preventer agent Hilde Shiebecker drove up to the underground parking
garage in the building she’d been ordered to go to in the unmarked pick-
up that had been left at her place the night before by two undercover
Preventer agents, rookies straight out of the academy she thought, the
night before. They came with the truck and orders singed by Preventer
Commander Une herself, saying that she had to arrive at said building,
which she knew was used as a safe house from time to time, that morning.
‘God I hate this cloak and dagger crap’, she thought to herself. She
knew it was part of the territory, but it was also the kind of thing
that got people killed. It was also this very same *crap* that got her
the job of Releena Peacecraft’s bodyguard when the man Releena loved
died protecting her. 

Just as suddenly as he disappeared from Releena’s life after the Barton
Foundation was put down, Heero Yuy reappeared on Valentine’s Day, AC 197
just in time to confess his love for her. He explained that having never
known love in his life, he didn’t know how to love others or to be
loved, but would be willing to try if Releena would have him back. It
was this night that Releena Peacecraft gave Heero Yuy her heart, as well
as her maidenhood. 

At Releena’s insistence, Commander Une allowed him to join Preventer and
assigned him the job of being her bodyguard. This job would include
leading the investigations into death threats and assignation attempts
against her. One of these was discovered just in the nick of time before
the assassins could deploy out to kill Releena. Unfortunately the
platoon, out numbered 10 to 1, sent out to take down these terrorists
was slaughtered to a man. Heero was the platoon leader. Heero Yuy may
have been the ‘Perfect Soldier’ but he wasn’t immortal. He died on 30
Dec AC197, two weeks after he’d proposed to Releena.    

As she got out of the truck, she proceeded up the stairs to the
apartment that was used as the safe house. After passing a few people
she recognized as undercover Preventers, probably standing guard, she
later proceeded to the correct apartment. It was here after getting the
nod from some other undercover guards in the apartment itself; she
entered the room occupied by the newly elected President of the E.S.U.N.
and former Queen of the World, Releena Peacecraft. 

"I’ve got a potentially difficult new mission for you?" Releena offered.
Hilde looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Commander Une will give you
a full briefing on it, but here's the gist: I've been targeted by a
group of former OZ soldiers and White Fang guerrillas who say they want
me dead. To make matters worse, they have got a technology that can take
out a Gundam."

"How did they manage to do that?" Hilde said, honestly surprised. Their
new suits were state of the art, if not a bit better.

"A new solution: a very nasty little computer virus." Releena said and
shook her head at the idea. 

Hilde looked at the young woman who stood there and realized that
Releena was a little afraid. 'Of course, with Heero gone, I can't blame
her. I forget, sometimes, how alone she is,' Hilde thought. "Well, let's
see what details Commander Une has for us," Hilde answered.

Onwards to Part 2

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