Tenshi to Yuri

a Digimon fanfiction by Cynthia

Title: The title will be explained in the fanfic. Read it to find out. 
Thanks to Beth and Josie for checking and doublechecking for me. 

Note: This takes place in the future. My future, not canon future.. 


The Digital World night was a marvel of beauty. Stars gleamed like 
tiny jewels in the sky, with the moon at new so those small things 
were the only light available. Entwining among the stars, carried on 
the soft breeze, was the laughter of two Digimon. This was not an 
uncommon sight or sound, as this was the realm of the Digimon, but 
these two Digimon were ones that were seldom seen these days, as they 
spent most of their time in the world of humans in their less evolved 
forms, not their Perfection ones. 

"It's no fair!" A pair of insect-like wings buzzed as Lillymon pouted 
at her larger companion. "You've got more wings than I do, so you can 
fly faster!" 

Angewomon's silvery laugh echoed all around. "Don't blame me, I didn't 
design this body!" 

"Someone did who knew what they were doing!" The Fairy of Purity 
laughed teasingly, and Angewomon quickly dived at her, catching the 
smaller Digimon in her arms and pulling her in for a sweet kiss. 

When they broke apart, it was only to arms length, and both of them 
gazed into each other's eyes. Well, as much as one could gaze into 
eyes that were covered by a helmet. Lillymon didn't really care, 
though. Angewomon could remove the headgear, and usually did for her, 
so she knew she'd be looking into those eyes whenever she wanted to. 

"It's nice to be here with you again," the Angel of Light brushed her 
fingers across Lillymon's petals. "I miss you when we're both there." 

Lillymon knew what she meant. Mimi still lived in America, which meant 
that she, as Palmon, lived there with her. Angewomon, in her form of 
Tailmon, still lived in Odaiba with Hikari. They could only meet in 
the Digital World on rare occasions, when their partners came there to 
visit or to deal with any particularly troublesome Digimon who thought 
it would be a great idea to beat up on something smaller than 

With the passing of time, it had become easier and easier for them to 
assume their higher evolutions. Koushirou had warned them all that the 
time would come when they wouldn't be able to go back to their Child 
forms without major loss of energy. For Tailmon, that had happened 
years earlier, so she was simply awaiting the day when she would 
become Angewomon permanently. Hikari had already promised her when 
that day came, they would both move to the Digital World permanently, 
where Angewomon would be able to roam freely. In fact, it was pretty 
much a given that they'd all have to stay there one day, to give their 
partners the room they needed. There was no way any of them could keep 
Stingmon, XV-mon, Kabuterimon, Greymon, or any of their partners there 
on a regular basis. 

I wonder how long it will take until my love is there permanently for 
me. It was already harder for Togemon to go back to Palmon every time, 
and each evolution to Lillymon was easier and easier. Angewomon loved 
her no matter what stage she was in, but it was definitely easier to 
give Lillymon a hug than Togemon. 

Lillymon was a warm armful for her; the flower-child was barely the 
size of her own partner, and very light as well, for ease in flight. 
Angewomon could easily remember the awe she'd felt the first time 
she'd seen the smallest of the Perfections of the Chosen Children. She 
had been still newly freed from her servitude to Vamdemon, and unused 
to appreciating beauty over strength, but Lillymon was the perfect 
combination of both. Light and quick, agile and cunning, without even 
trying to she had flown directly into Tailmon's heart and stayed 

They had been a steady couple for years. Since not long after the 
defeat of Apocalymon, actually. It had started about a week or two 
after the children had went back to their world. Tailmon had kept an 
eye on Palmon the whole time, knowing that the plant-Digimon had been 
the one most affected by their partners having to leave them. The rest 
of the group had been busy finding their old places, the hollows and 
nooks and crannies that had been where they slept and played before. 
There was a faint air of sadness to it all, though. Before they hadn't 
had any idea of what it was they were waiting for. But now that they 
not only had met their literal other halves, but had a wonderful set 
of adventures, and known more about themselves than they'd ever dared 
to dream possible...it was kind of a let down. 

Tailmon hadn't let any of it bother her. Yes, there was the mixed 
pleasure of having finally met who she had waited her entire life for, 
who she had suffered and wept and bled for when she couldn't find 
them, and the pain of having lost Wizarmon to her old master, but she 
couldn't let it get her down. She was the Digimon of Light, and as 
such, she felt it was part of her responsibility not to let the 
Darkness, even in it's milder forms of sadness or despair, get to her 
any longer. She still had nightmares about it, of course. She knew 
they would last for years. You couldn't shake off something like her 
past as if it were nothing more then water after all. But she kept her 
heart light, letting the whistle Hikari had given her be a token of 
the bond between them. 

But Palmon didn't have anything like that to remind her of Mimi. All 
she had were her memories, and of how badly she'd acted when it was 
time to go. Mimi had forgiven her, but Palmon still hadn't forgiven 
herself for it. 

Tailmon didn't know that right away, of course. She knew that Palmon 
was feeling bad, so she watched over her. The first few days 
everything had been fine. Everyone was too busy to let their emotions 
and memories get caught up with them. But as things calmed 
down...memories started to return. 

The white feline had taken up the habit of sleeping in trees, usually 
ones she'd made certain didn't have any other inhabitants. It kept her 
safer at night. The other Digimon tended to stick together, and her 
concession to that was to sleep in a tree near them. She was able to 
watch over them all like that, especially Palmon. 

It had been a night very much like this one. No moon, the stars 
gleaming overhead...she had seen Palmon slipping away from the huddle 
of Digimon, making her way to the river. Tailmon had watched quietly, 
feline curiosity and the concern of a friend merging to get her to 
slowly follow the plantmon. 

Palmon had went down by the river, almost right into it, and sunk down 
into a small green pile of depression. Tailmon had watched for a few 
moments, then as she heard the drip drip of tears falling into the 
water, had hurried over as fast as her paws could carry her. 

"Palmon?" Tailmon had touched her lightly, and the Child had only 
pulled away, the tears coming faster now. "Palmon, you can talk to 

The smaller Digimon had slowly lifted her head and looked at her, 
sniffling a little. "Why would you want to talk to me? I'm a bad 

"Because of that little thing with Mimi?" Tailmon had snorted. 
"Believe me, Palmon, that's nothing. You didn't your friend to go. I 
know how that feels. You're not a bad Digimon...you just really care 
about her." 

Palmon had sniffled more, staring at her as if it had just really hit 
her that Tailmon had lost her best friend: with no chance of ever 
getting him back. At least Mimi could return to the Digital World, 
someday. Gennai had told the eight of them that there was a good 
chance if they were ever needed again, the gates would reopen, and 
their friends would come back. It wasn't a certainty, but it was a 
chance. Not only that, but she still had all the other Digimon, that 
she'd known since she was hatched. Tailmon had only been their friend 
for the last few weeks. 

Tailmon had looked her right in the eyes. "You're not a bad Digimon. I 
was a bad Digimon, so I'd know if you were. Cheer up. Mimi wouldn't 
want you to be sad, would she?" 

"I...I guess not." Palmon had sat back slowly, trying to adjust to 
this new situation. Tailmon had watched her, and a part of her she'd 
thought she'd put to sleep a long time ago had begun to wake up. 

Being in the service of Vamdemon didn't mean you couldn't fall in 
love. It was best not to, since he wouldn't hesitate to use any 
emotion he could against you, so Tailmon had buried the part of her 
that was able to love another Digimon. Her friendship with Wizarmon 
had been the only outlet of emotion she'd really let herself have, and 
that had devastated her when he'd been killed. She'd sworn in that 
moment to never let anyone she cared about slip away again, especially 
without telling them how she really felt. Wizarmon had only heard 
about how much she treasured their friendship when it came down to the 
last moments...she wouldn't let that happen now. 

She had never kissed anyone before, or let them kiss her. But now, it 
seemed the most natural thing in the world to lean over and brush her 
very first kiss, so tender and hesitant, and yet so right all in the 
same moment, across Palmon's lips. For the briefest of moments they 
had been frozen in tableau, blue eyes staring into green. They could 
have moved apart...but neither had wanted to. 

Instead, the kiss had been deepened and richened, each holding onto 
the other as if they never wanted to let go. In some ways...they never 

That had been the beginning of it all. They'd stuck by each other as 
often as they could during the next three years. The other Digimon had 
suspected something was up between them, but they quickly got the idea 
that whatever it was, it was something neither of the two of them 
wanted to discuss in public as of yet. Tailmon and Palmon both wanted 
time to explore this new relationship. 

And explore it they had. They had trekked over every inch of File 
Island, Palmon showing her new girlfriendmon all the sights, from the 
Village of Beginnings to Toy Town, where she had become Togemon for 
the first time. Monzaemon had been there, and they had had a great 
time playing with the toys and laughing inside of his heart bubbles. 
They'd trekked to the top of Infinity Mountain, and looked out over 
the whole island. It wasn't a very big island, but it was their 
island, to protect and guard forever. 

"Angewomon?" Lillymon's voice called her out of her memories. "We 
aren't going to be here forever, you know. Mimi and I have to leave in 
the morning." 

The angel smiled softly at her beautiful lover, pulling her into a 
warm hug, brushing her lips across Lillymon's, and remembering that oh 
so perfect first kiss. She had no explanation for how she felt. She 
just knew that it was what she wanted, and she wasn't going to ever 
let it get away from her. "I know, Lillymon. I was just thinking about 
how we got together." 

The fairy smiled lightly. "That turned out to be one of the best 
nights of my life. I'm glad you were there for me...for a lot of 

"If you start saying I light up your life, I promise to whack you 
one," Angewomon playfully threatened, lifting one fist. Lillymon 
caught it in her hand and pulled it closer, her tongue flicking out to 
caress the gloved fingers. 

"This can be a weapon of destruction of evil," She murmured softly, 
looking up into Angewomon's eyes, her other hand reaching out to play 
with the angel's long golden hair. "Or it can bring the greatest joy 
I've ever experienced in my life. You're the only one for me, my 
beautiful angel of Light." 

Angewomon quivered at the feelings that Lillymon was producing in her. 
They had made love on countless occasions, but each time was like the 
first time all over again. "Oh, my love..." She was absolutely 
breathless, and Lillymon was breathtaking. All the darkness she'd ever 
suffered in her life, all the sorrow and grief and pain and torture, 
all of it was worth it if it had brought her to this one single 
moment, when Lillymon was in her arms and all was right in the world. 

Together they sank down into the warm embrace of love, reveling in the 
fact they were together and in love. They had no need to fear anything 
or anyone in this sweet night, redolent with the fragrances of a 
thousand flowers of the Digital Variety. No one would harm two 
Perfection levels, especially an Angewomon and a Lillymon together. In 
a far cry from the concealment of their relationship in it's infancy, 
now the word of their love had spread all over the Digital World. Some 
had reacted with shock, others with envy that they were no longer on 
the market, so to speak. Digimon very rarely bred with one another, 
and female Digimon were in and of themselves so rare, so it was rather 
unusual when one specifically paired off, and for that one to do so 
with another female was doubly cause for shock. No one was going to 
try to claim that they couldn't be together, not if they valued their 
heads, but they had heard rumors about how completely unfair it was 
that the two most beautiful girlmon in all the Digital World were so 
totally wrapped up in each other. 

The night passed by far too swiftly, as nights will do when you are 
enjoying yourself and really don't want them to. The two of them 
joined together as often and as creatively as they could, wanting to 
remember this experience for as long as they could. They knew that all 
too soon, it would end. 

Despite their best wishing, the eastern sky began to redden with dawn 
far too soon. A light wind sprang up, flavored with the scents of 
morning, and the sounds of various Digimon shuffling about and 
beginning their day. Angewomon sighed deeply. "Sunrise'll be soon." 

"I know." Lillymon leaned her head on Angewomon's chest. "Too soon." 

Angewomon snuggled around her, her wings forming a protective shield 
between them and the world. "We don't have to go just yet. There's 
still time. Not much, but some." 

"I know." The Fairy of Purity smiled softly, her fingers tracing 
designs on Angewomon's stomach. "Sometimes I think this is the 
sweetest part of our visits. Just before we have to leave each other." 

The Angel of Light smiled a touch as well. "I heard some writer on 
Earth once said Parting is such sweet sorrow. Is that what you mean?" 

"Exactly." Lillymon's eyes danced a little. "Though I think the very 
best part of our visits is seeing you again." She nestled her head 
closer and sighed. "One day we'll never be apart, Tenshi-koi." 

Angewomon smiled; she loved Lillymon's pet name for her. It was a lot 
easier to wrap one's lips and tongue around than 'Angewo-chan' or 
something of that nature. And since tenshi meant angel in Japanese, it 
was just so perfect. "I can hardly wait, Yuri-koi." She smiled to 
herself. Just as tenshi meant angel, yuri meant lily. And any fool 
would know that 'koi' meant they were lovers. 

They nuzzled a little closer, hoping against hope to make the day wait 
a little longer, so they could stay just a few extra moments, and 
dream of the day to come when the lily and the angel would always be 


Note: If you didn't catch it, then tenshi is angel and yuri is lily. 
So, the title translates into Angel and Lily. Got it? Good. 

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