Afterword (part 6 of 8)

a Devilman Lady fanfiction by Erica Friedman

Back to Part 5
Jun looked around the restaurant with both anticipation and fear. 
There was a time when her agent would have had this set up for her - 
the interviewer prepared and vetted, with a list of subjects that Jun 
would and would not discuss. She idly wondered what some of the "would 
not discuss" subjects had been. She suspected that her love life was 
frequently on that list.

A young man leapt from his seat at a corner table as she entered the 
room. She approached him with a smile and held out her hand to shake 
his. It was a conscious decision and she watched with some 
satisfaction as he took in the gesture, then grasped the hand warmly.

He waited for her to sit, then seated himself. Jun found herself 
liking this Kandagawa, despite her initial concerns.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice," he said with a cheeky 
smile, but his face became serious almost at once. "Fudou-san, I want 
to assure you that I am not a tabloid muckraker, nor do I wish to 
create scandal or controversy. I admire your modeling work, and I 
admire you - and so do our readers. Last year you were voted most 
popular celebrity in every poll we ran. This interview is meant to be 
serious and sensitive and if anything I ask is even remotely 
offensive, I beg your pardon in advance."

Jun inclined her head a little in acknowledgement. "I will do my best 
to answer your questions, Kandagawa-san."

The young interviewer was as good as his word. The questions focused 
on her career, her plans, the past, but in such a general and mild way 
that Jun began to relax. Nothing along the lines of "What was it like 
being a murderous mutated monster?"

Kandagawa took a deep breath as Jun finished answering a question. He 
leaned forward and turned the tape recorder off, closed his notebook 
and sat back. "I have one more question, Fudou-san, but this is 
entirely off the record. And please don't answer it if you don't wish 
to. It is entirely for my own personal curiosity and is incredibly 

Jun felt her muscles clench. What would it be? The possibilities 
whirled around her brain, each more horrific than the last.

"My question is this," Kandagawa's voice shook a little, as if he 
feared the response he would get. He leaned forward with an intense 
expression. "Can you...can you still become the Devilman?"

It was at that point that Jun noticed that what she had thought was a 
strangely textured coat, was in fact, a pair of wings, tightly furled 
against Kandagawa's back.

Jun looked him in the eyes and said, "I don't know."

He released a deep breath, as if he had been holding it, and sat back. 
Something in his eyes seemed disappointed, but he smiled to cover it 
up and thanked her repeatedly for her time. She watched him leave the 
restaurant; his recorder and notebook tucked tightly under one wing.

Jun leaned back and closed her eyes for a moment. It was true - she 
had no idea if she could change anymore and all of a sudden it struck 
her as odd.

Jun felt like a complete fool. She was pretty sure she looked like 
one, too. It was twilight and the streets were crowded with people 
returning home after work and school. Jun moved slowly through the 
throng, amazed once again at the resilience of humanity. Here they 
were, mere months after a national emergency that had affected them 
all and killed many; stopping at shops, buying food, rushing home to 
loved ones. 

Those that had loved ones to return to.

Jun shook herself out of the impending melancholy - she would not 
return to the darkness today. She smiled at a child who bumped into 
her, and ran off, her hooves clicking delicately on the sidewalk.

Her hand was clutched tightly around a bouquet of spring flowers, and 
the fragrance of a garden on a sunny day filled her nostrils. The sky 
was filling with stars, visible again in the city now that so many of 
the buildings whose lights had hid them were gone. She felt her cheeks 
warm a little, as she thought once again of her ridiculous behavior.

After the interview with Kandagawa, Jun had wandered the streets for a 
while, watching the people, visiting places she hadn't had a chance to 
see in a while. Her old apartment building still stood, but was being 
rebuilt. Her agency was no more than a pile of rubble. Eventually her 
meanderings had landed her in a rebuilt shopping area, in front of a 
new dress shop. 

Jun had watched the dressers tweak folds into place on a mannequin's 
shoulder. She remembered clearly what it had been like to be the model 
everyone wanted...and before she could stop herself, she had stepped 
into the shop.

An hour later, Jun had a new outfit. She had gone home and spent the 
next hour showering, dressing, doing her hair and makeup in a way that 
caused her to blush every time she thought about it.

And now she looked down at the flowers in her hand and blushed once 
again. She was acting like it was a date - there wasn't any way around 
it. A giggle escaped her lips, and she clamped her mouth shut before 
she could draw too much attention to herself. But it was too late; the 
giggle welled up and pushed past her will to tumble from her mouth. 
People near her edged away, but she couldn't take offense. She was too 
happy to be upset at anyone. She was going to have dinner with a 
virtual stranger, and the night was crystal clear and beautiful. The 
smile never left her face as she walked.

Onwards to Part 7

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