The Kitsune and the Huntress (part 1 of 3)

a Digimon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Bitter smoke hung in the air inside the little hut,
the fire burning the damp wood as best it could. The
iron pot swung there on a hook, a pitifully thin broth
made from tried meat cooking away. Nearby the older
woman slid the winter cloak around the younger woman's
shoulders as she said worriedly, "Please be careful,

Rika used a iron clasp to hold the cloak at her throat
as the slim redheaded woman answered her softly, "I'll
try, honored Grandmother."

"And don't do anything too terribly foolish,"
Grandmother sighed softly, looking up at Rika with
fear in her eyes.

Rika just nodded slightly, but she didn't answer
aloud. There was a soft whimpering sound and both
their eyes were drawn to the restlessly sleeping
figure on the bed, her face ruddy with fever. "I'll be
back with some food as soon as I can," Rika said,
walking to the door where she picked up her bow and
arrows to stride out into the snow covered land.

Snow crunched beneath her leather and fur lined boots
as Rika made her way through the village and out into
the familiar woods all around it. She readied her bow,
eyes darting about her as she searched even as she
walked on. She knew that there was no game to be had
around here, but it never hurt to be ready.

This winter was the coldest in anyone's memory, the
snows coming early and hard, staying in a thik blanket
on the ground. The beasts of the plain and forest
gradually fled farther south, the villagers having to
fall back on dried and smoked meat. But now, even that
was running low and the less lucky families were
forced to stretch what food they had left.

'The fever burns away mother's meals as fast as we
feed her,' Rika thought to herself grimly, the woods
giving way to open ground as she walked onward, 'she
will die soon, if we don't get something more
substantial for her to eat.'

The familiar path soon gave way to rougher terrain,
Rika moving away from the usual routes to travel far
from where others might go. There was a prickling to
her skin as she walked, the biting chill replaced by a
feeling almost like lightning in the air. Finally the
young hunter stood nervously at the edge of the wild
lands, her short bow shaking a bit in her hands. Even
though Rika would never actually admit it to anyone,
she was scared down to her very bones.

"I'm sure that I've done stupider things than this
before," Rika murmured to herself, "but I can't think
of even one, right now."

A shadow flickered, silently jumping through the
higher tree branches to see the figure standing there,
just beyond the edge of the forest. ‘Well, what have
we here,’ it wondered, and then crouched down to wait
and see what she might plan to do.

Coming from deep within the forest greenery, Rika
heard the haunting cries of some of the strange and
fearsome beasts that dwelled in there and shivered in
both awe and a little fear. Tainted by the dark magics
left over from a war long before the oldest of human
memory, this place was deadly dangerous. Years ago,
the occasional hunter would accept the challenge to
enter here, but few of them had ever returned. Now the
forest was forbidden to all, and only the most brave
and foolhardy of men and women dared break that

‘I guess I qualify,’ Rika thought wryly.

As quietly as she could, the tall, thin girl carefully
entered the edge of the forest, Rika looking around
with bright green eyes for any foolish hares or maybe
a restless boar, but saw nothing in the dense brush
and deep covering of snow. Oddly the forest was much
warmer than outside, giving her some hope of finding
siomething to bring back home with her. But every time
she carelessly snapped a twig with her boot or shook a
branch she winced, knowing that her prey was fleeing
her and also that her arrival here had not gone

A silent leapt, another, then two more going higher
into the darkness of the forest branches where a
figure watched the girl with some concern. ‘I guess I
must stop her,’ it thought to itself a little sadly.
Careful and near silent movement brought it down to
where it needed to be.

“Why do you risk venturing into these wild lands?” a
cold sounding female voice suddenly asked Rika from
the depths of the forest’s many shadows, making her
jump up in alarm. “You should know that this place,
and many of the creatures that dwell within, are
deadly to you and to your kind,” it grimly explained,
“leave here, while you still can.”

Rika tensed as she looked around her wildly, then up
into the trees where she thought that the voice might
have come from but she saw nothing in the shadowed
branches far over her head. “Maybe that’s so,” Rika
summoned her courage to say bravely in return, “but my
family will die if I do not bring something for them
to eat home.”

Rika stopped speaking as she suddenly wondered if this
might be the legendary guardian of the forest that was
speaking to her. A creature that was spoken of only in
rumours and farfetched stories, it seemed that no one
who had seen the guardian of the forrest saw the exact
same thing. Some described a giant fox, the tips of
it’s nine tails burning with a bright blue flame
behind it. Others said it was a tall figure dressed in
a simple monk’s robe, a sorceress of both great power
and fearsome wisdom. And a few said it was merely a
kitsune, a fox woman spirit far from her homeland, but
the truth of what really guarded these lands was

“The hunting is difficult here, and the prey is very
dangerous” the female voice answered her simply. “You
should try seeking easier prey elsewhere,” it urged
her, just a faint hint of concern showing in the cold,
calm voice.

Rika looked into the darkness, and thought that she
saw a small flash of gold moving high up above her.
“Could you help me, then?” Rika asked her wearily,
feeling so terribly weak herself from the long hunger.
“I would give anything, to save them,” she finished

“Anything,” the voice echoed her word thoughtfully.
There was a long silence then hesitantly, the female
voice said to her, “I have been alone here in this
forest for a very long time. There are no others of my
kind who dwell in this place.” It paused for a moment,
then continued on more hurriedly, “If I watch over,
protect and feed your family, would you stay here,
with me?”

Rika looked up into the dark shadows, wondering just
what might be hiding up there. ‘If she can save my
family,’ she thought to herself wearily, 'it would be
worth it.' Decision made Rika raised her voice to
declare, “Yes, I’ll stay here with you.” Remaining
here was a small price to pay for the sake of those
that she had sworn to protect.

The figure easily leapt down from the upper branches
of the trees to reach her side and Rika gasped at her
in shock and surprise. The tales were true, it really
was a female kitsune! The gold and white furred fox
woman stood nearly a head taller than the fifteen year
old girl, and moved with a supple, almost feline
grace. She wore guards on her arms, each hand with two
fingers and a opposing thumb, and on her long legs as
well just above her large, paw like feet.

“I am called Renamon,” the kitsune said to Rika
simply, taking a moment to look searchingly into her
eyes, looking for... something. Rika bravely met those
eyes, and for a few moments it almost felt like she
was falling into them.

Renamon turned away to look around her for a moment,
her eyes searching, then she simply clapped her two
paw like hands together loudly. Startled by the sudden
noise, a boar broke from the brush and Renamon seemed
to simply disappear from Rika’s view! Moving as just a
blur, she struck, and with a single choked cry the
boar sprawled there, dead in the snow. After licking
the blood from a gleaming claw, Renamon smoothly
picked up the animal.

“I’m sorry, but your time is done, little one,”
Renamon murmured as she cradled it in her arms with a
surprising gentlerness.

Rika's voice was an awed whisper, "I never even knew
it was there."

Renamon gazed over at Rika, looking like some kind of
savage goddess as she ordered, “Lead me to your
family’s home.” Without another word she began down
the forest path, Rika following her close behind.
Rika’s eyes were drawn irresistably to the white and
gold tail that gracefully swayed with Renamon’s every

“My name is Rika,” Rika said softly to her, walking
quickly to keep up with Renamon’s pace through the

“I know,” Renamon said to her simply in reply. She
looked over her shoulder at the surprised Rika and
smiled slightly, “Your home is near enough to the
woods that I have seen and heard you, at times.” Much
more softly she added, “I find it comforts me, to see
the life in the village as I am far away from my own

Rika wasn’t sure what to say to that, so she remained
silent. Some part of her did wonder what the village
elders would do if they knew they had a kitsune
peeping tom. She smiled tiredly at that thought, then
shrugged when Renamon gave her an enquiring look.

Together they left the dark woods, and followed the
long snowy path to eventually reach a small house that
perched on the edge of the village itself. It had once
been well kept, but now it was beginning to show signs
of age and disrepair. Renamon knelt down, and then
gently lay the dead boar at the doorstep. Standing
back up, she looked away from Rika, and in the fading
sunlight she seemed so strangely beautiful, and also
very, very alone.

“You may stay here, if you wish.” Renamon said to Rika

“But, what about our agreement?” a slightly bewildered
Rika asked her.

Renamon quickly continued on, “I would not hold you to
a promise you made under duress.” She looked ready to
walk away right then and there, only to be stopped as
she felt the gentle touch of Rika’s hand laying on her

Rika looked up at the fox-woman; the long, lean, fur
covered body, fox like head and long, tail, and felt
something that she didn’t fully comprehend. She was
very alone too, in her own way. Rika loved her family
and knew they loved her, but they were both weavers,
crafts people, and did not understand the hunter who
lived in their midst.

Looking up at Renamon, Rika found the words spilled
from her lips so very easily, “Please, I think..." she
hesitated then finished, "I would like to go stay with

Renamon turned back to Rika, her face happy, but then
it suddenly darkened with grave concern. Rika swayed
there weakly a moment, then finally crumpled as
hunger, exhaustion and days of stress finally caught
up with her. Renamon quickly moved to prevent her from
falling, then gently cradled Rika in her arms. Rika
smiled up at her sleepily, and without thinking about
it snuggled into the warmth of Renamon’s fur.

"So nice," Rika murmured before sleep claimed her.

Renamon held the girl to her closely, kicked out once
with a powerful leg and loudly thumped the door, then
she was gone. Rika safely in her arms, the kitsune
seemed to fly down the trail and disappeared into the
dark safety of the forest.

After a moment the door opened, and Rika’s grandmother
looked out worriedly into the twilight. She saw the
dead boar, and her eyes lit up with happiness and
gratitude. Swiftly dragging it inside, she looked over
at her daughter, sick abed with a high fever.

“Thank you, Rika,” Grandmother said softly. Then with
growing concern in her voice she asked, “But where
have you gone?”

Onwards to Part 2

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