Altered Destinies (part 1 of 19)

a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction by Shanejayell

"Damn, damn damn!" Misato Katsuragi swore as she swung the little car 
into a dangerous turn. "I am so late!" she whimpered.

The plan had looked so simple just this morning. She would go out and 
get Shinji Ikari, then take him right back to NERV headquarters. They'd 
brief him on the Angels and explain Evangelion to him then hit him with 
the sales pitch: the opportunity to pilot Evangelion. She was sure they 
could sell him on it, especially if they kept the Commander away from 
Shinji at first.

Then of course it all went straight to hell.

An Angel was on it's way here and they weren't prepared, not really. No 
healthy pilot, the UN forces nearly useless against the Angel and Shinji 
coming to a city with no active transport because of the emergency 
shut-down. So Misato grabbed her car and bolted, hitting the streets and 
praying that she could reach Shinji before the Angel arrived.

Misato looked down at the folder sitting on the seat beside her then 
back out to the road. Shinji looked like a nice kid, a bit repressed but 
nice in his school photo. The delicate face oddly suited the casual 
T-shirt, though she did find herself wondering why the kid wasn't 
dressed in uniform. 'Wish I had more time, I barely looked through the 
file yet,' Misato thought glumly.

The car hit a bump and sailed up into the air a moment before hammering 
down so hard her teeth rattled. "There goes the suspension," she 
muttered, thinking despairingly of all the payments that she still had 
to make on it. Her cellphone rang and she fumbled with it, "Yes?"

"Have you found Shinji yet?" Ritsuko Akagi's voice was crisp, but there 
was real concern in her tone of voice. She could almost imagine the 
blonde scientist standing there, her hands hidden in the pockets of that 
white labcoat she usually wore.

"I'm on my way to the train station now," Misato answered as she steered 
with one hand on the wheel, the other holding the phone to her ear, 
"should be there in a few moments."

"You may not have the time," Ritsuko answered seriously, "the UN forces 
are barely delaying the Angel. It's going to be walking the streets of 
Tokyo-3 soon and I don't want you there."

"We can't leave Shinji out here all alone," Misato answered, "but as 
soon as I grab him I'll be heading back, I promise."

"Him?" Ritsuko sounded confused, "Misato, you didn't read the file..."

"I looked through it," Misato swung the car around a corner, clipping a 
sign, "besides, I think this is all just a bit too much of a 

"The Angel attacking us now, with Shinji here..." Ritsuko murmured, "you 
think that the Angel is aware of Shinji, somehow?"

"I hope not. I see him," Misato exclaimed excitedly as she slammed on 
the brakes and hung up with a fast, "see you later, Ritsuko!" The car 
skidded to a stop and she flung the passenger door open as she yelled to 
him, "Get in!"

The slim figure in T-shirt and pants blinked at her in confusion, 

"Get in here now!" Misato barked out, trying to put all of the command 
that she could into her tone of voice.

Just then the street shook, almost as if a giant foot had struck it, 
then the sound of a boom roared over them. "Right," Shinji dived inside 
even as Misato slammed the door shut behind him and raced off, stomping 
on the gas pedal. "Miss Katsuragi, right?" Shinji asked nervously.

Misato nodded crisply. "Sorry I'm so late but I ...," Misato started 
only to trail off once she got a good look at her passenger. The photo 
had been deceptive, hiding the long ponytail and concealing the delicate 
curve of breasts beneath the white shirt. "You're a girl?" she blurted 

"Ah, yes," Shinji blinked, her expression clearly quizzical. "Is that a 
problem?" she asked Misato tentatively.

"Sorry," Misato turned her eyes back to the road as her thoughts raced. 
'Oh hell,' she mused, 'I sent her that photo of me in that bathing suit, 

"What's going on?" Shinji asked as attack helicopters roared by 

"Oh hell," Misato breathed as the figure moved between the buildings off 
in the distance. It looked like a parody of a human being, a black 
skinned, eagle beaked figure shambling through the city, ignoring 
weapons fire and everything else that they could throw at it.

"What is that?" Shinji squeaked.

"Something we don't want to mess with right now," Misato muttered as 
they raced away, the whine of the car's engine showing the strain it was 
under. Out to the edges of the city they ran, Misato concentrating on 
putting distance between them and the Angel.

"Why are we stopping?" Shinji asked as the car pulled over.

Misato produced a pair of binoculars from the glovebox, gazing back 
towards the Angel that was moving through the city. "We need to know 
what's going on," she answered, magnifying the view of the Angel. It 
took her a moment to realize that the aircraft were moving away from the 
Angel, zipping off as fast as possible.

"What's wrong?" Shinji asked, the young woman noticing her tensing up.

"They're going to use an N2 mine," Misato murmured, eyes wide. She 
turned to grab Shinji, forcing her down even as she yelled, "Duck!"


The sky went pure white over the Angel, a mushroom cloud rising up over 
where it had been standing. The shockwave rapidly rippled outward, 
hammering at the car and sending them rolling until they thumped to a 
stop on the side of the car. There was a moment of silence, the car 
rocking slightly while dust and smoke hung in the air.

"Are you all right?" Shinji asked, the young woman awkwardly hanging 
there in her seat held in by her seatbelt.

Misato shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. "Yeah, I think so," 
she answered, reaching for her seatbelt, "how about you?" She unclipped 
it and then thumped down to the side door, whimpering softly, "Owee."

Shinji managed to get free a little better, gripping the seat as she 
unclipped. "My ears are ringing," she conceded as they crawled out of 
the battered car, "but I'm fine."

"Unlike my poor car," Misato said, looking over the car mournfully. 
'Definitely going to owe money on this,' she thought, running through 
all the repairs it was going to need.

Shinji looked back towards the city, her expression worried. "Do you 
think they stopped that thing?" she turned back to ask.

"I doubt it," Misato said frankly, "which means we need to get out of 
here soon." She walked over to the car and braced herself to push, "Care 
to give me a hand?"

"Right," Shinji hurried over to help.

Together they pushed and rocked the small car, eventually managing to 
get the wheels back onto the ground. Rummaging around in the back Misato 
found some duct tape and roughly reattached the front fender then swiped 
some car batteries from a nearby store to get them the juice they were 
going to need to get going.

"Are you sure this is legal?" Shinji asked.

"I'm a government official," Misato waved it away casually as she 
continued, "and this is an emergency situation."

Shinji gave her a skeptical look as they entered the darkness of the 
tunnel, "I don't think the store owner is going to buy that."

Misato had to smile at that, feeling oddly glad this Shinji had some 
nerve. "You're not as cute as I thought you were," she said with a 
slight smile as they moved onto a specially built conveyer belt. The car 
was carried on through a heavy metal door even as Shinji looked around 
her, wide eyed.

"What is this place?" Shinji asked as the car came to rest in a large 
cradle that swiftly carried them downwards.

Misato took a folder and passed it over to her, "We're in the 
headquarters of the United Nations special agency, NERV."

"NERV?" Shinji echoed as she took the folder, looking through it 

"We were founded by the United Nations with one purpose only," Misato 
said as the car passed through the layers of armor into an open area, 
"to combat the Angels."

Shinji's eyes went wide as they descended, the underground construction 
of NERV's headquarters visible to her at last. "Wow," she exclaimed 
excitedly, "a real geo-front!"

Misato smiled, quietly filling in details for Shinji even as her 
thoughts were elsewhere. 'Can this girl do what we'll need her to do?' 
she wondered. 'Do we even have the right to ask this of her?' They came 
to a stop and got out of the car, standing on a moving sidewalk. "We'll 
be there before you know it," Misato said only to stop in surprise as 
they passed through a gate to see who awaited them.

"It took you long enough, Captain Katsuragi," Ritsuko scolded, quickly 
checking them both over for any sign of injury.

"Sorry, Ritsuko," Misato said with a smile, "things got kind of hectic 
out there."

"I know," Ritsuko said quietly.

Shinji was looking curiously between them. "Where are my manners," 
Misato smiled, "Shinji Ikari, I'd like you to meet NERV's head scientist 
Ritsuko Akagi."

"Welcome to NERV," Ritsuko gave Shinji a surprisingly gentle smile, at 
least for her.

"Hello," Shinji bowed slightly then plaintively asked, "what's going 

"You didn't explain?" Ritsuko gave Misato a look.

"Started to, but..." Misato shrugged.

"The commander wants to see us," Ritsuko said as she lead them off, 
"I'll explain everything I can on the way."

Onwards to Part 2

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