Frozen (part 28 of 100)

a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction by Chendzeea Li

Back to Part 27
The Detonation of Selphie Tilmett

Sunrise, the suns rays assault my vision even through tinted goggles. No 
one else is out here this early, and I enjoy the quiet beauty of the 
snow-covered landscape. Alone, I prepare for my endeavor having decided 
not to wake her, she who'd worked so hard lately to teach me how to feel 
and how to live again. I love her for it, but now, now it's time for 
something I must do alone. With grim resolve I set my jaw and ready my 
mind as prepare for the trial to come. I welcomed the challenge, it will 
give me something else to think about. Not that I regret anything, just 
the opposite.

Last night was something special, something more intimate than I'd ever 

"A taste of things to come?" I wonder. I've never done anything like 
that before, never had anyone see me that way. Frightening really, what 
if things progress, what then? I find that I want to explore more, but 
yet I'm also terrified of the unknown.

"DISTRESSFUL." Fujin mumbled pushing her worries to the back of her 
mind, then with a grunt she pushed off the slope.

She recalled clearly what Quistis had taught her about center of gravity 
and the angle of the skis. However she found that the task was easier 
said than done as she quickly realized she was going far faster than she 
wanted to. She was only mildly surprised when the skis decided that they 
no longer wanted to travel in the same forward direction as they began 
to drift apart.

"DAMNATION." She managed as she tried to keep straight, 
overcompensating; the skis crossed each other's path and promptly locked 

"At least there's no tree." She thought grimly as she was launched head 
over heels through the air. She tried bravely to tuck into a roll as she 
hit, but the skis prevented any attempt at heroic self-preservation.

There was a knock on the door and Quistis buried herself deeper under 
the blankets.

"Fu kill them." She mumbled pleadingly as the knocking intensified.

She fumbled around for her companion, finding herself alone she sat up 


Yet again there was a knock on the door.

"Fu?" Quistis called again as she stood and looked about for something 
to put on.

More urgent knocking rattled her senses.

"Hold on!" Quistis yelled in annoyance as she quickly found and donned 
her robe.

She yanked the door with snarl of annoyance.

"Read the sign!" She barked, pointing at the -do not disturb- sign she'd 
hung after Fujin took ill. Raijin towered over her.

"Ah for the love of." She moaned inwardly.

"Miss Trepe!" He beamed merrily.

"Yes Raijin..."

"Checkin on my sister, her bein sick an all, brothers gotta worry ya 

"No problem, but I fear she's up and vanished." She said with baffled 
look over her shoulder.

"Fu's like that sometimes, mysterious motives and all ya know."

"Yeah I know." She sighed rubbing her brow.

"Well I guess that means she's feeling better then ya know."

"She's fine now, just a twenty four hour bug."

"Good thing ya know. She's stubborn and hates being sick, she don't like 
depending on folks ya know."

"Yeah." She said with a knowing smirk.

"Well I'm hitting the slopes then, tell her I came by ya know."

"I will Raijin."

"Take care Miss Trepe."

"You too." She waved faintly as she shut the door, Raijin tuned and 
stopped it.

"Oh Miss Trepe one more thing." He paused and looked at her with an odd 
bit of clarity he normally lacked.

"Yes?" She shifted warily.

"Take care of her, ya know." He said with an even, almost threatening 
tone. His eyes scanned hers with hawk like intensity.

"I will." She said without flinching. "See you around Raijin."

He gave her the thumbs up and then without another word he turned and 
headed up the hall.

She watched him curiously till he rounded the corner.

"BUFFOON." Fujin grumbled, out of now where.

"HYNE!" Quistis yelled and looked at her in surprise. Fujin stood 
impassively off to her side in the hall.

"WHAT?" Fujin nodded up the hall where her brother left, as she fished 
about in a small paper bag she carried.

"What'd he want?"


"Just checking up on you."


"Be nice. Where'd you run off to anyway."

Fujin pulled a stuffed mog wearing mittens and scarf out of the bag.

"What's that." Quistis grinned.


"Yes it is."

Fujin handed it to her.

"For me?"

Fujin nodded blandly.

"Oh how sweet, careful though people gonna start talking."

"BAH." Fujin scoffed and pushed past her to enter the room. Quistis 
fawned cutely over the plush pink critter. She plopped on the bed and 
groaned dully as she slipped out of her boots. She was sore all over, 
she began to wish she'd waited to try the slopes again.

"You still feeling a lil out of it?" Quistis asked worriedly as she shut 
the door and walked over to her.




"Ohhh so that’s where you ran off to. Why didn't you wake me?" Quistis 
arched her brow with playful suspicion as she sat down beside her.




"Brat." Quistis shoved her lightly and went back to fawning over the 

Fujin watched her and could not help but smile at her childish antics.


"Of course." Quistis said simply and looked at her with thoughtful eyes. 
"You're here, why wouldn't I be."


"What is?"


"Oh stop that, you are too."


"I do, so hush." Quistis kissed her lightly on the cheek, then stood.

"LAST DAY." Fujin mumbled with an air of regret.

"Yeah I know."


"For what?" Quistis looked at her bewildered.

"SICK, RUINED FUN." Fujin said sourly.

"Hardly ruined." Quistis said with a saucy smile. "I'd say things have 
been most entertaining lately. Last night was..."Quistis smiled a slow 
rich smile and closed her eyes.

"I've had fun." She finally managed with a shrug and a wink.

Fujin flushed uncomfortably, she still wasn't used to such feelings, 
much less being open about them.


Quistis opened her eyes and looked down at her curiously.

"Worry, about what?"


"That’s odd, you usually don't worry about that."


"What are you worried about hon? If it’s the others, we've been over 
that, its none of their business they'll have to get over it."


"How so?"


"Oh That, I'm prepared to deal with. You're more important to me, easy 
as that."


"Only if we let it be Love." Quistis said breezily, Fujin blushed and 
sighed. "We can keep this under wraps if you're worried that much hon."

"NOT ASHAMED." Fujin snapped, offended at the thought.

"Easy, I never said you where. I just know how uncomfortable you are by 
all this."


"Fu, please." Quistis knelt before her and cupped her face in her hands. 
"This is new to both of us. We can afford to go easy, I'm not going 
anywhere and I hope to hell you're not."


"Good, so take it slow then, when your ready we'll go from there. Like I 
said, don't worry about what everyone thinks."


"Good." Quistis smiled and pulled her into a warm reassuring kiss.


Royce and Aeka walked quietly up the hallway lost in discussions of the 
morning's class. They where stuck together on a class project much to 
Aeka's delight. As they rounded the corner they saw a pile of clothes 
and debris scattered out of one of the upperclassmen apartments.

"What the?" Royce mouthed as he stopped short of the pile.

"That's Selphie's room isn't it?" Aeka whispered.

The sound of wanton destruction echoed out of the apartments opened 
door. Royce held out a hand for Aeka to stay back as he crept toward the 
door. The sound of a woman spouting curses befitting a demon from hell 
greeted his ears. The sheer vileness of the obscenities nearly forced 
him back like a poisonous snake.

As he poked his head in the room he immediately noticed a guitar case 
flying towards his face like an errant meteor.

"Jeez!" He yelped as he fell back away from the case as it slammed into 
wall opposite of the front door.

"BASTARD!" Selphie screamed in petite rage as she dragged the shattered 
remnants of the guitar the case used to hold. She wielded the broken 
instrument like some deranged caveman as lurched out the door. Aeka 
shouted in surprise and prepared to run.

"What the hell!?" Royce shouted as he scrambled madly to get his footing 
in the pile of men's underwear and smelly shirts.

Squall and Zell walked the opposite way up the hall towards Selphie's 

"I dunno Squall, they've been bickering lately." Zell said, then he 
spotted the carnage up ahead he paused in shock.

"Oh here we go." Squall said dully upon seeing Selphie staggering out of 
her apartment apparently ready to assault one of the students.

"I got her." Zell shouted, bolting forward to tackle the half-pint 

Selphie brought the battered Guitar down hard but no wear near Royce. 
Royce was only just realizing she didn't even notice him before she 
vanished in a blur of motion.

Aeka screamed in terror as Zell and Selphie spilled out at her feet, 
Selphie turned into a thrashing, kicking, biting engine of destruction 
Zell was barely able to contain.

"SELPH!" She punched him square in the eye. "Sonofabitch." He cursed 
sharply then pinned her solid to the floor. Squall shoved his hands in 
his pockets as he walked over to the group. He dully noticed the goings 
on had drawn crowd of other students. Even Luccian was standing in the 
hall curious as to what the racket was.

"Go to your rooms." Squall said impassively.

No one moved.

"NOW!" He barked sharply, his eyes gleaming, causing everyone to bolt. 
Aeka helped Royce to his feet and they quickly scampered off. Finally 
clear of snoopers Squall knelt by Zell and Selphie and sighed.

"Let me go Zell." Selphie said evenly.

"Screw that." Zell replied bluntly.

"Selphie what's this about." Squall asked with growing impatience.

"Dirty Rotten sack of!!!" She screamed.

"Jeez Selph keep it down there are kids on this floor." Zell yelled.

"I'll kill him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him." She bellowed 

"Kill who? Irvine." Zell asked.

She screamed in rage.

"Great." Squall sighed. "What now?"

"I seen him!"

"What?" Zell asked.

"With her!" She said in a tone dripping with venom.

"Who?" Squall chimed in.

"That flo...floozy!" She sputtered, to angry to see straight.

"Who?" He asked again.

"Celest! Whore! Tramp, Trollop!"

Zell put a hand over her mouth.

"Who the hell is Celest?" Squall shrugged, baffled.

"Err she's new exchange student from Galbania. You know." He blushed. 
"The red head with the huge." He trailed off as Selphie started 
thrashing under him.

"Oh." Squall rolled his eyes recalling the fuss the girl caused the 
first day she arrived. "Selphie calm down."

A muffled roar was her response.

"Dude I can't sit here all day, I gotta get the Ragnarok ready to go." 
Zell grunted as he fought to keep her under control.

"Go, where?"

"Gotta pick up Miss Trepe and Fujin."

More yells erupted from Selphie at that.

"Forgot about her, damn, alright then." Squall grimaced and looked down 
at Selphie who's face was afire with outrage.

"He's gonna let you up now okay."

Muffled curses.

"I'm hoping you behave so we can sit down and discuss this like normal 

"What the hell?" Irvine yelled abruptly as took in the scene before him 
as he rounded the corner with an attractive, buxom redhead by his side.

"Seems there was a fight or something." The girl said curiously.

Imagine Zell's surprise when he felt himself being lifted off the floor.


"How can you find this fun." Rinoa groaned dully as she stared blankly 
at the chess set before her.

"It exercises the mind." Nicole smiled as she waited for Rinoa to make 
her move.

"Old people do this."

"Oh please."

"They do."

"You're stalling." Nicole smirked.

"I am not." Rinoa pouted.

"Un Huh."

"Wonder where the boys are?"


"Okay okay." Rinoa quickly moved her queen forward; oblivious to its 
danger from Nicole's waiting rook.

"I dunno, they've been having a field day with the new students in the 
training center all week, they're probably there." She said briskly as 
she ambushed the hapless queen and removed her from the table.

"You're evil." Rinoa said glumly as she propped her head in her hands.

"Ahem, you're the one who asked me to help you learn to focus better." 
Nicole said smartly. Rinoa rubbed the bridge between her eyes and 

"I know, I know, Edea thinks it'll help me keep my powers in check, 
something about random bursts and mood magic, whatever the heck that 

"You should listen to her."

"I know, I just have lot of things on my mind."

"You worry about things that are none of your concern."

"I know I can be a little..."

"Nosy? Worrisome?"

"Hey now, be nice." Rinoa sulked.

"Just telling the truth, I'm you're friend after all."

"So you say."

"Check and mate." Nicole smiled, as she positioned her own queen.

"I hate you."

"You do not." Nicole laughed brightly.

"Yes, yes I do." Nodded in affirmation.

"How are things with you and Squall?"

"Well enough." Rinoa shrugged, as she began setting up the board again.

"That all? Uh oh sounds bad."

"No, no, not at all." Rinoa assured her. "I find it a challenge, he's 
really a nice guy he just keeps stuff close to his chest."

"I agree, you could've done far worse."


"Wasn't gonna name any names."

"Seifer was okay, he just made bad decisions."

"Boy that’s not what Quistis had to say."

"Why would she care?"

"She was his teacher."

"I think she was jealous, wanted him."

"I thought you said Fujin was the jealous one."

"Her too."

Nicole laughed

"What?" Rinoa gave her a wary look.

"So everyone is after you're boyfriends."

"What's that supposed to mean."

"I thought you said Quistis was after Squall."

"She was."

"You're as bad as Selphie."

"I am not."

"Whatever. You get first move."

"I still can't figure out why she'd take Fujin."



"Would you focus please."

"Aren't you curious."

"Not in the least."


"I'm not. From what I understand Fujin is going to be in her class, I 
can only assume she's trying to help her adjust somehow."

"I think Fujin's brainwashed her like Seifer did her and her brother."



"You insane." Nicole laughed.

"Listen to me."

"Oh I'm all ears, this is too good to pass up."

"Well Seifer got Rajin and Fujin all wrapped up in this whole weird 
family like posse right?"

"If you say so, I really paid little attention to them."

"Anyway, I think Fujin is a little off in the head."

"Just a little? I figured you'd say she was a frothing gibbering mad 
woman." Nicole said sarcastically.

"I was trying to be nice."

"Oh for the love of." Nicole shook her head.

"Now we know Quistis can be impressionable and clingy."

"Where the hell did that come from." Nicole scowled going on defensive.

"No, no listen, I'm not being mean."

"Quistis happens to be one of the most strong willed people I've ever 

"Nicole, come now."

"I'm serious, she's not clingy or impressionable, matter of fact she can 
be down right hard headed."

"Okay then." Rinoa relented seeing the growing anger in her friend's 

"See, here I thought you were being funny, but I'm not about to sit her 
and listen while you slander someone who's been like a sister to you."

"I." Rinoa stammered; this hadn't turned out like she expected.

"You've been scratching and poking all in Quistis's business lately, 
making accusations and all but calling her insane." Nicole found herself 
getting riled up.

"I worry about her." Rinoa said meekly.

"She's a grown woman Rinoa."

"I've seen how Fujin acts, and from what Seifer told me she's not 
someone Quistis needs to be hanging out with." Rinoa blurted bluntly.

"Rinoa!" Nicole scolded.

Rinoa set her jaw and huffed angrily.

Squall walked into the room wearily, he looked at the girls sitting at 
kitchen table as he slipped off his coat. His hair was a mess and he had 
a bruise under his left eye. Rinoa and Nicole glared hotly at each other 
from across the table. He was afraid to ask but considering his epic 
encounter with Selphie just now; he might as well finish himself off.

"What now?" He asked dryly.

"NOTHING." Both girls snapped bitterly.

He grumbled incoherently in return and stormed out into the living room.


Somewhere on the battlefield that was corridor 7 of residential block 4 
of Balamb garden two figures went about the grim work of cleaning up the 
trashed hallway.

Selphie held a trash bag twice her size as Irvine stuffed the remains of 
his trench coat into it.

"You mad at me?" She whispered shyly.

Irvine said not a word as he scooped up his other items from the floor.

"You could have told me." She tried.

Again he said nothing.

The woman, Celest, came out of their apartment with an ice pack on her 

"How are you two doin?" She asked, her voice muffled from the pain in 
her jaw.

"Um I'm okay." Selphie said sheepishly.

"Fine." Irvine said grimly.

"How are you doing Celest? You really should go see the nurse. I've 
heard curaga cast quickly can fix lost teeth."

"I'll take care of it." Celest scowled.

"I'm sorry, if it helps."

"It doesn't." Celest said sourly.

"I understand." Selphie slumped sadly, she felt like the vilest person 
in the world.

"You can take a swing at me if it'll make you fell better." She offered.

Celest took an eager step forward and Selphie closed her eyes and 

"No." Irvine said firmly and holding Celest back. Selphie opened her 
eyes and frowned.

"Aw I deserve it Irvine let her deck me." Selphie pulled at his arm.

"No there's been enough fighting." He pushed her away gently.

"Celest go see the doc, have em heal you up."


"Selphie you'll help me clean this up."

"Okay." Selphie felt like crying.

Celest vanished up the hallway, Irvine waited a moment then looked down 
at Selphie.

"You hate me now don't you?" She whimpered.

"You're not my favorite person right now." Irvine admitted.

"I screwed up."


"How was I supposed to know she was your sister, you told me you was an 
only child."

"I only found out last week, I'd meant to surprise you with the news."

"It was a surprise if that helps."

"You beat her up and gave Squall a black eye. What you did to poor Zell, 
you'll be lucky if he ever talks to you again."

"I'm sorry."

"What did you think? I was cheating on you?"


"You did?" Irvine looked hurt.

"You like to flirt, how was I supposed to know, she's so beautiful and 
all, I saw you two talking during lunch, then hugging by the fountains. 
What was I supposed to think?"

"Okay, well I can see your point. But you should have came to me first."

"And say what."

"How about asking me the truth."

"I was afraid to know."


"Can you forgive me?"

"I don't know you, just told me you don't trust me."

Selphie's heart sank at his words, she quietly picked up her bag and 
started stuffing clothes in it. Nothing else was said between them, both 
lost in troubled thoughts as said as they finished their grim quiet 

Onwards to Part 29

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