
a Gundam Wing fanfiction by Catelf

Hilde sighed sadly, eyeing the beautiful silver bracelet on display, 
framed by a shawl of navy blue velvet. Her gaze traveled between her 
almost-empty wallet and the jewelry wistfully. An impatient Sales-Lady 
arched her eyebrow imperiously from the over the counter. One look at 
the girl and she’d known all she needed to know. And now, she just 
wanted to get rid of her, the sooner the better. She had commission to 
make, after all. 

Finally, with a groan of self-deprivation, Hilde closed the old 
leather and shook her head. “I’m sorry. I can’t—“ 

The woman interrupted, already moving away. “Have a nice day.” 

Indignant, the black-haired teen rested her elbows on the glass and 
let her sharp eyes find the intricate piece again. It was 
extraordinary. Clunky, silver, inlaid by smoky topaz and sapphire 
within the confines of a smooth, Celtic design. The bracelet really 
was incredible, but with her meager funds, she could barely afford the 
rent, much less expensive jewelry. 230$ of self-indulgence. Another 
wistful sigh heaved her chest. 

“Oh, why so sad?” 

Hilde jumped. Beside her, wearing an inquisitive grin was the most 
beautiful blonde she’d ever seen. “Agh!” 

“Oh!” the girl was immediately repentant. “I scared you, didn’t I? I’m 

“A heh…well…” the Swede nervously rubbed her elbow, which throbbed 
from it’s impact with the counter. “No prob. You…uh…wanted something?” 



“Why the long face?” one elegant finger playfully tapped her nose. 
“You’re too cute to look so down.” 

Hilde blushed. “I was just—“ 

“My, my, my.” Interrupting smoothly, the blonde pointed to the 
bracelet Hilde’d previously been admiring. “That’s absolutely 

“Yeah…” sighing, the black-haired girl tried not to sound too 

Surreptitiously, her companion watched her expression, and came to a 
quick decision. “Too fabulous to sit unworn in a display case like 
that forever!” she exclaimed. “Ma’am!” imperiously, she gestured to 
the Sales-Lady that’d snubbed Hilde earlier. Which, unbeknownst to 
both, she’d witnessed. 

The lady sneered, but rushed over anyway. “Yes?” 

“This bracelet.” 

“To buy? That’s 230$, Miss. Are you sure?” 

Without a word, the blonde pulled a slim, leather wallet from her 
designer purse, withdrew a credit card and handed it over. Only a 
smirk arched her full lips.

Hilde didn’t get a chance to see the name printed on the card, but 
from the Sales-Lady’s look, she had an inkling. Her lovely partner was 
obviously someone important. And while that made her heart beat 
nervously, she couldn’t stop the tinge of spiteful satisfaction. Take 

The blonde understood perfectly, and grinned as the pale woman 
disappeared to ring up the purchase. 

“So, um, what’s your name?” 

“…Call me ‘Lena. Yours?” 

“Hilde Schbeiker.” She chuckled at Lena’s flirtatious gasp. “Nice to 

“My pleasure.” Lena lifted the shorthaired girl’s hand daringly from 
the counter, and kissed it with an air of exaggerated chivalry. “Yes. 
A pleasure.” She murmured. Hilde gulped around her quickening 

Murphy’s law is a horrible thing, sometimes. The annoying Sales-lady 
returned, and –after giving Lena her card back- began to wrap the 
bracelet in a sheaf of tissue paper. 

“Oh, no! Please don’t do that.” Quickly. The blonde snatched the 
jewelry and turned back to Hilde’s surprised face, fully intent on 
ignoring the indignant woman until she left. 

She did. 

When she was finally gone, Lena winked rakishly. 

Hilde laughed. “I’m glad. What’re you going to do with it?” her voice, 
despite all efforts to avoid it, came out longing. 

“Well, you see, Hilde.” Lena started “I…have this problem.” 

“Really?” the Swede raised her eyebrows. “Oh, hey, it’s the 90’s! 
Everyone over-spends! Don’t worry about it.” 

“No, it’s not that, I mean, I do, but that’s not the main issue.” 
Chuckling, the blonde lifted Hilde’s wrist up to eye-level and 
scrutinized it playfully. “I can’t stop buying things for beautiful 
women, you see. It’s spontaneous, really. More like an addiction. 
Especially when their skin…just…” she gently caressed the thin flesh 
over Hilde’s fragile artery, “begs for it. Like yours.”

With a gasp, Hilde’s face heated up. Flushing from the collar of her 
tank top to the roots of her hair.

“So.” She continued. “Hilde.” The name rolled off her tongue slowly, 
as if she were tasting the flavor of it. “I bought this one for the 
most beautiful I’ve ever met. You.” The clasp clicked fatalistically. 
Heavy weight dragged Hilde’s hand down to her side.

She was too enraptured by Lena’s sea-colored eyes to notice. Or care. 

An indeterminable amount of time later, a random shopper jostled her 
arm, and the mutual stare was broken. 



They laughed at their nervousness. Amazed, Hilde lifted her arm and 
regarded the bracelet shining there. “Wow.” She whispered. “Talk about 

Lena grinned. “How about I take you to lunch, eh? There’s a little 
café just down the street, I believe. I’ve head they serve excellent 

“I’d love that...” 


“...But I’m paying.” Firmly, Hilde interrupted. The blonde girl 
stopped and smiled affectionately. 

“How did I know?” she asked under her breath. 

Her black-haired companion shot her a timid, but coy look. “I don’t 
know. You tell me.” 

“Let’s not question Lady Luck.” Offering her arm, Lena winked 

Hilde took it with a laugh. 

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