Spiraling Faith 2 (part 1 of 6)

a Final Fantasy 7 fanfiction by Spiraling Faith

	Howdy ya’ll, here I come back for more!!  Read only if
you’re ready.  Now let me pick up where I left off Okalie
Dooklie?   Okay here we go!!  Oh and I have started a new
area called Authors Notes.  Actually it is not notes, it is where
I just say random stuff and whine a lot (but it’s humorous), so
read it!!

	“Have we found any leads based on the Spiraling Faith thing?”

	“No, not yet.”	“Are their any improvements in his health?”


	A loud shriek of hatred breaks the tranquility of the
moment.  The black hair Tifa looks up in the air to find Kiah
leaping down form the ceiling of the dimensional tear.	A blue
aura covers her body as she falls threw the air towards the two
detectives.  Tifa leaps form her spot on the squishy floor,
accidentally leaving Spin, whom was injured early on the bottom
of the upside down dome.  “Spin” Tifa yells turning back as
Kiah’s body hits the side and explodes.  Where her body once was
is now filled with a thick gray smoke, as is the outside of a hole
that the destruction of her body created.

	“Spin” yells Amber, her long, red hair flowing in the blast
off of the explosion.

	“No, Amber” screams the younger Yuffie, while grabbing
her right arm.

Hair: Short, Spiky, and red (shoulder length)
	Eyes: Light Red Eyes
	Spin is a kind hearted person who despises violence, but
isn’t afraid to fight for what she believes in.  She commonly tells
everyone that she needs someone to love, and one Peron fills that
spot for her, Amber Jootey.
“I need someone to love me, please”


	Hair:  Long, Smoot, and red
	Eyes: Dark Green
	Amber is a kind-hearted chef of a certain Dream Tokyo.
Her food is the best around and she is always ready to help others
who are in need.  She loves a young woman named Spin Dorman,
but she doesn’t know too much about her.  That will all change
soon enough.


	Hair: Long Black hair down to her knees
	Eyes: Dark Brown
	Tifa is Spin’s detective partner, and best friend.  She cares
deeply for Spin, and Amber, almost as much as she cares for
Yuffie Kisaragi, her adoptive daughter and lover.  Though at
times she may seem a little insensitive, she does care.


	Hair:  Short Brown
	Eyes: Light Brown
	Yuffie is now an eleventh grade student at Northwest
High, and she is also a hand-to-hand trainer for the Green Army.
She used to be an orphan but was adopted by Tifa Lockheart, her
new mother (sorta) and her new love.

	Spin falls down with smoke flowing from her body.
Suddenly something catches her limp, motionless body and moves
it to the rooftop that Amber and Yuffie are standing on.  The thing
that caught her was a male human (or so he looks).  His hair is
short, spiky, and black.  He is wearing a large white trench coat.
“Hey it’s you,” yells a freaked out Yuffie, “get Tifa to,” she
commands pointing upward at the upside down semi-sphere.  The
purple and black dome that is currently collapsing in the sky.

	He turns and leaps in the air catching a scared Tifa from
the sky.  As he falls, he jumps off of the side of a building and
making it back to the roof.  He sets Tifa down on her rump then
turns to Amber who is cradling the bloody Spin in her arms.  In a
deep, cold voice he speaks to her “now its your turn to save her”
Afterwards he simply vanishes into thin air.

Hospital in Dream Tokyo:

	Amber burst threw the door with Tifa (carrying the
unconscious Spin), and Yuffie following close behind.  “Help
her,” yells Amber when she reaches the counter.  She moves out
of the way of sight to show Tifa holding the bleeding girl in her

	“Lets get her to the ER!”

Later: Spin in the ER:

	“So, how do you know Spin Dorman?” asks the nurse.

	“She is my special some one,” answers Amber sincerely.
“Spin means the world to me.”

	“Oh, so you are her partner,” says the nurse blankly.
“Uhm, any way, does she have any family that we need to

	“No, not that I know of,” sighs Amber loudly, “ she says
she can’t remember anything until she met me.”

	“Hey, let Amber go see Spin,” interrupts Tifa, “I am her

	“Okay go on,”commands the nurse.  Amber runs off, her
red hair bounces as she moves.	The nurse turns her attention to
Tifa, “So how do you know her?”

	“She is my partner in the Green Army,” laughs Tifa.


	Tifa goes back to the real world, “ oh, uh, I remember
when she first came to the Army, a year ago.”  Sigh, “she was
really strange,” begins Tifa, “and she questioned everything, but
three things were for sure, she was brave, she was kind, and she
loved Amber with all of her heart.”

The Emergency Room:

	“Are you her lover,” asks a doctor frantically.

	“Can you talk to Spin, she needs something to focus on, or
she will die soon!”

	Amber needed no more incentive; she immediately runs
over to Spin and takes her hands into her own.	“Spin, please live,
I can’t live without you!”  She looks over her body, which is
covered in tube after tube.  She is also hooked up to an artificial
Oxygenizer.  Spin opens her eyes and looks over to Amber.


	Tifa enters the room, with Yuffie following her.  “Amber
is Spin okay?” Tifa whispers under her breath.

	Amber looks over at Tifa and nods.  “Yes, yes, she’ll live.”
She places her hand over to the left side of her chest, “she had a
bullet here, and a stab mark on her stomach.”

	Tifa sighs, unhappily, “ she took every hit for me.”

	Suddenly the door opens.  Tifa turns, drawing her gun, and
pointing it at the intruder.  He has silver hair down to his neck,
and warm blue eyes.    “Are you Zero, or Kerek?” yells Tifa.

	“It’s me Zero,” the man assures.  “I came with some
flower,” he says, holding flowers in his hands, “and to say I am
am sorry, Here (hands Amber the flowers) I am sorry because if
Kerek had never joined the Syndicate, it would have never

	Amber takes the flowers and holds them, “no it is not
your’ fault.”

	“Well, good bye Amber, Yuffie, Tifa.”

	“So Amber where are you staying?” asks an inquisitive


	“I have an idea,” Yuffie jumps in, “how about she stays
with us, she might get lonely at home by her lonesome.” Tifa
agrees and they head out to he parking lot.  There Zero asks to
talk to Tifa by herself.

	“What is it Zero?”

	“I have something to tell you.”  “In the Waking World I
am a fourteen year old boy in a coma.”

	“So, that is you!”

“Every story must have an ending” Auron, FFX


Main Cast:
Spin Dormen- Ignite
Amber Jootey- Celestial Dreams
Tifa Lockheart- Final Fantasy VII
Yuffie Kisaragi- Final Fantasy VII

Guest Cast:
Kerek as Kerek/Zero
Woman as Nurse
Man as Doctor

Onwards to Part 2

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