Story: Naruto - Sisterly love (chapter 1)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 1

Title: Sneaky sister

“With father gone with Neji and Hinata on a mission, I have the whole place to myself.” Hanabi smiled greedily as she walked proudly through the empty halls of the Hyuuga's main branch estate. It had been five years since the attack of Konoha village, she was now one of the strongest Genin of her grade and she was proud of that fact. She did still lack a true kunoichi’s touch unlike her sister Hinata who was now a high-ranking Jonin.

“I do wish Hinata-chan was here to help me train.” Hanabi stopped in front of her sister’s door and stared at it.

“I wonder...?” Hanabi set her hand on the door as Hinata’s image came to mind.

“Do not go in my room… or else.”

Hanabi remembered the stern threat all to well as Hinata had hardened and molded her senses and skills to that of their father, Lord Hiashi. The young girl couldn’t believe how far Hinata had come, she used to be so simple and cute, always putting herself down and others ahead of her, but something had changed over the last couple of years. Even Neji couldn’t deny that fact, she was still sweet and innocent on the outside, but that was only skin-deep.

“It’s like she wants something from me and I don’t know what it is.”

She’d seen the deceiving almost lustful look a couple of times in her sister’s eyes went they would train or argue. Hanabi shook her head of the strange look as she focused back on the door.

“Well, it’s not like she’ll find out if I have a peek.”

Hanabi slid open her sister’s door and stepped in, nothing seemed out of the normal. Hinata was always very neat and proper, bed made, no clothes on the floor, not even a speck of dust to be seen.

“Almost to proper if you ask me.”

Hanabi made a smug face as she began her inspection at Hinata’s three-draw dresser, starting at the bottom she opened each and explored its contents. With pants in the bottom, shirts in the next, panties, and bra’s in the top. Hanabi lifted out a pair of black-laced panties and smiled, thinking which lucky boy got to see her sister in these, then it dawned on her.

“I’ve never seen her with any boys before, or ever for that matter.”

Unsatisfied with the dresser the young Hyuuga made her way across the room to the closet and opened its double doors.

“Nothing but the typical Hinata here, hold on a second.” Hanabi was about to close the doors as she spotted a black box pushed towards the back of the closet.

“What do we have here?” A little smirk crossed the white-eyed girl's face as she got to her knees and pulled the box out. There was no lock on it so it couldn’t of been that important was Hanabi’s reasoning as she opened the box.

“This is unbelievable!?!”

Hanabi was completely surprised with the contents inside the box as she first lifted the pictures of two skimpily clad blondes kissing, touching and smiling for the camera. She recognized both girls instantly, it was Ino and Temari in the pictures as she continued through the small deck. Each picture was a little different then the last, when finally Hinata took her turn with both blondes. Hanabi blushed a deep crimson as the last couple photos the three were naked and doing more then smiling. Hanabi’s body began to tingle as she set the photos aside and continued with the rest of the box. Next was a pretty little vile of what looked like perfume as Hanabi’s inquisitive nature begged her to open it.

“Mmmm smells good, maybe you do got a little taste sis.” Hanabi smiled infectiously as she dabbed a bit behind each of her ears. After setting the vile down she made her move for the last item in the box, a pair of cotton white panties.

“Who’s are these…?” The Hyuuga girl examined the undergarment in both hands as she unconsciously pulled them to her face and inhaled, the smell clicked in her head instantly.

“Its that weird perfume and…”

She knew the other scent as well, it was her own sex and sweat. She gasped as she lower the panties and widened her eyes.

“These panties are… mine!?!”

Hanabi was shocked, but not as much as she thought she would be for some reason. All of a sudden she felt lightheaded as she started to giggle.

“Its not funny Hanabi, she has your underwear in her special box, hehehe.”

Hanabi shook her head wildly as her heart started to hammer in her chest. The tingling heat from earlier started to catch fire in her chest and crotch as she started to pant. She felt the impulsive urge to touch herself as she gripped both of her breasts and squeezed.

“What’s going on, my body, I can’t control it.”

She was at that age in her life where she had explored every recess of her body inside and outside but never so spontaneously and in her sister’s room? I don’t think so. The young girl groaned as she dropped a hand between her legs and clutched her cunt through her tight pants. Hanabi was paralyzed with pure sexual desire as she set her cheek on the cool floor and arced her ass upward.

“Why I’m I acting like this, I was fine a minute ago.”

The young Genin struggled with her unaccountable actions as she continued to caress herself through her clothes. Hanabi’s fingers started to work under her waistband as a stern voice called out her name.

“Hanabi?” The voice yelled genuinely as Hanabi froze with fear this time.


Hanabi leaned up swiftly as a loud whistle followed.



To be continued...

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