Love Not Often (part 3 of 22)

a Final Fantasy 7 fanfiction by Bhryn Astaire

Back to Part 2
The Somebody

"Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make 
anything happen" –

Joseph Wolfgang von Goethe


She watched the world move past her with a sense of awe.

The world, despite the inherent ugliness she saw entrenched all around 
herself, was truly beautiful. The wind was vibrant with whispers of far 
away places and hidden in some of the shyest smiles were hope and love, 
dreams and wishes. She drew a deep breath into herself and moved the 
basket of flowers around in her delicate hands, looking for the perfect 
handhold where she could hold it away from her body without suffering 
any ill effects on her arms. The street itself, where she chose to sell 
her flowers today was calm and peaceful, cut off from the roar of 
everything else.

Aerith was only 22 years old, but already painfully aware of how quickly 
life moved, how quickly everything moved all around her without stopping 
to take a breath, to take the kind of notice she'd always wanted and in 
some ways, always feared. She wore her neatest pink dress and the red 
jacket, capturing the lurid glow of the mako tanks stuck in between each 
building that sufficed as their energy source. The sudden swirl of 
patterns caught her eye and she brushed back her heavy bangs and wispy 
curls to look towards the tank.

Inside stars of green glowed and rotated, dancing together as they 
arched achingly towards the endless black sky. They waltzed and tangoed 
in step with one another and the smile creasing her glossy pink lipped 
mouth was infected with good humour. Even trapped from the world, the 
mako knew what it was to live, what it was to be alive and happy.

A sudden noise from outside jolted her back to reality with an 
unpleasant jerk. Clasping a hand to the woven necklace about her neck, 
looped twice with a lazy bow to mirror the pink ribbon caught in her 
golden brown hair, Aerith moved to the entrance of the alleyway and 
paused on the brink of stepping into the bustling street.

A wind blew cold and hard past her, singing a dirge she had never heard 
the world cry out before and timidly she turned her head so she could 
see the massive sprawl that was the ShinRa corporation headquarters. It 
grew there, an ugly boil on the face of it's deformed city.

She swallowed against the bitter lump of fear frozen into her throat.

Bowing her head before anyone could pause and ask her if she was well, 
Aerith moved into the crowd, green eyes fixed on the floor and only 
watching where she placed her feet, looking for shadows of people so she 
wouldn't bump into them. She was desperate to move away from that 
watchful gaze, the threatening guardian and the faceless horror she had 
felt all her life. Looming there... waiting for her...

She walked for minutes, perhaps half an hour without realising her 
actual heading and soon bumped off someone as they came running from the 
corner street in a hurry. It was then she realised that a massive 
explosion still raged in the distance, tweaking on her senses.

Someone offered her a hand and without thinking, she avoided it, getting 
to her own feet with a slight sense of disgruntlement. Then she looked 
towards where the sounds of fire and explosions still rang out. "...what 
happened?" she said thoughtlessly.

"Nothing... hey...listen... you, er, don't see many flowers around 

Aerith looked back at the hesitant tone of voice and was surprised by 
the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. Shocked to her soul by the sudden wave 
of knowing that hit her in the pit of her stomach, she grasped for the 
stem of a pale pink lily and lifted it shyly, "Oh...these?" The young 
man was steadily growing a blush as heavy as she'd ever seen one, so to 
save him and herself perhaps from that intense look he was giving her, 
she stumbled on, "Do you like them?"

When he nodded she made the decision there and then to lower the price 
drastically – she couldn't have said why she did such a thing, only that 
those eyes were so very blue and they made something inside her tremble 
with recognition, "They're only a gil...?"

He fumbled briefly, hands clumsy in what looked to be thick gauntlets 
and then eventually handed over a single gil coin. In turn she pressed 
the flower into his hands and watched his face, eyes wide as his, "Thank 
you... here you are."

He kept looking at her, waiting as if to say something and hurriedly 
Aerith turned away, carrying on walking from the young man as quickly as 
her legs could carry her. She turned the corner and ducked into an 
alleyway, dropping her basket quickly and pressing her hands to her 

He reminded me of Zack. But at the same time, nothing like him at all. 
What is this strange feeling?

Hours later, when she had finally sold enough flowers to have money to 
get by one for a few days, she gathered up her wares and settled onto 
the journey home. A quick ride via the trains and to the station where 
she greeted the station attendant the same way as she did every time, 
with a smile and a thoughtful comment and well wishing for his family. 
She took the long route back by the houses and alleys, avoiding the open 
area until she came to her home, hidden away in a small slum village and 
protected by the burly materia dealers. Here she was home, where her 
garden grew wild and alive with many, many flowers. Here where her 
mother was and the comfort of the soft soil.

Aerith pushed the door open and put the basket down by the front door, 
slipping her shoes off with only the minimal amount of fuss over straps 
and the like. Knocking the dirt from the soles of the shoes, she came to 
stand by the table.

"Mom?" she called out. There was no answer. Elmyra must be in the 
village, she decided. So thinking, she moved to the sink and the small 
cooker and began to set about the usual domestic chores of cooking.

But I can't get that young man out of my head, like he's going to change 
my life... what a life it has been, that is...


My full name is Aerith Gainsborough. I'm 22 years old. I live here in 
the slums with my mother Elmyra. I've known since I was young that she 
isn't my real mother. My real mother died and Elmyra took me in as an 
act of kindness, probably because she had no children of her own. I 
don't remember much of my first mother, only that she was kind and 
gentle and she did whatever she could to keep me safe.

Elmyra's last name is Gainsborough, which I took as my own and cast 
aside the second name I had never known. I grew up here in relative 
security, but the dreams still lingered...

Ever since I could recall, my childhood was spent in the first few years 
in the clutches of the ShinRa corporation. Hojo, their head scientist, 
was looking for a way to reach the Promised Land; a place, which he told 
the President, would reap him great riches. So it was that he captured 
my mother and myself, when I was little more than a baby, to perform 
experiments upon and try to discover the secrets of the Planet.

It was a lonely time of my life.

I knew my mother suffered terribly from the tests... so I made friends 
with the President's son, Rufus. He was an energetic and lonely little 
boy, many hours we'd spend together playing hide and seek in amongst the 
offices set in the ShinRa towers. Rufus had a Turk assigned to him 
specifically, a man named Tseng with a dot between his brows. He seemed 
to be only about sixteen or so, very young but capable I'm assured. At 
first, I think he resented being the babysitter to Rufus and myself on 
our escapades. But as time went on, he came to realise we were unique 
and intelligent individuals worthy of some measure of respect.

However, Hojo was not to be put off for long...and my childhood play 
away from needles and other horrors came to an end.

I can't recall the full agonies of it. The days were like weeks. He 
injected me, he sucked blood out for testing, he subjected me to dry 
runs and exercise tests, he tested my powers, my intellect and my 
reasoning. The experiments were the worst and at night, I'd lie in cold 
sweats of pure terror, waiting for the next needle, the next drug, the 
next test...

It was hardly a life at all.

The one day, Tseng must have sympathised greatly with my mother's 
condition and my own, because we escaped. I don't remember the full 
reason why or how, but we did it, flying into the face of freedom and 
the forever beyond. There was dark and light, then dark, flashing 
overhead. Then when I woke up, she lay dying and Elmyra was holding me. 
And I cried for the first in years.

Under Elmyra's care, I attended school and was the brightest student 
there. My powers, inherited from my mother, gave me a distinct edge in 
discerning personalities and intentions, so I was able to rise to some 
measure of popularity. As I grew older, my interest in botany grew – 
when I was older, I decided, I would be a botanist and discover 
thousands of new flowers, I'd give gardens back to those in the slums.

Unfortunately, my other powers were never so nice as the ability to make 
flowers grow and open the hearts of those around me. The voice of the 
planet was strong to my ears, like a shout when I stepped in certain 
places. The spirits of the dead came to visit me, when they could, and 
so it was I learned that Elmyra's husband had died in the war on Wutai.

She cried, of course, but there was no way I could help ease that grief 
without it seeming weird coming from a mere child. After all, I wanted 
her to feel at ease with me, not be afraid of my powers.

Later, my talent to heal and use material shone through incredibly 
strong and so it was I became the local healer too, at even a tender 
age, helping those I did not know and those I did with all their 
illnesses. Despite this, the nightmares never left me and I kept smiling 
through the fear.

I don't know when it was that Tseng came back to me, but he knew me on 
sight despite the years and I knew him.

"They're looking for you again," he said softly, wearily.

And my world crashed down about me like a house of cards, tumbling from 
hearts to spades and clubs and diamonds...I was unsure of what to do, 
but Elmyra insisted Tseng leave after I refused to go with him.

Years pass again...

I met a young man called Zack. It was a childish first love, blooming 
over instant friendship. Whilst my mother didn't approve so strongly of 
him, I needed that someone solid there that wasn't going to try and ruin 
my life, that wasn't waiting until I was settled then pulling the rug 
out from under me. We dated casually for a year or so... then he was 
called away on duty.

I was sad, of course, but life went on. Without Zack there, the Turk's 
search intensified and I found myself running scared from building to 
building, scraping a living and fearful of when they might finally see 
me. When they would know where I'd been hiding from them, for all these 
years... so I retreated more and more to common ground, the church which 
I'd discovered early in my youth. The local kids who loved me as an 
older sister had nicknamed it ‘Aerith's Church' and so it was there, 
where my flowers grew the most beautiful, I stayed...

...and waited for the nightmares to end...


She walked along in the faint light of dusk, stretching her legs a 
little carefully and brushing hair from her eyes as she took the less 
known route to her ramshackle church where she happily spent her days.

Aerith slipped in through the doors and sighed, closing them behind her 
as best she could. Then, footsteps light on the floorboards, she made 
her way across to her flowerbed only to pause in surprise at the figure 
sprawled gracelessly in the a heap atop them, shards and beams of wood 
fallen down around it. Hand flying to her mouth, she hurried over 
quickly and began to move the wooden timbers away so she might see what 
lay underneath and what state it was in.

As she pulled the shoulder over carefully in case of injury, Aerith took 
another silent breath as the face of the man who had bought her one gil 
flower looked up serenely at her. Eyes travelling down, she could see 
the vicious knock to his head and the several bruises and weeping cuts 
he'd sustained. So she reached out and murmured, placing her hand to his 

A wind grew about her, refreshing in it's intensity and growing – the 
flowers unbending and stems healing, his blood cleansing itself and 
drawing back into cuts that healed over and the bump to his head going 
down as redness leached away. Once done, Aerith moved her hand away and 
smiled in worry. He hadn't stirred and she hoped he hadn't crashed down 
only to sustain horrible head injuries that she couldn't heal.

"Hello?" she tried quietly. Nothing, he lay simply inert before her.

She poked at his rib side, then tickled gently; in a knee jerk-esque 
reaction he twisted to try escaping that tickle. "Oh, it moved!" she 
laughed softly. "Hello, hello?"

The man stirred with a groan and she tried again, "Hello, hello!"

Suddenly with a shake of his head he sat up with his blue eyes open and 
staring right at her. She almost squawked and sat back on her own 
flowers in surprise, "Are you okay?" Aerith stammered, getting a hold of 
herself as she took in the look of the man, "This is a church in the 
sector 5 slums... it suddenly fell in, you really gave me a scare!"

He was taller than she was, she knew, but not as tall as some men she'd 
seen, with a lankiness to him that made him appear taller than he was. 
His face was smooth and marked by a strange uncertainty, with a mouth 
that hardly seemed to know how to smile and melancholic blue eyes that 
shone. His hair was a dampened gold, pushed from the previous style he'd 
worn it in by the fall and dusted with sawdust and dirt. His clothes 
were... strikingly familiar to her. A blue high necked jumper with a 
shoulder guard, gauntlets, thick belt, jodhpur like trousers that 
ruffled with how baggy they lay on him and military issue boots. His 
weapon, what looked to be an ungainly broadsword lay feet from him.

He answered slowly, "I came crashing down?"

Aerith nodded, drawing back a little, "The roof and the flower bed must 
have broken your fall. You're lucky," she smiled warmly.

The strange blush suffused the man's cheeks again and he leapt to his 
feet, "Flower bed... Is this yours? Sorry about that..."

She restrained the urge to laugh at his expression, a bizarre mixture 
between apologetic, sweet and little boy lost. Standing too, she dusted 
down her pink dress and wrinkled her nose in yet another warm smile for 
him, trying to set him at his ease. Aerith quickly gestured at the 
flowers, "That's all right. The flowers here are pretty resilient 
because this is a sacred place," she wanted to touch the soil again, 
know the beat of the planet was living in her fingers when she did so... 
"They say you can't grow grass and flowers in Midgar. But the flowers 
seem to have no trouble blooming here. I love it here."

She turned briefly to study her flowers and their shining faces, filled 
with love, filled with the Planet's love for her and for a moment she 
was almost dizzy. Then...

" meet again..." she turned her shy look onto him, "Don't you 
remember me? You do?"

"Yeah, I remember," he tilted his head and for a brief moment his 
expression softened, "You were selling flowers."

"Oh, I'm so happy, thanks for buying my flowers..." she tailed off and 
studied him and then broke in as she fixed hair from wafting into her 
eyes, his gaze intent on her again despite the flush in both their 
cheeks, "Say, do you have any materia?"

"Yes, some," his hand dipped into the arm band he wore and flashed a 
green orb and a blue at her, bright with the light of the world. She 
knew which they were just from the vague sense of them, lightning and a 
support materia – ‘all'. "Nowadays you can find materia anywhere."

"But mine is special," she sighed, "it's good for absolutely nothing."

"Good for nothing? You probably just don't know how to use it right..."

Aerith jumped in quickly, she could see the lecture starting on his 
lips! "No, I do! It just doesn't do anything... I feel safe having it. 
It was my mother's... say, I feel like talking, do you feel up to it? 
After all, here we are meeting again, right?"

"I don't mind," he said, watching her and she blushed, tucking hair away 
once again.

"Well, I won't be a minute, I just have to check on my flowers."

She began to tend to them, fussing over the stems and the petals, 
checking them for bruising and the like until she realised he was stood 
over her, watching with a slight smile on his face. Aerith looked up and 
then coughed, standing with a smile in return for him, "Just a little 
longer. Oh... now that you mention it, we don't even know each others 
names, do we? I'm Aerith, the flower girl. Nice to meet you."

"The name's Cloud. And me? I do a bit of everything."

"Oh," she laughed softly, "A jack of all trades?"

"Yeah, I do whatever's needed..." he paused and blinked his bluest eyes 
at her, "What's so funny, what are you laughing at?"

Aerith covered her mouth, "Nothing...I just..." then paused and looked 
to the doorway, where there was a shadow. Instinctively, she took a step 
backwards to where her slender fighting staff lay. "Cloud... have you 
ever been a bodyguard?"


"You –do- do everything, right?"

"That's right..." his brows crinkled in puzzlement but she really didn't 
have time to try and explain this. The turk was watching her and with a 
lead feeling she knew they'd found her when she was distracted, off 

She turned her green eyes to his with a pleading expression, "Then take 
me out of here, take me home."

"Okay...I'll do it, but it'll cost you."

Cost me? But I don't have any money....oh no...

"Uh well then, lets see, how about if I go out on a date with you once?"

His expression clouded further with confusion, then he finally caught 
sight of the Turk and went to talk to him. Not taking this chance at 
face value, Aerith grabbed the staff and pushed her way through the 
flowers, to the back door which she opened with a somewhat mighty (for 
her) shove.

She bit her lip and looked back just as the Turk was drawing his weapon 
and cried out, "Don't fight here, you'll ruin the flowers! The exit is 
back there..." she pointed through the doorway and with Cloud moving 
towards her quickly, she fled through it...


The fight itself had taken less than half an hour, not including the 
time it took her to show Cloud the exit. She'd taken him back with her 
to her home and there he'd spent the night, trying to shake off the 
injuries he'd received.

As he lay sleeping, she went into the garden and brushed her hands 
through the flowers, trying to get a rational hold on everything that 
was happening around her. But the winds of madness, the winds of change 
blew cold around her, howling with infinite need and infinite 
displeasure, howling endlessly and chilling her to her soul, telling her 
that soon she'll be gone far away and that her story, her only fairy 
tale would come true.

And yet she still felt as though something were missing from her life.

She heard him trying to sneak out the next morning.

Unfortunately for the mercenary, she, like many gardeners, swore by the 
early to rise rule and she also knew the slums like the back of her 
hand. As he charged aimlessly towards the sector 6 intersection, she 
tugged her boots on, grabbed her staff and materia and rushed through 
the back alleyways to stand before it, minutes ticking by as she waited 
for him to show up.

He turned the corner then drew back with a gasp of surprise at seeing 
her standing there, drawing designs in the dirt with her staff tip.

"Aerith," he said softly, his eyes softening.

"You're up bright and early," she chirped and smiled brightly.

"How... could I ask you to go along when I knew it'd be dangerous."

She studied him, a serious young man at times, frightened and aloof and 
hiding something inside this shell he wore to the outside world. 
Intrigued, she knew her destiny lay at his side, or perhaps his destiny 
at her side. Either way, she had to go, so she sniffed and folded her 
arms with the high handed way she kept for unruly sick patients. "Are 
you done? You have to go through sector 6 to reach sector 7. Come on."

He sighed and just followed without argument.

She knew she was being horribly stubborn and forceful about this, and 
true, the road to the sector six was dangerous, but he fought like a 
demon and her own brand of skills ensured their materia they stockpiled 
together was used to it's fullest, each spell carving down her nerves 
and lighting up her mind so brilliant, so alive.

Soon they came to the chain link fence and she stood there with him, 
looking at the small playground that was looking as if it had seen far 
better days. The dirt looked even dirtier than the soil back in the 5th 
slum and she sighed softly. "The gate to sector 7 is in there."

He looked across at her and she fought the blush that rose, straining to 
keep her cheeks pale and tint free, "Thanks. I guess... this is goodbye? 
You gonna be alright going home?"

"Oh no, whatever will I do... isn't that what you want me to say?" she 
looked at him, but saw only the vague confusion in his blue eyes. Aerith 
shook her head and walked past him into the play area, tilting her head 
backwards as she studied the slide, "Can we take a break?"

She didn't wait for a reply, running quickly to the slide so her pink 
skirts flared up about her slender legs and then laughed softly, "I 
can't believe its still here." And so saying, moved to the back of it 
where she climbed up and sat with legs drawn close, looking over the 
play area. "Cloud," she laughed and waved, "Over here."

He watched her and then came over, climbing up the equipment to sit next 
to her with a sigh, a small graze jutting on his smooth cheek, her eyes 
drawn to it with a vague tug of sadness inside her. "So," she said 
softly, "...what rank were you?"


"In Soldier."

"Oh, I was..." his expression became fearfully blank, eyes distant. 
Aerith watched him, then lowered her brows slightly. The sudden vacancy 
frightened her but at the same time she also realised that it was 
because of what he was hiding. She schooled her own facial motions to 
contemplative stillness. "First Class."

Impossible. There is something wrong here.

"Just the same as him," she ventured cautiously.

"As who?"

"My first boyfriend."

"You were...serious?" His interest was suddenly sharper, overtones of 
green eyed jealousy seething suddenly, strong enough to confuse her.

"N-no...but I liked him for a while."

"I probably knew him, what was his name?"

...You probably did...

"It doesn't really matter." There was a noise and she looked up from her 
boots towards the sector gate which was opening. A Chocobo drawn 
carriage danced its way out of the maw gracefully, the gates shutting 
behind it. On the back of the jutting carriage balcony a lone figure 
stood with firm resolution patterned on strong features. Aerith drew a 
faint breath, another blow hitting her heavily across the stomach. What 
was this new feeling?

"Huh... Tifa?" Cloud stood up.

It took moments for her to realise it was the girl that Cloud had 
mentioned, the lonely martial artist that was his childhood friend, and 
she stood up too, trying to remain calm. "The girl in the cart was Tifa? 
Where was she going? She looked kind of odd..."

Without waiting, she jumped down from the slide and began running 
towards the Wall Market gates and the den of all inequity. Behind her 
she could hear Cloud shouting he'd do it himself, but something stronger 
than that tugged her on, something greater and she knew she had to chase 
it. She knew she had to be the one to chase after it, no matter how far 
it would take her...


They say a friend can last a lifetime. They say friends bring with them 
the greatest magic of all.

I saw magic on that day as well as great fear.

But I couldn't involve them in that... because no one deserves to be 
bound by my horrible fate of fear... so I swore, for these new friends, 
I'd protect and help as best I could. Because I could feel the magic, 
mom; I could feel the magic...

Onwards to Part 4

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