Revelations and Aftermath (part 3 of 4)

a Cybersix fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 2
With unearthly grace Cyber Six leapt over the blow,
the leather bodysuit clad woman moving with inhuman
speed. Her cape swirled around her lanky body, the red
lining nearly the same color of blood.

The vampire smiled, her pure white skin gleaming as
she purred, "You only have to stay still a moment, and
it's all offer."

"Not interested," Cyber Six answered angrily, "now
where's Lori?"

The redheaded woman smiled slightly, "Ah, so that's
the reason."

There was a soft, almost deadly growl and Data Seven
emerged from the alley, the carcass of a patchwork
monster laying on the ground behind it. "Grrrr," the
panther made it's opinion of the situation very clear.

"Too bad," the vampire smiled a little regretfully,
"Jose was hoping Patchwork would do better. Oh well."

"Lori," Cyber Six repeated coldly.

The vampire looked amused, "The old haunted house by
the park, that's where we have her. A bit cliche
but..." She turned and walked away gracefully, lush
body barely concealed beneath her red dress.

"You aren't getting away," Cyber Six lunged forward to
try and grab her then shockingly the other woman
seemed to dissolve away into mist, swirling off into
the night. "Damn it," Cyber Six cursed softly.

"Mrowr," Data Seven sounded more than a bit annoyed.

"Come on," Cyber Six growled out as they bounded up
the side of a building then raced across the crumbling
rooftops of Meridiana.

And to think, the night started out so well, too. Lori
Anderson and Adrian Sidelman had gone out with the
Halloween partiers, their latest in a series of dates.
Lori was dressed as a sexy bunny girl, while Adrian
had skipped the costumes. Everything had been going
fine until the passed a dark alley... and were jumped.

Their attackers had the stench of Von Richter's
bio-engineered creations but looked like something
right out of a horror movie. Wolfen man-beasts, that
damn vampire lady and several oddly designed patchwork
men had raced from the darkness, swiftly seperating
Lori and Adrian before the wolves had carried Lori
away. Data Seven had jumped into the fight, the
panther having shadowed their date, but even with his
help there had been too many for her to break free and
retrieve Lori immediately.

"Mrrr," Data Seven's growl sounded angry, the cat
keeping up with Cyber Six's incredible leaps with

"And what happened to my telling you to stay home?"
Cyber Six demanded as they hit a flat roof, she bent
her legs and leapt.

Data Seven almost sounded sheepish, "Merowr?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time?" Cyber Six
felt herself smiling a bit, despite her worry.
"Thanks, partner."

"Rowr," Data Seven shrugged.

They reached the park in a few moments, the seaside
town's lush expanse of forest and trails a oasis of
peace from the city, usually. Of course it being
Halloween night the place was backed, teens running in
the dark woods with flashlights, costumes everywhere
and a party atmosphere building rapidly.

Uncaring if she was seen Cyber Six raced through the
woods, following a trail right up to a hillside where
the old house stood. Built before the area was
declared a city park it was old even for Meridiana's
loose standards, dating back nearly a hundred years.
Now weather beaten and abandoned the shutters creaked
ominously, the dark colored paint making the building
look like a giant black shadow.

‘They probably know I'm coming so...' Cyber Six
thought as she raced forward, kicking out a leather
boot and sending the front door crashing in, revealing
a reception comitee.

"Die," the black cloaked figure swung his scythe, what
almost looked like white bones gleaming in the dark.

"Not today," Cyber Six grabbed the wooden handle and
yanked, tugging her foe off balance before slugging
him in the face. The mask slipped free to reveal ugly
green skin and she struck again, sending it crashing
to the ground.

"Fffft," Data Seven made a disgusted noise.

"Deffinately Jose's handiwork," Cyber Six nodded. She
looked at Data Seven, "Can you track Lori's scent?"

"Rrrft," Data Seven replied, his tone of voice
sounding faintly insulted that she even had to ask the

"All right partner," Cyber Six said as they moved
inside, "lead the way."

Swiftly Cyber Six and Data Seven ran through the
house, eventually raching a central room with stairs
leading up or down into a basement. Without pausing
much they descended into the underground, finding what
was a usual basement... right up to where the back
wall had been torn out to reveal a tunnel.

"Stop," the icy female voice came as the woman emerged
from the tunnel.

"That must be cold," Cyber Six murmured as she readied
herself for battle against the blonde haired naked

"Our master is waiting," the blonde gasped as fur
began to rapidly cover her body, "but you must be
weakened first!" In moments skin had been replaced
with fur, her body bulking out to a muscular
human/wolf hybrid.

Gracefully Cyber Six leaped over the first swipe of
those claws, the hot breath puffing against her skin,
then blocked a impossibly fast blow. ‘She's faster
than the ones in the alley,' Cyber Six blocked a blow,
‘but not as fast as I am.'

"Rowr!" Data Seven pounced, landing his full weight on
the wolf-girl's shoulders and sending her crashing to
the ground.

Taking advantage Cyber Six moved in and hammered a
blow to her face, knocking her out. A second blow and
a wet crack and the thing was dead, unmoving. "I hate
doing that," Cyber Six muttered as she wiped the green
goo from her hand.

"Mrowr," Data Seven lead them deeper into the tunnels.

It took them nearly ten minutes to reach the end of
the artificially built tunnel, a sickly green glow
lighting the end. Silently Cyber Six and Data Seven
moved up to the opening, carefully peering around the
corner even as they heard a very interesting

"But why won't you go out with me?" Jose whined, the
black haired young man looking up plaintively, dressed
in a outfit reminicent of Hitler youth.

. "Pul-LEASE," Lori waved a hand dramatically. The
redhead gave Jose a look, "You're way too young and
short for me."

"I could get extension," Jose said weakly, "and if you
give me a little time..."

"And you're ugly, too," Lori said with finality.

Jose made a frustrated sound and turned to his
companion, "Vampiress, could you please do something
about her?!"

"Like I'm scared of a bony white skinned chick," Lori

"I am NOT bony," Vampiress scowled from where she was
leaning up against a tube filled with a glowing green
substance. All around the small clear area in the
middle of the cavern there were various kinds of
machinery, all busy to unknown purposes.

"I'll go for the vampire," Cyber Six said, "you get
Jose away from Lori."

"Rawr," Data Seven agreed as they both bolted from
cover. Data Seven moved like water to Lori's side,
baring his teeth and snapping dramatically at Jose
with his teeth.

"Na.. Nice kitty," Jose squeaked before Lori knocked
him down.

"You," Vampiress hissed, her fangs gleaming.

Sweeping in fast Cyber Six attacked, not giving her
time to mist away or otherwise escape. Quickly she
determined this woman was almost as powerful as she
was, but not quite,

"Ow, no, hey, ow!"

They traded a flurry of blows, fist nearly invisible
as they searched for a opening... anywhere they could
break through. Smoothly Vampiress switched to kicks
and nearly took Cyber Six's head off.

"Eep, not the nose! Owee!"

"What?" Cyber Six and Vampiress cried as both of them
turned to see what was going on only to freeze in

Data Seven was sitting there looking like the cat that
ate the cream while Lori, keeping Jose pinned with her
knees, was proceeding to punch the hell out of his
head. "And this is for the Circus," Lori punched, "and
for interrupting my dates with Adrian!"

"I give, I give, I surrender," Jose wailed, "just
someone get her off me!"

Vampiress and Cyber Six exchanged a sympathetc
glance."What say you take Jose," Cyber Six offered,
"I'll take Lori home and we'll pretend none of this
ever happened."

"Sounds like a plan," Vampiress said as she picked up
the now out cold Jose. But leaving the room she
warned, "This isn't over."

"I wasn't expecting it to be," Cyber Six said while
keeping a grip on her feisty partner.

"That was fun," Lori beamed, "can we do it again?"

Cyber Six just sighed.

The End

Notes: Just a fun little one-shot featuring Cyber Six
vs monsters. I rather liked it being LORI who actually
finished the whole fight.

Onwards to Part 4

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