Hack//Trilogy (part 1 of 3)

a .hack//SIGN fanfiction by Shanejayell

Introduction: .Hack/SIGN featured the adventures of Tsukasa, a 
Wavemaster who was trapped in the online game the World. He encountered 
many characters seeking a way out, forging friendships and eventually 
falling in love with the Heavy Axe Subaru. Eventually Tsukasa and Subaru 
actually met in the real world where they discovered they were both 
women, Ann and Mariko.

Ann stretched as the sun streamed through the window, lighting up the 
two figures who were laying there on the bed. The slim brown haired 
woman looked down at her companion, reaching out to brush a bit of her 
darker hair back. "Good morning," Ann murmured as she began to stir.

"Morning," Mariko agreed, the older woman fumbling for her squarish 

Ann smoothly reached out to grab them, passing them over to Mariko with 
a gentle smile. "Do you want some breakfast in bed?" she offered 
tenderly, wiggling free of their blankets to reveal her t-shirt clad 

"Couldn't we stay in bed?" Mariko dropped her voice to a purr.

Ann blushed faintly. "We already slept in," she said a bit regretfully, 
"and we promised Bear we'd meet him online..."

"You're right," Mariko agreed, scooting over to the side of the bed, 
"we'd better get dressed." Still, she paused to admire Ann's body as the 
lady dressed, then pulled on her own clothes before sliding into her 

With the easy familiarity of a long time resident Ann bustled around the 
kitchen, making up some scrambled eggs and toast for them, then they sat 
down at the table to eat. Officially Ann was being employed as a aide 
for Mariko, though in reality they had moved in together simply to 
persue their relationship.

"So we'll form a party with Bear and start out from Murmuring, Night, 
Alchemy?" Ann asked as she dunked her toast in ketchup and munched eggs.

"That's what we agreed to," Mariko said, strudying Ann thoughtfully. 
"Are you still nervous about logging on to the World?" she asked.

"A little," Ann conceded. She drank some tea, "We all know it was 
Morgana's fault that I was trapped in the game, but I can't help but 
feel a bit skitish about it."

"If you want, I can just tell Bear we'll go in later," Mariko said 

"The only way I'll get over it is if I continue to play," Ann said 
firmly, "besides, we promised Bear to help him..."

Mariko reached out to take her hand, squeezing gently. "And you're not 
the type to break a promise," she agreed.

They finished up their breakfast then headed to the computer room, both 
of them sitting at their terminals before pulling on their visors. They 
logged on almost as one, falling into the datastream before finding 
themselves appearing in the default city of Mac.Anu.

Ann's avatar Tsukasa looked around them, the silver haired young man 
frowning as he heard the sounds of a battle nearby. "Is something 
attacking the town?" the silver haired Wavemaster asked, hefting his 
staff warily.

Mariko's avatar Subaru shook her head, blue hair falling around her 
face, "It can't be, monsters can't break into the city unless it's a 
special Event," the Heavy Axeman said grimly, "something else must be 
going on."

Without a word they headed right towards the conflict, pushing forward 
through a mob of characters that were all fleeing the other direction. 
They broke through only to freeze, seeing the muscular Heavy Blade Bear 
facing off against four very familiar looking figures garbed in matching 
suits of red plate armor.

"Crimson Knights," Tsukasa said grimly, waving his staff as he summoned 
a spell.

The burst of power drove the Knights back, giving Bear some breathing 
room. He grinned, brown hair falling over blue face paint as he said, 
"Thanks for the backup."

"How dare you!" Subaru angrily cried as she attacked, her axe quickly 
seperating a Knight frm his weapon. "Bringing a battle into the city is 
against all the rules!"

All of the knights clearly recognized their former leader and visibly 
hesitated, exchanging worried glances. "He was judged by the Crimson 
Knights for assisting a Player Killer," one Knight finally got up the 
nerve to point at Tsukasa, "that Player Killer!"

"Being a Player Killer isn't against the rules," Tsukasa said 
uncomfortably. In truth it hadn't even been Tsukasa who had killed the 
other players, it had been a guardian creature that had been forced upon 
him by Morgana. Of course, the Crimson Knights hadn't cared about 

"Maybe not by CC Corp rules, but we Crimson Knights will not allow it to 
go unpunished," another Knight said.

"So now the Knights are making their own rules?" Bear asked, feinting to 
draw a Knight forward. He quickly cut him down, turning to the surviving 

Tsukasa used his staff to disarm another Knight, leaving only one to 
face them all. "Someone has to maintain order," the Knight said, grimly 
raising his sword.

With surprising speed Subaru batted the sword aside, hesitating before 
she stepped back. "This isn't the way to do it," she said as she turned 
away, "take your comrades and go."

Warily they watched the surviving Knights flee, then were vaguely 
startled at the cheer that broke out of the watching players. Quickly 
they moved off, entering into a house that Bear had managed to earn as a 

"Are you all right, Bear?" Tsukasa asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," Bear said as he waved them over to the table.

"Once upon a time the people would have been cheering the Crimson 
Knights," Subaru murmured as she sat, shaking her head. She gave Bear a 
piercing look and asked, "How long has this been going on?"

"It started not long after the Knights expelled you," Bear admitted, 
"they've gradually gotten more hard line since then."

"It's not your fault," Tsukasa said quickly, having a very good idea 
where his lover's thoughts were going.

"Maybe," Subaru sighed, "but we both know that if I had managed to hold 
on to the leadership, this wouldn't be happening."

"There was already a hard line faction in the Crimson Knights even 
before they expelled you," Bear reminded her, "just remember what 
happened with Tsukasa."

"I feel a little guilty too," Tsukasa sighed as he leaned his cheek 
against his staff, "if Subaru hadn't supported me over the Knights, this 
wouldn't have happened."

"No, I think Bear is right," Subaru said after a moment, "this was 
coming no matter what happened." Her eyes narrowed as she continued, 
"The question is, what do we do now?"

"Uh oh," Bear murmured, recognizing the look on the young woman's face.

"What are you thinking?" Tsukasa asked softly.

"We may not have cauised this but I think we do have a responsibility to 
clean up the mess," Subaru said firmly, "and that means reining in the 

"But we aren't strong ennough to do that on our own," Bear said, nnot 
necessarily objecting, just raising a point.

"You have some people in mind?" Tsukasa smiled.

"Crim would help," Subaru said with a smile, "and I know Orca and 
Balmung have both had issues with the Crimson Knights."

"And considering the cheers from the crowd I'd bet if we put the word 
out we'd get a lot of volunteers," Bear noted.

"Just to put all our cards on the table," Tsukasa said seriously, "we're 
talking about forming an army to stop the Crimson Knights."

"Someone has to," Subaru said firmly.

Bear gave Tsukasa a impish look, "You in or out?"

Tsukasa reached out to put his hand over Subaru's. His tone of voice 
said it was a foolish question as he answered, "Of course I'm in."

Onwards to Part 2

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