Intertwined (part 3 of 5)

a Gundam Wing fanfiction by Kimmie

Back to Part 2
I watch her fold the tent with smooth hands, managing to get it small 
enough that it slides right in its canvas prison without her having to 
shove or have me help. Next, she takes a stab at the sleeping bags. Both 
of the bags are made of a slick satin, but they're lined with warm 
flannel since it will certainly be cold when we go camping.

Yup. Me, Relena Peacecraft, going camping in the dead of winter. 
Lucrezia makes me do the craziest things. But, perhaps it's good for me. 
There's always that wonderful chance that this wonderful feeling of... 
*something*... that I get when I'm with her will get the chance to last 

I've never mentioned this to anyone, but I'm desperate to settle down. 
I'm one of the leaders of the world, or so everyone likes to remind me, 
and I'm forced to jump from colony to colony with little side trips back 
to Earth on occassion... I want to have some place to call home.

Although, in the time that I've been forced to grow up, I've realized 
that home is not so much a place, but a feeling. That old adage that 
home is where the heart is? My heart, at least for now, is with her. So, 
with her, I feel like I'm home. 

That's why I quit chasing after Heero. I realized that I felt alienated 
when I was with him. That's not home, and home was what I was trying to 

I can't say my life has been a blur so far. I don't remember back to 
when I was a Peacecraft. I have to trust in my adopted father's words, 
and Milliardo's... but Noin told me as well. Somehow that makes it a bit 
easier to accept. I do remember watching a very old movie as a child 
that had a woman singing about how "a spoonful of sugar helps the 
medicine go down in the most delightful way." Somehow, that's every word 
she speaks. She could tell me I was dying of the common cold, and I'd 
only smile and beg her to come closer.

I remember my life from about my seventh birthday on. I tried to be the 
perfect child. Daddy called me Princess. I got good marks in school. I 
tore my dress at least once a week on the playground because I'd play 
games with the boys. Once I learned that it's easy to kick a dodgeball 
wearing uniform Mary Janes, I became one of the people first picked for 
the game. As I grew up, people realized that my father, or who I thought 
he had been, was a rather important man. Suddenly, I was up on a 
pedastel as well, only, my pedastel was one that no one could reach and 
I wasn't sure that I wanted to get down from.

Heero changed that. Having spent long years at boarding schools, I'd 
become used to the same routine. I always woke up at 5:30 in the 
morning, took a shower, got dressed, dried my hair, and went about my 
day at school. I became a creature of habit. Then, I went on a trip with 
my father to outer space. My birthday was starting to come up, and 
nothing changed. Even though I was in an exciting place, nothing changed 
at all. I still didn't see my father. And even though I know now that he 
wasn't the man who helped in my conception, it doesn't matter. He was 
the man who raised me for the part of my life that mattered. Or, so I 

In truth, perhaps Heero did. The day I met him... well, he fell from the 
sky, and I took a chance and jumped from my pedestal. I was fascinated 
with him. Who wouldn't be? He truly is an amazing boy, or so I've come 
to find out. 

I turn my attention back to the camping gear that's begun to pile up at 
the hands of my able lover. "Need any help, Noin?"

She turns to me with a grin, one lock of hair falling and making her 
wriggle her nose. "No thanks, Relena. I'm actually done with all of the 
camping gear. You were sort of zoned for a moment there. You okay?"

"Hmm?" I realize what she said. "Oh, yes. I'm fine. Just... thinking. 
That's all. Nothing important."

She grins more, her cheeks defining a bit more in the smile. "Well, 
that's good. Now, go get packing. We're leaving in about an hour and 
you're still not ready."

And I have to grin as well. She's so beautiful and she's focused on me. 
How's that to make a girl feel special? 

But, I keep smiling and walk over to her, placing a light kiss on the 
top of her head, and retreating from her room to my own. We share a bed 
occassionally, thoughts more often, and, in a way, we share a past and 
possibly a future.

I breath in the air like it is love, and grab my backpack and begin 
choosing the items I'll need. I can't believe it, I'm going camping.

Onwards to Part 4

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