Frozen (part 95 of 100)

a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction by Chendzeea Li

Back to Part 94
Fun and Festivities

“LATE!” Fujin called out, sitting on the couch sourly.

“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” Quistis squeaked as she rushed about the 
bathroom hurriedly. Five months had passed since the two agreed to let 
Selphie throw them a celebratory party, marking their relationship. It 
was also timed to celebrate Quistis recovery, which, aside from some 
occasional aches and stiffness, was complete.

“QUISTIS.” Fujin called again, glancing at her watch.

“I know I know.” Quistis stammered, hobbling about, trying to put on 
high heels while hurrying into the living room.

 Checking herself in the mirror, she tugged on her dress and adjusted 
her earrings as Fujin stood to walk over.

“HEELS.” Fujin sighed, looking up at her. Taller to begin with, Quistis 
all but dwarfed her now.

“Oh, come on they match the outfit. How do I look?”


“Come on, don’t be a brat.” Quistis frowned, looking over her shoulder 
in the mirror.

“I swear, I think my butts gotten bigger.”

“BUTT FINE.” Fujin sighed anew.

“You’re not just saying that?”


Quisty studied herself once more, the gown, crimson and luxurious, hung 
from her shoulders in a risqué but tasteful fashion.




“What about it, I like this outfit.”


“Please.” Quistis laughed, debating to go with or without her glasses.


“Since when do you care?” Quistis chuckled, spinning around to face her 

“DON’T.” Fujin admitted with a shrug.

“Besides.” Quistis added with a saucy grin. “We’re anything but 
traditional.” She purred throwing her arms around her neck comfortably.

“UNDERSTATEMENT.” Fujin mumbled, arching a brow as she was gently pushed 
back towards the couch.

“DOING?” She asked suspiciously.

“What do you think?” Quistis murmured

“TIME.” Fujin blurted, blushing slightly as Quistis started unzipping 
her dress coat.

“Let em wait.” Quistis giggled, pushing her onto the couch.


“Where the hell are they!” Selphie shouted in a tiff, arms folded with 
foot tapping impatiently.

“I dunno.” Zell mumbled around a mouthful of cake.

“Gah!” You bastard, what are you doing!?” Selphie squawked, slapping at 
him furiously.

“Ow, hey, whadido?!” He shrieked, running away from her frantically.

“Your supposed to wait until one of them cuts the cake you big 
uncultured jerk!”

“Squall said I could have a piece!” Zell countered gesturing wildly to 
the fearless leader, who stood obliviously eating his own plate of the 
dessert. Selphie began to twitch in anger while Zell took the 
opportunity to sneak away.

“He’ll never forgive you.” Irvine noted as he crept past.

“She’ll kill him first.” Zell said darkly, hiding behind the taller man 
while he finished his treat.

Squall didn’t notice the pint-sized engine of destruction approaching 
him but he became painfully aware of her presence when she firmly 
planted the point of her shoe into his rear.

“SHIT!” Squall shouted, jumping forward a good few feet before spinning 
around in anger. “What the hell!?”

Irvine and Zell nearly fell over each other laughing as the trio of 
Rinoa, Nicole and Ellone looked up from their gossip.

“Give me that!” Selphie snapped angrily, yanking the plate out of his 


“You’re supposed to wait you, you!” Selphie sputtered. “Barbarians!”

His face twitched angrily as he rubbed his rear ruefully. Pointing at 
her, he started to speak but decided to drop it.

“Ugh... you...” He growled then threw his hands in the air. “Where the 
hell are they?”

“I dunno.” Rinoa shrugged, walking over to see what the fuss was about.

Cid meanwhile sat nearby watching the exchange with an amused grin.

“Damn it to heck, I’ll get em.” Selphie groaned, marching intently 
towards and out the door.

“This should be interesting.” Irvine smiled.

“Yup.” Zell chuckled in agreement.


Quistis ran a hand through her hair and moaned softly. Abruptly though, 
her moment of euphoria was shattered as a thunderous knocking jarred the 
room. Startled, she nearly fell off the couch.

“Aw damn it.” She sighed regretfully.

“TROUBLE.” Fujin frowned, sitting up.

“I hear you two in there, you hussies! Get out here this instance!” 
Selphie shrieked, hammering on the door again.

“TOLD YOU.” Fujin grumbled, zipping up her coat.

“I know, I know.” Quistis groaned, standing up awkwardly. Quickly, she 
fixed her dress and adjusted her hair before hurrying to the door while 
Fujin stood and tried to look casual, failing miserably. After taking a 
deep breath to steady her self, Quistis finally opened to door.

“Oh, Selphie, hi.” She smiled hugely.

Standing in the door like a determined and un-approving bouncer, Selphie 
glared at her hotly from under hooded, contemptuous eyes.

“We were just coming.” Quistis offered apologetically.

“Yeah I bet....” Selphie sneered, pushing her way inside. Quistis made a 
face and looked to Fujin as she closed the door. Immediately her eyes 
bulged and she gestured madly to the floor. Selphie sensing something 
amiss, looked back at her. Fujin, taking the opportunity to glance down, 
noticed Quistis had left her underwear lying on the floor. Making a 
startled noise, she quickly kicked them under the couch. Selphie spun 
around again then looked at the two suspiciously.

“READY?” Fujin asked in a frighteningly cheerful tone.

“I can’t believe you two... you’re like rabbits.” Selphie said, her 
expression a mix of awe and horror.

“What?” Quistis mouthed innocently.

“Look, whatever.” Selphie giggled, then, with a sigh, rubbed her 
temples. “Squall and Zell are eating the cake and everyone is getting 

“They’re what?” Quistis frowned. “The jerks.”

“TYPICAL.” Fujin shrugged, walking towards them.

“So please you two, I put a lot of thought into this little gathering 
and I’d appreciate it if the two guests of honor wouldn’t ruin things.”

“I’m sorry.” Quistis mumbled in a tone befitting a scolded child.

“Ugh, come on.” Selphie sighed as they headed towards the exit. Quistis 
fumbled nervously with her dress as they left the apartment.

“What?” Selphie groaned.

“Uh...” Quistis started as Fujin watched in amusement.

“We’re late.” Selphie said warningly.

“Ugh...yeah.” Quistis sighed, locking the door.

“How are you feeling?” Selphie asked curiously as they made their way up 
the hall.

“Fine, still a little weak though, but Kadowaki says I’ll be running 
around in no time.”

“That’s good. Everyone’s proud of you.”

“I couldn’t have done it without all your support.” Quistis smiled, 
casting a loving glance at Fujin who wore signs of mischief in her gaze.

 Intrigued, Quistis gave her a curious glance. In response, Fujin 
shrugged slightly.

“What’s with the dress coat, I thought you stopped wearing that?” 
Selphie asked eyeing her.



“Well lest just say, you could thank that coat for helping us find each 
other. It’s fitting for her to wear it on such a special day, don’t you 
think?” Quistis smiled cryptically.

“I guess that makes sense.” Selphie shrugged. “At least it’s more 
fitting than some slinky red evening gown.” She added skeptically.

“TOLD YOU.” Fujin noted.

“Oh hush.” Quistis bit playfully.

“I still wish you’d let us throw you a proper wedding or something...” 
Selphie grumbled.

“We’re letting you guys throw this little get together, that should be 

“I guess...” Selphie pouted.

“Cheer up.” Quistis giggled, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

 The small banquet room, reserved for smaller parties and the like, 
served its purpose quaintly. As the trio arrived, Cid stood up to meet 
them and Ellone rushed over hurriedly.

“There you guys are, I was wondering where you’ve been.”

“Ellone hi!” Quistis beamed hugging her tightly. “When did you get 

“About an hour ago. I glad you guys invited me.”

“Of course silly, what did you expect?”

“GREETINGS.” Fujin nodded.

“Fuji hi!” Ellone giggled anew hugging her as well.

“Fuji Eh?” Zell noted, walking over to snoop.

Fujin cut him a scathing look then ignored him.

“Whoa Miss Trepe, that dress....” He stammered.

“Shut up.” Nicole snipped, shoving him lightly in the back.

“You’re smoking there Quisty.” Irvine whistled, taking off his hat.

Fujin positioned herself between them and Quistis and sneered slightly.

“Children please.” Cid chuckled, walking over to hug the two girls.

“Congratulations of your recovery.” He smiled. “And as for you two. I 
hope you have many years together.”

“Thank you sir.” Quistis smiled, kissing him lightly on the cheek, while 
Fujin settled for an awkward handshake.

“Quisty!” Rinoa squealed. Running over, she hugged the taller woman so 
tight it nearly sent them to the floor, something Quistis wanted to 
avoid at all costs.

“Um Rinoa.” Quistis laughed nervously. “What’s all this about?”

“Nothing, I’m just excited, it’s like a milestone or something.”

“Or something.” Xu chuckled, walking forward with Nida in tow. “See 
Trepe, I told you you’d be back on your feet.”

“Way to go you two.” Nida added. “Guys on the bridge didn’t think you’d 
last this long.”

“What?” Quistis scowled slightly.

Fujin too looked disapprovingly and Xu injected herself between them.

“He’s drunk.” Xu offered with a shaky smile.

“I haven’t even had a drink?” Nida stammered in confusion as Xu 
shepherded him away.

“Quistis.” Squall coughed, getting their attention.

“Yeah?” Quistis grinned, ignoring the previous comments.

“I’m proud of you, both of you.” He winked, taking a sip of his drink.

“We all are.” Rinoa added, hugging against him contently.

“Hey, does this mean we can eat now?” Irvine asked, looking to Zell who 
was trying to sneak a breadstick.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Selphie barked, scampering after him.

“It’s just a breadstick girl! Calm down.” He yelped dodging her attacks 
like sports superstar.

Quistis watched the exchange and sighed.

“Well, thanks guys, this means a lot, really.” She giggled, exchanging 
glances with Fujin. “I guess we better get this party started before the 
boys start tearing up the place huh?”

“About time.” Irvine cheered, holding up his drink.

“Well I’ll leave you kids to your festivities.” Cid smirked.

“You’re not leaving are you Sir?” Xu frowned in dismay.

“Come on, I was hoping to have a dance.” Quistis sulked.

Cid laughed brightly and winked.

“I think Fujin can cover for me.”

“I will!” Irvine offered; waving his hands in the air as the music 

“Aw Sir, at least stay and eat something?” Rinoa frowned, ignoring 
Irvine’s antics in the background.

“I promised I’d sit with Edea tonight. I’m sure Nei is already waiting 
for me.”

“Thanks again for taking her Sir.” Selphie smiled. “Are you sure she 
won’t be any trouble?”

“Not at all, it’d be a pleasure.” He assured her.

“Here you go Sir.” Ellone offered, holding out a plate of food. “Take it 
with you.”

“Why thank you Ellone.” He smiled then nodded good evening.

“CROWD.” Fujin mumbled in slight dismay, as everyone started mingling 

“Oh come on, it’s our party, loosen up.” Quistis giggled, moving to the 

“PARTY...?” Fujin smirked sardonically. Casually, she ran a hand down 
Quistis’ back to play teasingly along the hem of her dress.

“ACK!” Quistis blurted, causing everyone to stare. ”Oh, you, you!” She 
sputtered, gawking at her.

“FUN, FUN, FUN.” Fujin responded with a sarcastic wink then sauntered 
off to get a drink.

Ruffled, Quistis self-consciously smoothed dress then hurried after her. 
Entwining her arm with hers she grumbled under her breath.

“That was mean of you.”

“TEASING.” Fujin said with a wry smile.

“Be nice, I feel naked over here.”

“YOUR CHOICE.” Fujin chuckled.

“What? What was my choice?”


“Going...? Hey! You’re the one that kicked....” Quistis started but was 

“Commando?” Ellone asked, not intending to eavesdrop as she walked up on 
them. Quistis turned ghostly pale and clenched tightly to Fujin’s arm as 
they turned to face her. Fujin meanwhile sipped her drink, looking all 
the while like the cat that ate the canary.

“Never mind....” Quistis answered hollowly as Fujin’s gaze danced with 

“You two should come to Esthar; you won’t believe how much things have 
changed over the last couple of years.” Ellone chatted idly.

“CAN IMAGINE.” Fujin responded dully.

Quistis elbowed her slightly in hopes of getting her to smile. Fujin 
responded with a grin that looked like something more befitting a shark.

Unfazed, Ellone grinned broadly. “You two look so cute together. I’m so 
glad you’re better Quisty.”

“Feeling great.” Quistis admitted proudly. “Fujin here is being a brat 

“BAH.” Fujin huffed.

“She’s been acting up.”


“Well that’s good, that means she’s in a good mood.” Ellone giggled.

“STANDING HERE.” Fujin grumbled, not appreciating how they talked as if 
she were elsewhere.

“Rinoa told me you two already have your tickets to The Grandia!”

“I bought them a week ago.” Quistis winked.

“I bet you’re excited huh?”

Fujin shrugged impassively, causing Quistis to pinch her.

“Just ignore her Ellone, I told you she’s showing out tonight.” Quistis 
laughed then turned her head as Zell ran by screaming like a ninny with 
Rinoa and Selphie hot on his heels. Shaking her head, she turned back to 
regard Ellone. “Though I have to admit, I’m looking forward to getting 
away from here, I need a vacation; it’s been a zoo around here.”

“So what are your plans when you get back?”

“I don’t know, I’d like to go back to teaching, but I’m year behind, I 
don’t even recognize half the students anymore.”

“I imagine so; Cid told me that new students are coming in droves now. 
Especially since the Gardens expanded their civilian training courses.”

“We have to meet the income somehow, with things quieting down, not many 
people need our services.”

“That sounds depressing...”

“Nah, not at all. We just refocus our agenda. We’ve served our military 
purpose, besides, I think it’s time we start helping the locals to help 

“WORK TALK.” Fujin grumbled.

“Sorry...” Quistis shirked.

“No it’s okay, it sounds like you’ve been thinking a lot about all of 

“I have, I’ve been talking to Cid and Xu about extending our courses to 
cover more arts and tech training as well.”

“Way to go.” Ellone smiled brightly. “Well good luck.” She winked. “I’m 
going to go see if I can pester my brother some, you two have fun.”

“Okies.” Quistis waved merrily then turned to face Fujin, who smiled 

“” Quistis sputtered as she cut herself a large helping of 

“WHAT?” Fujin grinned.

“Don’t give me that, you know what you did.” Quistis smiled wickedly.


“My fault huh.” Quistis nodded slowly then shoved the helping of cake 
into Fujin’s face. The room went dead silent as Fujin staggered back in 
shock, large portions of icing hanging from her face.

Quistis giggled brightly, then quieted as Fujin took a deep breath and 
slowly wiped her face.

“Sorry love, it’s tradition.” Quistis squeaked.

Zell and Nicole exchanged worried glances, as did Ellone who looked 

“TRADITION...” Fujin mumbled quietly, looking down at her feet.

“Fu?” Quistis frowned, fearing she went to far.

“FINE!” Fujin blurted, then nonchalantly scooped out a large segment of 
the cake.

“Oh Hyne!” Quistis stammered wide-eyed.

“Hey...” Selphie whimpered under her breath.

Sensing her impending doom, Quistis turned to run but was to late as 
Fujin upturned the cake and dunked it atop her head with a splat.

“Holy....” Zell gawked wide-eyed.

 Loud uproarious laughter broke the deafening silence and everyone 
looked in surprise to find that it was coming from Squall.

“Well would you look at that.” Zell smirked.

Quistis made an insulted, noise, something akin to a squeak as Fujin 
licked her fingers contently.

“FUN TRADITION.” She noted, licking the frosting from her fingers.

“Gah...” Quistis whimpered again, then turned around to face her, her 
blue eyes peering out from under a cover of frosting. Finally noticing 
the laughter, she turned to face Squall, who was hanging off a 
bewildered Rinoa.

“Squall...” Quistis sighed.

“Sorry...” Squall chuckled, trying his best to regain his composure.

“Shut up.” Quistis groaned, scooping a heap of cake from her shoulders 
and shoving it into his face.

“HEY!” Squall blurted in mix of shock and anger.

“You’re making a mess...” Selphie whimpered as chaos ensued.


Later that evening, when all was said and done, Quistis sat in Fujin’s 
lap with legs discretely closed as Selphie sat in the floor looking 
aghast and confused.

“Some party Selphie, you rock!” Zell shouted. “Yo Miss Trepe, I’ll see 
you ladies in the morning, g’night!” He said brightly, waving goodnight, 
while Nicole tried in vain to remove various bits of cake from his 

“Night guys.” She sighed, waving politely as the two to of them retired.

Irvine walked to the trio of women, tottering slightly.

“Ladish, what say we all go back to my plish...” He babbled 

“Oh whoa! Irvine...You’re wasted” Quistis winced as he leaned over her 
with a wolfish grin.

“DRUNKARD.” Fujin snarled, shoving him away, none to gently.

“I not drunkird...drunkerd... I only had a couple.” He counted, holding 
up four fingers.

“Hyne, Selphie we better get him home before he embarrasses himself.” 
Quistis suggested.

“Embarrass...?” Selphie finally murmured, looking up slowly as Irvine 
sang some country dirge, albeit poorly.

“Lets talk about Embarrass, shall we?” She mouthed, her eyes squinting 

“Oh here is comes.” Xu chuckled from where she and Nida sat necking in 
the corner, both having had one to many drinks.

“I brought more ice!” Ellone sang brightly hurrying back into the room. 
Pausing in dismay she looked around glumly. “Hey, where’d everyone go?”

“Squall and Rinoa called it a night...” Quistis mumbled.

“Only after he threw up on her!” Selphie screamed in an explosion of 

“HA.” Fujin snorted, as Quistis winced.

“Man can’t hold his lick her.” Irvine laughed, leaning against Selphie 
who shoved him away in annoyance.

“Oh dear...” Ellone gasped.

“Should’ve seen her face.” Xu cackled.

“Um...yeah...and Zell and Nikki just left.” Quistis continued.

“So what, the parties over?” Ellone asked, setting the ice bucket down.

“Looks like it.” Quistis shrugged with a yawn as she tickled Fujin’s 

“You all ruined everything...” Selphie whined, shoving Irvine away once 
more, as he made grotesque kissing noises at her.

“Aw Selphie, everyone had fun, that’s all that mattered.”

”EXCEPT RINOA.” Fujin noted.

“Except Rinoa.” Quistis giggled.

“She’s never going to forgive him.” Selphie groaned, standing up. “I put 
so much time into planning this and you jerks go have a food fight.”

“QUISTIS STARTED.” Fujin huffed.

“It was tradition.” Quistis pouted, folding her arms cutely.

“”BULLSHIT.” Fujin coughed.

“I beg your pardon.” Quistis gawked in surprise.


“What about earlier?”


“What did I say?”


“Ugh...” Selphie growled. “Lets just get out of here.”

“Cheer up.” Quistis smiled, rising to her feet. “Everyone had a blast, 
that’s what matters right.”

“I guess...” Selphie sighed then looked over her shoulder to Xu and 
Nida. “Are you two staying here all night?”

“Ack hold on!” Xu blurted, hauling Nida to his feet.

 As everyone headed to the exit, Xu pulled Quistis to her and grinned.

“What?” Quistis asked curiously.

“Pretty ballsy of you Trepe, I’d never have the brass to crash a party 
without my dainties, Fujin here, has brought something wicked out in 
you.” Xu chuckled.

“WHAT!” Selphie paused, overhearing the comment.

“Oh Hyne...” Quistis groaned, burying her face in her hands.

Fujin’s gaze grew wide and she looked to Quistis with a sympathetic 

Turning around, Selphie strode towards Quistis with an enflamed look.

“Tell me you didn’t.” She said simply.

“Gods, um, Selphie, it’s a funny thing actually.” Quistis stammered, 
brushing brightly.

“Aw damn, I miss everything.” Irvine frowned.

“Xu, why’d you have to say something...?” Quistis sighed.

“Sorry... I didn’t know you were sneaking.”

 “Oh, and I figured you just forgot them.” Ellone commented innocently. 
Quistis’ mouth went agape as she gave her an incredulous look before 
facing back to Selphie.

“ are despicable...” Selphie breathed. “I said it once, I’ll 
say it again. That one; is a bad influence.” She grumbled, pointing at 

Fujin deemed the comment beneath her notice and focused more on Quistis’ 
beet red countenance.

“Oh hey Quisty, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, I do it all the time.” 
Irvine hiccupped.

“What; not wear your panties?” Xu laughed.

“You wear women’s clothes?” Ellone gasped in shock.

“It’s a joke!” Selphie barked at her.

“Sorry...” Ellone shirked.

“I’m not hearing any of this.” Quistis blurted, pushing through the 
crowd with her hands over her ears.

“Whoa hey, Quistis wait a minute!” Irvine laughed.

“Good night Irvine!” She called back as Fujin ran after her giggling 

“A disaster...” Selphie sighed wearily. “This whole thing was a 

“I had fun.” Ellone offered with helpful optimism, earning a scathing 

Onwards to Part 96

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