Member: Lucky Jusan

Pen name: Lucky Jusan

Real name: Lucky Jusan

Contact information is only available on request.


Story title
I'm a wanderer, so what? by Lucky Jusan
Tags: Original

The name is Dasyyr. I am the most notorious female thief in all of Kinohen Empire and right now I am in deep shit.

(A note by the archivist: Unfortunately, when I was preparing the archive in 2015, this story had already been removed from Deviant Hearts for quite a long time.

However, I actually have chapters 1–16 of the story saved separately, from 2010 when I first started saving my favorite stories one by one. (I don't think there were more chapters than that; the story just disappeared before it was finished.)

Because the story was removed by the author, I'm not sure whether I should re-publish it here or not – but meanwhile, contact me (grawity) if you would like to read it.)

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