Story: First love (chapter 6)

Authors: lilyheart87

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Chapter 6

Title: What love can do

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, it belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/Toei animation

A/N: Well this is something else beside the fact it's shorter than usually (laughs smugly), I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this ;b it's time to have some slight lime, hahaha! You have been warned.

6. What love can do

Sailor Jupiter paced around in her room, thinking about what she had discovered in the previous day. Jupiter knew she was in love with Sailor Mercury and that Sailor Mercury was in love with her as well. The question was now what to do about it. She wanted to do something, that's for sure, but she had no idea what would be the right kind of, or appropriate way to react in such a thing. Jupiter wanted to be with Mercury, she really did. She just hoped she would be able to sort out all of her mixed emotions.

Makoto had never met anyone like Ami, and she had never felt so attracted to another person than she was to Mercury. It was unbelievable someone so wonderful as Sailor Mercury had all kinds of feelings for her. Mercury seemed to be a very decent person who kept up her appearances, but underneath it all she was a normal teenager. If any of the senshi could be considered as normal people, that is.

First of all, they all were princesses and the heirs of their planets. Secondly, beside the court etiquette and all the things related to ruling, they all had trained through their lives to be warriors. Warriors who were Moon Kingdom's princess' bodyguards. Warriors who were to give their lives in order to preserve the princesses if necessarily. They were no ordinary girls. Still they all had dreams and hopes, but they all knew it was difficult to make any of those fantasies to come true. If they didn't die during the years spent in protecting the princess, they were going to claim the thrones of their own planets and serve their people as best as they could. Question was how their lives, their wishes and their own free will would fit in to that picture.

Sailor Jupiter had long time ago submitted to her destiny and stopped dreaming and hoping since it all would just be in vain. However, now there was Ami.. and Makoto had started to dream and hope again. Those dreams and hopes were so close to become true if Jupiter just knew what to do about it. There would be someone just for her in her life, and that thought was absolutely fabulous. Everything would be perfect if she could figure out her problem. Jupiter sighed in defeat and noticed she hadn't got much time before their morning meeting. Jupiter grabbed her uniform coat from the kitchen chair and left the room.


By the time their daily meeting was over, Sailor Jupiter hadn't come up with any kind of solution to her problem. Sailor Mercury was as usual during the meetings: silent and shy before the others. She also kept staring Jupiter untiringly as much as possible. Jupiter just hoped she would know what to do, so Mercury wouldn't have to settle in mere staring. In a few moments they would be spending time alone once again and that thought cheered Makoto a bit. Jupiter complimented herself for her brilliant idea of being Mercury's 'assistant'.

Jupiter's smug thoughts were interrupted by Sailor Venus' bright yet professional voice: ''Sailor Jupiter, may I have a word with you?''

Sailor Jupiter blinked few times in confusion before she remembered yesterday and her conversations with Mars and Mercury. Jupiter had hard time hiding her smirk; it seemed it would be her turn to get interrogated. Mercury had told her yesterday that it truly had been an interrogation like Mars had suspected. Maybe Jupiter could say something that would help Rei's position. Then again, Makoto had never been good with these kinds of things that dealt with people's feelings and such.

''Sure thing.'' Jupiter replied and followed Venus out of the meeting room.

Sailor Mercury looked like she couldn't believe her own eyes so Jupiter tried to gesture that she would come back as soon as possible, in a similar manner Mercury had done the day before.

Sailor Venus led Jupiter through the palace's hallways, it seemed they had no exact destination and the walk seemed to last forever. Jupiter kept hoping Venus would get to the point as soon as possible, so Jupiter could go back to Sailor Mercury.

Finally Venus cleared her throat and Jupiter was sure she heard nervousness in her voice as she started to speak: ''Um..Jupiter can I ask something..personal?''

Jupiter blinked few times, thinking what a funny way to start her interrogation. She seemed so.. over polite. By what Ami had told Makoto, their conversation had gone a bit differently. Did Venus consider her scary or something?

''Sure, go ahead.'' Jupiter replied casually.

Venus cleared her throat again before asking: ''Have you ever been in love?''

''Yes, I actually am right now. Why?'' Jupiter answered right away, thinking that telling the truth might be the best way after all, and maybe she would get Minako slip something as well.

Venus was silent for a moment, clearly surprised by Jupiter's bluntness, but it wasn't like Jupiter could just declare she wasn't the one Minako was looking and then dash off. No, Jupiter had to wait Venus to figure it out on her own.

''Uh, it's just that- um- could you ever consider expressing your feelings for them with love letters?'' Minako blurted out after a moment.

'Well, she did go to the point after all..' Jupiter mused and was rather amused by the fact Venus would ask something like that from someone like her. Love letters just weren't her thing. They were far from it.

'No. I prefer more direct way--'' Jupiter started and finally it dawned to her what she should do.

It was so simple that Makoto felt ashamed she hadn't figured it out right away.

''That's it! That's the thing I need to do!'', Makoto declared happily, ''You're a genius Minako! Thanks!'' Jupiter stated and slapped Venus cheerfully on her back before hurrying back to the senshi dwelling area.

She was in such a hurry she didn't remember to end the conversation with Venus properly, but she believed Minako had got all the answer she needed for her search. Sailor Venus really was the senshi of love after all, Makoto thought as she ran through the palace's hallways. Now Jupiter knew what to do, now she just didn't know how to do it. Maybe she just should go with the flow.

Finally Makoto came to the right hallway, sometimes the palace seemed way too big for her taste. Sailor Mercury wasn't in the corridor waiting for her, so Jupiter figured she must have gone to her room to wait.

She knocked the door of Mercury's personal room rather impatiently, and as soon as the startled Ami opened the door Jupiter blurted out: ''Ami-san, there's something I need to discuss with you before going to the garden.''

''Okay, Makoto-san.'' the confused Mercury replied and stepped aside before Jupiter charged in.


''Please, let me tell you something first. I think it's rather important in our attempt to work as peacemakers.'' Mercury said while closing the door.

Sailor Jupiter looked very impatient, but she nodded and stopped to listen what Mercury had to say.

''I started to make a research about our planets's history and I discovered that the disagrements between Mercury and Jupiter span far back in time. It seemed it all started over five hundred years ago when there was a huge competition between Mercury and Jupiter, which acquired both physical and mental abilities. Both planets had picked up teams to represent them and only best competitors from each planet had been chosen -naturally. Everything had been going fine until the last event. The situation between the two planets had been a tie, meaning the winner planet of the competition would be up to the last event. After the last event, however, something went wrong. I'm not one hundred percent sure what or why, but some of the history books I've read state that the Mercurians lost the last match and accused Jovians for cheating. However, half of the books state quite opposite and they claim the Jovians lost and accused Mercurians for cheating. I don't know the truth, but that isn't the most important aspect. What is more important is the fact it obviously was the occasion when all the hatred and disagreements began and believe me that competition wasn't not the only one that went wrong. It seems the people back then got mad by trivial things. Many of these disagreements are as meaningless as this, but there's also much more serious ones which got to do with bigger issues than mere competitions. It seems that the situation has developed, into the serious one we know today, during a very long time. You see, it wasn't many years after that first quarrel when there was another competition and--'' Ami explained enthusiastically, she just loved everything that got to do with researching and studying.

''Ami-san! Please, this is even more important than that.'' Jupiter finally cut in, looking like she could explode in any minute, and she was acting very nervously in Mercury's eyes.

It was odd. First of all, Makoto almost never looked nervous. Secondly, what on the moon could be more important than settling a permanent peace between their planets?

''I- I- yesterday when I was on your laptop, I accidentally read the file named 'stormbringer, 'cause I thought it was some flower like the rest of them.''

Sailor Mercury's breathing stopped and she was paralysed by Jupiter's words. She hoped she was having a bad dream, it couldn't be true that all of her thoughts had been revealed. What would Jupiter think? Ami had no idea but she was pretty shaken at the moment.

''I- I- I don't know how to say this..'' Jupiter continued and Mercury was sure she didn't want to be her friend anymore.

She had managed to lose her only friend because of her inability to control and suppress her own feelings.

''I- I uh- I'll just show you.'' Jupiter continued and closed the distance between them.

'Show me what? What is there to show? Everything is lost. Is she going to hurt me on top of all that?' Mercury thought for a fraction of a second before she felt Jupiter's arm wrapping around her gently, while Makoto stared Ami intently in her eyes. Ami didn't try to fight back, all she could do was to stare at the taller girl.

''I'm going to kiss you. If you lied in that text of yours and if you don't want this, now is the time to say it.'' Jupiter's melodic voice whispered in Mercury's ear.

Sailor Mercury's mind went blank as it tried to comprehend the meaning of Jupiter's statement. Was it a joke? Was it a dream? What the hell was it? It couldn't be true. Had she heard right?

Suddenly Jupiter's hand appeared behind Mercury's neck and pulled her even closer to Jupiter's muscular body. Ami's breath caught to her throat as she felt Makoto's body against hers, so painfully close. 'God, don't let this end..' Ami found herself thinking. Makoto tilted her head slightly to right and suddenly her lips were on Ami's. Slowly Ami's brain started to register all that was happening, her senses were on fire as she felt Makoto's touch on her skin, tasted Makoto on her lips and got drowned in Makoto's scent.

Jupiter's lips on hers.

They were k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

It was her first kiss.

And she just stood there.

No way.

Through all her life she had been passive and rational, doing like what her mind wanted instead of her heart. For once Mercury decided to lose control and let her emotions guide her.


Jupiter was about to pull apart, embarrassed by Mercury's lack of response, when Ami grabbed her by the uniform coat's collar and yanked her down to her level. Ami wrapped her arms around Jupiter's neck and claimed Makoto's lips with her own more hungrily than earlier. She also wrapped her legs around Makoto's waist, letting the tall brunette support them both. It is a horrible understatement to say Sailor Jupiter was shaken as she felt Mercury's tongue tracing her lips. Curiously she opened her mouth, welcoming the stranger in. Instantly Ami's tongue started to caress her everywhere, touching her tongue quickly, sucking it in her mouth, trying to drink her empty. Jupiter was sure she would choke if Mercury didn't let her breath soon.

Confused Jupiter took a step back since she had no idea what she should do as the linging Mercurian appeared very agressive. Jupiter's legs hit something solid and she fell on her back on Mercury's couch. Finally Sailor Mercury let Jupiter breath, but not for long as the hungry Mercurian was kissing her again. This time the attack was a little bit gentler, but Makoto still felt like she was drowning into Ami's overheated lake of passion while her thoughts were starting to get mixed by the lack of oxygen.

Finally the kiss was over and Makoto got to breath properly as Ami started to unbutton her uniform coat. It felt like the shy Mercurian had changed personalities. Slowly Makoto started to comprehend the situation; briefly said she had kissed Mercury and now she was all over her. Ami traced kisses over her face and stopped for a moment to bite and nibble her windpipe gently before proceeding lower. That sent electric shivers and tremors through Makoto's whole body, and she shuddered as the new emotions and feelings took her over. Every millimeter of Makoto's bare skin Ami could find received wet kisses, some of them being gentle, some of them rougher. Makoto could really do with a time-break before they both would become the slaves of their feelings.

Gently but firmly Jupiter grabbed Mercury by her shoulders and lifted her off her slightly. Mercury looked surprised and pouted a bit by the unwanted interference. Jupiter had never seeen her pouting.

''Ami-san, do you really want this?''

''Yes, and call me Ami-chan, Mako-chan.'' Mercury replied without no trace of any kind of blush apparent on her cheeks.

''Well then, Ami-chan, your wish is my command.'' Jupiter stated and lifted Mercury off the couch as she stood up.

She heaved Mercury easily over her shoulder and carried her in to her bedroom.

''W-What are you doing?'' the surprised blunette managed to ask as she lay limbly over Jupiter's shoulder.

''Didn't you want this?'' Jupiter asked smugly as she kicked the bedroom door open.

''Y-yes.'' Mercury managed to whisper, she was starting to get even more turned on by Jupiter's antics.

''Good.'' Jupiter stated as she gently dropped Mercury on the bed.

The wild warrior side of Sailor Jupiter was starting to get the best of her. She needed- no she wanted to be in control. It had been odd when Mercury had been the one coming on her but now Jupiter was going to turn the tables down.

Mercury was panting hard as Jupiter laid her on the bed. Ami had never felt anything like she was feeling righ then. She was literally on fire even though she was the senshi of ice. Before in her whole life all she had done was thinking and then some more thinking, but now there was something concrete. She didn't think, she wanted to feel, and that felt fantastic.

Jupiter laid herself on top of Mercury, straddling her effectively. Mercury had got her share of active fun and now she might as well enjoy Jupiter's ministrations. Mercury enjoyed the feeling of Jupiter's body on hers. Ami was going to touch and feel her some more, but didn't get the chance as Makoto pinned Ami's hands on the bed with her left hand while her right hand started to unbutton Mercury's uniform coat in return. Mercury didn't even bother to try to turn the tables down. Makoto bend down to another heated kiss when she had managed to get the unbuttoning done. Jupiter continued kissing Mercury's throat hungrily while Mercury let out incoherent sounds.

Suddenly it hit Mercury like one of the Jupiter's lighting attacks as she realised what she-- they were doing. Mercury had never before felt that kind of passion and need, but she understood they had to slow down. She also felt a little scared of what they were doing. Giving in for one's desires blindlessly wasn't good in the most of the times. They might end up hurting each other's unintentionally.


''Yes?'' came the dreamy reply.

''Aren't we rushing things?''

''..But I got the picture you wanted as well..'' Jupiter answered hesitantly and stopped her ministrations.

''Yes, I want this. But you see I've never felt this way before in my whole life and even if I want this once feel instead of thinking.. I still think maybe should slow down a bit. You see, I don't just like you, I love you, and I don't want to do anything we both might regret later on.''

''I love you too, Ami-chan. This is new to me as well and it took me some time before I realised what I was feeling for you and it took me some time to even come up with a way to tell you I felt the same. I either don't want to ruin things by rushing at this point.'' Jupiter stated while looking into Ami's dark blue eyes.

''Glad we feel the same way.. Let's just take things slower.'' Mercury replied as Jupiter released her hands.

Jupiter cupped Mercury's face and kissed her ever so sweetly, while her fingerstips caressed Ami's soft skin. Mercury's hands wandered on Jupiter's neck and explored the skin there with slow motions that send shivers through both of their bodies. After a while their uniform coats flew on the floor simultaneously, it was quite hot after all.

To be continued...

A/N:Did they or didn't they? No comments. Let your own (more or less) dirty mind decide, haha :)

In the next chapter.. uh.. actually I'm not sure but I guess this story will continue.. hehe (author cratches the back of her head comically). There's gonna be two more chapters of this first part of Ami/Mako trilogy, so this first part will be a total of eight chapters long.

As always thanks to all my reviewers and please tell me what you thought about this chapter or story. I don't know when my next update is but I think it might take couple weeks this time. Anyway, see you later! :)

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