Frozen (part 76 of 100)

a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction by Chendzeea Li

Back to Part 75


Balamb was alive with inhuman sounds and unearthly screams. Everywhere, 
the walls pulsed with unnatural life, strewn with electrodes that hummed 
and sparked amid fleshy organs of unknown function.

Quistis frowned as she made her way though the corridors. Being as 
ingrained into Balamb as he was, Norg was most likely feeling the damage 
inflicted by the Ragnarok. It was distracting and made it difficult to 
focus on the threat moving towards him.

"Quistis..." A weak voice coughed from behind her. Spinning around she 
readied her whip. Fujin stood in the shadows, bracing herself against a 
wall, her skin glistening, with sweat matting her hair against her weary 
face. Quistis backed up from her.

"What are you doing here...?" She asked in a shaky, untrusting tone.

"NOT ALONE..." Fujin frowned, straightening herself.

Quistis twitched and Fujin could see a threatening glare in her eyes.

"IT'S ME." Fujin said firmly.

Looking about cautiously, Quistis frowned, still unmoving. Fujin looked 
down and sighed, shaking her head. After studying a moment, Quistis held 
out a hand and offered a smile.

"Come on..." She said quietly.

Fujin pushed off the wall and made her way forward. Quistis watched her 
approach for a moment then her face twisted into a look of utter rage.

"WHAT!" Fujin blinked in surprise as Quistis began channeling a spell at 
her. "NO!" She screamed hoarsely, raising her arms to shield herself.

A blinding flash of lightning erupted and Fujin leapt to the side and 
fell to the ground. Looking up in wide-eyed amazement that she was 
unharmed; she was stunned to see Quistis stagger towards her. The spell 
had somehow backfired, her skin and clothes were horribly burned and a 
snarl was on her lips as she moved closer.

"QUISTIS!" Fujin shouted once more, quickly rising to her feet.

An earsplitting crack sounded and Quistis stiffened in surprise then 
grabbed at her throat before being yanked backwards. Another Quistis, 
this one unharmed stood several feet behind the other, her whip wrapped 
tightly around the other's throat.

"Fujin are you okay! What the hell are you doing here!!!" Quistis 
screamed, as she struggled to pull her smoldering doppelganger away.

Fujin looked between the two in confusion and backed up.

"Get away from it!" Quistis screamed.

The doppelganger, rose to its feet, and grabbed the whip. With a firm 
yank meaning to pull Quistis off balance. Quistis however, being skilled 
at the weapon knew better and simply let go. The doppelganger staggered 
backwards and Quistis immediately raised both hands. A sphere of 
blackness sprung forth behind the thing and it fell into it with a 
scream. The sickening crunch of shattering bones and crushed flesh was 
the only sound to be heard as the ball of darkness crushed the 
abomination into nothingness.

Fujin looked up at Quistis her mouth agape. Quistis rushed forward and 
grabbed her shoulders shaking her.

"What are you doing here!? Are you crazy!?"

Fujin's cool, but stunned exterior cracked and she started to cry. 
Quistis felt horrible and pulled her into an embrace.

"Oh baby I'm sorry." She whispered, stroking her hair.

"not abandon..." Fujin whispered weakly, between sobs.

"I know hon, but you're hurt." Quistis smiled sadly.

"can fight..."

Quistis kissed her tenderly and gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"How did you get away from Irvine, I told him to look out for you?" She 
asked even though she could probably guess. "You didn't hurt him did 

"live..." Fujin whispered rubbing her eye with her palm.

"You..." Quistis smirked, hugging her again. "What am I going to do with 

"NOT LEAVE." Fujin grumbled.

Quistis sighed sadly and nodded. "Deal..."

"WON'T HOLD BACK." Fujin assured her.

"I know hon, I know." Quistis said quietly, caressing her cheek. With a 
sigh she turned and looked into the darkness. She could feel something 
nearby, something foul, something sinister. Turning back to look at 
Fujin she took her hand in hers and smiled.

"Love you." She whispered.


They had spent a better part of the day together, enjoying each others 
company with a newfound enthusiasm. Rinoa now lay across Squall's chest 
sighing dreamily as he ran lazy fingers through her hair. Rinoa raised 
up as if startled and looked about. Squall looked at her in confusion.

"Something the matter?" He frowned.

"Something's wrong." Rinoa whispered.

"You mean besides the fact we've been in here all day?" Squall grinned 

"No." Rinoa scowled playfully then looked about again with a worried 
expression. Concerned, Squall sat up and looked about curiously.

"Rinoa?" He asked with a frown.

"I see fire..." Rinoa whispered in a haunting tone.

"Huh, where?" Squall mumbled, not liking the sound of her voice, she 
sounded much like Edea when she was possessed, hollow, and ethereal.

"A city, alive, unnatural...afire..." Rinoa said again, her eyes glazed.

"Rinoa..." Squall said with growing uneasiness. "This isn't funny."

"Consumes, grows, destroys...they will die." Rinoa whispered.

"Rinoa!" Squall shouted firmly, trying to jar her from her trance.

Rinoa turned to look at him with a startled expression.

"What!" She frowned sourly.

"What the hell was that all about?" Squall asked, his brow furrowed with 

"What, you're the one yelling." Rinoa mumbled, eyeing him suspiciously.

"You went into some kind of trance." Squall explained.

"I did not." Rinoa laughed.

"Then what? Was that some kind of joke? It wasn't funny."


"You said something about a city, on fire and people dying."


"Just now!"

"I don't remember saying it."

"Trust me, you did."


"Yes it is..." Squall frowned, getting up. "How do you feel?"

"Umm okay I guess..." Rinoa shrugged. "What are you doing?"

"To talk to Laguna, see if everything's okay." He answered, getting 

"We would've heard something." Rinoa reasoned.

"Yeah well, you had a vision and if either of us has learned anything 
from Edea, we'd do well to listen to it."

"If you're right, then how can we know what it means. I mean, it's not 
like I've any experience with this sorta thing. Sure, I've inherited the 
sorceress power, not that you'd notice. It's all I can do to keep from 
blowing something up whenever I try use it correctly. I wish Edea were 
still around..."

"I thought Quistis was helping you now?"

"She is, but we haven't had a chance to start." Rinoa replied.

"We'll figure something out. Get dressed."


"This is the Ragnarok, calling Esthar Air, over." Selphie droned into 
her headset. Irvine watched her sourly, still perturbed about Fujin 
attacking him. Everyone was dry on healing spells so he had to settle 
for a splint. Nida too, sat quietly, lost in though and trying to ignore 
the pain in is leg and throat. Selphie sighed and looked over to them.

"Sorry guys, no luck." She sighed.

"Ragnarok, this is Esthar Air. What can we do for you, over?" The radio 

Selphie squealed in glee.

"Tell them to get in touch with Squall!" Irvine blurted.

"No, have em contact Laguna!" Nida blurted.

"Hush!" Selphie hissed, flapping at them before switching responding to 
the call. "We're part of Balamb Garden. We've had a situation and 
require assistance. We have numerous escape craft in the water that need 
immediate recovery, over."

"Okay Ragnarok, we have you one sensors. We're sending out interceptors 
now, over."

"We need to contact President Loire and Cid Kramer so we can apprise 
them of our situation."

"We'll pass along you're request. Until then, you can set down at pad 
Gamma just fifty miles from your position, over."

"Will do, thanks for the assistance, over and out." Selphie chimed, then 
looked over at Irvine and Nida who were staring expectantly.

"Everything is taken care of, once we gather up Squall and the others we 
can go back and help Quistis." She said jubilantly.

"If she's still alive..." Nida mumbled.

"Don't talk like that." Irvine growled. "She's fine, Quistis can handle 
anything that bastard can throw at her. It's Fujin I'd be worried about, 
she was in no condition to be running off like that."

"She handled you alright." Nida groused.

"I didn't see you do anything." Irvine shot back sourly.

"Boys." Selphie sighed. "We’re all worried, lets not make it worse by 
fighting each other, okay."

"Sorry." The two men said quietly, feeling a bit like scolded children.

"Fujin's a grown woman, she made her own decision." Selphie added.

"Selphie, are you there!" Zell's voice crackled over the radio.

"Zell!" She squealed, happy to hear a familiar voice.

"What the heck is going on, I heard you guys had an accident!? Is 
everyone okay!?"

"It's bad Zell." She sighed, switching over to intercom so Irvine and 
Nida could talk as well. "Norg, he' Balamb."

"Norg!? Infested, what do you mean infested? Where's Miss Trepe?"

"She stayed behind to try and stop him, we had to evacuate." Irvine 
chimed in.

"You left her alone!?" Zell shrieked.

Irvine flushed in anger and embarrassment.

"She ordered me to." He mumbled.

"Fujin is with her." Nida offered.

"Well that’s something at least. Did everyone else make it out okay?"

"We had some casualties..." Selphie said quietly.

"Crap...oh man this is bad, real bad... Squall's gonna have kittens." 
Zell babbled in a near panic.

"Norg's somehow merged himself with the Garden, it's like it's alive 
now." Nida explained, answering Zell's previous question.

"Where's Squall or Cid?" Selphie asked.

"It's weird, Rinoa had some kinda of vision. They all went to talk to 
that quack, Odine. Anyway, I'm holding the fort with Ward and Kiros 
until they get back."

"We'll be landing soon. Tell them what happened and round up who ever 
you can. We're going to need all the help we can get..." Selphie said 


"How are you holding up?" Quistis asked Fujin softly as they made their 
way deeper into the core.

"OKAY." Fujin answered with a smirk.

Quistis studied her. True enough, Fujin seemed more like herself. But 
Quistis knew something was amiss. Her features where tight and a cool 
sheen of sweat glittered on her pale skin.

"You're lying to me..." Quistis said after a long pause.

"WINDED." Fujin admitted, brushing aside Quistis' worries as she 
quickened her pace.

"I'd tell you to stay and let me continue." Quistis sighed. Fujin 
started to protest but Quistis stopped. "But you'd only come anyway..."

"NOT LEAVE YOU." Fujin said firmly, pausing to look back at her.

"I know..." Quistis smiled, moving forward to put a hand on her cheek.

"Just be careful."

Balamb Garden shuddered and a low moan echoed through the pulsing halls.

Fujin looked around and frowned gravely.

"He's doing something...." Quistis said, listening intently.

"THERE!" Fujin gasped, pointing ahead.

The corridor before them started melting together slowly, a far cry from 
the speed in which the animated scenery moved just hours earlier.

Quistis took a step back and glanced back the way they came. The 
corridor behind them was already sealed and her eyes widened.

"Run!" Quistis shouted. Grabbing Fujin's hand, she ran forward to the 
quickly shrinking passage. Toffee like steel streamed around them, 
dripping heavily onto the floor as the ceiling sank. One doughy piece 
feel free and struck Quistis on the back, knocking the wind out of her 
and sending her to the floor. As she ran past Fujin hauled Quistis to 
her feet and all but dragged her forward.

A sharp pain shot through her from the effort and she winced slightly 
and scolded herself. She had to be careful not to reopen her barely 
healed wounds. Her breath rattled in her throat and she had to fight not 
to break into a telling cough. Clear of Norg's attempt to bury them, the 
two took a pause to catch their breath.

"NEED HURRY." Fujin grumbled.

"He'll be somewhere hot, which means the engine room."

Fujin looked at her watch. Judging by her estimates and assuming Balamb 
was still on course; they should be entering to farthest edges of the 
ice fields.


"I know. I just hope it doesn't come to that." Quistis frowned.


The trip to Odine's lab was a failure. A fact Rinoa was all too eager to 
point out as they drove back via limousine, to the presidential palace.

"That was a waste of time.... I told you that man is a lunatic." She all 
but yelled. Laguna frowned and looked to Squall for support.

"I though he could give us some answers. He's the only one who knows 
anything about the sorceress power."

"He's right Rinoa, it was worth a shot. We needed to see if he could 
help you with the visions." Squall sighed.

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one getting probed." Rinoa shot 

"We apologize my dear. But with Edea gone, he's the only expert we 
have." Cid said quietly. Rinoa's anger softened and she nodded solemnly.

"You're right sir, sorry." She mumbled.

"Laguna!" Kiros shouted, looking in on them from the front passenger 

"Yeah." Laguna sighed, rubbing his brow wearily.

"We have a problem."

"Problem?" He frowned.

Kiros looked at Cid and gulped.

"What?" Squall grumbled.

"Balamb's been evacuated, something about a Norg...there's been 
casualties. Zell's on the line. Should I patch him through."

Laguna and Cid exchanged pale looks and Laguna motioned for Kiros to 
patch the call.

"Zell, what happened...?" Cid asked in a steady tone, honed from years 
of dealing with disaster.


Pandemonia screamed silently, as an inferno roared along its pale blue 
and gray hide. Norg was aware of Quistis and Fujin's trek and was upping 
his attempts to keep them at bay while he tried to repair the damage the 
Ragnarok had caused. A pit here, a crushing wall there, all succeeded in 
slowing the two women but did nothing stop them. A new tactic was called 
for. Balamb had many back up generators, most of which were old and run 
with gasoline or similar volatile fluids. It was a simple matter then to 
gather up the liquid use it to send a torrent of liquid hell crashing 
down around the women.

Unfortunately though, the pale woman named Fujin had and an annoying 
capacity to detect danger and reacted to the impending attack at the 
last second. In a regretful but necessary counter move. Pandemonia 
switched places with the two women and took the brunt of the blast 
herself. Unable to take the roaring flames much longer, the guardian 
groaned and collapsed to one knee. The pain was unimaginable but the 
guardian relished it, for it was yet another taste of what they lacked 
in their natural form of thought and energy. The guardian's form, 
composed of borrowed corporeal energy began to dissolve under the 
onslaught of fire. As the worst of the blast died down to a flicker, 
Pandemonia gave one jubilant cry of defiance and died, satisfied that it 
had succeed in it's task. It's sacrifice was not in vain and as the 
Guardian faded from reality and back to it's home plane, Quistis and 
Fujin reappeared to find themselves standing amid smoldering wreckage 
and debris. Choking smoke filled the halls and they had to keep moving 
to keep their shoes from sticking to the oven hot floor.

Fujin staggered, weakened by the loss of her Guardian Force. Pandemonia 
would return, in time, but not soon enough to be of aid in the upcoming 
battle. Quistis supported her gingerly.

"It's hurts, I know... Is this the first time you lost one?"

Fujin nodded, her head swimming slightly.

"It'll pass, don't worry about her though, she'll be good as new in 
time." Quistis assured her. "The main thing is to be careful, you're 
going to be vulnerable now."

Fujin hissed and scoffed and straightened.

"I'M FINE." She grunted sourly.

"No you're not, so quite trying to pretend that you are. Take my hand."

Fujin looked at her skeptically.

"I'm giving you Siren, she's not strong at fighting support, but she'll 
keep you on you're feet."


"Not more than you, now quit arguing with me and take my hand."

Fujin growled and Quistis took her by the hand and closed her eyes. Deep 
in the recesses of her mind, Siren stirred to life; she was dormant but 
aware of what was going on. Unwrapping herself from her intimate embrace 
of Quistis' memories, she let herself flow into unknown territory.

She had come to know many partners of late, but Quistis was one of her 
favorites. The new place she entered was a turbulent, cold place with 
spiny walls of dark memories and storms of emotion. Siren hesitated; she 
didn't like being someplace so chaotic.

"FIGHTING ME." Fujin grumbled, sensing the Guardian's resistance.

"You're fighting her hon. Calm down so she can get settled."


"Just do it, we don't have time." Quistis said in a stern tone.

Fujin kept quiet and tried to ease her mind. Siren wandered Fujin's 
thoughts, trying to find a place to settle herself. She knew she'd never 
feel comfortable but realized it was something she'd have to deal with, 
if only for a little while.

Finally, she found something familiar but hidden, colorful thoughts of 
kinder things, flowers, songs, as well as visions of Quistis. This 
calmed the Guardian Force considerably and she relaxed, settling herself 
among them.

"Well?" Quistis asked as Fujin concentrated.

"SUCCESS." Fujin mumbled, the opened her eye. "DOESN'T LIKE ME."

"She'll have to get over it for now." Quistis smiled. "How do you feel?"

"BETTER." Fujin answered, taking a breath. "STRANGE."

"Siren's keyed to me in a different way Panda was to you." Quistis 
explained. "Think you two can get along?"

"HAVE TO." Fujin smirked.

"Good." Quistis said with a wink. "Let's finish this."


The Ragnarok and Laguna's Limousine approached the landing pad at the 
same time. Zell was already waiting on the tarmac and was hopping up and 
down with nervous energy.

"Come on, come on, come on! We gotta go man, we gotta go!" He was 
shouting eagerly. The limo skidded to a halt and the doors flung open. 
Squall leapt out and hit the ground running with Rinoa hot on his heels. 
Zell tossed them their weapons and the three of them charged toward the 
approaching Ragnarok as it lowered its gangplank. Zell leaped onto the 
plank easily while the ship was still in a hover and quickly hauled 
Squall then Rinoa aboard. Circling around, the ship's engines roared to 
life and craft shot into the distance.

Cid and Laguna stepped out of the limo to watch them leave.

"Let them be safe." Cid whispered.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine. I've already scrambled some troops to 
pick up the survivors and help out if needed." Laguna assured him.


The engine core was a smoldering, stinking nest of twisted flesh and 
steel. Everything pulsed with an unnatural life and a sea of swollen 
globular eyes watched them cautiously from the shadows. The hellish glow 
produced by Balamb's magically charged engines illuminated the nightmare 
laid out before them. Rows upon rows of long fleshy sacks hung from the 
ceiling, inside of each squirmed a vaguely humanoid shape.

"Hyne..." Quistis mumbled, inspecting one of the egg-like containers 
from a safe distance. A face pressed outward against the membrane and 
squealed loudly. The sound was as hideous as the being itself. Bald, 
pale, and covered in tumors, the creature was a mockery of the human 
form. Fujin gently pulled Quistis away as the thing thrashed to free 

"SOMETHING NEAR." She said nodding, towards the tower of grinding 
pistons and spinning turbines. Bluish runes of magic circled the massive 
engine, the bell like tinkling they created mixed with the hearty booms 
of the hard working generators. Steam vented from pipes scattered about 
the chamber with a hiss making it hard to see.

"Pur ru ru...." A deep guttural voice growled.

"NORG." Fujin frowned as a sea of blackness oozed out of the shadows and 
rose before them. It was a pillar of tortured flesh and bone, bristling 
with bits of machinery and plates of steel. Multiple grotesquely long 
and spindly arms wielded weapons it had been able to scavenge. 
Everything from the odd gunblade, to fighting sticks was at its 
disposal. It had also bonded a large industrial sized welding arm to its 
back where it hung over its back like a scorpion's stinger.

The head of the thing, shapeless and slug like was imbedded with 
computer monitors and video cameras, all of which shone with a bright 
light forming a halo of sort. The monstrosity was big, nearly forty feet 
tall and roughly ten feet wide. At its base, squirmed a forest of oil 
black tentacles that worked to steady the towering abomination. Eyes and 
mouth's formed spontaneously along the entire length of the creature. 
Quistis closed her eyes briefly in an instinctive attempt to disbelief 
the insanity that assaulted her senses.

The thing brought an arsenal of guns to bear on the two women. Fujin 
shoved Quistis to one side and a dove for another as a hail of gunfire 
erupted towards them. The shells tore up the ground, sending shards of 
concrete and metal flying. Quistis slid behind large turbine and yelled 
to Fujin who'd taken cover behind a large support beam.

"Get between him and the engine, he won't risk blowing it up!"

Fujin nodded and kicked at a tendril that erupted near her. Scrambling 
to her feet, Quistis charged straight at the behemoth. Not prepared for 
a direct assault Norg was caught off guard. Reacting quickly however, he 
brought the hail of gunfire down towards her. Fujin trusted Quistis' 
decision and used the diversion to maneuver to what she presumed was the 
back of the creature.

Quistis meanwhile stopped short and grinned as a diamond shape mote of 
light erupted before her. The light widened into a large portal, out of 
which a monstrous hound burst forth and landed with a roar. Cerebus, 
three headed and the size of a tank the Guardian Force snarled as its 
maws glowed with a hellish light. Norg rained gunfire down at the 
Guardian, bullets tearing into it's supernatural flesh, wounding it 
grievously but unable to stop what happened next. With a howl, the 
guardian breathed forth a spray of seeking white light that struck 
Quistis and Fujin simultaneously.

Fujin felt a surge of power and could tell her the energies that drove 
her spells were increased significantly. Cerberus, having spent its 
brief reserves of energy on the spell, vanished into a puff of steam and 
smoke. The monitors mounted atop Norg's head flashed with violent images 
of Fujin and Quistis' deaths. Quistis tried to ignore the illusions and 
quickly made her way around to where Fujin waited.

"Keep it busy!' She shouted as swarm of arms swung down at them. Each 
armed with swords and knives. Quistis yelped and rolled out of the way 
while Fujin artfully dodged and disarmed one of the limbs, earning a 
gunblade in the exchange. Fujin breathed a sigh of relief, glad to be 
armed, even if it wasn't her weapon of choice. The hail of gunfire had 
ceased, Quistis had been right, Norg was obviously being careful in not 
hitting the engine. That left them an easy victory if things got out of 
hand at least. However, she didn't want to resort to that, if the engine 
exploded it could very well take Balamb with it.

"GO!" Fujin screamed, gesturing for Quistis to go on with what ever she 
had planned next. With Fujin on defense Quistis knelt and closed her 
eyes, calling forth one of her reaming guardian forces. A small portal 
opened at her feet and a small rabbit like creature peeked out. The 
Guardian, called Carbuncle was white, with large furry ears and large 
blue diamond in the center of its forehead.

"We need your help little one." Quistis said softly.

"NO RUSH." Fujin shouted as one of the spindly arms assaulted her with a 
sheet of lightning. Fujin stiffened from the shock and staggered, having 
no time to recover as another hand slammed into her knocking back. As 
she flew backwards, she fired off a rapid series shots from the gunblade 
before bouncing off part of the engine. The gunfire blasted several arms 
to pieces sending them flopping to the ground where they immediately 

Carbuncle cooed and bounced merrily before filling the air with a 
soothing glow. A semi transparent field of energy erupted around the two 
women and Quistis quickly dismissed the small creature so she could 
focus on the battle.

Fujin was just getting to her feet when she noticed several eyes along 
the trunk of Norgs body glow crimson. She flinched as the Norg launched 
a series of magically charged fireballs at her. The first struck and 
splattered across the field that had just formed around her, while 
several of the others rebounded back the monster that cast them. Norg's 
many mouths roared in pain as large flaming holes where blown into its 

Quistis could feel the familiar call of her innate but hard to control 
magical abilities. Unfortunately, she could only summon forth such power 
when under dire stress or the threat of death. Either of which she knew 
would come all too easy in this battle. As if to prove her point, the 
arc welder attached to Norg swung down to strike her in the back like a 
flaming stinger. The white-hot fire tore through her left shoulder blade 
disintegrating any bone and flesh it encountered. Quistis screamed and 
nearly fainted from the pain. Fujin was quick to catch her and quickly 
inspected the wound. Cauterized, the smoldering wound didn't bleed but 
it left her arm useless.

"QUISTIS." Fujin shouted, trying to keep her awake.

"I'm okay!" Quistis babbled, her eyes rolling.

Norg begged to differ and he swatted them both away from the engine with 
spontaneously spawned tentacle the size of small car. Quistis' 
trajectory sent her flying into the hanging mass of eggs, tearing 
several free, sending them splattering to the floor. Fujin's sent her 
into the hallway they had used to enter the room. Landing hard, she felt 
something deep within tear.

Sitting up, she coughed up blood, the bitter and alkaline taste of it 
made her frown in disgust. Determined not to worry about it, she looking 
to where Quistis landed. She could see several humanoid forms struggling 
to stand amid their own putrid afterbirth. Quistis was a frenzy of 
destruction, attacking any of the humanoids that dared to get near her. 
Enchanted as it was, her whip dismembered one, while a swift kick 
beheaded another. Her wound limited her attack options but she was 
deterred to keep the sea of groping and clawing fiends at bay.

"Shru ru ru My children! The Seed's are MINE!" Norg bellowed. Bringing 
the guns to bear on them once more.

"NEGATIVE." Fujin shouted, releasing the energy boost Cerberus had given 
her in a rapid succession of powerful lightning spells. With a crack of 
thunder, three titanic bolts rained down atop Norg's head with a 
deafening boom that shook the room.

The nest of electronic and flesh that served as Norg's head exploded in 
a shower of sparks and gore. The entire tower of flesh that was Norg's 
body shuddered with a violent spasm that sent all the guns firing in 
every direction.

Fujin didn't stop to see if she killed him, instead she focused on 
helping Quistis who was overwhelmed by the growing mob of humanoids that 
were tearing themselves out of their egg-sacks.

Fujin moved forward to assist when a telltale flash of yellow light 
signified an impending magical attack deep within the writing mass of 
biting, clawing monstrosities.

Quistis broke free of the mound, her eyes aglow. With a flash, a stream 
of laser like energy erupted from her eyes. Cutting everything in half 
that came across her line of vision. Fujin threw herself to the floor as 
Quistis spun around to face her attackers slicing the majority in half. 
Then turned to face Norg the beam went through him effortlessly along 
with a fare sized piece of the engine housing.

Many of Norg's arms were severed in the attack and fell uselessly, 
before the entire upper half toppled forward and crashed heavily to the 

Quistis stumbled and fell, weakened from the drain caused by using the 
erratic magic. Fujin moved towards her with a loping gait. The remaining 
few of Norg's so called children moved to intercept her and she had no 
problems silencing them with the last of her offensive spells. Quistis' 
assault had turned the floor into a sewer of gore that made her want to 

"DISGUSTING." Fujin grumbled, helping Quistis to her feet.

"But did it work? I don't think I can do that again..." Quistis sighed.

"A pity then." A voice gurgled, seemingly from everywhere.

Fujin stiffened and Quistis groaned. The pile of ruined flesh that had 
been Norg melted into sludge then reformed anew.

Fujin scowled, she was weak, broken and out of magic. Quistis was only 
in slightly better shape.

"My garden, fu sh u ru ru!!! My Children, my SEED's, MINE!" Norg roared, 
loudly. The ocean of tendrils erupted from the floor. Fujin slashed 
wildly with the gunblade she had acquired, severing ten at a time, but 
to no avail. Quistis, one arm dangling lifelessly and her weapon lost in 
the battle could barely keep them off her.

"BLOW ENGINE!" Fujin shouted. Quistis winced at the thought but knew she 
had no choice.

"Fall back! We have to get out of here first!" Quistis ordered, then 
pointed to a spiral staircase leading up to a higher level. "There!" She 
shouted. Fujin cleared a path as they retreated. Spells erupted around 
them, raining fire and lighting in all directions, only to be rebounded 
back. Norg howled in mix of rage, pain and aggravation. Quistis was 
thankful, but knew Carbuncle's shielding wouldn't last much longer. Norg 
tantrum bought them some time as it diverted his attention momentarily 
and they quickly made their way up the stairs. Finally a safe distance, 
Quistis closed her eyes as she prepared to summon her remaining 
guardian. Instead, she fell into a fit of coughing and wheezing, she was 
hurt, the wound to her back had all but destroyed a lung making it hard 
to breath. Noticing her difficulty Fujin stopped, and kissed her. 
Surprised by the ill-timed gesture, Quistis sputtered.


"NEED TO CONCENTRATE." Fujin grinned, as Norg sent an armada of jagged 
tendrils flying towards them. Caressing Quistis' cheeks delicately she 
let the last spell she had, flow into Quistis. A healing spell, not too 
powerful, but enough to heal the worst of her wounds.

"Fujin wait!" Quistis stammered, seeing the tendrils flying towards them 
out of the corner of her eye. At the last second, Fujin flung Quistis to 
the floor and ducked the majority of the tendrils. Only one connected 
and she wrapped her hands around it with a gasp as it slammed in her 
stomach, sending her flying backward against the stairwell. Quistis' 
eyes went wide.

Fujin gritted her teeth as blood flowed from between her fingers.

"No, no, no, no!" Quistis shouted in near hysteria.

"CALM DOWN." Fujin winced, looking at her as she strained to push the 
tendril back. She had caught the barbed tendril just in time, still 
though; the serrated edges cut wickedly into her palms.

"You bitch, you scared the hell out of me!" Quistis shouted in joyous 
relief as Fujin tossed the tendril aside. Norg retracted it instantly 
and roared in frustration.

"WATCH IT." Fujin grinned, tossing herself to the floor beside Quistis 
as a hail of fireballs washed over their heads. Quistis jumped to her 
feet and stuck out her hands and Norg prepared another attack. After a 
moment's concentration Quistis opened her eyes and looked to Fujin.

"I hope this works, I've nothing left this."

"LOVE YOU." Fujin mumbled; sitting down to rest as a portal opened in 
the air above Norg. Leviathan, a massive serpentine creature composed of 
water flowed out of the portal and wrapped itself around the engine 
before solidifying into a great emerald hued serpent. Norg whirled to 
confront the Guardian Force. With a screech, Leviathan exploded into a 
titanic waterfall that crashed down over the engine and knocked Norg 
over. Huge plumes of steam erupted from engine. Quistis fell back as the 
steam rushed past her. Squinting through the burning plumes, she quickly 
summoned Shiva one last time. Weary, the Guardian Force appeared in an 
explosion of ice.

"Freeze it." Quistis growled, pointing down to Norg as he struggled to 

Nodding quietly, Shiva waved her hands over the pool of water that had 
pooled at the bottom of the engine room.

Ice quickly spread throughout the chamber and Norg bellowed in pain, as 
his lower half was frozen solid. Balamb's engines sputtered and began to 
whine loudly as ice clogged turbines and shorted circuits. With a 
shuddering roar, the engines ground themselves to pieces sending debris 
flying in all directions. Norg thrashed about, tendrils flailing. One 
errant limb shattered a massive cooling pipe. Superheated water spewed 
down into the ruined engine room, melting the ice and once again sending 
out plumes of steam.

"Not, good." Quistis frowned. She could see Norg roiling about furiously 
as he thawed. Worried, she turned to find Fujin lying on her side.

"Fu?" Quistis frowned, rushing to her side.

"sorry..." Fujin whispered, coughing up blood.

"You've reopened your wounds...." Quistis whimpered. A brief sensation 
of weightlessness overtook them as Balamb began to fall. Below, they 
could hear Norg's startled roars and bellows. Leaning over Fujin, 
Quistis grabbed on to the stairwell with all her might. Balamb Garden 
was over a large ice-sheet when the engines blew. The craft had 
emergency systems to slow any out of control descent and the back up 
generators spun to life with a roar. Small rings of magical energy 
circled the structure causing it to pause slightly in midair before 
continuing it's fall and even though the descent was slow, the sheer 
mass of the Garden hitting the thick ice was enough to shatter it. Lower 
portions of the structure were damaged by the impact and icy water began 
to stream into the lower levels.

Quistis looked up into the dimming light as the engines cooled and the 
magic faded. She could hear Norg screaming, engrained as he was into 
Balamb, she knew the ice water was like being in hell. She smiled to 
herself as the freezing water began rushing into the engine room below. 
With one strangled cry, Norg, tried to rise from the chill waters, 
already, his form was turning gray and flaking into large chunks. With 
one last act of rage, he sent a tendril out to snare the stairwell. As 
the life drained out of him, he yanked the stairwell free causing it to 
collapse. Quistis screamed and grabbed Fujin, trying to shield her the 
best she could as they fell. A large piece of rubble struck them, 
causing them to separate, Fujin landed in the water while Quistis fell 
amid the twisted steel and concrete. The icy water briefly snapped Fujin 
to her senses enabling her to swim feebly to where Quistis lay, buried 
and broken.

"No..." She coughed hoarsely dragging herself out of the water only to 
collapse limply at her side.

"We did it..." Quistis whispered, reaching out for her. She could feel 
shattered bones grinding against vital organs but oddly, there was no 
pain, only a biting cold. Curling up, Fujin took her hand and sighed 
softly. And so, the two of them lay in silence, comforted by each 
other's fading warmth until the darkness took them.

Onwards to Part 77

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