Set in a post apocalyptic world plauged by demons, the Country Of Japan long standing in it's peace left it fairly untouched by the wars that destroyed many countries only sixty years ago. These wars had an unforseen event, many younger people around the world began developing strange and inhuman powers that were inexplainable. This was only the begining, a company of former monks and priests who led lives as excorsists, began bringing these people into their ranks eventualy establishing them as a governmental power house. At first they were a long standing joke, it would have stayed that way if not for the rifts in the skys, demons began pouring forth into the human world with ill effects. These exorcists were given power and wealth to fight these demon using these people with extordinary people as their main weapons.
One such weapon was an innocent girl who at the age of 10 was kidnapped by a cruel and corrupt government, left in a medical facility to the whims of an insane bio-geneticist. She stayed in a medial coma for years under his poking and proding until.
Notes: I had a little too much fun writing this, I have mny inspirations in this and almost all of my characters are based off of people (with their coonsent) Yamiko(Me), Yuri(an opposite of me), Hiro the Dragon (Lance/Shadow/Shadowfox, he has a lot of nick names lol).I will add in the rest of the characters and who they are based off of as I go, as they are added.
Authors: DarkMistress
Tags: Angst (genre), Original (category), Fantasy (genre), Horror (genre), Romance (genre), Sci-Fi (genre), Adult Language (warning), Violence (warning), Strong Sexual Content (warning), Self Insertion (warning), Angst (warning), Dark (warning), BDSM (warning), Transgenders (warning), Novels (category)
Ch# | Title |
1 | Chapter 1-Dancing with Death |
2 | Chapter 2 A Girl Broken |
3 | Chapter 3 |
4 | Chapter 4 The Hell Hole |
-- | Read whole story |