Spiraling Faith 2 (part 4 of 6)

a Final Fantasy 7 fanfiction by Spiraling Faith

Back to Part 3
	“Oh my god, he is opening his eyes!”


	“Doctor, look.”

	“I don’t want to dream.”

	“What does that mean?

	“I don’t have a clue.”

	Days after it all everyone was crying.	Finally they have
stopped, for now.  Yuffie and Tifa found the people who rapped
her (a few guys from her school) and arrested them (after Tifa did
a number on them).  Spin and Amber where crying for Yuffie and
Tifa (and because Spin hurt herself).

	It is now two months after Zero jumped to his death, even
though he never really died.  He is currently in a coma (of sorts) in
a hospital somewhere in Nippon (actually he is right across the
road from Spin and Amber).

	Currently Yuffie and Tifa are spending the day with Spin
and Amber to celebrate their current promotion.

	“I win,” yells Spin, as she picks up the cards and starts to
shuffle again.	“You always win,” replies Amber, smiling t her
lover’s skill in all card games.

	‘Hey, you guys come here” Yuffie says from across the
room, at the window.  She was out on the fire escape staring up at
the sky.

	“What?” asks Tifa when her and the others reach the fire
escape (which is the highest one on the building)?

	She points up in the sky at what her eyes are fixated on.
“Look.”  They all look up and see what she is pointing at.  The
large rose-colored orb, also known as ‘Spiral’ was spreading
across the sky.

Oh no, he has collapsed again”


	Kerek’s eyes open wide and he leaps up from his bed.
“Wait no,” yells the nurse only to get thrown back by a strong
spell that shoots her threw the door.

	“Quiet” he screams running to the window.

	“Hey look,” yells Yuffie, pointing up at ‘Spiral’ again.  A
large rose orb falls from the spreading ball, and falls down
towards the hospital.  It falls down, and goes lower and lower.
Finally two wings fly open and the pinkish aura fades from the
whole body.  It turns into a dragon.  The dragon swoops down and
stops in mid air, hovering next to the hospital window.  Kerek
jumps out onto his back, and points up to the sky.  Another orb
falls from the sky and hits Kerek.  It turns into armor and a long,
sharp sword.

	“Wait, isn’t Kerek dead” yells a curious Spin.

	“He was in a coma,” Tifa explains, “but my question is
why is the ‘Spiral’ creating those things.

	“The ‘Fate” mumbles Spin under her breath.

	“What, you know what they are” asks Amber.

	“Sorta,” Spin sighs, “but there is no time,” her voice
changes from a low sigh, to a loud scream.  She leaps back in
(pulling Amber with her) with Tifa and Yuffie close behind.
After they leap into the apartment the dragon (with Kerek on it’s
back) flies above and blast the escape with a dark black flame.
The fire escape itself flies down and pushes the others down with
the force of the blast.

	“What is going on!” Screams Amber under the loud roar of
the flames outside.

	Suddenly a ship flies down (it has eight large boosters that
start at the front.  The pilot’s seat is in front and a large red glass
is put in the head for sight.  The sides have sliding doors for easy
access).  The door facing the apartment (and the one on the other
side) open.  Cloud puts his hand out.  “Hurry, more are falling,”
he yells.  Amber runs to the edge and Spin grabs her and throws
her over to the ship safely.  Next she throws Yuffie, and lastly she
throwsTifa over.  “Spin, now” Cloud commands.  Spin leaps out,
but a winged lizard flies down, and blasts a spike from its tail.
The spike hits the left wing and knocks the ship to the left,
causing Spin to only grab the edge. Amber yells her name and
grabs her pulling her in safely.

	Amber holds her tightly, “Oh, Spin, I almost lost you.”
“Amber, its okay now,” she says hugging Amber back.

	“No time for lovey dovey” yells the pilot, “The Spike
Dragon is coming back.”  The ship slightly drifts back and the
lizard shot another spike from it’s tail.  The spike hits the side of
the ship (ripping off the middle wing, and taking the higher and
lower wings as well).  The ship launches two missiles that collide
with the armored hide of the wing lizard.  The explosion blasts off
armor and rips his body apart.	The ship lifts into the air, and
moves forward a little before spiraling back down.

	Kerek leaps off (with his sword in hand) and lands on the
top of the Green Army headquarters.  He focuses his energy into
his blade.  Squall steps into his line of sight of his enemy and
pulls his gun-blade out.  His long, dark, brown hair blows in the
wind and he swings his sword in an x pattern.  “You bastard, are
you ready to die?” asks Squall rhetorically as he points his blade
towards his target.  The dream leaps into the air and swings down
hitting the roof that is under Squall.	The energy that he focused
and it explodes in his face, blasting three quarters of one of the
building off, throwing hundreds of the people into the air.
Helicopters shoot out ropes the connect and turn into nets.  They
catch the people before the dragon (Kerek’s) blast the dark flames
three of them down, letting many dreamlings to their dooms.

	“Every one we’re landing in the middle of the battle.”

	“Spin, look.”  Spin stares out the window up into the sky,
which is now glowing a light rose, as the ‘Spiral’ had taken most
of it into its control.  That means that the ‘Fate’ output was now
ten fold, or more.  “Dammit.”  Spin yells, separating from Amber.
She walks up to the cockpit door and pulls it open.  “Hey, pull

	“I can’t, we’re gonna have to land in the middle there,” the
pilot (Jered) states, pointing into a battle filed.

	“Are you crazy, we are going to die there, fly into the
Green Army headquarters.”

	The pilot’s eyes widen at her command, “hell no, we can’t
fly into the headquarters.”

	Spin reaches for her gun.  “Know what, if we can’t fly
into, we fly under, right into the doors.”  She holds the gun to the
back of his head, “and if your’ not gonna do it voluntarily, I’ll
make you!”  The pilot agrees, he pulls up and hits the booster
switch.  The first door starts to close but the ship slides by, and
collides with the ground.  It slides (pulling the bottom wings off)
and rides into the second room, and the right side (ripping off
those wings).  The ship flips over and the top wings fly off.  It’s
bottom rips on the third door.	Finally the forth door slides down
into the ship rip the bottom off (and tearing the doors bottom
open).	“Oh hell.”

	Spin runs out into the hall, “Oh hell” she screams looking
at Green Army soldier whom is missing his leg (it was cut off at
the forth door).  “Cloud, Barret, get over here and help him.”	The
blond and the big black man just stand there.  “Now.”

	“Look at what you did,” challenges Jered.

	“Shut up,” she returns, “if it weren’t for my plan, we
would’ve landed in the middle of the ‘Fate’s’ largest attack force!’

	Heero (in a large metal, battle suit (like in Blue Gender)),
Trowa (in the same), and Wufie (also in battle suit) fight threw
the ‘Fate’.  Heero blast threw with a large cannon on the left arm,
while Torwa shoots with small head mounted machine guns.
Wufie punches threw the unstopping armored beast, only known
as ‘Fate’ and only to Spin.  “Heero” Heero’s inter com rings,
“how ya doin” it asks.

	“Fine” he answers in his usual cold voice.

	Sakura throws out a card and hits it with her wand (the one
from Remastered).  With a bright flash of light two white wings
appear out of the end of the staff.  She leaps on to it and pulls
Tomoyo with her.  “Now” she screams triggering Tomoyo’s hand
to move out.  With a few words vines leap from the ground and
holds down the wolf like ‘Fate’ that was chasing them until now.

	Spin and company walk throw the disserted rooms.  “Why
would they leave,” ask Tifa (the second in command).  Spin just
shrugs the question off and focuses.

	“Hmm, no ‘Fate’ in here” Spin states the obvious.  She
looks around then a sound catches her ear.  The sound was like
sorting eat, or chewing on something, and it is coming from the
closet.  Jered opens the door cautiously and slowly.  When it is
half way open a wolf ‘Fate’ leaps out and jams it’s teeth into
Vincent’s (the injured one) throat and with a quick yank, pulls out
his atoms apple, instantly killing him.  They all fire but the bullets
bounce off the thick armor on the beast’s body.  Spin aim the gun
at it’s eye and fires.	The bullet flies threw the eye and rams into
it’s brain, causing death.

	Hey lets go to weapons.

	Sakura flies up into the air with Tomoyo riding the wand
with her.  “What the hell are these things” ask Sakura.  Tomoyo
thinks about it (while recording the whole thing)

	“I hope Mirra-chan is okay” is the only thing that escapees
her lips.

	“Here give me that umbrella,” commands Spin.

	“What are you stupid?” replies Jered.

	“Do it now,” she yells in return, “any way you guys gotta
go to the computers, hack into that story, and delete it, that will
end all of this.”

	“What are you going to do,” whines the worrying Amber.

	“I am going after Kerek, he knows more about me than I
do.”  “I am going to go find out about my past,” replies a very
serious Spin, grabbing the umbrella while she does.

“I have come to se with eyes unclouded by hate” Ashitaka
Princess Mononoko


Spin Dorman- Ignite
Amber Jootey- Celestial Dreams
Tifa Lockheart- FFVII
Yuffie Kisaragi- FFVII

Guest Starring:
Cloud Strife as Cloud
Barret Wallace as Barret
Vincent Valentine as Vincent
Kerek Quenthous as Kerek
Sakura Kinomoto as Sakura
Tomoyo Daidouji as Tomoyo
Heero Yui as Heero
Trowa Barten as Trowa
Chang Wufie as Wufie
Squall Lionheart as Squall
Jered as Jered

Authors Note:

	Why?  Every time I finish a chapter I am watching
Pokemon!  Ahhhhh!  Only a few more to go.  And after this it is
revision hell.	But I love revisions, not!  Anyway, need to stop
whining so much.  Unless it is about the French.  I hate the
French.  Who doesn’t, (except the French).  I also ain’t a fan of
Jews, but that’s a whole other story.  (Oh and sorry about the
whole Jew thing, (screw the French)).

Onwards to Part 5

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