Series tag: Final Fantasy Reborn


Story title
Final Fantasy X-2: This Is My Story by YuriFanGirl
Tags: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Mild Sexual Content, Lime, Incest, Mild Language, WAFF, Final Fantasy Reborn, Final Fantasy X-2, Yuna, Rikku, Lulu, Paine, Leblanc
For the average person the most simple of choices can completely change their entire life.  For someone like Yuna, the choice to put the past behind them and seek out their own path may do more than change their own life... it might just change the entire world.
Final Fantasy VI: What The Heart Remembers by YuriFanGirl
Tags: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance, Lime, Mild Violence, Mild Language, WAFF, Final Fantasy Reborn, Final Fantasy VI, Terra, Celes, Relm

Loneliness broken by the simple joy of companionship.  Love hidden, but never lost amongst shattered memories.  An enduring passion for that which they held most dear.  Here follows the life and love of Celes and Terra before, during, and after the fantasy...

2 stories found