An Appleseed Shoujo-Ai Story

a Appleseed fanfiction by Lucille Morreale

My life is good.

I have a good job fighting crime, have an understanding colleagues, 
and most importantly of all, I'm with the one I love.

It just doesn't get much better than this.

Oh, where are my manners?  I should have introduced myself first.  I'm 
Deunan Knute.  Welcome to my -- excuse me -- OUR place.

This is where we live.  Just the 3 of us.  It's a sweet arrangement, 
if I do say so myself.

My best friend has a private room.  My beloved and I have a room.

I still find it soo hard to believe.  Just a few years ago, if anyone 
had said that I would be this happy, I would have said that they were 
crazy.  I was still in the "Badlands" at the time.  That was when it 
all began.  That was I met not only my best friend, but the love of my 
life as well.  That was when I met -- 

"Hey, Deunan.  What are you up to?"  Someone asks.

"Oh, nothing.  Just writing in my memoirs."  I answer.

Then someone enters my room.

I look up from my writing, then sigh quietly.  It was my best friend, 
Briareos Hecatonchries.  I just smile at him.  "So, what's new?  Are 
we on duty... again?"

He just chuckles.  "When are we ever NOT on duty?  No, I wanted to 
know, what's for dinner tonight?"

I answer.  "I don't know.  Surprise me."

He replies, "Okay.  Oh, what are you writing about this time?"

I say, "I'll show you later."

He says, "Okay, I guess I'll see you later.", then he leaves.

I just smile.  Yes, life is good.  Now, where was I?  I look down at 
my memoirs, and resume writing.

That was I met the people who would become my lifesavers.  First, my 
first, and best friend, Briareos.

Together, we managed to survive the nightmare world that was the 
"Badlands".  To this day, I really don't know how we stayed alive 
until now.  And, quite frankly, I'm not sure I really want to know.  
But, enough about that.

The other one would eventually become my beloved.  When we first met, 
I thought it was an angel.  How else could someone else have saved us 
from that place, and bring us into the paradise of Olympia?

I was in awe at first sight, and I'm still in awe now.

Right now, you're probably wondering who my beloved is.  Well, I can't 
blame you there.

Well, I'll tell you this.  Despite what you may have heard at the 
police station where we work, it is NOT Briareos.  Besides, I prefer 
women.  It is --

"Hey Deunan.  Where are you?"

I hear it.  The one voice that still captures my heart, even now.

"Deu-chan, where are you?"

I just smile, and keep writing.

"Hey, Briareos-kun.  Have you seen Deu-chan?"  She asks.

"Try your room.  The last time I saw her, she was writing her 
memoirs."  He replies in a slightly joking tone.

"Okay, thank you."  She says, then heads for our room.

I'm still writing, when --

"Hey, Deu-chan!  How are you?"

I look up, and close the book I was writing in.  This way, I could 
give her my full attention.

She looks at me, and asks, "May I come in?"

I smile and say, "Of course!"  I walk toward her.

We go into each other's arms and embrace lovingly.

She looks at me, and says, "My Deu-chan."

I answer, "My beloved Hitomi-koi."

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