Story: First love (chapter 5)

Authors: lilyheart87

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Chapter 5

Title: something to ponder

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor moon, it belongs to Naoko Takeuchi/Toei animation

5. Something to ponder

Sailor Mercury was uncomfortably edgy as she sat at the mahogany table in the Inner senshi's daily meeting. She was eagerly waiting her and Sailor Jupiter's first study session in the garden after the meeting, but time seemed to be running much more slower than usual. The previous day she and Jupiter had arranged so they would meet in the Mercury's personal room after the meeting, before going to the garden, since they didn't want to rise any question about their sudden closeness. Ami herself had hard time comprehending all that had happened the day before. In the morning they had been almost cold towards each others, and in the afternoon they had eaten a dinner together. Universe was a funny place indeed.

Sailor Venus seemed to have recovered from whatever she had, and she was once again leading the meeting while Mercury, Jupiter and Mars were mostly listening and sometimes commenting. Sailor Mercury had hard time concentrating on what Venus was saying; that had been happening much lately. Mercury practically stared Jupiter throughout the meeting, only turning her gaze away if Jupiter turned to look at her. Jupiter was like she always was in the meetings or during her duty or in the trainings; expressionless and militaristic. For a short moment Mercury had gotten to see a whole different side of Jupiter, and she wondered if she got to see that again later that day.

Makoto had worn the same expression in front of the Moon Kingdom's court that morning as well when she had given her testemony after Mercury. For Mercury's relief no one had questioned Jupiter's rather rough arrest methods, the last thing Mercury wanted was trouble for Sailor Jupiter because of her. For both Mercury and Jupiter's surprise Gendo hadn't dared to deny their version of the events but had pleaded guilty instead. Sailor Mercury had a hunch it might got something to do with the other Moon Kingdom soldiers who didn't tolerate that kind of honor tainter. A coward like Gendo didn't want to face their wrath on full force. Queen Serenity decided to expel Gendo back to Uranus as soon as possible and leave his faith in the hands of Uranus' leader, who certainly wasn't known for his merciful nature towards such scumbags. The expel would be put to action in the following day when they would brand him, gag him and send him cuffed with sturdy hancuffs back to his home planet.

Mercury was relieved the unpleasant incident was finally over, though she was a bit worried what her parents would think when they got the reports about the incident concerning their daughter. Or how Jupiter's parents would react. Maybe they would be angry or maybe they would start to understand that they too could cooperate with each other if their heirs were capable to do that. Mercury doubted it would change anything in the end. Mercurians and Jovians needed more to see through the years of hate and prejudices. In the worst scenario Jovians would use Makoto's heroic action as a weapon against Mercurians, and consider that as a proof they weren't even capable to take care of themselves, and that they really were weak wimps. Sailor Mercury couldn't understand the Jovians's attitudes, why everyone had to be strong and aggressive? Wasn't dissimilarity a richness? On the other hand, Mercurians also had some stupid prejudices towards the Jovians, and they considered them rather dumb and brute people, which was far from reality as Sailor Mercury had witnessed after meeting Sailor Jupiter. Mercury was certain if they were in cooperation, they would achieve much more than by fighting. For example, Mercurians could help Jovians in developing their education system and medicine, while Jovians could help Mercurians to defend their planet from possible threaths.

Mercury knew, though, it would be a long way before the two planets would be able to live in harmony or in symbiosis with one another. But the sooner they would start the peace making, the sooner the peace would be made. Even after the time Ami had spent with Makoto during the duty as a bodyguard of princess Serenity hadn't banished all the prejudices she had about the Jovian people. It was so hard to question almost everything one had learned about something through one's life. However, Sailor Mercury wanted badly to overcome those fallacies and fears. Ami wanted to get to know the real Makoto, and learn what her ''enemy'' was really like underneath it all.

Forbidden love. Was that it? Why should love be forbidden if two people wanted it by their own free will and didn't harm anyone in the progress? Why would it be wrong just because they were from different planets, if they made each other happy nevertheless? It was love, so shouldn't it be pure or untouchable by outsiders? The ultimate thing between two people?

Sailor Mercury almost banged her head against the table because of her messed thoughts. How could she even think things like that since she didn't even know what Jupiter felt for her (which was probably nothing but a friendship at most). Mercury had thought that by befriending Jupiter she could get rid of her lustful thoughts, but instead her feelings had just reinforced. Those feelings had also evolved:it wasn't merely a crush anymore and the thoughts weren't anymore purely sexual or the want and facination merely physical, since Mercury was now attracted to the new side of Jupiter's personality as well. Mercury had had no idea Jupiter could be so gallant or kind or understanding. Mercury somehow felt safe with her, even though she was nervous around Jupiter and afraid of making fool of herself before her. Feeling absolutely safe in the arms of the enemy; it was almost ironic. For some reason Mercury felt, that even if she somehow managed to do something stupid before Jupiter, she wouldn't laugh at her or make fun of her.

It all was so confusing, falling in love with a person she shouldn't. Some time ago Mercury had been sure there was no one to whom she could bare her soul to and let see behind the walls she had built around herself. That someone had turned out to be a wild, barbaric, hunk and absolutely sexy Jovian girl. Maybe some of that weren't true, maybe some of that was exaggerated. All Mercury knew was that if it were true or false, she liked Jupiter anyway.

Suddenly Mercury's thoughts were abruptly interfered as she felt something against her right calf. She quickly looked around, but everyone seemed to be concentrating on Sailor Venus' speech. Venus was standing, so it couldn't be her. Sailor Mars was sitting so straightly at Mercury's left side that her leg couldn't reach Mercury's calf. Mercury concluded the mysterious leg must belong to Sailor Jupiter. Mercury fought a merciless war against her blush; their meeting was the last place where she wanted to look like an over-cooked tomato. She actually had to call her planet power to cool her burning cheeks. Beside the problem that she was enjoying way too much the feeling of Jupiter's leg touching hers, she had no idea whether or not Makoto had noticed she was touching her instead of, for example, the table's leg.

The contact actually send shivers through Mercury's spine. The pleasant shivers made her think all kinds of improper thoughts (like crawling across the mahogny table, sitting on Jupiter's lap, unbuttoning Jupiter's uniform coat slowly but sensuously, and doing things one wasn't supposed to do with the heir of an enemy planet). Suddenly the room was starting to feel hotter. As imperceptibly as possible Mercury unbuttoned the two top buttons of her coat but it didn't help much. The supposed leg of Jupiter's didn't move an inch and Mercury desperately sought ways to get out of the embarrassing situation.

'If I move my leg, she'll notice and moves away, and we both get even more embarrassed. To be honest, I don't want this to end.. maybe I just pretend nothing is happening and enjoy this moment as long a it lasts--' Mercury pondered, so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear Minako's magic words ''Dismissed.'' which of course led to standing up and bowing. Mercury felt the leg disappearing abruptly and as she looked around she noticed everyone stood up. Mercury realised in panic that the meeting was over. Quickly Mercury stood up up and managed to tip over her chair with loud banging noise. Others turned to look at her, surprised by the silent Mercury's noise show. For Mercury's relief Venus and Mars left the scene soon, leaving Mercury to hide her embarrassment in the picking up of the chair.

Suddenly someone appeared beside her as silently as a hunter stalking her prey, and helped her to get the evil chair up. Mercury turned her head to look at her helper and found herself once again looking into those gentle green eyes of her secret crush. She saw there no mock or amusement, just concern and will to help.

''This has been happening a lot lately.'' Mercury stated still embarrassed.

''Chairs falling over?'' Jupiter asked deadpanned.

''No.. You helping me.''

''It's my pleasure, ehe. Are you okay?'' Jupiter stated, shotting Mercury one of her most charming smiles which literally almost swept away Mercury's now very jelly feeling legs.

''I'm fine, thank you. But I'm not sure about the chair.''

It took a while before Jupiter realised Mercury was joking and she actually laughed a bit. Sailor Mercury had never heard her laughing before and she liked the sound of it very much. Finally Jupiter stopped laughing as they had gotten the chair up and she kept smiling brightly even after it. Mercury had hard time turning her gaze away from Jupiter and she wondered how the other girl would look like if her hair was undone instead of her usual ponytail. Unconsciously her hand travelled to Jupiter's ponytail, and before Ami realised what she was doing, Jupiter turned to look at her direction. Jupiter was puzzled by Mercury's behavior as Ami's hand landed on Makoto's cheek instead of her ponytail. Quickly Mercury pretended rubbing something off of Jupiter's cheek while blushing so hard that it was a miracle her cheeks didn't self ignite.

''There was.. something.. on your cheek but its gone now.'' Sailor Mercury explained her behavior with a shaking voice.

Sailor Jupiter just nodded bewildered, looking like her heart was stuck on her throat and she was actually blushing too. Mercury had never seen the tough Jovian blush so brightly during the time she had known her. Maybe it was because of the air conditioning after all or maybe the other girl was coming down with something.

Mercury tried desperately change the subject while whacking herself with a long and hard mental stick: ''So, um, since everyone else has left, we might as well walk back to our dwelling area together, right?''

Jupiter blinked few times and stammered: ''S-Sure! L-let's go!''

They both walked out of the meeting room like nothing had happened, but Mercury was almost certain she had felt something between them. Something similar like in that training duel couple of days ago but this time it was somehow different and not driven by the battle adrenaline. Mercury felt a bunch of berserk butterflies flying in her stomach as she thought about the day lying ahead; she just hoped she wouldn't throw up from excitement at some point.


Sailor Jupiter tried hard to understand everything Sailor Mercury was babbling; Mercury was trying to teach Jupiter to use her laptop. Mercury had actually insisted that Jupiter had to learn how to use it before she was allowed to became her 'assistant'. Before the laptop study session Mercury had listed rules how to behave in the garden. The list was long and it included things such as ''Don't stumble on plants or insects!'', ''When making notes, be sure your hand writing is readable!'', ''Don't touch anything bare handed!'' and ''Be always precise!''. Mercury had actually given her a written list in order nothing would accidentally slip out of Jupiter's mind. First Jupiter had thought she was just kidding again, but for her luck she had realised Mercury was dead serious before she had laughed at her. Though Jupiter was silently pouting a bit that Mercury considerd her so dumb or clumsy that she had to reminded of that kind of things, she couldn't but consider Mercury's antics adorable.

Jupiter had been sure she would never learn to use anything so complicated as Sailor Mercury's laptop, but Ami was such a great teacher that even Makoto was starting to get the hang of it. Everytime Jupiter made a mistake Mercury's hands appeared to correct it, and show the proper way to do it while their hands brushed together quite nicely. Jupiter's hands were sweating and it was tempting to make mistakes on purpose, but Makoto didn't want to be considered as a stupid Jovian nor did she want Ami to believe she was a lousy teacher, so she tried to suffocate her urge to feel Mercury's skin on her own. When the laptop study session was over, they were ready to go to the royal garden.

Jupiter couldn't stop thinking how nice it had felt to touch Mercury's leg in the meeting and she hadn't even pulled away. It seemed the other girl hadn't got very good sense of touch since she hadn't noticed it. If she had, she would have been blushing like she always did or would have moved her leg away, right? Jupiter had enjoyed the feeling, though she had to admit it was a bit ecchi from her to do something like that but she liked it anyway. Things had gotten even better after the meeting and the chair fiasco as Mercury had made a physical contact with her, which was probably the last thing Jupiter had waited the shy bluenette to do. Jupiter's heart had been near to stop then and there. Maybe if it had done so, Mercury would have given her cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The mere thought almost brought the blush back on Jupiter's face. That was odd too, Jupiter had never ever before in her whole life blushed like that. The Mercurian girl had no idea what kind influence she had on Sailor Jupiter.

The mere thought of Mercury running her slender fingers through Jupiter's hair made her shiver as if it was cold in there. Jupiter kept wondering what kind of lover Mercury would be; a silent and submissive one, or a real bed tiger. Jupiter just hoped she would be better lover than a cook; she was sure she still felt Mercury's shrimps and mussels still rummaging around in her stomach, even though she had had to puke several times during last night. Of course, she wouldn't mention any of that to Mercury, she had tried so hard to make a dinner for her.

Jupiter scolded herself for thinking such a thoughts about Mercury again, she just had to accept the fact they would never be more than friends. That thought made Jupiter pretty depressed, but she tried to ignore it and concentrated on revising everything Ami had taught to her instead. She had had no idea what Mercury had been doing in the garden was studying plants, and not gardening or anything like that. Jupiter had studied practically nothing beside war skills (and the cooking lessons she had took in secret), so she was quite excited to see a real pro on work in that department. Jupiter had also grown to like flowers while she had been stalking Mercury; they had started to remind her of her secret crush.

Finally Jupiter and Mercury arrived to the royal garden. Mercury's expression didn't expose any feelings, but Jupiter noticed she walked a bit closer to her. On the other hand Jupiter was happy that Mercury considered to be safe with her, on the other hand she wanted to strangle Gendo for making Mercury feel unsafe on her own. Jupiter decided not to mention it. It just would make Mercury feel uncomfortable, and if she wanted to talk about it, she would do it on her own terms.

They had decided earlier to dedicate that day in training Makoto. The actual study would start in the next day. Jupiter couldn't but admire Mercury's enthusiasm as she explained the basics of her work. Her hands were covered with soil, her eyes shining brightly. Ami was so lively and full of energy, something Makoto couldn't have imagined her to be in a billion years. Jupiter doubted the other senshi or the princess had ever got to see that side of Sailor Mercury. Somehow Jupiter felt so priviledged.

Jupiter watched amused as Mercury waved her hands about and managed to get some of the soil on her cheek in the progress. Mercury kept babbling without noticing it and Jupiter extended her arm to sweep the soil away with her fingertips. Mercury's skin was soft, almost silky Jupiter noted, as she moved her hand over Mercury's cheek few times more than would have been necessarily. She watched with fascination as the fair shade of Ami's skin became bright shade of red.

''Did you get everything?'' Mercury asked gulping rather loudly.

''Yes, it's clean now.'' Jupiter assured her.

''T-Thank you, but I actually meant my explanation.''

''Oh? Yes, I think so.''

''Good. Now we can do few exercises.'' Sailor Mercury stated cheerfully, trying to hide her embarrassment.

''Would you liked to go to eat with me in the canteen after this?'' Sailor Jupiter asked changing the subject.

Mercury looked surprised but quickly answered: '' Sure, it would be nice.''

Jupiter smiled satisfied and felt happier than she had felt in a long time. If keeping Mercury's friendship meant defying her own parents, she was starting to feel she could do it. Though, instead of rebelling she would want to make a peace between the two planets. Until now, no one had succeeded in it, but Jupiter was sure if someone could do it, it would be her and Ami.


''Just call me Makoto.''

''Okay.. Makoto-san. You can call me Ami if you want to.'' Mercury stated shyly and continued, '' Do you think it would be possible to settle the mindless arguments between our planets?.''

Jupiter looked her wide-eyed, it was as if Mercury had been reading her thoughts.

''I've been thinking about it too, and I think we should at least try. What do you say, Ami-san?''

''I'm more than willing to try.'' Mercury replied.

''Good. I guess we could start with thinking ways, how we could get our fellow citizens to see beyond their prejudices. It won't be easy.'' Jupiter stated, a determined expression painting her face.

''Okay, sounds like a plan.'' Sailor Mercury agreed and started to prepare Jupiter's next exercise.

Jupiter smiled cheerfully and knelt beside Mercury to finish her 'training'.


There Sailor Mercury was once again, sitting at the senshi's morning meeting. The day before yesterday she and Sailor Jupiter had gone in the garden for the first time to train Jupiter to be her assistant as they called it. Yesterday they had continued Mercury's actual study on the plants. Jupiter had turned out to be a quite skilful assistant. Mercury had been almost sure Jupiter would do more damage than good, but she hadn't destroyed single plant or insect while helping her. Mercury was ashamed that she had assumed Makoto to be a clumsy and dumb Jovian, who couldn't do anything that got something to do with science. Sailor Mercury wanted to get rid all of her own prejudices but it wasn't easy. Old habits died hard, but Mercury was starting to feel she was getting the upper hand. Mercury just kept wondering how she and Jupiter could convince the two planets full of hatred and prejudiced people to make a peace if even they two had had problems. They had known and worked together over a year before they started to see the truth beyond misconceptions.

What if Ami's parents wouldn't listen to her at all (like the things usually were), and would want Ami to stop being Makoto's friend? Would Sailor Mercury be brave enough to defy them? Mercury glanced Jupiter and her calm form. For the first time in her life she had someone she could call a friend. Someone who didn't despise her for her intelligence or shyness. Someone who wouldn't avoid her because she was royal. Someone who had bothered to find out what lay behind Sailor Mercury's mask. Someone who still wanted to be her friend after seeing her different sides. Someone who called Mercury a friend..

Sailor Mercury had a friend, and she was certain she would fight for that friendship, even if it meant defying her parents for the first time in her life. Even if it meant an enormous amount of work to convince her people that Jovians were decent people and it would be better to live in peace than hate one another. Ami would do all that because for the first time in her life she wasn't alone.

Finally the meeting was over. Mercury stood up and bowed, eagerly wanting to spend time with Makoto in the garden again.. er.. eagerly waiting to continue her study in the garden with Makoto.

''Sailor Mercury, can I have a word with you?'' Mercury was startled as Sailor Venus unexpectantly adressed her.

Sailor Mercury quickly turned to face her leader and then glanced Jupiter who also looked surprised.

''Yes, I guess.'' Mercury answered hesitantly, but she couldn't make up any reason to refuse her leader's request.

''Good, let's have a walk and then a talk.'' Venus declared cheerfully and led Mercury out of the meeting room.

Mercury noticed how tense Jupiter was, she looked almost irritated. Mercury tried to mouth her she would be back as soon as she could. Just when Mercury was about to step out of the room, Jupiter managed to smile and wave to mark she had understood. Sailor Mercury followed Minako through the palace's hallways and wondered what it was all about. Sailor Venus was the senshi of love after all, so maybe she had found out about Mercury's improper feelings for Jupiter and would now execute her because of it. Mercury quickly looked at Venus' waist but saw there hanging no weapons. She relaxed a bit and scolded her over vivid, stupid imagination.


Sailor Jupiter stood still in the meeting room, clenching her fist into tight balls. She wanted to follow Mercury and Venus and find out what it was all about, but she didn't want to stalk Ami again since she had been forgiven once, and she didn't want to ruin it. Sighing Jupiter gave in and decided not to follow them. Mercury would tell her what it was about if she wanted to. Still Jupiter couldn't but help feeling absolutely jealous. She knew Sailor Venus was their leader, and probably wouldn't try to approach Mercury romantically, but Jupiter couldn't control her overheated emotions.

''You are in love with her, aren't you?'' Jupiter heard Sailor Mars suddenly asking; she had forgotten Rei was still there.

''...Yes... How did you know?'' Jupiter asked a bit surprised, but didn't try to deny it since Mars was her friend and she trusted her.

''It's written all over your face.'' Mars answered smiling sadly.

''Really? Well then, I dare to say you're in love with Sailor Venus, aren't you?'' Jupiter replied coyly, wanting to get a confirmation to her suspicion.

Mars hesitated for a moment before saying: ''..Yes, I am. But I can't imagine she would ever love me back.''

''Have you done anything to show her how you feel?''

''Well.. I've been sending her anynomous love letters and flowers. I think she's desperately trying to find out who's her secret admirer. That's probably why she wanted to talk to Sailor Mercury.''

Jupiter couldn't believe her ears and she tried to supress her laugh as she asked: ''Does she really think that our shy little Mercury is able to confess her love in such a way?''

''I don't think so.. I think she's just trying to eliminate all the possible suspects. She will eventually catch me but I hope it will take lots of time. I don't know what her reaction would be and I'm actually a bit scared.'' Rei confessed and turned her gaze away in shame.

''Don't be.'', Sailor Jupiter said understandingly, ''I think you two would be great together. Besides, Minako-san got to have some sort of hunch of the secret admirer already, she's the senshi of love after all, and she wouldn't go through so much trouble if she wasn't interested in you.''

Rei looked surprised by Makoto's words but then the sad expression returned: ''Thank you Makoto-san, but I don't believe she likes me before I see it. It would be too good to be true and I just can't believe it.''

Before Jupiter got the chance to respond Mars continued: ''Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Good luck with Ami-san. I think she likes you too, at least she stares you a lot.'' Mars said and winked before leaving.

Sailor Jupiter stared after Mars smiling and hoped she was right about Mercury, though it was too unbelievable to be true. It seemed love was in the air, Jupiter just hoped everything would turn out to be fine. Finally Jupiter left the meeting room and decided to go to wait Mercury outside their rooms, so they could go to the garden as soon as possible.


Sailor Mercury sat nervously on the bench with Sailor Venus. They were in the right side of the garden where people usually went to spend time. Mercury had hard time to stop blushing since the garden had started to remind her of the wonderful time spend with 'Mako-chan'. She hoped Venus wouldn't notice her flush.

After time what felt like an eternity for the impatient Sailor Mercury, Venus spoke: ''So Sailor Mercury, what do you think about love letters?''

Mercury almost fell off the bench by the question, that had been far from what she had expected their conversation to be. Venus' statement made no sense, she was her leader who wasn't supposed to ask that kind of questions out of blue. Mercury felt her cheeks starting to burn hotter than Sailor Mars' attacks, and she was sure she hadn't been so embarrassed before in her whole life. Mercury considered simply running away but that didn't seem wise either.

''L-love l-letters? I-I t-thought t-this w-was a-a t-tactical m-meeting.'' Mercury stammered hopelessly and prayed Minako would leave the subject to be.

''Uh... can't two friends have a nice conversation?''

Sailor Mercury was a bit annoyed that Venus didn't get the hint, but she was also pretty surprised and confused since she had called her a friend. Did she really think so?

Finally she managed to answer the actual question: ''The answer is no! I don't like love letters, I would die if someone I liked gave me would be so embarassing!''

Sailor Venus looked her wide-eyed, shocked by her ouburst but that didn't stop her continuing: ''Are you in love then, Mercury?''

'What kind of question that's supposed to be?' Mercury thought as a shiver ran through her spine. Somehow the whole situation reminded her about the Gendo incident. But when Mercury looked into Venus' cerualean eyes, she looked as innocent and harmless as one can be, and Mercury knew her thought was silly. Sailor Venus was the senshi of love after all, so maybe she was gathering statistics or something like that. Or maybe she wanted to get a confirmation to her suspicion so she could execute Mercury after all.

Before Mercury got the chance to think she blurted out: ''I-uh-yes'' when realising what she had just said she tried to correct: ''No'' but she knew it was a lie: ''Yes-no-yes-no-argh-YES!!! Are you happy now?!?'' Sailor Mercury almost screamed, stood up and ran away from the confused love senshi.

Mercury's nose had started to bleed and she was extremely embarrassed by her behavior before her leader, but she was the one who had wanted to ask the question, not her. It was also the first time Sailor Mercury had admitted her feelings out loud to another person instead of her laptop. Luckily, she hadn't told Venus whom she was in love with. If her thoughts had been messed earlier, words weren't enough to describe how messed they were after the conversation with Venus. The thought of being in love with Jupiter had become somehow much more realistic when she had said it out loud. She was supposed to say it to Jupiter instead of Venus, but she hadn't thought about confessing her love for Makoto, and now she wasn't even sure if she would be brave enough to do it. Sailor Mercury kept running in the direction of her room, her thoughts flowing as wild as the blood from her nose.


Finally Sailor Jupiter heard quick bootsteps coming to the senshi's living quarters. She turned to look at the direction of the sound and saw Sailor Mercury running down the corridor, hanging her head and pressing her nose with her hands. Mercury clearly hadn't noticed that Jupiter was in the corridor, since she didn't slow down her pace as she bumbed into her and almost made Jupiter fell over in the progress.

''Whoa there! Are you alright, Ami-san?'' Jupiter said while grabbing Mercury for support.

Sailor Mercury looked absolutely shocked, confused and embarrassed once she understood she had ran into Jupiter.

''I-I'm sorry! I'm okay! I'm just having little problems with my nose.''

''Oh, okay. I was just waiting for you. We are still going in the garden, aren't we?''

''Y-Yes. Come to wait in my room for a moment. I have to make this bleeding to stop.'' Mercury said gesturing Jupiter to go in.

Once Mercury was in the bathroom she shouted to Jupiter: ''This will take a while. Try to make yourself comfortable.''

''It's okay, take your time. Hey, can I look what plants you've recorded thusfar?'' Jupiter asked.

''Sure, go ahead. My laptop is on the table.''

Sailor Jupiter walked over Mercury's laptop and searched for the files like Mercury had instructed earlier. Jupiter browsed through the file names but couldn't find many familiar names. Jupiter looked the info of few interesting sounding plants and read what Mercury had written about them. One name particularly caught Jupiter's eyes since she had never heard of a flower called 'stormbringer'. Curiously she opened the file and almost gasped in shock as she saw a picture of herself, drawn by Sailor Mercury. There was also lots of text and Jupiter started to read it in a brink of a heart attack. It seemed Mercury had first described what she thought about Jupiter's physical qualities (which made Jupiter blush more than once, she had no idea Mercury thought that way about her) then she described Jupiter's ''wonderful'' charasteristics, and finally there was a little poem in the end of her ramblings:

''Show me closeness 'cause I've never felt it
Teach me passion 'cause I've never experienced it
Love me 'cause I've never been loved
Drown me into your storm, fill me up with your power
and I'll be yours forever''

With shaking hands Sailor Jupiter closed the file, while her heart tried desperately pound its way through her chest. Her thoughts were one huge mess. Not in a million years could she have guessed that Mercury of all people would really be in love with her. It was almost surreal and Sailor Jupiter just couldn't believe it, despite fact she had seen it with her very own eyes.

''Makoto-san, I'm ready. We can go to the garden now if it's okay with you'' Jupiter was abruptly snatched out of her thoughts as the non-bleeding Sailor Mercury appeared at the bathroom doorway.

Sailor Jupiter stood there, staring at Mercury, her mouth gaping open but unable to make any coherent noises. Jupiter had no idea what she should do. Should she tell about her feelings for Mercury in some way or should she wait the shy girl to approach her first? Jupiter had never been in that kind of situation and she felt desperate. Jupiter had never been in love and no one had never claimed to love her. Reluctantly Jupiter admitted to herself she needed time to digest the news and think things through and decide what it all meant. She had no idea how she should react to the situation, so she decided let the things be for now.

''Good. I'm ready to go as well.'' Sailor Jupiter said with steady voice and forced herself to act normally, smiling brightly at Mercury who returned it in her shy manner.

Sailor Mercury header for the door and Jupiter asked sweatdropping: ''Aren't you forgetting something (again)?''

''Ups.. yes, thanks.'' Mercury replied walking back, and took her notebook and pen from her desk.

Finally the dynamic duo left Mercury's room and headed to the royal garden to continue their study as if nothing odd had ever occurred.

To be continued...

A/N: Thank you for reading and thanks for my reviewer! I don't know when the next update is but I'm pretty busy right now so it might take some time. See you later! :D

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