Story: Naruto - Sisterly love (chapter 3)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 3

Title: Clever and Confused

[Author's notes: Temari has a heart-to-heart with Hanabi]


Hanabi dropped her pants and panties to the floor, and planted her face into her pillow, as the burning throbbed in her naked butt. She could still taste the sweet rice ball in her mouth, but all that did was make her angrier.

“She didn’t have to be so mean and why did she spank me like that?”

Sobbed Hanabi lifted her head, and tensed her body as her door slid open.

“Uhhhh T-Temari-sama?” Hanabi wiped her face as she slowly sat up, covering herself. The tall blonde stood grinning in the doorway as her sharp eyes summed up.

“Hanabi-kunny.” Temari smiled softly at the half-naked girl as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. The silence was ended as Temari spoke first.  

“Does it hurt a lot?” Temari looked over the young Hyuuga’s distressed face, as Hanabi wiped her flushed cheeks and nodded.

“Don’t let your sister get to you, you know how she gets about things after she’s been on mission and going into her room really didn‘t help things, did it?” Temari said smoothly as Hanabi looked to the floor and sighed. The young girl envisioned a younger version of Hinata before she wised up, but now Hananbi wanted answers. 

“But why is she so mean to me all the time? It’s like she enjoys humiliating me!” Hanabi trembled violently as she started breathing hard from only a few but painful words.

“She truly is the Hyuuga devil’s own sister.”

Temari did feel a little bad about earlier, beside the point, Hanabi still did what she was told not to and Hinata wasn‘t going to see it any other way.

“Beating me up, spanking me? she‘s my sister! And last time I checked sisters didn’t do things like that to each oth…” Hanabi shrieked brashly as Temari quickly covered her mouth. Hanabi slapped the blonde's hand as she bit her lower lip. A little shocked, Temari toned her voice accordingly.

“Don’t provoke her Hanabi, she’s not the Hinata everyone nods and respects around here, there’s another side to her, a very dark and wildly unfounded side, even by me, so please come to the bathhouse tonight, Ino, Sakura, and TenTen are back and…” Temari paused as she looked at Hanabi staring at a photo of her and Hinata smiling and throwing peace signs at the camera.

“Why didn’t she invite me herself? Why are you always doing stuff like this for her, she’s my sister, not you!” Hanabi snapped venomously and slapped the picture off the table as Temari didn’t know what to say as she opened the door and stepped out.

“I know she said she’d make it up to you after what happened earlier, but I guess I’ll have to tell her to cancel the surprise..., she said it was something to help you become a real kunoichi.” Temari was sly and sharp went it came to her words and to confuse Hanabi any more then she already was, the girl might as well get on her knees and eat out of the sand ninja’s hand.

“This is almost too easy.”

Temari knew Hanabi was going to come as she didn’t say anything else and closed her door.

“A surprise? For me?”

A curious and confused Hanabi walked to the window as she heard Hinata call Temari. The blonde smiled as she stepped out to the garden and formed a short set of hands signs. Hinata only nodded as they started to walk away. Hanabi knew Jonin could talk with them, but that was just too fast for the normal eye to pick up on.

"Ready to chase the dragon?" Temari laughed as she picked a flower and handed it to Hinata. Hanabi watched her sister take the flower then look sharply up at her. The girl's feet moved back instantly as she breathed out.



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