Frozen (part 90 of 100)

a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction by Chendzeea Li

Back to Part 89
Moving Day


Fujin looked around quietly as she made her way through Balamb Garden's 
guest wing. The area was generally uninhabited, seeing as how Balamb 
rarely ever had visitors. Arriving at Ellone's door, she paused a moment 
and looked at the small gift box in her hand. Gathering her thoughts, 
she knocked lightly. She only halfway expected an answer; Ellone had 
pretty much kept to herself since blowing up in Kadowaki's office. After 
a long moment Fujin frowned and turned to leave but stopped as the door 
rattled slightly then opened.

"Hi..." Ellone mumbled sullenly, a weary look in her eyes.

"OKAY?" Fujin frowned, looking her over.

"What do you want?"


"Don't bother."

"NONSENSE." Fujin frowned, then stepped past her into the apartment.

"I'm fine, just wanting to go home." Ellone grumbled sourly, shutting 
the door.


"Yeah, well you're welcome."

"HERE." Fujin said, offering the small box as Ellone plopped heavily 
onto the couch.

"What's this?"

"PRESENT." Fujin shrugged, sitting down beside her. Glancing around, she 
noticed the unkempt look of the place.

"BUMMING?" She asked curiously.

"A little..." Ellone responded evasively as she opened the gift. Her 
features brightened considerably as she withdrew a small, heart shaped 

"To Ellone, with our eternal love and gratitude, Qui,Fu" She mumbled, 
reading the tiny engraving on the back. Fujin shifted slightly in her 
chair blushing.

"MESSAGE QUISTIS' IDEA." She explained awkwardly.

Ellone smiled softly and slipped it on.

"I'll cherish it, thank you." She bubbled, her expression brightening 
considerably. Then, without thinking about it she leaned over and kissed 
Fujin lightly on the cheek. Fujin's gaze went wide and they stared at 
each other for a long, awkward moment.

"WELCOME..." Fujin blurted clumsily.

"Sorry..." Ellone blushed.

"IS OKAY." Fujin replied, standing up briskly.



"Um..." Ellone mumbled, toying with her new necklace. "Thanks, really, 
for you know." She said, looking up solemnly. "Being my friend and all."

"A PLEASURE." Fujin smiled quaintly.

"You know, all things considered, it's been a pretty interesting few 
months hasn't it?"

"YES IT HAS." Fujin nodded slowly as another awkward moment settled 
between them.

"I guess you need to be going huh?" Ellone finally said quietly.

"MOVING TODAY." Fujin responded woodenly.

"Oh okay... um, need any help?"


"I understand... Well, see you around then..." Ellone waved timidly. 
Fujin nodded politely then moved to the door.

"ELLONE?" She said, pausing.



"What about it?"


"What?" Ellone blinked.


"Um sure!"


"Thanks, I'll be there!"

"SEE YOU THEN." Fujin said, grinning faintly.


"Aw man, I can't believe she lived down here." Zell mouthed as he and 
Raijin stepped out of the elevator and into the remains of Fujin's 

The silk sheets that once hung delicately throughout the chamber were 
tattered and stained with smoke. Most of the items in the chamber lay 
piled against one wall, having been thrown there during Balamb's crash 
into the arctic ice.

"Be nice." Quistis frowned as Nicole rolled her wheelchair out of the 

"So where do we start?" Raijin asked curiously, looking around.

"We'll wait for Fujin, she should be here shortly."

"Where'd she go anyway?" Nicole asked, picking up a lone fuzzy Mog 

"She went to check on Ellone." Quistis answered then sighed. "Aw she's 
not going to be happy; this place is a disaster area."

"Oh hey, check it out." Raijin smiled, sliding a shattered picture frame 
from the pile of debris. "She kept a picture of me. I'm touched ya 

"You're her brother, what did you expect?" Quistis sighed.

The elevator shut behind them then travailed back to the upper levels.

"Why'd she stay down here anyway?" Nicole asked curiously, looking over 
Raijin's shoulder.

"Probably to avoid running into nosy people." Quistis answered, now quit 
snooping around.

"Fine, fine." Raijin grumbled, gently settling the picture down.

"So Miss Trepe, she got any pictures of us down here?" Zell asked 
perkily as he toured around the chamber.

"NEGATIVE." Fujin grumbled, stepping out of the Elevator.

"Ack." Zell winced, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hey Fu, what's new!" Raijin laughed loudly, striding over to embrace 
her. A swift kick to the shin halted his advance and Fujin then turned 
her attentions to Nicole who held aloft her Mog slippers.

"Um, heh heh." Nicole blushed. "Here ya go." She stammered, offering 
them to her.

"I got em." Quistis giggled, taking them from her and sliding them on 
her feet.

"WHY THEY HERE?" Fujin frowned, nodding towards Zell and Raijin.

"I figured if there was any debris they could help move it." Quistis 
shrugged. "How'd it go with Ellone?"


"Did she like the gift?"




"Oh really?" Quistis grinned. "You actually invited her?"

Fujin nodded.

"That’s nice, but who's going to cook?" Quistis chuckled. "I'm not 
really in the best shape to."

"I SHALL." Fujin answered calmly. Raijin made a horrified face prompting 
her to move towards him.

"Whoa! I ain't said nothing ya know!" Raijin stammered.

"CAN COOK." Fujin scowled.

"Okay, okay, whatever."


"Sure thing Fu."


"What are you two going on about?" Quistis asked curiously.

"Well, ya see, it's like this Miss Trepe." Raijin said, slowly moving 
behind Zell.

"Hey pal, don't use me as a shield!" Zell blurted, moving away from him.

"There was this time once, when Fujin gave everyone food poisoning." 
Raijin blurted quickly.

"WASN'T ME!" Fujin shouted, rushing after him.

"Yeah it was, you said those fish were fine!"


"Uh huh!" Raijin laughed, running behind Nicole, who screamed laughingly 
and cowered.

"Oh for the love of." Quistis groaned. "Both of you quit acting like 
children. Raijin you're the one who made the whole damn town sick with 
that stench, I was there, remember."

"That’s right, ya big jerk!" Zell gawked in remembrance. "You hauled up 
a couple of those nasty harbor suckers and barged into my folk's house 
to cook em! My mom about had a heart attack!"

"Harbor what?" Nicole blinked.

"Hey, now I asked politely!" Raijin blushed shamefully.

"My folks had to move because the smell wouldn't go away!"

"Enough!" Quistis droned.

"RIGHT." Fujin huffed, folding her arms.

"That means you too dear." Quistis sighed, glancing over her shoulder at 

"BAH." Fujin grumbled then set about sorting through her things. Raijin 
and Zell took it upon themselves to start clearing away some of the 
large debris that had fallen from the ceiling above.

Nicole meanwhile sat cross-legged in front of Quistis.

"Going home." She grinned. "I bet you're happy."

"You don't know the half of it, I'm just thankful Kadowaki has quit 
sticking things in me."

"Yeah well, you'll still need a nurse to help you out though."

"I have one, well sorta." Quistis grinned, pointing to Fujin who 
promptly sneezed.


Celest stared thoughtfully at the back of Jaya's head. Holding up the 
woman's waist length mane of raven hair, she sighed in disbelief.

"How in the world do you run around with all this and not get it messed 

Jaya, sitting dutifully, looked over her shoulder and grinned.

"Rolled braids, my mother taught me."

Miguel sat nearby reading a magazine with a towel wrapped around his 
head while Seifer watched the trio warily. Celest, being a paragon of 
all things fashion had after-hours access to the resident salon where 
the majority of the students and staff got their hair cut.

"And I thought my hair was bad." She chuckled, leaning Jaya's seat back 
so she could shampoo her hair.

"It is of no trouble." Jaya shrugged simply.

"I'll take your word for it." Celest chuckled.

"You realize of course I appreciate you giving us the free work over, 
but you're not cutting my hair." Seifer said bluntly.

"What gave you the idea I was going to cut your hair?" Celest pouted.

"Perhaps it was when you said he looked like a rural... what was the 
word?" Jaya mused thoughtfully.

"Bumpkin." Miguel answered slyly.

"A what!?" Seifer scowled. "I do not!"

"Hon, lets be serious, you look like you should be working on old cars 
in a pair of overalls with that mop on your head." Celest grinned 

"I resent that." Seifer huffed. "You've done made me shave the beard, 
that’s as far as I go."

"And I thank you. You look so much cuter baby faced, besides, the beard 

"I have heard that complaint many times myself, it is a tricky thing." 
Miguel said with obviously lewd implications.

"Oh no one asked you." Seifer groaned.

"There was this one woman, when I was but your age..." Miguel started 
with a devilish grin.

"Brother, please, no one wishes to hear of your conquests." Jaya sighed.

"No, no, wait now, this may be good." Seifer grinned.

"Hey!" Celest barked.

"Later my friend." Miguel nodded mischievously.

"Yeah, alright." Seifer chuckled then stood up anxiously. "How long is 
this going to take?"

"I'll be done when I'm done." Celest snapped. "Now sit down and wait 
your turn."

"Bah!" Seifer growled, sitting down heavily.

"You brought this on yourself." Miguel said quietly.

"Aw hell, what else were we supposed to do, let those guys talk smack?"

"What did those guys say anyway? I'm sure it's nothing Quistis and Fujin 
haven't heard before. Not everyone is so cozy with the idea of them 
being hooked up you know."

"You poked me in the eye." Jaya complained.


"You don't want to know." Seifer said, waving it away.

"Okay we're done." Celest chirped, raising Jaya up.

"Thank you." Jaya smiled politely as Celest set about drying the tangle 
wet mass of her hair.

"So." Miguel announced. "Are you coming with us?"

"Pardon?" Celest asked innocently.

"I thought you asked her?" Jaya asked Seifer, who balked slightly.

"Oh yeah...about that?" He replied, eyeing Celest.

"About what?" Celest frowned.

"You did not ask her?" Miguel chuckled.

"It was on my to do list."

"You lied to us?" Jaya frowned.

"No I didn't! Well, sort of."

"Seifer, what are they talking about?" Celest asked warily.

"I'll ask you later." Seifer commented dryly.

"No, you'll ask me now." She frowned.

"No way, it's done got weird now. I'll talk to you later about it." He 

"Just ask her." Miguel sighed.

"Yes ask!" Jaya bubbled merrily.

"Okay this is freaking me out, what have you guys been up to?" Celest 
chuckled slightly.

"Ah hell." Seifer scoffed, settling back in his seat nonchalantly. 
"Look, I didn't tell you last night because I didn't want to ruin the 

"Okay, well tell me now then?"

"Go on, it's not like you're proposing." Miguel grumbled under his 

"Leave me alone, I can manage this myself."

"Someone want to clue me in here!" Celest snapped, growing flustered.

"I'm leaving." Seifer said blandly.

"Oh..." Celest mouthed, stunned.

"Whoa, calm down." He added, seeing the gaunt look on her face.


"Its not what you think, I'm going to be heading out with Raijin and 
Miguel here."

"And I." Jaya added as she finished drying her hair.

"They go around helping people, taking bounties, fighting the good 
fight, stuff like that." Seifer explain, trying to sound as positive as 

"That’s just ridiculous." Celest scowled then looked at Jaya 
apologetically. "No offense."

"None taken." Jaya said with a slight frown.

"Okay, okay." Seifer admitted, throwing up his hands. "I admit it sounds 
crazy, but think about it. It's just us against the world, seeing the 
sites, making a difference."

"Yeah, you're right, it does sound crazy."

"Is it? Funny it's the same thing you guys are doing here except we 
don't make a business out of it." Seifer explained with a somewhat 
contemptuous expression.

"Whoa there, that’s not fair. Cid has to charge for our services 
otherwise we couldn't run things." Celest countered.

"True, I can see that, but look at it this way." Seifer grinned. "We can 
make a difference where it counts, with the little people."

"Bravo!" Miguel cheered, holding up his soda.

"Shut up." Seifer sighed, trying to ignore him.

"Alright, fine, you're going to run around like some hayseed hero, 
where's that leave me?" Celest scowled.

"That’s the beauty of it. I want you to come with me." Seifer smiled 

"You're joking." Celest said flatly.

"Not at all." Seifer grinned.

"Oh no." Celest laughed shaking her head. "I can see it now, you and the 
lady killer over there; sitting naked around the campfire, eating beans 
and farting while swapping tales of many a torrid affair while living 
some macho dream of heroic grandeur!" She raved loudly, throwing her 
arms into the air in disgust.

"I do not sit around naked." Miguel frowned. "The bugs, they bite."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this!" Celest crowed in dismay.

"Please, come with us Celest, you and I, we can be as sisters." Jaya 
pleaded, taking her hands in hers.

"Sisters? What?" Celest babbled, looking at her incredulously.

"This isn't the response I was expecting." Seifer mumbled to Miguel.

"And you!" Celest gawked at Jaya, causing her to balk slightly.

"Surely this sounds psycho to you too?"

"No, I have no hatred of nature and I enjoy helping the people." Jaya 
explained with an air of pride.

"Oh my goodness." Celest gasped, shaking her head as the realization 
that they were serious sank in.

"So what then, you're not coming." Seifer asked in quiet disappointment.

"Huh?" Celest sighed, holding her head and looking at him from the 
tangle of her hair. "Seifer, I, what would I do?"

"Live." He answered simply. "At least you be doing something. You're 
miserable here."

"I am not." She lied.

"Yes you are; you don't fit in here."

"Your one to talk." She countered snidely.

"True, and that’s why I'm leaving. Come with me."

"Seifer I can't just up and leave, what about my friends, my job?"

"They'll understand, and you'll be out in the world making your own 
decisions for once and not being railroaded into what you think people 
expect of you."

"I..." Celest frowned, the fear and worry evident in her eyes.

"Please." Jaya smiled, taking her hand in hers. "It will be fun."

"Yes, join us, travel the world, live the wild life!" Miguel boomed 
brightly. "Be free!" He added with a raucous laugh.

Everyone just looked at him.

"I was trying to lighten the mood..." He explained sheepishly.

"You're worse than Raijin..." Seifer sighed then turned his attention 
back to Celest. "Please, come with me." He asked quietly. "I'd really 
like to get to know you better, the real you; free of all of this." He 
gestured widely.


"Yes, say yes!" He chuckled, nodding his head in a goofy manner.

Celest chuckled and shook her head.

"Fine, you crazy bastard." She relented laughingly.

"Fuckin A!" Seifer blurted in surprise.

"See, I told you." Miguel smiled, folding his arms.


It was early in the evening when Ellone arrived at Quistis' apartment. 
She hoped she wasn't early. Even more so, she'd never been invited to a 
dinner that didn't involve dignitaries and was unsure what was expected.

"I should have brought something..." She mumbled to herself then started 
to leave. "A pie or something..." She frowned. "Oh where am I going to 
find something like that at this hour?" She fretted then turned back to 
the door.

"Ah the heck with it." She sighed then knocked.

"DOOR!" Fujin shouted from somewhere inside.

"Well get it you goof, It's not like I can." Quistis responded.

A moment past and finally the door opened. Ellone's eyes widened 
slightly as she took in the site of Fujin wearing an apron and covered 
with a thin layer of flour.

"Oh, am I early?" She asked worriedly

"NEGATIVE..." Fujin groused walking back into the kitchen.

"Ellone come in." Quistis waved from where she lay nestled on the couch 
with a book.

"Um hi." Ellone grinned sheepishly, shutting the door.

"Have a seat." Quistis prodded, nodding to the nearby loveseat.

"Thanks, um are you sure I'm not early?"

"Fujin's running late actually..." Quistis giggled.

"HEARD THAT!" Fujin snapped irritably from the kitchen.


"NO!" Fujin answered amid clanging pots while Quistis simply nodded 

"I offered to help but she insists I need to rest." She explained.

"What me to go assist?" Ellone whispered and Quistis gave her a pleading 
nod. Getting up, Ellone made her way tentatively to the kitchen, it was 
a disaster area.

"Oh my..." She mouthed as Fujin was apparently committing some act of 
mutilation to an overcooked chicken. Sensing her presence, Fujin turned 
to face her with an overly large butcher knife.


"Um...if I may make a suggestion?" Ellone grinned sheepishly. "You need 
a smaller paring knife if you're going to slice that without making a 

"PARING?" Fujin frowned.

"Um this one..." Ellone explained, removing one that was tightly lodged 
into a tin soup container.

Fujin said nothing but her expression spoke volumes.

"Want some help?" Ellone offered smilingly.

"OUT OF PRACTICE..." Fujin sighed in dismay.

"It's okay, we'll get through it."

Thankfully, Fujin's attempt wasn't as bad as it looked and it took very 
little for them to get things back in shape. As they made their way out 
of the kitchen Ellone headed to the dining table while Fujin just walked 
past it and set Quistis' and her plates onto the coffee table and sat in 
the floor.

"Um?" Ellone blinked, as Quistis slid off the couch to join Fujin.

"What are you doing over there?" Quistis giggled.

"I thought we would..." Ellone mumbled, looking questioningly at the 
dining table.

"Oh quit being so formal, plop down here." Quistis laughed, patting the 


Fujin looked up curiously as she approached and sat down awkwardly.

"Sorry, I'm not used to this kind of thing..." Ellone mumbled, trying to 
get comfortable while attempting not to appear too comfortable

"The food looks wonderful; you two did a good job." Quistis smiled.

"Fujin did most of the work; I only helped with the finishing touches." 
Ellone grinned.

"EAT." Fujin prodded them sternly.

"You heard her." Quistis chuckled. "I personally can't wait; I was 
getting tired of paste and ice-cream."

"TAKE SLOW." Fujin reminded her.

"Yes mom." Quistis sighed.

Ellone giggled slightly.

"So, Ellone, did you like our present?" Quistis asked.

"Very much so! I loved it, thank you so much!"

"I'm glad you liked it, it was the least I could do. I never got the 
chance to properly thank you for helping us so."

"It's okay, I was glad to help, really."

"Still, thank you."

"YES, THANKS." Fujin added sincerely.

Ellone blushed under the praise.

"Where have you been? I had hoped to see you earlier." Quistis asked 
worriedly. "I heard about you're little out burst, I hope you didn't let 
everyone upset you too much."

"I just needed to be away from people for a little while." Ellone 

"Well I hope now that you'll visit more often. I hear you and Fu have 
hit it off pretty well. I'm glad she's making new friends."

"I'M RIGHT HERE." Fujin grumbled.

"Sorry." Quistis giggled then looked back to Ellone.

"I'm sorry for the way everyone's been treating you. I honestly never 
meant to make you feel unwelcome and I'm sure the others didn't either."

"It's okay I understand. I think some of them are scared of me 

"WHAT, WHY?" Fujin asked curiously.

"Well, perhaps you should ask Quistis that." She responded meekly.

Quistis frowned slightly and nodded. "Back during the stink with 
Ultimecia, Ellone wrecked havoc on Squall, Selphie, Zell and I."


"She shifted us mentally into the past and put us in Laguna and the 
others' heads." Quistis explained, looking dizzy at the thought.

"WHY?" Fujin balked.

"I'd really rather not talk about it." Ellone mumbled self-consciously. 
"I was only trying to help..."

"Anyway, I think some of the others are a little uneasy around her."

"OH." Fujin shrugged then went back to eating.

Ellone sat quietly and looking downcast. Quistis frowned and took her 
hand from across the table.

"Look hon, don't worry about it anymore. I consider you part of my 
family and so does Fujin."

"I DO?" Fujin blinked.

"Yes!" Quistis hissed.

"OKAY." She said with a shrug.

"Ignore her." Quistis sighed, causing Ellone to giggle slightly. "Now 
then, since you're family I do hope to see more of you."

"I...I'd like that." Ellone responded with a warm smile.

Onwards to Part 91

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