Story: Leviathan


Taniths parents do not trust her to stay at their home in the suburbs of the city on her own while they go off on their anniversary.

So a disappointed Tanith is going to have to be dropped off at an aunt and uncles play by the country side? But will this turn out to be the biggest mistake of their lives? When Tanith, Her cousins Louise and Grace along with Louises buff boyfriend plus his sister Annette all fine a cave which leads to an adventure, which puts ALL their live at risk...


Authors: ALLjapan

Tags: Action/Adventure (genre), Original (category), Novels (category), Short Stories (category)


Ch# Title
1 Leviathan- Chapter 1
2 Leviathan- Chapter 2
3 Leviathan- Chapter 3
4 Leviathan- Chapter 4
5 Leviathan- Chapter 5
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