Another Journey, Another Story (part 13 of 24)

a Gall Force fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 12
"Let's move," Major Tanya barked, leading her fighter
crews into the launch bays even as the crew they were
replacing returned to the ship. The green haired woman
all but leapt up the ladder to climb into her strike
fighter, the five other pilots quickly following suit.

"What's the mission briefing?" Lynn asked, climbing
into her own cockpit. The rangy pilot started running
through her checklist, the hatch closing as they
shifted to inter-ship communications.

"Unknown vessels are inbound," Tanya answered them
crisply as she readied her own fighter, "most probably
Paranoid cruisers. We've been ordered to provide cover
until the Lady can collect the remaining shuttles and
reach transit point."

"Piece of cake," Smith answered her cockily, the black
haired woman readying for launch with her usual casual

"We'll run them out of the system," Pryde nodded, her
golden mane gleaming in the artificial light of the

"Don't get cocky," Tanya chided them before adding, "I
got the word from the Captain, she wants this to be a
clean run."

"Then let's do this," Hazel agreed, the waifish blonde
signaling her readiness.

Tanya connected to the bridge, smiling just slightly
as Max appeared on her screen, the pink haired girl
looking visibly nervous. "Alpha and Beta wings ready
to launch," Tanya reported, "any updates on the

Max gulped. "Long range sensors have confirmed
Paranoid ships," she said quietly, "but they haven't
launched fighters yet."

"Then let's get the drop on them," Tanya said,
radiating confidence.

"Understood, readying launch," Max tried to be
professional. With a slight smile she added, "Danielle
left a message I was supposed to give you, ma'am." She
took a breath, "Don't do anything too stupid out
there, please."

"Do my best," Tanya answered then disconnected.

"Main hatch opening," Becca said calmly as the doors
in the launch bay slid open, a flimsy force field the
only thing that was protecting them from the void.

"Go," Tanya ordered.

The strike fighters rocketed into the void, the slim,
powerful craft swiftly forming up into two wings. Lynn
lead Becca and Hazel out while Tanya took Pryde and
Smith, the most experienced pilots guiding the least,
the teams ready and willing to do battle.

The bridge crew watched the fighters settling into
position out ahead of the Lady Grace, waiting in the
path that the intruders were projected to come. Normal
procedure would have had them racing out to engage
their foes at a distance but with the few fighter
pilots they had available such a move was foolhardy at

"Shuttle status?" Captain Gail kept her voice even,
the redheaded captain sitting in what to the others
looks like pure relaxation. In truth she was ready to
jump out of her skin but she made herself sit, knowing
how important her presence was to the other crew.

"Two of the shuttles have docked and we're offloading
the supplies," Davies voice came through from the
docking bays as the second in command of Engineering
reported, "the boss is still loading up the last
shuttle down below."

"Understood," Gail cut the link, frowning slightly.
She turned to the young lady at communications, "Tara,
connect me to the surface."

"Yes, ma'am," she answered nervously as the slim
blonde went to work, Tara soon reporting, "link has
been established."

"What's the delay, Lieutenant-Commander?" Gail asked
as the image appeared on the main screen, keeping any
accusation out of her voice. 'We have Paranoid ships
inbound,' she thought to herself grimly, 'she had
better not be messing about.'

Lieutenant-Commander Karin wiped some grease off her
brow, the black haired engineer looking visibly tired
dressed in her armored extra vehicular suit. "They've
got a power-core intended for a Star-Destroyer class
ship down here," she explained, "if we can get it up
to the ship our power concerns would be solved for

Commander Allaine blurted out, "You aren't seriously
considering grafting on a SD power core to a cruiser
like Lady Grace?"

"It can be done," Karin said to them firmly, "but only
if we can get the core up there. I just need a little
more time...."

"Keep working," Gail instructed crisply before closing
the connection, her face having that oddly distant
look she got when considering a problem.

"Sorry," Allaine said softly, regretting her
uncharacteristic outburst. 'Looks like the stress is
getting to me, too,' she realized.

"Save it," Gail answered, her tone of voice clearly
saying this was not over. "Max, can we get a better
scan of the incoming ships?" she asked.

"They appear to be the same vessels that we
encountered before," Max reported, "one ship is moving
substantially slower than the other two."

"Maybe they didn't complete repairs from the last
battle?" Lieutenant Lauren offered, the blonde
navigator looking out into the void.

"Or it's a deception," Allaine answered. "Time until
we reach firing range?" she asked.

"Less than ten minutes," Max answered.

"Battle stations," Gail said crisply as alarms went
off all over the ship.

"I'll be in sickbay," Lieutenant-Commander Meris said
as the tall blonde left the bridge, "in case there are
any injuries from the surface or from attacks to the

"Go," Allaine agreed, watching her leave thoughtfully.
She had serious doubts about the woman but so far, she
was working out all right.

"The Paranoid ships are launching fighters," Max
reported, the image of the crab shaped, almost organic
looking vessels appearing on the viewscreen as they
raced towards them. "Our fighters are moving out," she

Major Tanya didn't wait for a bridge command to come,
barking out her orders as soon as the enemy fighters
launched. "Keep them off of the Lady," she commanded
the two flights, "we've got to buy some time till the
shuttle goes!"

The strike fighters raced across the void of space,
such small, delicate craft to be facing the dangers
out there. The Paranoid craft met them out there,
firing energy weapons as the Solenoid dodged and
weaved, their own weapons blazing.

Smith brought her fighter down and around, pushing the
internal compensators in a turn that well past it's
design specifications. Weapons flared as she lined up
the Paranoid craft in her sights, feeling satisfaction
as it exploded into a fireball. Her wingmates followed
her in, the dodging and weaving Paranoid wildly
returning fire.

"The shuttle is launching from the surface," the
tactical update came through, "Lady Grace will break
orbit as soon as it docks."

"Keeping an eye on it," Lynn reported as her team
engaged a second flight of Paranoid fighters, six to
their three. Still they held their own, the strike
fighters pushing their systems to the limit to match
or beat the capabilities of their enemies.

"How long until the shuttle docks with Lady Grace?"
Hazel asked nervously, bobbing and weaving. Despite
the fear in her voice she flew magnificently, two
Paranoid fireballing even as she moved to reinforce
the others.

"It's halfway there," Becca commented, soaring through
the debris of another enemy craft. Her eyes narrowed
slightly as she saw sparks of light moving from the
Paranoid cruiser, "There's additional fighters

More than a dozen more Paranoid fighters swept in,
trying to overwhelm the Solenoid fighters. Working in
pairs the pilots fought them off, maneuvering free
even as the enemy strived to pin them down and destroy

"Grace is firing," Tanya roared, "clear the way!"

The skin of the Lady Grace shifted, segments of armor
plate moving aside to reveal the weapons batteries
below them. A wave of destructive beams slashed out
into the darkness of space, tearing through Paranoid
craft and hammering at the cruisers.

"Why are they holding back?" Pryde asked. "The
Paranoid cruisers aren't even providing fire support
for their fighters," she added.

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth," Tanya
commented as a signal was sent from the Lady Grace.
"The shuttle's home," she said, "let's follow it

Sweeping away from the now badly disorganized Paranoid
fighters they swiftly caught up with the now moving
Lady Grace. Docking was a bit more complicated by the
pursuing fighters but they slid into their bays even
as the ship's configuration slightly changed, readying
for transit.

"Brace yourselves," Lynn said as she climbed out of
her fighter even as the ship shuddered beneath them.
There was a odd sensation, their stomachs suddenly
dropped and the Lady Grace made transit into

Onwards to Part 14

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