Girls' Night Out (part 1 of 3)

a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction by Shanejayell

"A girl's night out," Ritsuko echoed her, sounding quite dubious about 
the whole idea. She had turned from her analysis desk to listen to the 
dark hared Major standing there before her, a little smile teasig her 
lips. Things around Nerv were a bit quieter after the latest of the 
Angel's attack, but everyone felt that it was only a momentary calm 
before another storm.

"That's right," Misato said with a firm nod of her head, "things seem 
to have quieted down a little bit, so we should take the chance to go 
out and have some fun." She laughed softly, "Consider it a bonding 
experience." She smiled endearingly at the scientist, before nervously 
putting her hands in her jacket pockets.

"And who will be going along on this mad errand?" Ritsuko asked her 
with a great deal of amusement in her voice.

"You and I, of course," Misato answered her thoughtfully, "Rei 
Ayanami, Asuka Langley, and I was thinking that you could ask Maya 
along, too."

A faint but visible blush touched the cheeks of the pretty blonde 
scientist as she sat right up in her chair. Ritsuko quickly asked her 
"Why Maya?" And with a faint frown she added, "Do you really think the 
Commander would approve?"

"Maya could use a break, and if you make it an order, I'm sure she'll 
agree to go," Misato said to her cheerfully. As she was walking out, 
she cheerfully said over her shoulder "And we'll just not tell the 
commander about it."

"A girl's night out?" Rei echoed her words softly, gazing calmly over 
at Misato with those unusual scarlet eyes of hers.

Misato had flagged down the young looking Eva pilot in the base 
hallway, the girl still dressed in her school uniform and carrying her 
book bag. She occasionally wondered if Rei intentionally ran around 
the base in her school uniform, but she quickly dismissed the thought.

Suddenly struck by a sense of deja-vu, Misato commented to her, "Yeah. 
It'll be fun." Rei just continued to look over at her levely, leaving 
Misato more than a bit stumped. Struck by an sudden inspiration she 
added, "As your superior officer, I'm ordering you to come along."

Rei nodded to her calmly before saying emotionlessly, "All right." As 
Misato was walking away she was a little surprised to hear Rei softly 
say, "Thank you."

"A girl's night out, Sempai?" a surprised Maya squeaked out. The 
computer specialist's cheeks showed a faint flush that she seemed to 
be fighting to bring under control.

"Misato's pretty determined," Ritsuko said with a rueful smile on her 
face, "so I think we're probably stuck. I'd really appreciate it if 
you'd agree to come along to keep me company." She adjusted her lab 
coat slightly, the only sign of her nervousness that she let show.

"I'd be glad too," a smiling Maya said, executing a quick bow then 
almost fleeing the room. 'I can't believe I'm going out with her, even 
if it is with other people along,' she thought to herself happily, 
almost running back to her station.

Ritsuko watched her walk off in her form fitted technician's outfit, a 
little smile on her face. 'Maya really is kind of cute when she 
blushes like that,' she thought to herself, then she shook her head 
and went back to work.

Struck yet again by a sense of deja-vu, Misato listened to a scowling 
Asuka bark at her "Girl's night out? Who's fool idea was that?"

"Mine," Misato answered her, making Asuka shut up quite quickly. "We 
could all use a break considering how hard we've all been working," 
she tried using reason, "and this way you can get to know some of the 
others better."

"Not interested," Asuka answered, keeping her scowl firmly in place.

"Fine," Misato said with a shrug, "then I'm making it an order. Be 
ready by seven p.m."

"You can't do that!" Asuka quickly protested.

Misato smiled at her evily, drawling out "Wanna bet?"

Before Misato could get away from her, Asuka suddenly asked her, "Is 
Rei coming along?" Misato just replied with a nod of her head.

The old army jeep really wasn't Misato's style of vehicle, she would 
have much preferred to be out driving a deluxe sports car or some 
other stylish car. She winced slightly, remembering back when she had 
demolished her last one retrieving poor Shinji for Nerv. Under the 
circumstances, sticking with a jeep might just be safer.

Ritsuko quickly claimed the more comfortable shotgun seat, while Maya 
quite cheerfully agreed to sit in the back seat. 'Bet she'll regret 
that later," she though, watching Rei and Asuka step out into the 
garage pointedly ignoring each other.

Rei and Asuka made an interesting looking pair. Rei dressed in a plain 
dress, pale blue, with a white blouse. Asuka had picked out a red 
blouse, and dark colored slacks with her dress boots. They almost 
looked like they had decided together on what to wear.

Struck by a moment of pure genius, she stuck Maya in between the two 
of them, in the hopes she could keep them from killing each other 
before they finally reached their destination. The seating 
arrangements made, she climbed into the driver's seat, started up the 
engine, and they were off.

Misato drove them into the city of Tokyo-3 the way she drove anywhere 
else: completely recklessly and with an utter disregard for anyone 
else. Many of the cars decided on the better part of valor and 
actually pulled over to get out of their way.

Ritsuko held on to the battered dashboard in a white knuckled grip, 
and after taking just a moment to look behind her she noticed that 
Maya and Asuka were in a similar state. Of course, Rei just sat there 
looking purely calm, utterly unruffled by the speed and reckless 
driving that was filling the rest of them with pure terror.

"So where are we actually going?" Ritsuko managed to shout at Misato 
over the sound of the wind rushing by them.

Misato quite calmly turned in her seat, and completely away from her 
view of the road ahead! Ritsuko went even paler, even as Misato 
cheerfully explained to her "I heard about a new club that just 
opened, and I though it'd be a fun place to go."

Asuka squeaked softly, watching wide eyed as the vehicle beared down 
on them. She finally managed to get out, "Truck!" Misato turned back 
to the road and with a twist of the wheel got them out of danger. 
Asuka slumped back in her seat in relief. She blinked a bit in 
surprise when she noticed the normally deadpan Rei giving her a 
sympathetic glance.

A shaking Ritsuko turned back to Maya, whom she noticed was slumped 
back in her seat, sweatdropping. 'I'm sorry,' she mouthed to her, and 
Maya managed to weakly smile back at her. The jeep suddenly jerked to 
a stop, causing Ritsuko to blurt out "Did we hit something?"

Misato gave a soft scoffing noise, "No, we're here. And I've never had 
an accident."

Rei calmly asked her, "What about your sports car?"

Asuka grinned, and had to fight the urge to laugh at the irritated 
look on Misato's face. "Way to go, Wondergirl," she said under her 
breath to Rei.

"That wasn't my fault!" Misato quickly protested. "I was being shot at 
by the military at the time," she grumbled softly.

Maya looked up at the older building, an odd expression on her face. 
"Arisugawa's Locket?" she said softly. She frowned a bit, "What kind 
of club is this?"

"I dunno," a smiling Misato admitted, "but it sure looks interesting." 
She grabbed Asuka's and Maya's arms, "Lets go in and check it out."

Ritsuko and Rei followed, Ritsuko sighing softly as she said, "Let's 
just hope we can keep her out of trouble."

"I rather doubt it," was Rei's quiet reply.

The young woman at the door looked them over a moment before nodding 
and opening the inner doorway. "Have a good time, ladies," she said 
quite cheerfully.

They walked down a short, dark hallway to emerge into a brightly lit 
larger room. A long bar stretched along one wall, a nice sized dance 
floor was nearby and a set of tables was on the other side of it. A 
small library wasn't very far past the dance floor, and the light 
above the closed door of the karaoke room indicated it was occupied.

Misato made a beeline to the bar, while Ritsuko and the others 
followed a bit more slowly behind her. "Is it me," Maya asked Ritsuko 
quite nervously, "or are there no men in here?"

"It's not just you," Asuka said grimly, having overheard the question. 
They quickly reached Misato's side, where she was singing the 
rhapsodies of the well stocked bar.

"I can't believe you have so many varieties of beer!" Misato explained 
to the oddly dressed, blue-gray hared lady bartender.

"I prefer drinking sake myself," Ryouko admitted to her, "but the boss 
likes to keep the place well stocked." She smiled over at the other 
four, "What can I get you?"

Ritsuko quickly took charge, "Sake for me, pop for these two," she 
said, gesturing to Rei and Asuka, and she looked over at Maya, "what 
would you like?"

"Sake for me, too," was Maya's shy reply.

"You do realize," Ritsuko said to Misato once they had settled down at 
a table, "that there's no one but women in here?"

Misato looked around her thoughtfully before finally admitting, "No, I 
hadn't noticed. I guess I was concentrating on all the beers." 
Ritsuko, Maya, and Asuka faceplanted at that, while Rei just sat there 
calmly drinking her glass of pop. Misato smiled, "Good, at least we 
don't have to worry about guys picking us up while drunk."

"We just have to worry about girl's picking us up, instead," Rei 
calmly observed. She didn't sound very bothered by the idea, just 
stating a fact.

"If you're really worried about it," Misato said, rolling her eyes, 
"you four can just pretend to be couples. Maya, you're here with 
Ritsuko so Rei, you be with Asuka."

The newly formed couples reacted quite differently; strangely, both 
Ritsuko and Maya blushed fiercely, while Asuka looked at Rei with 
obvious hostility. Rei returned the gaze coolly, but a little smile 
seemed to tug at her lips.

"I suppose it could work," a sullen Asuka finally admitted. Rei picked 
up her chair and shifted it over to sit at Asuka's side. "What are you 
doing?" Asuka whispered.

"A couple would sit together," was Rei's deadpan answer. She sat 
beside Asuka at the table, her body turned slightly to more easily 
hear anything Asuka said. From the outside, she seemed the perfect, 
attentive girlfriend.

"She's got a point," Maya admitted, and she and Ritsuko shuffled 
around a bit to sit nearer to each other. She bumped Ritsuko's arm, 
and smiled up at her shyly even as a flash seemed to snake up her 
body. 'This is going to be a long night,' Maya thought.

Misato looked at Rei and Asuka's drinks with a fierce frown, "Who 
ordered those for you?" Before Ritsuko could try and speak up, Misato 
flagged down a passing barmaid.

The tall girl wore a maids outfit, a discreetly placed nametag 
identifying her as May. "What can I get you folks?" she asked 

"A round of beer, please," Misato said to May with a grin. She watched 
the girl walk off, her hips gently swaying, and noticed the looks she 
was getting from the other four. "What?" she asked, adding "When in 
Rome, do as the Romans do."

The beers were delivered, and Misato planted one can of beer each 
right in from of Asuka and Rei. "But I don't drink," Rei protested 
calmly. She received a fierce look from Misato, so she picked it up 
and delicately took a sip.

Asuka took a larger gulp, and made a face at the taste. "I think I 
prefer the pop," Asuka admitted with a little shudder.

"I'm surrounded by wimps," Misato complained bitterly. She eyes lit up 
when she saw a out of the way sign, "Hey, they've got karaoke!"

"Oh god, kill me now," Ritsuko groaned, knowing the horror that was 
awaiting them.

Rei took another drink of her beer, burping slightly. At everyone's 
somewhat startled looks she actually blushed a bit, "Sorry."

Misato all but dragged them into the karaoke room, shut the door 
behind them, and then she took the stage. Quickly demonstrating a 
complete inability to carry a tune, the group patiently sat through 
two of her songs before pulling Misato off stage by force.

Maya's turn was next, and the blushingly took her place behind the 
microphone. 'This is for you, Sempai,' Maya thought, and picked out a 
sweet, romantic tune. The music began, and she softly sang, "This rose 
is our destiny..."

Ritsuko found herself leaning forward, her eyes closed as she listened 
to her sing. 'So beautiful,' she thought, 'I didn't know she had it in 
her.' She looked at the shy young woman singing up on the stage, and 
felt proud of her bravery, as well as her voice.

"She's really good," Asuka admitted to Rei thoughtfully. "Are you 
going to take a turn next?" she asked her thoughtfully.

In a much more cheery tone of voice than Asuka had ever heard her use, 
Rei happily answered, "Sure, why not!"

Asuka turned to look at her quickly. Rei's cheeks were flushed, a 
empty can sitting neatly at her feet and a open one in her hand. She 
was actually smiling, her red eyes sparkling as she watched Maya sing. 
As soon as Maya finished, Rei hopped to her feet, swaying slightly.

"My turn," Rei said cheerfully, and with a bit of guidance made it to 
the stage. She smiled widely picking out her song before starting it 

"I'm surprised only two beers would do that to her," Ritsuko said to 
Misato quietly, so that the girls couldn't hear them.

"Maybe she's never drank before?" Misato answered her with a shrug, 
before taking another long drink of her own can of beer.

Asuka squirmed a bit uncomfortably in her seat as Rei looked at her 
intensely from the stage. She'd been doing it to her all through the 
song, but now she seemed to put it up a notch as she was working to 
the song's conclusion.

"You are all I long for, all I worship, and adore," Rei sweetly sang, 
smiling warmly at Asuka, who only sweatdropped a bit in reply.

Deciding they'd all had quite enough karaoke after that, they headed 
back out into the bar itself. Asuka carefully guided Rei over to the 
couches by the library, noticing how much Rei was swaying with some 
concern. 'God, she really can't hold her liquor,' she thought wryly. 
She sat down, and Rei flopped down beside her, laying her head on 
Asuka's shoulder.

As soon as she felt Rei lean against her, Asuka stiffened, before 
finally hissing to her, "What do you think you're doing?"

There was no answer, and she looked over to see why. Rei's eyes were 
closed, her body limp, and Asuka heard what almost sounded like a 
little snore coming from her fellow Eva pilot. 'Out like a light,' an 
astonished Asuka thought, a little smile on her face. She eased an arm 
up, gently putting it over Rei's shoulders.

Misato had disappeared somewhere out on the dance floor, leaving Maya 
and Ritsuko sitting together at one of the dining tables, watching the 
goings on around them wide-eyed. Maya watched two young women dancing 
together, their bodies nearly melded into one, and for a moment wished 
she was out there.

Ritsuko saw the blush on Maya's cheeks and wondered what she was 
thinking about. She looked at the boyish young woman and wished she 
was out dancing with her, not sitting at this table watching the party 
go by.

Finally having drunk enough Dutch courage, Maya stood up and offered 
Ritsuko her hand. "Would you like to dance?" she asked, her voice only 
cracking a little with nervousness.

A smile lit up Ritsuko's face, before she let Maya gently pull her to 
her feet. "I'd love to," she sighed happily, relaxing into Maya's 

Misato stumbled off the dance floor, smiling broadly. She'd been 
groped out there twice, by different ladies! She was about to track 
down Ritsuko to gloat to her about it when she noticed her out on the 
dance floor swaying with Maya to a slow song. "About time they did 
something," she remarked to nobody in particular.

Misato looked around, noticed Asuka and Rei sitting together on the 
couch, and almost had to sigh at how cute they looked together. 'Odd, 
but cute,' she thought. Deciding to return to her first love, Misato 
returned to the bar for more beer.

As she was ordering, a quiet voice commented, "I didn't think I'd ever 
meet a woman who could keep up with me drinking beer," Misato turned, 
the woman grinned at her before adding, "I guess I was wrong."

"And who might you be?" Misato asked the brown hared woman curiously.

"Priss," the rocker said with a sexy smile.

"Misato," she answered, and gently tapped her can up against Priss' 

Author's Notes: Well, this is my first major excursion into Rei/Asuka 
and Maya/Ritsuko shoujo-ai. Hopefully, it didn't totally suck. Started 
out as a little scene in my Arisugawa's Locket series, and I wanted to 
explain how, exactly, they got there. Let me know what you think! 

Onwards to Part 2

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