Reunited: A Tale of Rika and Renamon (part 6 of 6)

a Digimon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 5
"You're doing WHAT?" Takato finally blurted out, the
brown haired young man gazing at her in honest

"We're getting married," Rika repeated for about the
tenth time that day, her long red braid swinging
against her back.

"Yes," Renamon gave him a look, "do you have a problem
with that?"

"No, no," Takato quickly stammered, "I was just
startled a bit."

"Good," Renamon relaxed a bit, sensing his honesty.

"What's married?" Growlmon asked them innocently. The
orange dinosaur digimon brightened, "Is it good to

"Uhh," Takato blinked, then looked over at Rika

"You get to explain that, goggle brain," Rika told
Takato with a laugh. Growlmon had never seemed to
evolve in smarts, remaining very child like, though if
forced Rika would admit the Digimon had a innocent

"Well, thank you for the invitation," Takato smiled.
He paused then just had to point out, "I didn't really
think you liked me very much."

"I don't," Rika admitted, "but Renamon does."

"Gee, thanks," Takato laughed.

"So where to next?" Renamon asked as they left the
little bakery he ran with his parents a few moments

"There's Henry, Jeri, Daisy and Reily to give personal
invitations to, and I also need to decide to invite
that creep Yamaki," Rika frowned.

"I though you forgave him?" Renamon looked curious.

"Maybe, but not that much," Rika growled out, the two
stalking off into the streets of Tokyo together.

Later that day the preperations were still going on
strong in the home Rika and Renamon shared with her
Mother and Grandmother, the four of them clustered
around a table as they sorted piles of invitations and
envelopes. "So who else are we inviting?" her mother
Rumiko Nonaka asked her eagerly.

"Well, we have to invite my agent," Rika noted.

"That nice Mr Lee," her Grandmother Seiko smiled,
thinking of the polite chinese man they had met
several years ago.

"Don't forget Nenene," Renamon added. She smiled in
memory as she added, "She took my existance very

"She told me once her life is odd enough for three
people," Rika laughed.

"Do we invite the Paper Sisters as well?" Renamon

"Where Nenene goes, they go," Rika noted, "especially
the tall one."

Seito looked curious, the older woman smiling
impishly. "Do you think that they're...?" she trailed
off suggestively.

"Mother," Rumiko scolded.

"I haven't really asked," Rika chuckled to herself as
they worked, sorting papers and filling envelopes.

Renamon, with her almost paw like hands, would have
been expected to have trouble, but she managed with
ease and grace. "Yes?" she asked as Rika looked at

"Would it be easier if I used a card swipe to put you
in human form?" Rika offered as Renamon delicately
used a claw tip to open a envelope. At her side was
her Digivice, her Digimon cards in a pouch ready to be
drawn and used, just in case.

"Actually I rather like this," Renamon chuckled as she
then used a brush and ink to delicately write on one
of the invitations.

"It's incredible how well you do that," Rumiko noted
with admiration, her own handwriting barely standard..

Renamon smiled shyly as she explained, "I suspect it's
something that carries over from my Taomon form."

"Who knew a wedding was so much work?" Rika asked,
smiling wryly. "We should have just eloped."

"What's elope?" Renamon blinked.

"Don't you dare!" both Rumiko and Seito said at once.

Rika laughed at her mom, "Take it easy." She looked
over to Renamon, "When a couple elopes they skip the
whole wedding and go away, sometimes visiting a judge
or a small church to be married."

"It does sound simpler." Renamon teased.

"But we've already sent out the invitations," Seito
pointed out. A smile curled up her lips as she
remembered one of Renamon's weaknesses, "And I promise
we'll have ice cream at the wedding banquet

"Chocolate?" Renamon asked eagerly as Rika broke into
a fit of giggles.

Later that evening Rika and Renamon stood out on the
walkway circling the garden in her Grandmother's home.
"Thank you for agreeing to the wedding," Rika
murmured, relaxing in the taller Digimon's arms.

"I know that it;'s important to you," Renamon answered
as she held Rika gently in the circle of her arms,
"that's all I need to know."

Rika moved to kiss her, letting her lips brush
Renamon's, looking up tenderly at that fox like face.
"Everyday I'm reminded how lucky I am that you stuck
with me, even when I was in my bratty phase," she

"I loved you then, too," Renamon explained simply, "it
made it easy."

"I wouldn't go that far," Rika laughed, "putting up
with me was not easy." Her hands stroked Renamon's fur
as they cuddled, running through the orange and white
coat that covered her graceful form.

"No, Rika," Renamon's voice was soft, "it was easy
because beneath the pride and anger I could see the
caring and tenderness inside."

"I treated you badly at first," Rika sighed, "I'm

Renamon smiled, "You didn't know any better, you just
thought it was a game."

"You have such a capacity to forgive... it shames me
some times," Rika sighed.

"Don't ever be ashamed of your fierce heart, Rika,"
Renamon scolded gently, "it's that passion that gives
me strength, too."

They kissed again, lingeringly. "I would never have
believed that you would be the one to unlock my softer
side, "you even helped my mother and I."

"She loves you," Renamon said simply, "almost as much
as I."

"And I, you," Rika agreed.

Renamon reluctantly pulled back, "We'd better get back
inside before they add anything else to the wedding

"We could always elope," Rika said dryly.

"No," Renamon surprised her, "I want us to be merried
in front of our friends so that they can all see how
lucky I am to have you."

Rika looked up at her, blinking away sudden tears.
Before Renamon could react Rika kissed her a third
time, much more lingeringly. "Just for that," she
purred, "you're getting extra ice cream after dinner."

"Are you two done?" Rumiko looked amused, "You still
haven't picked out decorations for the hall yet."

"Coming," Rika laughed as she and Renamon went back
inside, holding hands.

The End

Notes: Took long enough to finish this, huh:D You can
blame fellow fanfic author Strife for kicking me up to
working on this again, as well as a suggestion on how
to tackle ending this fic. Yes, that's a ROD the TV
cameo, but I'm not planning a crossover any time soon. Lol

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