Frozen (part 2 of 100)

a Final Fantasy 8 fanfiction by Chendzeea Li

Back to Part 1
Girls night out

After lunch Quistis hurried back to her room recover the Fujin’s jacket.

"Dumbass you cant do anything right lately."

She stood at the door and looking for her key frantically.

"Gone." She moaned and banged her head on the door.

"Quisty?" Quistis shuttered visibly and looked over her shoulder.

Selphie stood beaming brightly with Irvine smiling like a idiot behind 

"Oh no..." Quistis started, shaking her head with much determination 
"Not now Selphie." "Yup." Selphie nodded vigorously and giggled.

"If ya don’t Irvine will carry you." Irvine nodded and folded his arms 

"Oh you two, any time but now please." Quistis pleaded weakly.

"My rooms a mess, I’ve locked myself out, I had a rough night and I have 
this stupid student roster to fill out. " She said hopefully, holding up 
as if to fend them off. Selphie stood on her tiptoes to regard the form.

"Hmmm... Yoink!" She snapped the roster from her and flipped it over to 
Irvine. With a wink he snatched it out of the air then strode off.

"But!?" Quistis spouted feebly. Selphie beamed merrily and rocked back 
on her heels. "That’s taken care of what’s else is your problem." 
Quistis slumped and thumbed at the door. Selphie dug in her pockets and 
produced a set of keys.

"Zoink! Ya left em at the party." Quistis took them grimily and unlocked 
the door. Selphie was inside before she got the keys out of the latch.

"So Quistis what have you been up to lately? You’ve been such a doom and 
gloomer lately. I decided to make it my mission no matter the costs to 
life, limb and property to see that you! Quistis Trepe have a good 

Selphie strode to the window and pulled the shade.

"By Hyne’s grace its dark in here, let some light in once and awhile. 
Your poor tree is gonna die if you don’t. I just cannot allow such 
blatant disregard for plant welfare. Don’t make me scold you."

She then promptly vanished into the bedroom. Quistis stood in 
dumbfounded daze.

"You slob you didn’t make your bed! Remember a clean home is a happy 

The frantic girl had the bed made by time Quistis made it to he bedroom 

Selphie leaned down and picked up Fujin’s Jacket.

"Ohhhh I didn’t know you had one of these uniforms? A little short for 
you don’t you think?" She giggled and slipped it on; it engulfed her.

"When did you get this? Eww smells like you slept in it though, like old 
wine and feet." Quistis scowled. "Hey?"

Selphie shoved past her and back into the main room. She then vanished 
into the nearest closet and pulled out a vacuum. Quickly plugging it in 
she switched it on and buzzed around the entire apartment.

"Our first trip we are going into town we are heading south soon so its 
going to get hot and you my dear are sorely getting out fashion. No 

Quistis looked aghast. "Hey I buy my stuff straight from the Lockheart 

Selphie winked and pointed at her.

"Yes but when was the last time you went shopping.."

Quistis frowned. She had no idea.

Selphie left her stammering and tossed the vacuum in the closet. She 
then leapt to the center of the living room.

"There done." She pirouetted merrily. Then she slid out of the Jacket.

"This is too short for you now, can I have it." She asked hopefully. 
Quistis shook her head.

"Sorry Selph no can do."

"I’ll buy it from you then they’re hard to come by a real limited 
edition. Only other one I seen belong to that she devil Fujin. GRRRR 
FIRE BAD!" Selphie bellowed with outstretched arms as she tottered 
around the room like a deranged zombie.

"Her names Fujin and sorry cant sell it." Quistis said quietly.

"No worries. You ready?" Selphie said handing the jacket over.

"Sure I guess, I have to drop this off at the cleaners first though." 
She said regarding the Jacket. She was somewhat put off by Selphie’s 
mockery but chose to remain silent.


Fujin sat in the eerie chamber that used to house Norg, she was given 
permission to convert it to her quarters by Squall and Cid, the only 
ones who knew. They agreed all to quickly, most likely to keep the risk 
of fights down between her and others. No one understood. She sat naked 
in near silence on the edge of her bed. Still wet from her shower she 
dried her hair lazily as she listened to the droning of the ship’s 
engines. She found the hum comforting and the spectral beauty of the 
chamber put her at ease. The circular room glimmered with a glow much 
like light reflecting off water at night. She ran her fingers along the 
black satin sheets noticing the contrast against her milky white flesh 
and the cold ebony cloth. With a sigh she slumped forward and closed her 

A cool breeze filtered though the chamber making the many silk drapes 
adorning the room dance like chromatic spider webs. She looked down at 
her hands, they where small but strong, marred from battle and tough 
like leather. She hated them, she used to have pretty hands, delicate 
like snow, but that was longtime ago. She was different then, naïve, 
filled with the foolish dreams all little girls had in their youth. She 
looked down at her body. She was short and slender but powerfully toned 
with graceful lines like a great cat. Thankfully she kept her curves 
even with the heavy training. Not that it mattered though. She thought 
bitterly, she gave up long ago trying to look pretty.

An albino from birth, and mute for half her life, she was tiny and weak 
as a young girl and children can be cruel. She’d learned many harsh 
lessons at the hands of others. Teased ruthlessly even at the orphanage. 
She had no friends except her younger brother Raijin, the big hearted 
fool. Hyne bless him, he took up for her when he could. Then somehow 
without either of us noticing the roles reversed. She took all her anger 
and turned it into strength she made herself get strong. Then came 
Seifer and it all fell together. He was older than her and was a sight 
to behold even as a child. He was Bold and cunning and she admired him 
for it. She learned from him. She became even stronger.

With she, Seifer and her brother Rajin they became a team a family. 
Later when they matured she even allowed her self to dream of him. 
Though she never dared to share her desires, she knew better. To him she 
was one of the boys and she knew he could never see her otherwise. She 
was content to stand by him to the end. Why did he leave? Even her 
brother had vanished did they hate her? She felt weak at the thought. 
She bit her lip and buried her fears quickly before they gained 
strength. Where are they now she wondered? It doesn’t matter she told 
herself. If she learned anything its not to depend on others sometimes 
you have to go it alone.

"I don’t need them, I don’t need anyone." She lied to herself.

She sat in silence, her hair dancing in the breeze across her 
expressionless face . She lost track of how long she stayed secluded in 
though, before her mind drifted back to her brief encounter with 

"Why think about her and why now?" She wondered.

She remembered her breakdown, how she collapsed and sobbed. Fujin 
couldn’t remember the last time she cried herself. She banished the line 
of thought abruptly and stood her body protested loudly causing her 
hiss. The shower had helped but she had really overdone it at the gym. 
Although knocking that idiot cold made her feel a little better. She 
quickly finished drying her hair and went to get dressed.


A multitude of bag in tow Quistis looked about. It was getting dark, she 
hadn’t realized they had been out so long. She sighed and walked 
solemnly behind Selphie, who was skipped along ahead of her. Quistis 
hated Galbania, Squall never knew how close she, Selphie and Zell came 
to ruining the mission to assassinate Edea.

"Not that it matter we still lost in the end." She mused to herself 

Still the place was bad news, but Selphie wanted to shop so by Hyne how 
could she say no.

"Simple enough you goof." She chided herself.

"You say Selphie thanks for tying but I’m not in the mood."

"Yeah right then its quickly followed by tears and sulking and guilt 
tripping. That’s the last thing I need."

Selphie skipped ahead keenly aware of her friends inner debate.

"Quistis?" She said simply, all the while still frolicking along.

"Yes Selph." She absently.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course Selph." Quistis droned on automatic.


"Honestly. Selph"

"Ya know I only want what’s best for you right?"

"I know Selph."


"Yes Selph." She sighed.

"You need to get laid."

"Yes Selph." Quistis stopped and blinked.

"Hey wait a minute!"

"Good we are agreed!" Selphie beamed brightly as she and pointed. A 
large neon sign hanged over hear head that said "The El Ravager Strip 

Quistis screamed.

Rinoa sat with her head her on table at the cafeteria. She watched 
transfixed as condensation slide down the side of the glass bowl 
containing a sundae the size of her head. She peeked around the curve of 
the glass to see a gaudy silver belt buckle and suede jean.

"Hey Irvine." She said dunking her spoon into the sundae with dull 

"Hi yourself little lady may I join you? Beauty such as yours should 
never dine alone."

Rinoa rolled her eyes at him and grinned.

"Well Irvine Ah do declare ya’ll do have such ah way with words." She 
fluttered at him in a southern drawl. Irvine smiled a dashing smile and 
nodded at the quickly melting sundae.

"Ya gonna eat that all by your lonesome or just watch it turn to slush."

"I dunno." She mused slipping a spoonful in her mouth.

Irvine grinned broadly and leaned back in his chair.

"Well Selphie is out with Quistis. Hyne knows what they are doin."

Rinoa grinned past her spoon then waved it at him smartly.

"Sorry Irv I’m not spilling the beans."

Irvine looked downright hurt.

"You wound me lil girl. I would never ask you to betray my sweet 
Selphie’s trust like that.."

Rinoa nearly choked laughing.

"Yeah whatever, grab a spoon and help me finish this beast."

"Righty then." He leaned back and grabbed a clean spoon from the nearby 
container then plopped forward the legs of the chair clacking audibly.

"Don’t break the chairs Irvine. Doris about laid a chocobo last time."

"Ah she loves me, she’s just jealous cause my heart goes out to my one 
and only. Unless of course you’re taken by my dashing charm and good 

Rinoa giggled at he boldness and blushed.

"You’re amazing you know that."

"Yeah so I’ve been told." He said smartly and tilted his hat.

"Ack! you!" She flipped a spoonful of ice cream at him.

"Aw hey now"

"Hey Guys!" Zell chirped brightly as he clapped Kinneas on the shoulder 
making him fumble his spoon.

"Aw shoot."

"Sorry guy did I scare yah?" Zell said apologetically.

"Sall right, just trying to make nice with the lady here."

"Pull up a seat Zell the more the merrier." Rinoa offered, she motioned 
to the sundae "Grab a spoon."

Zell never one to pass up food grabbed a spoon spun a chair backwards 
and sat down.

"Where’s everyone at? I’m getting kinda bored, Nicole went to Galbania 
to do some shopping."

Rinoa coughed awkwardly and dabbed her lips with a napkin. Irvine 
glanced her way and nodded to himself.

"Squall’s sulking again he’s off in the training area beating himself 
with a stick or something." She offered sarcastically.

"Oh that’s nice." Zell shrugged.

"Selph n Quisty are on a girls night out shopping." Irvine mumbled 
around a mouthful of Ice cream.

"Hey sweet perhaps they will run into Nicole." Zell grinned then leaned 
close to elbow Irvine.

"If we’re lucky they will come back with something slinky." Zell said 
devilishly, Irvine guffawed under his hat and flashed his perfect smile.

"If we are lucky."

"Ahem." The two looked up at Rinoa who glared at them like the matron of 
a nunnery.

"Sorry ma’am." Irvine mumbled

"Yeah er sorry Rinoa" Zell coughed sheepishly.

"You boys will never grow up will you." She said with a bit of humor.

"Hell darlin what’s the fun in that." Irvine offered and pulled his hat 
down smartly.

"To true to true." Zell nodded in agreement.

"Ugh" Rinoa grinned and dunked her spoon into the sundae.


The garden had left the frozen wastes early this morning and had arrived 
at Galbania just a few hours ago. Nearly everyone had gone into town for 
shore leave. Fujin however was quickly driving herself nuts. She’d been 
back for about four months and was going stir crazy. She missed having a 
purpose and goals. She now spent her days training and studying and very 
little more. Seifer and Rajin had left her alone and she hated it. She 
told herself all the while she needed no one. She’d actually convinced 
herself of too, that is until last night. She realized no one had said 
more than two words to her since she returned except Quistis. No one 
trusted her and everyone hated her.

"Why should they trust me?" She thought grimly. She betrayed others and 
nearly helped a witch destroy the world.

She found herself outside. Standing by the main gate of the Garden. She 
could see lights of Galbania from here. A breeze whistled through her. 
It was still chilly outside even though they had moved from the northern 
regions. She thought about her jacket and her thoughts drifted once 
again to Quistis. She wondered where she was.

"Why do I care?" Again the question popped into her head like a neon 
light. Her head hurt now and she frowned. She looked out over the 
horizon at the soft glow of the city and hopped up the wall to watch the 

A few boys ran to the stairs leading to the Gardens entrance. They where 
carrying skateboards after a session of friendly jostling they began 
practicing tricks off the railings.

The noise was annoying and they scuffed up the rails with paint and 
dings as they slid down them on the boards. Fujin’s first thought was to 
confiscate the boards and write them up. The thought was fleeting 
however. That was the old Fujin, the one that matter. She sighed in 
annoyance she hated when bashed herself. She decided to just relax and 
watch the world drift by. She lay down on the wall and looked up at the 
sky. After about a hour or so it began to get dark. Soon the exterior 
lights came on and not long after the curfew bell rang. The 
skate-boarders moaned in protest as they gathered their things and ran 
back inside. She felt pretty good considering. The cool air did wonders 
for her she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. She was caught 
completely by surprise when a large hand grabbed her by the face, 
snatched her off the wall and into the bushes.


Quistis looked up at the sign and balked.

"I will not go in there." She emphasized each word firmly.

Selphie pulled her arms with all her might.

"Quistis you’re being difficult relax and have fun." She pleaded as she 
ran around behind the other woman and attempted shove her through the 

"No Selphie!"

"Quistis you’re making a scene. Let’s just go inside pleeeeease."

"You’re the one making a scene."

"Come on be fair."

"Be fair? You’re the one trying to get me into some seedy strip club. 
You should be ashamed. What would Irvine think."

Selphie looked up with big brown eyes pleadingly. Quistis made a face.

"You know you want to, Quisty deep down there’s a girl that likes to 

"You’re deranged." Quistis said simply with arched eyebrows.

"You love me and you know it." She smiled cutely. "Now let’s go get em!"

"Selphie I will make a deal with you."

"Okay now we’re cooking"

"I go in here. For fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes? You can hardly see anything in fifteen minutes."

"How would you know?"


"Never mind." Quistis rolled her eyes as thoughts of Selphie putting 
money in g-strings with her teeth danced in head.

"Like I said, fifteen minutes and after which if I want to go we will. 
Okay? No fuss no arguments. Deal?"

Selphie pouted.

"Selphie." Quistis used her instructor tone.

"Oh fine then." Selphie said pouting still. She emphasized her 
displeasure with the idea by sticking her tongue out at her.

"Nice. Let’s go see what hell your dragging me to."

"Don’t be like that Quistis just enjoy the show."

Selphie bounded up to the front desk and handed over credit card.

"Table for two please."

"Make that three!" A voice shouted. Quistis and Selphie exchanged looks 
as Nicole pushed her way towards them. She was out of breath and 
grinning like a fool.

"Nicky!" Selphie smiled wildly and hugged the girl.

"Nicole? What are you doing here I would never thought you would come to 
a place like this." Quistis said in shock

"Your one to talk Miss Trepe." Nicole said laughingly as she brushed her 
auburn locks from her face. "I saw you while crossing the street. So I 
ran over here to catch you."

"Well join the gang. We’re trying to get Quistis laid." Selphie said 
bluntly before exploding into laughter.

"Selphie!!" Quistis shouted turning red with embarrassment. "What’s the 
matter with you?"

Nicole stood slack jawed and blushing as well. Selphie shrunk back a bit 
and smiled meekly.

"Sorry Quistis just trying to liven everyone up." She looked at the 
dashing fellow in the booth who was clad only in a bow tie and 
loincloth. She slid her card to him.

"Three please." She said bouncily.

The man looked at her with bemused indifference.

"A little young aren’t we miss." He said flatly.

"Oh you got to be kidding me." Selphie said indignantly.

"Eighteen to enter twenty one for the bar miss"

"Hey I turned nineteen just last month."

"Uh huh sure you did."

"Why you!"

Selphie angrily fished in her pockets looking for Garden I.D. Quistis 
quietly pleaded with the heavens that she lost it. Nicole stood grinning 
as she watched several choice gentlemen walking about inside.

"AHAH!" Selphie shouted victoriously pulling the card forth She slapped 
it on the counter and slid it to him proudly.

The doormen glanced at it then back at Selphie. She smiled brightly and 
stood as tall and proud as she could.

"Well it’s you." He said dully then put the card in his drawer. Then he 
folded his arms. Selphie’s smile melted slightly.

"Um what are you doing."

"You’re a SEED?" He said arching a brow at her.

"Sure am, give me my card." Selphie said standing proud once more.

"Sure you are." He laughed.

"What?" Selphie snapped her head sideways at him cat like.

"Yeah and I’m um what’s his name Squall Lionhead."

"Why you!" Selphie tried to leap through the booth at him. Quistis 
reacted immediately and grabbed her up and lifted her away.

"Whoa! There easy Selphie!" She said as held her. Nicole backed up from 
the flailing mass arms and legs that used to be Selphie. A stream of 
obscenities that would make Zell blush burst forth from the small woman.

"Omigod!" Nicole laughed. Quistis stood holding her hissing, spitting 
parcel in horror. She quickly broke into laughter also.

The doorman wasn’t amused in the least and had them escorted outside.

A few moments later, they sat on the curb. Nicole still teetered quietly 
as Quistis sat with her arm around Selphie’s shoulders grinning 
gleefully. Selphie sat stewing, her legs drawn up to her chest and head 
buried in her knees. She glared hotly across the street at the 
NightClub. She mumbled something about Ultima and Bahumut between 
incoherent cursing.

Quistis smiled down at her friend eyes dancing with mirth.

"Don’t worry Selph we can get you a new card no problem."

Selphie mumbled darkly.

Onwards to Part 3

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