Love Not Often (part 1 of 22)

a Final Fantasy 7 fanfiction by Bhryn Astaire

In My Heart

All I ever wanted was a friend.

They didn't have to understand me, nor did they have to know me well. 
They didn't have to share my hobbies or my fashion or even see the world 
through eyes like mine. They didn't have to be like me in any way or 
form. All they had to do was to love me for all my flaws and faults; 
love me for all the good and the bad, love me when love itself could 
hold a candle no longer.

So I wouldn't be lonely.

I wouldn't ask them to do anything strenuous, nor endure monstrous 
hardships to see me smile. I would ask nothing of them that would not 
want to give to me willingly, without a second thought or backwards 
glance nor toe to test the waters of a whirlpool of emotions. I wouldn't 
ask them to do chores or sit through boring things they did not enjoy, 
nor ask them to lie and never tell me any truths, only half truths. I'd 
only ask, that this friend of mine, they love me.

So I'd never be alone.

Instead we'd watch the sun and laugh at jokes and bend our heads 
together with whispers and giggles and talk about all the little things 
instead of worrying over the larger things. I'd bring the drinks and 
they'd bring the food and together we'd have that picnic on the horizon, 
or in a grove of trees. Others would come later but I and my friend 
would be the best of friends and we'd never separate. If distance came 
between us, I'd write them letters and sign them ‘with love'. Always 
with love and then sealing, send it on the air or through the water, 
curled tightly in a bottle so it can wash ashore to my friend. And 
reading, a smile would be born on those lips meant for smiling, and I'd 

So we'd be best friends, forever.

If the day should come one of us must leave then God of Gods, spirits 
and ghosts and all the things between Heaven and Hell, let it be me! Let 
it be me who passes first so I wouldn't have the heartache of missing my 
best friend...

...but then another voice cries out inside, perhaps my best friend might 
go first and then she would not suffer the heart hurt and loneliness 
without me. So Gods, perhaps be kind and if it should be, let her pass 
and I will soldier on with scars across my heart and the blanketed fire 
dying and dying.

It would be alright in the end though, because I would know I was loved 
and I was loved for who I was and what I am and even if it must pass at 
least for a brief shining moment, I was someone, to somebody.

That matters to me more than anyone can know. best friend...

Onwards to Part 2

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