Story: Rainbow (all chapters)

Authors: Jdwheels

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Chapter 1

[Author's notes: Robin feels compelled to help out one of the team members.]


Chapter One

A Witch Hunter Robin Fan fiction- By. Jd Wheels

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Witch Hunter Robin nor do I make any money off of my stories.

Robin stretched her thin frame to the ceiling of Raven Flat, her body feeling very tight as she moved. She winced noticeably, as a kink in her shoulders told her she had been sitting at her computer for way too long. She moved that arm a little, and felt the stinging pang of a muscle that needed to move a little more.

The youngest of all the hunters had been at the headquarters since very early in the morning. Amon and herself had gone on a hunt just as the sun had been rising. They had few leads on the witch in question, but somehow Amon had found where the witch was hiding and they spent the morning following up on them. They proved to be correct, and they found themselves face to face with the Witch.

The rest of the hunt was quick work, as three perfectly placed bullets had incapacitated the man, thanks to Amon’s crack shot, and he was whisked away by the NEW SOLOMON GUARD. Robin had not even had to use her powers on this one, and she felt actually glad that she had not.

After that, the STN-J had gotten a call about mysterious death that happened just off of the shipbuilding docks, on the far east side of Tokyo Bay. Amon and Robin were dispatched across the city to investigate, Sakaki was sent to meet them there sometime later.

Once at the scene, the evidence found it was clear that a Witch that had perpetrated the murder. Even Robin knew that, after seeing the body that had been pulled clearly apart, and there was no explanation for it other than for the power of a Witch. She had came to have a sense about it all, after all this time with the organization.

All three worked the scene, and gathered up the tiniest of evidence they could come across. With that drawing a blank, The STN-J were now searching through paper records and on-line data to find out if they had a file to match up a Witch to this. The work was enormous, and because of that, they were no closer to the answer that they were being called out to it as the day waned.

Robin, along with Michael, had been tasked with continuing to try and find any correlation with anything on record, while Amon and Sakaki stayed out and checked contacts out on the streets. That was more than a few hours ago, it was now just past twelve midnight. There was nothing to go on as yet, and it was starting to seem as they would have nothing for a long time.

The other one of the team, Miho, was on her own on a case, somewhere close to the Japanese city of Osaka. The woman was not scheduled to be back until something at the end of the week. Their other co-worker, Dojima has somehow gotten a day off and was not available either.

That left Robin and the mighty computer genius Michael to handle the record search for the case as fast as they could. With no help in sight, they knew that their task was very much harder than ever.

Robin stood up from her chair, hoping that moving herself around a little would loosen up her stiffness.

The young teen moved and stretched like a cat after a long snooze in the sun, but it seemed to help not as much as the girl had wanted. She made herself walk around in a circle in the room, still trying to loosen her body up.

" Hoping you get to go home soon, Robin?" Asked the hacker, seeing the girl moving around.

She looked over at the lad, still rubbing her shoulder. Her movements and everything, was helping even less than she first thought.

" I am hoping so..." She said, yawning uncontrollably. " It has been a long day."

The spiky haired youth chuckled, popping a rather large potato chip into his mouth.

" It sure has been a day... we’ve been at this for what seems to be days on end." He said, already swallowing the salty treat. " Would be nice to have the option of a nap around now..."

The girl looked over at the youth and give a small smile. It did feel like they have been at it for days. She stood rubbing her stiff shoulder then her neck, hoping that it was close to being able to go home, maybe eat something then sleep.

She smiled at the thought of sleep as it sounded like heaven to her. She came back to the reality, and sighed. That was not going to happen for awhile, she told herself with a air of acceptance.

The girl went back to her computer and started once again to search the records for some clue to the mystery that they worked on. She rubbed the sleep out of one eye, having a feeling like she was not going home any time soon.

Minutes passed, ad the phone rang. Michael picked it up and answered, Robin looking over in half interest. She thought it might be Amon phoning in to give a update on what him and Sakaki had found to this point.

Michael hung up the phone and looked over at Robin, a very dumbfounded look was on his face.

" Well... That was an odd call!" He commented, as he looked down to stare at the phone.

Robin saw the look in the older youth’s face, and was immediately curious. She had never seen Michael look so perplexed before.

" What is it?" She asked softly.

" That was Master... you know, from Harry’s"

" Master?" She echoed, now she was curious even more. " Why would he phone so late here?"

The youth brushed back his spiky brown hair as he looked at the young dark garbed girl.

" He said that one of our team is at his restaurant right now, and seemed to be very drunk at this stage."

" Did you say, drunk?" Robin asked.

" He said the word ‘drunk’...." Nodded Michael. " He also stressed that fact all too largely."

" Who?" She Asked, Amon was the first name that popped into her head, but he was out in the field. she thought to herself.

" Miss Dojima." Was his answer.

The name Michael spoke caught the young girl off guard. She had guessed it would have been Amon for he had been more brooding than usual today... and if he had not found anything in his searches, she thought he might have stopped for a drink. Dojima had been the farthest away from her guess as you could have gotten.

" Is she that intoxicated?" She asked, almost clinical like.

Michael laughed and nodded.

" Master said that she was very much drunk, after drinking glass after glass of wine and a few shots too. She is definitely too drunk to drive her home." He explained, with a continuing giggle. " He wanted to see if one of us would get her home in one piece. I cant leave, and the others I could alert." He chuckled some more. " Never thought Dojima would be a souse."

Robin stood up, obviously quite a bit upset by the way she stared down Michael. She saw no humor in it the way the lad was reacting to the situation, and was making it clear to the youth by way of her body’s posture.

" I’ll go get her and then take her home." She said, glaring at the youth.

" How are you going to do that, Robin?" Said the now hard laughing lad, surprised at Robin’s reaction " You could not possible get a very drunk person to sit on your Vespa for very long, and you cant drive a car yet."

She shot back a very icy stare at the lad.

" Then I will just walk over to Harry’s, and make sure she gets into a cab to get home." She said, her voice tight as she stared at the lad. " I have some money to do that for her."

" She is the one that drank until she was totally plastered ..." Started the lad, feeling if Robin’s loyalty was going a tad too far." I would just leave her to find her own cab , and her own way home."

Robin now seemed really angry with the computer lad. Her green eyes were piercing, as she gave a very hard look at the lad.

" Miss Dojima is in need of a little help, Michael." Snapped back the girl with great sourness. She seemed to be protecting the girl at the bar quite strongly " I believe that we should be a little compassionate, and do that for her."

" I can see that you want to help her, but.." Started the lad.

" You have been around Amon too much, your acting so cold now." Venomously pointed out the very irate girl, not giving the lad a chance to finish what he was saying.

Michael looked at the craft girl and stopped his chortling cold. He could see that Robin was finding all of this not in the least bit amusing or helpful, and was really angry with him at this point. The youth swallowed hard, and went to say something, but it caught in his throat as she kept staring at him.

He straitened his glasses and composed himself, he could see that the girl was not all too happy with him at the moment.

" If you want to." He said, no tone in his voice.

Robin tighten her lips, as she turn and grabbed her coat from on the back of her chair. She only give one last very cold glare at the lad, as she headed for the elevator. She turned her head forward and simply walked off with a huff. She was gone as soon as the elevator hissed open.

The computer lad shook his head and returned to his work. Now that Robin was gone off to play good Samaritan, he had to cover for her while she did.

" Great!" He murmured to himself, feeling just a little bit frustrated with the lass. " More work for yours truly."

Chapter 2

[Author's notes: In helping her friend, things get a little complicated.]

Chapter Two: Confusion



Harry’s was nearly empty at twelve thirty at night. A few patrons were sipping away on drinks in the dimness of the place, none seemed to be rowdy. A very pretty blonde lady was the only one that seemed to have the bulk of the alcohol consumed this night.

She sat at the main bar, a tall glass nearly emptied of wine in one hand. The young lady peered at her drink through half-squinted eyes, the small delirious looking smirk on her face told of the night that had been spent drinking away. She put down the glass, almost spilling it all over the exceptionally clean bartop and giggled at the near mishap.

" I have called for someone to help you out, Miss Dojima..." The tall and very thin owner of the place said. " They should be here soon."

" That’s ok... I’m drunk... deadened" She said, slurring her very incoherent statement to the man.

" Who ever will make sure you get home safely." Master said, in his very calming way.

The woman nodded, nearly losing her balance on the chair and falling. She caught herself and swept up the glass of wine to awkwardly down half of what was left in it. She hiccuped violently and smiled a sodden grin, at which the man seemed to had given a little shrug of his thin shoulders.

A figure appeared next to her suddenly. She jerked hr head to the side to look at who had just walked up to her. She hiccuped and grinned.

" Robin..." She slurred out.

The tawny haired young hunter looked at her friend and then at Master who stood on the other side of the bar from them.

" She is very intoxicated." Said Robin, her face seemingly very puzzled with the very drunk woman.

" She had more than just a few, Little Robin..." He said, his smile showed that he was glad that then girl was there. " I was getting rather concerned with just how much she was consuming." He paused. " She seemed distressed a little when she came in late this afternoon. She ordered a drink and then another. I have seen her have a couple of drinks before, but I have never seen her go like this."

" I have not either." Robin agreed.

" I am glad that it was you, who came for Mis Dojima." He said, his eyes showing that extent.

Robin took a deep breath as she looked at her drunk friend. She was worried about the young blonde lady as well, never hearing of her being like this ever.

" I am going to take her home here..." Robin said, keeping an eye on the lady.

" That would be a good idea to help her." The man said, seeming relived to hear of Robin’s help. " Can I be of some assistance to you?

The tawny haired girl nodded.

" You call us a cab, I’ll help her outside." Robin said.

" Can you manage her?"

" I think so." Said Robin, obviously thinking on how she was going to do that.

" I call the cab then, and I will inform them of where you are going.." He said. " I know where she lives, I have call a cab for her on a few occasions.- but never for a state like she is in now."

Robin nodded her thanks. She needed all the help she could get to make sure the drunk Dojima got home.

Bodily draping on of the lady’s arms around her neck, Robin helped Dojima to her feet and pointed the two of them to the door. The lady did not argue, simply mumbled out a few things as her friend held her up as they headed off to meet the cab outside of Harry’s.



Dojima’s house was just a one floor, three room house in a quiet part of Tokyo. A low wall fence circled the house, and had a somewhat of a lawn in front. It was very quaint looking, but not at all what Robin was thinking it would have been.

As the cab drove off, Robin walked Dojima up to the door, propping her up so she could walk. The woman shuffled along with the help of the girl, still continuing to mumble incoherently as the got to the door.

Robin fished the woman’s keys out of her skirt pocket, then bore her friend into the house once the door had been opened and having her nearly fall in the process. The youngest hunter could not believe that she had kept the girl on her feet for this long. Dojima laughed at nothing, as the smaller girl led her into the house, she was still very drunk.

The place was very well decorated, in the very classic sense of Japanese sensibility. The outside of the house belayed the fact of it being so well decorated, it made Robin gasp. It was like she was looking at some decorating magazine. From the expensive rugs on the floor, to the very dark and rich woods of the various pieces of furniture, It was clear that Dojima did not have cheap taste in anything.

She nodded to herself, struggling the girl off down a short hallway, looking for the bedroom so she could tuck the woman in to sleep for the night, and hoping that she would be not too badly hurting in the morning.

Robin found the sleep mat on the floor in a back room, obviously this room was Dojima’s bedroom. She lowered the lady to the mat as slowly as she possibly could have, and the very drunk lady rolled like watery jelly on to her bed with a small thud.

" Robin... I screwed up..." She kept muttering, though her plastered haze.

" You’ll feel better in the morning, Dojima." Assured Robin, Not understanding what the lady was saying

" Not ever... I screwwd up an’..." Was the lady reply, after hiccupping while trying not to vomit.

" You’ll see that you will feel better..." Robin came back, her nose wrinkling, as the smell of Dojima’s near throwing up was hanging on the air a little.

Robin helped the very floppy bodied lady by taking off the sportcoat she wore, as she now could barely move. Dojima sighed and flopped back, her head luckily hitting the pillow behind her as soon as the coat was fully off. Robin unzipped her skirt and got it off somehow, trying to make her friend as comfortable as she could, leaving the sleeveless shirt on as she saw the woman wore no bra.

Robin looked at the very skimpy red lace underwear the girl was wearing, and marveled at how good it looked on her very shapely hips, and how she could see Dojima’s tanned skin through the fabric. She would never wear something like that, Robin told herself, but she had to admit they looked good on the her soddened friend.

As Robin folded up the woman’s clothes neatly at the side of the mat, she heard Dojima moving a little bit, moaning almost.

" Robin... I... I..." She stammered repeatedly, as the tawny haired girl slipped off her shoes.

" What is it?" Robin asked, putting the shoes ast the head of the mat.

Robin waited, but it seemed that the woman had passed out at that point. She shuffled up a little on her knees to where Dojima’s head was and peered down into the face. She wondered if the woman needed something, or if she was going to get sick.

The woman’s eyes were wide open, staring up at her when she got there. There was a very odd look in the woman’s eyes, something that Robin could not comprehend. Like a mother hen, she brushed Dojima’s long blonde locks out of her face, and gave a warm smile to the woman.

" Do you need to get up and go to the bathroom to get sick?" She asked, hoping that of that was what was needed, the woman could make it into the bathroom before actually spewing..

Dojima suddenly moved quicker than she had through this whole situation. She pulled the tawny haired girl’s head down to hers. Robin squeaked in total shock, as the woman layed a large kiss right on her lips. The kiss was kind of uncoordinated, but the force of it was purely lustful in it’s intentions.

Robin froze as the lady kissed her, her nose picking up the fruity aroma of the wine on Dojima’s breath. She found herself kissing back for a second or to, much to her surprise.

Adding to the young Hunter’s shock, the lady had let her other hand move, and now was inching up her inner leg, then under her long skirt. The drunk lady quickly had her fingers now fully between her thighs and was touching Robin’s panties at the apex of her legs, and right on the womanhood that was hidden under them.

Dojima’s fingertips gave a few clumsy caresses on her sex, almost as if she was really wanting to touch the girl there but could not get her hand to work under the influence. The girl could not move for a moment or two, as she was totally shocked at the hand that now was fondling her little sex. The fingers traced the outer surface of her privates with a light touch, sliding along the fabric that was the only barrier between Dojima and Robin’s sex.

Robin felt her body starting to tingle from the combination of the lips on hers, and the hand that lightly felt her secret spot. She also felt that where the girl rubbed, was getting very wet. Her mind swam with different emotions and sensation that flooded her, her body was unable to even move and inch for what seemed to be forever. She was stuck right there with the lady’s kisses and hands.

Robin finely shot back, breaking away from the woman’s kisses and hands like she was shot out of a cannon. The woman did not grasp at her hard, her hands just flopped lifelessly on top of her, and she rolled completely on to her back into her stupor once more.

" Robin..." She sighed, then was still.

Robin sat in the corner, her heart pumping hard in her chest. She had no idea just what to do. She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling so awkward and confused.

She looked over at the now still figure on the sleeping mat for long moments at a time, the feelings of the woman’s hands touching her and the kiss , still registering in her mind.

" Did Miss Dojima just... Kiss me?" She asked herself, many times over and over again, always adding. " She... touched me... she felt me..."

She had never been kissed before by a man, little alone been kissed by a woman. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind swooned a she came to realize that not only had the woman did what she had done, Dojima had been touching her private area like a lover was suppose to. She shivered with the realization, but she was unsure whether she was shivering out of disgust or pleasure.

The young hunter’s body felt like it actually still was happening, her mind replaying for her the feelings of when the blonde woman’s fingers softly was caressing her virginal body ever so softly, and the pressure of her lips against hers. She could feel the woman’s fingers still on her vulva, the way it traced the outer part of it with a light breath, the way it made her tingle all through out her body.

The girl let out a gasp as she thought on the incident. The real surprise to even herself , Robin found herself liking it.

She looked over at the prone woman with a nervousness. She watched the woman laying there, a light snoring sound told her that Dojima had finally passed out. Robin stayed there in the corner for a moment, making sure the lady was in fact asleep. She was unsure of even moving at this point.

She watched, as the breathing movements of the woman’s chest told her that she had indeed not only feel asleep, but had slipped into a very deep sleep. Robin was glad for her friend’s slumber, as her mind swirled with confusion. She sat for awhile more, unable to do anything other than to watch the sleeping form that layed there in only a shirt and underwear

The girl hesitantly went over to the lady, and used a blanket that was folded off to the side of the room to cover Dojima up. The drunk one sighed in her sleep, but did not really move any. She layed there, snoring away.

Robin stood up and made a wide circle around the mat, moving as softly as she could have. Dojima did not even move as muscle, the alcohol she had drank was certainly fueled her comatose state. That suited Robin just fine, as she exited the room. She wanted to get away as fast as she could.

She went into the front room and sat herself down in the very center, pulling her knees up to her chest as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Nothing really did make any sense at all.

Robin thought about making the long walk back to her little one room place, or even trying to catch one of the late night transit busses, feeling a little nervous to be in the house with Dojima. She shook her head, and decided she could not do that, even after whatever happened... happened. She knew that she could not just leave Dojima to sleep it off. She had read or heard somewhere that for very inebriated people, you need to make sure of them for they could choke on their vomit .

Robin had also came up with that Dojima had been so drunk, she thought she was her boyfriend or something., and was not coming on to her... another female, like that. That was why the woman done.

" She was just mistaken..." Robin assured herself, as she settled herself for waiting through the long night ahead. "... She was very drunk."

Settling that point for herself, the fact remained she had no idea why she was feeling the way she was. She still enjoyed the memory of the woman touching her, kissing her... of her kissing Dojima. She really, really did. That bothered her.

She took a breath in, sharp and tight.

" I don’t like girls..." She stated for herself with finality, as she rested her back against a small stand.

She put her head on her knees that were still drawn up, and closed her eyes. She listened to the darkness of the house.

Chapter 3

[Author's notes: Dojima wakesd up, and finds that Robin was the one that helped her out, but would her secret scare the young Hunter off?]

Chapter Three: Unbalanced life.



Dojima woke up to birds chirping away outside of her bedroom window. She groaned, as each sone the birds made, was like a needle stabbing her in the head. She rubbed her face, cursing the damned feathered things for waking her up so early. She looked at the clock on the side table, and saw it was just a little past six in the morning.

She sat up and then felt a wave of dizziness hit her all at once.

" Damn!" She spat, holding her head.

She found that she was having the mother of all hangovers, as every part of her body seemed to ache like she was eighty years old or something. Even her tongue felt like something very furry had just made it’s home right on it. She made a face, as the she noticed the taste of old wine was still on her breath.

" Yuck!!" She said to herself

She tried to get the clouded feeling out of her head, as she wondered how she got home the night before. She found herself still dressed in her shirt and panties, and that the other clothes she had worn the night before were folded beside the mat. She had help getting home last night, she thought to herself, knowing that she slept in the nude mostly. Her clothes were the big clue to it all.

She got herself up and grabbed a silk robe she had hanging on a hook near the door. She donned it and went to see if her helper had stayed the night somewhere in her place. In her mind, she thought that someone had actually stayed. She did not for sure know, bit she had a hunch that someone did keep an eye on her, especially how drunk she had gotten throughout the night. She had really did a number on herself with it.

In the stillness of the front room, she found a sleeping figure curled upon the floor. She moved so the pale light of the rising morning sun through the window would show her who it was that was asleep on the wood floor. She moved quietly as she could in her condition, and then saw who it was.

Robin was curled up on her floor, the dusty red overcoat the girl wore always was used as a blanket. She suddenly gasped, as the whole night came running back to her in one bright flash of reality.

" I have to explain things to Robin, I think..." She said, rubbing her head as stress welled up in her. She sighed. " Dammit...I’ve done it this time... Should have told things before all of this happened."

She moved to the kitchen to make coffee, knowing she will need a few cups of it to simply make her headache bearable. She left the girl sleep, not wanting to have to explain herself while her head was pounding like if someone was dribbling a bowling ball on her skull from the inside.

" Note to self... no more wine!" She said to herself

The blonde girl was just about done her first coffee, when Robin stepped into the kitchen. By the look of confusion and fear that were held in the green eyes, the girl was still thinking on the night before. Dojima knew she was doing just that.

" Morning..." Said Dojima, nervously.

The tawny haired girl looked at Dojima, her eyes darting between her, and then away for a moment to gaze out of the kitchen’s back window.

" You can grab yourself a coffee, if you want." Said Dojima, watching the girl fidget as she stood there. " I left out a mug that you can use on the counter there."

" Thank you..." The girl replied meekly, putting her gaze to the floor as she moved to where the coffee pot was.

The young girl chose to stand next to the counter as she sipped on her coffee. Her posture was very stiff and she did not move in inch to go and sit down at the table. She was quiet, even for Robin’s standards.

Robin stared at Dojima for a while, her mind now filled with the events of the night. She could see that the woman seemed to be a little under the weather, knowing very well that the alcohol was the culprit for her state. She tried not to think on the other things, but it was clear that her mind was having a heyday with it already.

Dojima finished the last sip of her coffee and sighed. She turned so she could look at the youngest hunter, and sighed.

" I want to thank you for the help home, Robin." She said, knowing she had to start the conversation someway. " I got more than just a little drunk last night."

Robin nodded, her face growing crimson red.

" You are welcome, Miss Dojima..." She said, her voice very soft.

The blonde woman could see that the girl was avoiding her eye contact at all cost. She sighed. She looked at the girl, and saw that the normal emerald eyes were not sparkling like they usually did.

" We have to talk, Robin... about last night." Dojima said, nervous about what she had to explain.

Robin’s face flashed white, her eyes went down to study her cup she held with great interest. She said nothing, simply studied the handle of the mug like she was looking for any flaws in the pottery. Dojima noticed how it was affecting the girl, but knew the only way was to speak up.

" I think I need to explain quite a few things about last night to you." Said Dojima, amending her way of approaching the subject.

" What needs to be explained..." Started Robin, her voice quivering. " You thought I was your boyfriend, you kissed me... you made a mistake when you did...."

" I sort of felt you up too..." Pointed out the woman, with a small smirk of admittance.

Robin seemed to shiver with the words, but her face showed no other reaction on it’s smooth surface.

" I... It was all a mistake, I know..." Robin sputtered, still not looking up from her mug. " I am not mad about it.. you were drunk... I understand that you made a mistake like that when you had too much to drink."

Dojima stood up and walked over. She took the mug out of the girl’s hand and set it on the counter. She moved the girl to turn to face straight at her, then got the green eyes to look up at her.

" It was not a mistake, Robin..." Said Dojima flatly. " The first thing to explain is that I never have been with a man ever..."

Robin’s eye widened, a few beads of sweat collected on her forehead.

" W...What?" Robin sputtered loudly, her face was shocked and all the color drained from her cheeks.

" The first thing I need to explain is that I am a lesbian.." Dojima continued slowly, her eyes trying to gauge what the girl was thinking.

Robin seemed to nearly collapse, her legs partially giving out as she stood there. She steadied herself against the kitchen counter with a hand and gaped at the woman with eyes as big as saucers.

" Pardon..." The young hunter said finally, out of reflex.

" I like women, just like men do... I date them and everything."

" But... your dates... you said..." Sputtered Robin, her mind racing to grasp the lady’s words.

Dojima nodded, seeing that the girl was now totally confused and flustered. She took a deep breath, and knew she needed to clarify other things, before going on with the other stuff.

" Robin, I may have been not telling the whole truth to you guys at the STN-J... about my ‘dates’." She said, as clear as she could put the words. " I let you think that they were with men... in fact I like women." She explained, as simply as she could think of to so. " That is the deepest, darkest truth... the single thing that not too many people know about me...I am gay."

Robin backed up a little bit against the counter, staring at her friend with a very blank stare. She was unable to breath for a second, her upper lip shook as her mind tried to process what she had heard.

" Then... you were... you did..." She stammered.

" I made a ‘pass’ at you..." She said boldly to give the girl the words, seeing the facts registering in Robin’s mind. " I was drunk and did that..."

" I felt strange when you did that..." Said Robin, now leaning a little further back from the woman. " I... I mean... I never had anyone touch me there... I... then you..."

" I know it scared you... I need to tell you the truth that I have been hiding away for so long also...." Dojima said, trying to get the words out of her head. "... The truth is that I have been captivated by you for a long while and...well, I did that in my state because of what I had been feeling towards you and..."

Robin heard the words, and her heart seemed to beat harder. The words were right there, Dojima was attracted to her, and last night was not a mistake other than she had acted on them. She felt herself shaking, unable to think. Her body instantly reminding her of what it felt like when the lady’s hand had been caressing her womanhood, the feelings that shot through her when Dojima delivered that kiss... everything.

Fear gripped Robin, and she quickly pushed her way passed the woman who was still trying to explain herself to her.

" I... I got to go.." She said, as politely as she could at the moment. " I.. I am glad I could help, but I got to leave now!!"

" Robin wait..." Pleaded Dojima, seeing the girl’s turmoil in her eyes. " You don’t have to be scared of me..."

She turned away from the lady, as she started walking faster.

" I got to go..." Was all the girl could muster out, a tear was flowing down her cheek by then.

" Robin..." Said the lady again, as the girl scurried from the room.

Dojima saw the tear flow down the ivory of the girl’s cheek, and her heart sank. That was not the reaction she wanted from Robin. She hurriedly tried to catch the now running girl, but the girl had already left the kitchen in a few strides.

The darkly clad girl retrieved her coat from the front room floor and quickly rushed herself to the door. The girl said nothing as she sprinted out of the house, pulling the door shut with a bang. Just like that, the girl was gone.

Dojima stood there looking at the door that Robin had raced out of. She lowered her head and rubbed her furrowed brow.

" Shit, Shit Shit!!" Spat the lady, her own tears flowing. " I really have done it now."

She turned and headed back to hr bedroom. She needed to get cleaned up for work, trying to catch up with the fleeing girl would be futile anyways... she knew that the young girl was long gone by the time she had slapped on some clothes. She shook her head and hurried herself, still spitting swears at herself.

Chapter 4

[Author's notes: Robin wrestles with herself.  Gay or not Gay? She never thought she would have to figure out something like this.]

Chapter Four: Wrestling with one’s shadow



In her darkened small apartment, Robin sat and pondered over things. Things that only yesterday, she never imagined that she would have to.

Robin could not shake thinking on what had happened with Dojima, nor the words that the lady had spoken to her later on. No matter what she did, all of what happened yesterday seemed to keep popping into her head, mulling around and making her feel things she never had before.

The phone had been ringing off and on through the morning on her, probably it was Michael seeing if she was going in to the office or Amon who was angry that she was not in yet. It might also be Dojima trying to get a hold of her. She found that she did not care today if she ever answer the phone, her mind was trying to solve a riddle that was in herself.

Her body could still feel the light sensation of Dojima’s fingertip tracing along her virginal lower body lips, causing her body to tingle so wildly. She remembered how her panties were getting wetter and wetter, as the woman kissed her with such passion and the fact that she was kissing back. The thundering of her heart as the woman engulfed her with those lips, filled her with so many conflicting and confusing feelings, as her ming tangled with the many thoughts.

" What is wrong with me?" Her mind continued to say.

She had always had watched Dojima at work, glancing over as she move around while she did what little she actually did around the office. She had always found the young woman to be very pretty to her, dressing in very trendy clothes that accented her thin yet obviously well tined frame. She always did, and it always made her feel better just to watch.

There was always a reason for her to watch the lady, it seemed like. She did feel something towards the lady, but was it attraction? She felt like she always was a little queasy in her srtomach when Dojima was around... was that nerves of being around the gorgeous lady? Attraction?

Her mind fell back a little while in time, remembering the time when Dojima had changed her hairstyle for a little while after the Factory’s fall and her few month absence, and how that made her wonder about why the woman did it. At the time, she thought it was odd of her to actually even think like that, but she had simply passed it off, yet she kept on watching.

Looking back on just one incident, made her pause. Now was causing her to be pausing on it again, this time in more of a clear light than back then. The question popped up once more in her head... Attraction or not?

Robin’s brow furrowed as she pondered these things and more, everything reminding her that she had watched the pretty young woman a lot over the many months. It began to make her wonder if she had a sort of crush on her, or was there a real attraction for the blonde lady going on, like the woman had told her there was to her.

Robin snapped out of herself, when the phone started again to ring. The shrillness of the ringer was now becoming unignorable for her. It seemed to had continued to ring like clockwork, making it hard for her to even think. She just stayed sitting on her bed, trying to ignore the thing. This time, it was continuing on and on.

Robin finely sighed in resignation, knowing that the phone would keep ringing like this until she finally broke down and answered the call. She got up from her bed and did that, as it had continued to ring.

Amon was on the other end of the line, and he did not seem to be in a very pleasant mood by his tone.

" Where the hell are you, Robin?" He gruffly said, no niceties forthcoming from the man. "It is ten o’clock, and you are not here?"

" I did not sleep very well last night." She said, knowing that was true enough to say, without explaining everything she was thinking. " I was still resting."

Amon snuffed on the other end of the call.

" After getting Dojima drunk out of the bar, you should have gotten some sleep." He said, his voice cold, almost unfeeling. " Regardless of your sleeplessness,, I need you here going through files..."

" Can’t Michael help you, Amon?" She asked, just wanting some time alone without all of this.

" I need both of you to be doing this!" He said, almost barking out the words. " Get here as fast as you can do, Girl!!"

Robin closed her eyes tightly, but knew the man would take no answer other than the one he wanted to hear right now. She felt her will relent.

" I will get there as soon as I can, Amon." She finally submitted, after pausing for a second.

" Sooner than later, girl." Was his last shot with a snort, then he hung up unceremoniously on her.

Robin put the phone down and shook her head. She did not want to go in, knew she had no option of hiding and figure things out. Amon was not hearing anything other than his side of things.

The young hunter then started to think, then felt badly. Her mind realized that she had just dumped all of the work onto Michael when she left to fish Dojima out of Harry’s last night. She realized that she had simply loaded the young man down with her work, even though it was for a good reason. She sighed, noting that for nothing else, she should go in and do some work to take it off of her hacker friend.

Grabbing her coat, she quickly went to take the walk to Raven Flat. Without her beloved Vespa, it would take about twenty minutes or so to walk there, if she chose to cross through the park and up the main road. She thought of the shortcut, and considered it the correct way to get to the office as quickly as she could.

She decided on the park rout quickly, Amon seemed to be in a worse mood than usual, and she needed no more stress than what she was having. She just hoped that the work day would be at least, and early one.

Heading down the stairs with quickened steps, she hurried down the three flights to the ground floor. She only hoped that her head strong partner might change into a good mood before she got there, and that she did not have to see Dojima too much. Either one was not the people she really wanted to see today.

To Robin’s relief, Amon was not in the office when she arrived. He did leave some instructions for her to search data banks in Italy with her knowledge of the language, stating in the not that he had an idea on just who they might be looking for in the shipyard murder.

" This is a long list." She commented to the computer kid, as she was handed the hand written note.

" Yeah, It seem like it." Said the lad.

" Before I go and do this..." Robin said, looking at her spiky haired friend. " Sorry about leaving you last night... it was not very fair to you."

The lad looked over top of his tinted glasses and gave a smile.

" Thought about why you did what you did... you were right..." He said, smirking

" I should have did that a little different." Robin admitting her own failure in it.

" You did what you had to" Michael replied, then he lifted an eyebrow. " Did you find out why she was so drunk in the first place.

Robin shook her head a little, weakly.

" No, I did not."

" Guess everyone needs to blow of steam once in a while, heck... Miss Dojima needs to once in awhile too." He said.

" I guess..." Said Robin, turning to her work area

She sighed as she took her seat, as she was very sure that this task might take all day... possibly a whole lot longer. She just put on a small smile and simply got to work, glad that Michael was not upset at her for leaving like she did the night before.

That was one good thing today at least. She noted that Dojima seemed not to be in yet either, her chair was void of even a coat. That was a little stress relief right there, but the mountain of data needed to be surfed through more than made up for the lack of stress in the one area..



Dojima showed up a while later. There was no smile on the pretty lady’s face as she arrived, her blue eyes seemed to be vacant right then. It was unusual for the woman not to have a smile.

Robin noticed the lass’s entrance but kept her head down. Inside, she was feeling nervous and anxious as the lady came into the main computer area. She looked at her screen hard, not knowing were else she could look. She could feel the woman’s eyes on her, and she held her breath.

Dojima was met by the Chief just inside the room, and the two went off into the back area, talking frantically. Robin sighed as the lady went off with the boss. It was only temporary reprive, but at this point of time... she would just have to take it.

Robin just set her mind to her work, as she simply had to get what Amon was needing as fast as she could do it. She logged on to the Italian STN site, and started her work. Soon, she was engrossed in the task at hand.

Noon time rolled around, and Robin had found a few possible hits in the Italian listings. Most of the Witches were accounted for, but three were not. By the records she had accessed, no one did know where any of the three were. She got Michael to check possible arrivals into Japan, before he would send off all of the information to Amon in the field.

Grabbing a cup of coffee from the back area, Young Robin went into the well room, to have a break and simply relax for a short time. It was not the most comfortable room in the building, but she had found it good for simply having a quiet place to think, and she really needed some time to think.

She sat on the sidewall of the well, her coffee in hand. Her mind was once again wrestling with things, bypassing the regular thoughts of work she normally had when coming in here. She could not totally stop them, and she just let them come for awhile hoping that she would hit on something to straighten things for her.

A figure appeared in the dimly lit room after quite awhile. Robin felt herself catch her breath in her throat as she heard the approach of someone She looked up to see who it was.

Dojima already was standing next to her, looking squarely at her with her big blue eyes.

" Robin?" She cautiously asked.

Robin did not say a word, but looked blankly up at the girl. She felt her heart pounding in her chest like crazy as her eyes latched on to the lady’s. She felt a little tingle go up her spine

" About earlier this morning..." She said, cautiously starting to speak. " I over stepped my bounds... I should have kept my feelings to myself... But I am not sorry that I had either."

Robin looked up at her with a blank stare, her chest was heaving as the woman spoke. Dojima reached out and stroked the girl’s cheek with a very light touch, as she smiled.

" I do find you so very attractive to me..." She said. " I am truly sorry that I scared you with that admission." She stopped and held the cheek in her palm. " But I do really find myself drawn to you... Ever so steadily, ever so strongly..." She locked on to Robin’s big emerald eyes. " I will only say this once, then I will drop it..." She said finally.

Robin kept staring at the lady, her heart racing away in her chest. She knew what the woman was going to say, or she thought she did. She swallowed, no words were wanting to come out of her mouth.

The lady lingered in a pause, searching the younger hunter’s face for a long few seconds.

" Robin..." Dojima said, after her lengthy pause. " I find myself seriously falling in love with you."

The woman let go of the young hunter’s face slowly, almost if she did not want to let go. She leaned in and give the tawny haired girl a peck on the cheek, then turned away to head back to the main computer area. Robin stiffened, and her mind told her not to move, but she felt like she wanted to as the lips grazed her sensually, and to return that kiss with one of her own.

Without a single word more, the pretty blonde lady walked out of the room, as promised. The woman left the stone still form to the darkness.

Robin felt her body tremble, her mind race as she watched Dojima leave the room. She touched her cheek and felt a rush of emotions that were like last nights. The difference between what she felt now. Back then she had felt fear to go with the pleasure, this time she only felt the rush that was pure pleasure flowing through her. She simply watched in the direction that Dojima had gon it for a long time.

Now alone in the low light of the well room, Robin bowed her head. She was now as confused as ever, but still she could not help but think in her head about the kisses. The blocked out everything in her mind for a long time.

Her heart had jumped, thinking about the lips that had been on her cheek., her trembles were flowing through her body, her senses were now on ful alert. She could feel her panties becoming wet, and she realized her nipples had become hard. She cover her breasts with her arms, but stayed right where she was.

For a long time, she sat there until she knew she needed to go back and continue on her searching. Amon would be mad if he found her sitting in the dark like this. Grudgingly, She did go back to work, while not wanting to venture looking over at the lady, who worked only yards away from where she sat.

Back at her workstation, Robin did not look at Dojima, because she was scared... scared to feel what she was feeling. Scared of what those feelings might be telling her about herself, and scared of what that might lead her to.

Chapter 5

[Author's notes: Not knowing what to do or even think, Young Robin looks for some guidance in the place she had came to for that.]

Chapter Five: Light



After a long day at STN-J Headquarters, the evening found Robin in the old St. Andrew’s Cathedral, where she had taken up praying. She had been heading home on her Vespa that she had left the night before, but found herself literally drawn to the church.

Kneeling in front of the alter with hands clasped very hard together, she asked for guidance for herself. She knew that it was against the Catholic Church to be homosexual, but if anyone could help her with it she knew a ‘higher power’ could. She had no one else to turn to on this problem.

She unclasped her hands and looked up at the crucifix of Jesus high overhead, breathing in the incense that hung on the air from a mass earlier in the day. She made a sign of the cross as was the custom, and stood up. She felt the stiffness in her legs suddenly attack her and wondered just how long she had been praying for.

As she turned, she noticed a figure was watching her from the area of the confessionals. She gasped a little and looked hard over at who ever it was, as she had not heard anyone come in while praying. She moved a bit over from the alter, to get a better look at this half shadowed figure.

She smiled, recognizing the person as Father Yamamoto- the lead priest of this particular Church. She knew him well, as she had confided in him many times since coming to Japan. She also knew that he was a good friend of her grandfather, Father Juliano, who was still back in Tuscany.

The kindly small Japanese born priest smiled, and walked over to where the girl was.

" You were praying for a very long time there, Robin." The Priest said smiling.

" I guess I got lost in talking to the Lord." She said, her face pulling into a sheepish smile.

" When you are talking to God-almighty himself, we all can get lost in that sort of thing." He said, the man’s smile warm and calming. " I too, get lost when I am speaking to him almost every day."

Robin smiled and nodded, feeling a little awkward at the moment as she looked at the Priest. She found herself blushing a little, knowing what she was praying about. She felt a little shame cross her heart, and she turned her face a little to hid that fact from the man.

She went to leave, but the man spoke and halted her leaving.

" If you need to talk about anything, Robin, remember I am here." He said, then adding. " Through your eyes, I can see that you are having some sort of conflict raging within yourself. Perhaps I could be of some help by at least listening to you."

The girl looked at the man with a wide eyes stare. She did not know it was so obvious of her, maybe it was written right there on her face. She bowed her head a little, wondering what to do now.

" I am having a kind of conflict..." She blurted out surprised that she actually elided to it.

" Then come and sit... I might be able to help you out." He said, motioning to a pew in the front.

" I... I don’t Know...." Robin stammered, taking a step back, but stopping after that.

" You know me by now, Robin... all I want to do is help." He said, his warm smile and friendly eyes shining out to the young teenager.

She froze to the spot, and looked at the man in black. She was struggling within herself, as she did not want to lie, especially inside of a church. The man’s kindly face was relaxing her some, and she simply took a long moment to simply think.

She blushed, as she knew she had to say something to the waiting man of the cloth.

" It is sort of ... really embarrassing..." She warned, her cheeks flushing. " It really is."

" I have heard many things over the ten plus years I have been a priest, and most things now do not faze me..." He said, his warmth coming out of his eyes. " What ever you have to say, whatever you have to unload...I will listen. No one is in the church right now and I will not judge you." He made a small laugh. " I am a priest, I am sworn to the utmost secrecy... what you say will go no where."

Robin looked at the man and smiled softly and took a small breath in. She felt her body tremble as she sat down. She was just going to stand and leave, but for some odd reason she did not. The priest sat next to her.

" Start it from the beginning... let’s see if we can calm your riled up soul down a notch or two." He said with a soft tone.

The girl soon found herself emptying all of her thoughts, feelings and fears to the man. She was not going to go that far into it, but found herself literally pouring everything out to the Priest like a waterfall. The man simply listened in silence to the girl, ever now and then making sure that she knew he was indeed listening to her.

After awhile, she had cleared herself of everything, and now sat a little hunched over. Feeling so spent from it, she simply sat and looked at Father Yamamoto, waiting for whatever his reactions to everything just might be. She was apprehensive with waiting, as she went over the teachings she had while a s a young child back in Italy, her Grandfathers booming voice was the on in her head.

The Priest was silent, as it was plain to see that he was thinking on everything that Robin had told him. She felt nervous as the seconds ticked by without hm saying anything. Wringing her hands absently, she did not know quite what the man was pondering on.

He finally sat up straight and looked at the waiting girl.

" Let me say first of all that you are remarkable..." He said finally.

Robin was shocked and perplexed by the man’s statement. She looked at him, trying to read the man’s friendly expression on his face. She only saw caring and compassion in his dark colored eyes

" You think I am remarkable?" She asked, not understanding just how to take his statement.

He chuckled and nodded.

" You, at your young age, have such a grasp on your feelings that you have know idea that you have that." He started, his voice strong and clear. " It appears to me that you indeed do feel strongly for this woman... more than you really want to admit to yourself."

" But is that not against what the teachings in the bible are?" She said back. " Is that not a sin to be in love with the same sex?"

The priest took her hand in his and squeezed it like a real father would have. He smiled sweetly.

" Technically, it does say that... but I see this from a different angle than that... one that God approves of, I have learned."

" Different angle?" Asked the Tawny haired girl, not really sure what the Priest was saying. " I don’t understand, Father."

He nodded.

" Let me start by explaining something to you..." He said, so very calmly. " My real sister, the youngest out of my family, Kika, is a lesbian, and she has been with her partner for well over twelve years last month."

Robin was shocked by this little bit of news. She leaned inward to the Priest with wide eyed interest.

" Your sister is gay?" She asked, mouth open.

Robin clasped her hands over her mouth, shocked at her outburst to the man. It did not seem to phase him anyways.

" She is... " He chuckled. " The teachings are in the Church are that Homosexuality is wrong, but I have seen her stay with her partner for all that time, and saw the love they have in their eyes for one another." He paused and shook his head. " I was resistant at first with the choices she was making for herself in her life, nearly breaking all ties with her at one point."

" What changed your mind then?" Robin said, hanging on his words with eagerness.

" I believe God helped me see that type of true love, I see it between them. I can be happy for them, even if I don’t understand. It is God’s way of unconditionally loving us. God is love, period!"

" Then you renounce the teachings?" Said the shocked girl.

" In some respects, yes I do." He said, without once hesitating. " All I am saying that love is a gift from God himself to his children... the homosexual as a sinner is becoming outdated, in my eyes. It is not normal, I admit, but I think it is time for the Church to debate on that point."

Robin smiled, then frowned. It seemed that her mind had hit a snag with everything.

" Would my Grandfather disapprove?" She asked softly, almost hating to ask the question.

" He may not understand... but I know that if you find the love that makes you happy, he will simply accept it. He can do that, without agreeing... just like I do with Kika and her partner. He will embrace it because your Father loves you so."

The girl took a deep breath, her body and mind was not feeling as heavy as it had been over the longest time.

" Then what do I do about it?"

" I can help you sort things out, but there are those things you have to come to grips with...." The priest said. He put his hand on his chin and looked Robin in the eyes. " You have to ask yourself really hard, if you love this woman, Dojima, and whether or not if you can become at ease with being gay or not. "

" Am I gay?"

" Only you know that for sure." He said, smiling. " I think that you are you, time and a lot of prayer will just help define that part, the rest will come from God Almighty’s loving lips."

Robin looked at the man, her face showing her continuing unsureness about it. He put a hand on her shoulder, and flashed a small smile.

" Pray on it, think on it... Look at it with all of your heart and mind..." He suggested. " If you are, then let yourself come to that open and honestly..." Father Yamamoto flashed a smile one more time. " Being truthful to yourself and to God... I believe that he will give you a serenity that will be more than boundless than anyone could here on earth, and the ability to see you through his divine plan."

Robin stood up and smiled. Deep inside of her own soul, she felt more calm than she had been in a while. She made one last cross of herself to the pulpit and turned. The twinkle had reappeared in her emerald eyes now

" Thank you." She said, turning to head out to her Vespa.

" May God bless you, my child." He said, blessing the young teen with the mark of the cross.

The girl nodded, and walked out the door nearest to her. She paused only to put on her white helmet for the ride, then was out the door. A few moment’s later, the sound of the small scooter leaving marked the girl’s leaving for her home.

The Priest just smiled and looked up to the rafters of the Cathedral that were high overhead after the girl had left.

" Grant that child peace with herself... she deserves it after all.. just like you always teach us mere mortals." He made a cross on himself, and looked at the large crucifix that guarded everyone who entered the sanctuary. " You are the God of love and understanding of all things we do not. I will trust that you will lead that child where you want her to be, and not by some whim of us here on earth."

The priest set to work replacing the hymnals that were out of place, as he knew that midnight mass was not far off. He whistled a happy tune, while he continued to pray for his tawny haired friend.

Chapter 6

[Author's notes: Dojima makes a heavy choice, one her heart nearly could not take.]

Chapter Six: Settlement of the heart


Dojima arrived at Raven Flat the next morning. She was looking a little better than she had the day before, having a smile planted on her face. Her mood even seemed to be a bit more upbeat this morning, but still there was this other side that was not either. She was a paradox.

She looked at her watch, as she stepped out of the elevator. She noticed the time was just before nine. She had to look at it again, to see if the time she was reading was the right one. It said the exact thing as the first time she had look

" I am actually in early!" She said to herself, giggling at the change she had just made.

She hurried through the main computer lab, shucking off her coat as she did so. Michael spotted her and gave a whistle as he grinned. He seemed to be pleasantly shocked as he looked at the woman

" Do you know your actually early this morning?" The youth commented, his face was smiling.

" It was bound to happen..." She said, winking.

" Damn, If I would have bet on the chance of you being early, I’d have actually have won that one hands down!" He said, giving the girl a hard time.

She shook her head and gave a little titter of a laugh, as she turned to head to her work area.

" Guess you would have..." Smirked the woman, adding. " You would have to cut me in for half at least."

" Fat chance on that..." He howled, his laughter ringing through the room. " With what I get paid here, I’d just pocket the money and been happy."

" Not even a small fee for me making you just a little bit richer?" She poked with playfulness.

" Well..." he said, a imp-like smirk flashing on his face. " Perhaps I could have bought you a coffee." He laughed. " A small one."

The woman giggled at the lad and headed towards her work area.

" That was so generous of you." She called back, in response to his kidding.

" I know!" He said dryly

She heard the lad let out another not-so-small chuckle as he returned to his work. His humor was making her laugh all the more harder than she had been.

She enjoyed it when people around this organization were in a good moods, and the lad seemed to be in one of his better ones today. She smiled, as her cheery mood was making things feel a little bit lighter for now. She turned, wondering if she should grab a coffee before starting work.

As she walked past other work stations, Dojima’s heart suddenly sank a little and her mood dissipated into thin air. The woman had noticed that there was no long dusty red coat hanging from the back of Robin’s chair this morning, no cup of coffee was on the computer table either. The second clue was usually the definite sign of the girl being there.

She wondered why the girl was not in yet, and also feared that the young Hunter had gotten scared, because of her admitting to the feelings she was having toward Robin.

She understood in her heart, that being told by another woman they loved her, was sort of nerve wracking thing to hear- especially when you happened to be not gay. The fact that Robin was just a teenager still and very innocent involving these things of the heart, made her think that also.

Dojima lowered her head, and wished that she had never admitted what her heart had felt for so long. Her heart was not sorry for what she had said, but it was that sudden realization that it may have been better to simply loved from afar, as poems had always said.

She rubbed her forehead, with her fingertips, realizing that she might have really put her foot in it now.

" Guess I made a really bad choice on this one... never should have gone ahead and told her!" She said to herself.

As she passed the girl’s area, she felt a small tear fall from her eye. She wiped it away quickly and kept going to her spot, knowing that no one would understand.

" Dojima..." Said Michael’s voice from behind her.

" Yes?" She asked, composing herself and turning around.

The lad was still back at his station, fingers whipping over the keyboard like a man possessed.

" Just so you know..." He started, not even looking over from his monitor. " Amon and Robin are out in the lower district of the city near ‘the walled city’ area."

The lady smiled, and turned to face where the youth was sitting

" Already?" She asked, her heart now not feeling as low. " Did our searching get something finally?"

" The information that Robin had found turned into something major here, once I did a little checking..." Said the lad, his voice excited with the telling of what he knew. " A Witch by the name of Domino Marchabelli Tonelli had entered Japan a week ago from Italy, one that the power description matched up with."

" The Witch is here? In Japan?" Dojima said, hearing this piece of information.

" Confirmed!" Michael said, then continuing. " Facial recognition software at the main Airport in Osaka has confirmed that, but because of the European connection, and other things associated with the haphazard sharing of that information we see all the time, Tonelli was not picked up by officials right away, and he vanished."

Dojima nodded, as the lad relayed the latest for her. The news was very good for the STN-J.

" So they are in the process of hunting this Witch?" She said, so the lad would know she had been listening.

" That they are...since roughly six this morning..." He said. " Seems that there have been reports of a man speaking in a foreign language was seen in and around the Shipyards earlier on the day the body was found."

" Was their a positive id made that this man was the Witch?" She asked.

" Amon confirmed that this morning with shipyard security, and he said that there was some street information that someone matching that same description staying at one of the cheap motels that dot in and around the ports." He said, then looked at a small pad of paper next to him. " I also should tell you that if they need back up, they will need you out there as soon as you can... since Miho is off on her own assignment still. The Chief has also informed Sakaki to come in and be ready if needed to go with you."

The blonde woman nodded, feeling very good that the witch was now identified and seemed to be targeted. She also was so glad to hear that Robin had not ran off or anything, but she was sure that her ‘little news’ she had sprung on the lass, was still looming large for the young Hunter.

Her mind was not thinking on things, her face told the story of choices that were being made, regardless of what her heart was screaming at her. She had made a final choice, but that was not easy for the woman.

" Dojima..." She spoke to herself, her self words were all to serious. " I think we do have to back off."

The woman grudgingly agreed with herself and went off to do some work, as the lad had obviously slipped back to his work. She did not know what else to do other than simply doing her work, as her heart was now feeling like it was breaking. She closed her eyes and gave a deep sigh.

The look that was on Robin’s face as she raced away the other morning, still haunted her. That image had bothered her since that moment in time That made the decision she was making all too clear. The young girl that she loved, she had to stay away from...all for Robin’s sake. Love really hurt, she thought to herself.

She did not want to hurt the girl any more, and did not want to keep confusing or scaring her any more than she had. The fact of the matter was clear as rainwater now, no use dodging it any longer. She was a lesbian, sweet Robin was not. Some things could not be change with anything, no matter how much you want them to. That was life, and life sometimes could be really was unfair.

Determined to simply do her work without having her mind override anything, She took her seat. With stoic resolve set in her, she began doing her work, which had piled up on her. She actually was glad that she had been such a procrastinator in everything, it was giving her something to do and keeping her mind busy.

Sometime in the early afternoon, word had finally came through from Amon. The Witch that was suspected in the murder at the shipyard had been found, tracked down and had been hunted.

Dojima listened in on the verbal report as the Chief and his assistant did, on the speaker phone beside the hacker youth with interest. She was hoping that both of the Hunters were unhurt. One in particular than the other, she separated in her head.

By the report, the man nearly used his powers on Amon, as he had gotten a little but of a surprise attack in. It was quickly told that Robin had done her thing, and had delt with the Witch with a potent blast of her fire before he had a chance to finish the job, or bare down on the younger hunter.

The man still tried to gather up another attack, but was unable to when Amon finished the hunt with two well places gun shots to the chest. The Witch had not been killed, but badly wounded and flame-scored by the fiery blast.

The witch had also spontaneously admitted to the killing, as well as quite a few others back on Italian soil while waiting for the SOLOMON men to arrive. The other charges were still pending, but at least the case was now done with his capture.

Incapacitated and talking, he was turned over into SOLOMON custody.

Dojima just let herself give a little smile for herself, and continued on working. She heard that they were coming back in to the headquarters to finish up the reports needed for the end of a successful hunt. That made her have some very conflicting emotions to shoot through her very soul.

She settled herself in for a very long session at work. She had to keep herself busy. Seeing the young Hunter was going to be hard. She slogged on, telling herself one thing as she did.

" If you love Robin... this is the only way to show your love."

Chapter 7

[Author's notes:

Who can say when a girl becomes a woman?

CAUTION: Strong sexuality is contained in chapter.  Discression is strongly advised.


Chapter Seven: Through the rain...



Dojima opened her door of her house and found a very wet Robin standing on her step, the tawny hair drooping out of the sides of her helmet, droplets of the rain streaming through the hair.

The woman blinked at the girl, who was soaked from head to toe by the vicious rainstorm that had gripped Tokyo since late in the afternoon. Now at nearly ten o’clock at night, the storm was raging like a tempest.

" Robin..." She said, her voice stiff, making sure the robe she was wearing would not get splashed by the falling rain..

" May I come in?" Said the wet lass, shivering from the clamminess of the weather.

Dojima stepped aside, as the young teen glided in side to escape mother nature’s wrath and quickly kicked off her shoes. The blonde lady was unsure of why the girl was there at this time of the night, but knew that Robin had something on her mind. Just by the look on the young hunter’s face, that was clear.

After placing her shoes neatly in the vestibule, Robin spun around suddenly, her emerald eyes locking right on to the light blue’s of Dojima.

" I needed to say something to you..." The girl started, great intensity painted on her face but her voice tight.

Dojima had never seen the young girl like this, and she was ready for the blast to come.

" I know that I really have put you in a tight spot with my admitting that...." Said Dojima, but her words were cut off.


Robin put up her hand, as she quieted the woman. She took a few steps closer to the woman to end up only a yard or so directly in front of the woman.

" First thing is I have a question for you..." Said the girl. " Did you really say that you thought that you loved me?"

Dojima nodded her head.

" I do...." She said, looking into those deep green eyes of Robin. " I guess I have felt that way for a long time, but only in the last months it has really made it clear to me." She never looked away, eyes telling the heart’s truth. " I should not have revealed myself like I had the other day... or for ‘groping’ you."

Robin shook her head, as if to stop the woman from apologizing to her.

" You said the truth.... I got that..." Said Robin. " Straight out, do you still feel that way... even now."

" Yes!" Said Dojima with out hesitating.

The girl stood there, arms clutched around her body a she shivered with cold from her drenched clothes..

" I really was not sure quite how to take that, Dojima..." Robin said softly, her mood shifting from intense to something different. " I never have been with a man, and I never thought of another woman in that light either..." She sighed. " But you..."

" Me?" Asked the woman, not quite sure what the girl was trying to say.

Robin’s face turned from serious, to small smile. The blonde girl was now very unsure of what was going on.

" For a long time, I have felt out of place..." Started Robin.

" With us? The STN?." Asked Dojima.

The girl shook her head.

" Not with you guys..." She said firmly. " You all have made me feel welcome, and since Amon and I returned after the factory... like a member of the team. It’s more like most of my life."

" You felt like that?" Asked the woman, feeling the pain the girl’s heart was trying to tell.

Robin looked at the girl and nodded.

" I thought it was because of my powers... I never felt like I was a misfit or and outsider..." She took a deep breath. " It took you opening your heart, telling me -of your love for me and the wisdom of Father Yamamoto, My priest... to make me think on this seriously." She looked up a little, her head now straight. " I have realized that Two things over the past few days".

" Two things?" Asked The woman, hanging on the younger lass’s words like if they were a classic movie.

The girl nodded.

" One was I was different than others...but I was who I was, and that was not my power... Simply I am me..." She said, the small smile grew. " You can’t get any more real than that."

" And the other?"

Robin step nearer to the woman and looked into her face. Robin’s hand came out to hold Dojima’s softly. She looked deeply at Dojima, a pause as she squeezed the hands she held.

" The other one..." She said, her smile grew even larger. " Is that I do love you too."

Dojima held the girl’s green eyes in her gaze. She could feel the honest and strong feelings of the girl’s love right there. A tear came to her eye, a leap in her heart followed..

" You love me?" She whispered.

" Yes." Said Robin, with out even a pause.

Robin leaned in, and gave a chaste kiss to the blonde lady’s lips.

" Hope you don’t mind.." Robin said, bashfully as she looked at the woman a bit her bottom lip. " I am unsure of how to even kiss you... "

Dojima lifted her free hand and softly pulled he tawny haired girl close. She kissed Robin with great passion, her lips were fully attached. The girl’s body shivered, but snaked her arm up to cup Dojima’s cheek as she began to kiss back with greater zeal.


Robin looked at the woman, and her eyes were literally sparkling. She blushed, but never looked away.

" That felt good..." She said.

" Let’s get you out of these clothes, don’t want you to catch a cold..." Dojima said.

Robin nodded, but her eyes shined as the woman helped her off with her coat, and layed it over a chair to dry.

Dojima turned to undoing the buttons on Robin’s dress. She could feel the lass tremble, as she completed opening the dress, and then began to slip it off. The front with a steady pull of the cuffs.

The blonde’s eyes widened, as the girl’s breasts came into view. They were not very big, but they were well rounded and the nipples were already like points, the skin was like ivory overtop of then.

" Beautiful...." Muttered the woman, causing Robin to blush.

Dojima let the very wet dress fall to the hardwood floor, and The young hunter was standing there in a pair of simple white bikini panties and knee-high nylons. Dojima could not help but cup one of the small mounds in her hand. Robin gasped as the lady’s hand touched her skin. She squeezed the breast, and made the teenager sigh, while her lips kissed her again.

Slowly, the lady took off Robin’s very wet hose slowly, as Robin watched with a smile. The woman quickly picked up the wet things, and looked at the nearly naked girl with her eyes twinkling too.

" Follow me." She said, going down the little hallway off of the front room.

Robin followed as the lady lead her back to the bed room.

After hanging the clothes up to dry, Dojima turned to the girl. She stepped into her and Robin met her with a kiss. This one was filled with pure passion, both were kissing one another with voraciousness. Robin felt a little shy, as she was the one nearly naked, but found that feeling waning under the woman’s touches across her breasts and down to her hips and kisses she was receiving.

Dojima stopped and knelt down in front of the girl. With a soft tug, she pulled the panties down the shapely legs, to reveal the treasure under them. When she looked, she was not disappointed in any way.

She found to her surprise, a pink and wet shaved vulva nestled in the crook of where the legs met. The woman looked at it, and smiled as she could smell the sweet musk from a very excited Robin.

" You shave yourself?" She cooed, looking at the prettiness of the pussy.

" Is that... bad?" Asked a nervous Robin.

" Quite the opposite..." Dojima assured. " You are absolutely amazing."

Robin blushed, as the woman stood up, and put one of her hands between her legs. Dojima barely touched the outer lips of her sex, and Robin felt a surge of sensations flood her.

"Oh!" She let out.

" Your wet already..." Said Dojima, wiggling her fingers against the slickness. " Just like it suppose to be..."

Robin closed her eyes, getting lost in the overwhelming feeling of the woman’s fingers tracing along her pussy, slipping barely inti the folds of her sex. She put her hands on Dojima’s shoulders and ran her hands down to her hips, feeling the body under the silk robe.

The woman stopped and took a step back. She looked at the young girl with steamy eyes.

" Do you want to see me?" She said.

" Very much." Robin said, her eyes held a overwhelming lust in them.

" Undo my robe, then." She whispered, her own breathing was fast and deep.

Nervously, Robin took the lady’s robe ties in hand. She pulled the two ends, and watched them come undone. She let the ties fall, and watched with curiosity mixed with excitement written in her eyes as the robe opened.

Dojima’s body was now revealed, as she had been not wearing anything under the robe. The woman’s breasts were larger than Robin’s, but still full and round. He nipples were like needlepoints as they stuck out. Her waist was curved nicely, hips full and rounded that matched the sleekness of the legs. She had a light wheat colored thatch of close cropped pubic hair that barely covered her stimulated lips, as the hairs were damp even to look at.

" Do you like what I look like?" Dojima asked, letting the flimsy robe slip off of her shoulders and to the floor.

" Your so pretty." Said Robin, looking at the woman who stood before her.

The two came together, lips locking in a frenzy of kisses while their hands explored one another’s. They danced across the room together, and soon fell on to the sleeping mat while never once letting one another go. The rolled around together, enjoying the pleasures of their skin in close proximity to one another.

Robin found herself on her back, Dojima was on top. She could feel her kissing downward from her neck, inching down her body in a torturous pleasure that she never had felt before. When Dojima took the time to kiss her breasts with little pecks, it sent shock waves through her and when she kissed and licked her stomach, it made her moan. She felt the woman going lower, and when she got to her pelvis, she thought she was going to scream, as waves of sensations hurtled through her body. She gasped, as the woman was going lower, and even though she had never had this done to her before, her excitement grew.

The young hunter moaned, as the woman’s lips finally were planting themselves on her sex. She could feel the lips gently making little fleshy nips at her labia, sending her into gasping pleasure. She looked down her body, and could see Dojima’s eyes watching her as she kissed. The eyes winked at her, and she watched as Dojima introduced her tongue to the mix. With a vibrating moan, she felt the tongue touch, and beginning to make rapid circles around the top part of her sex.

" Oh, Dojima!" She said, feeling her self shutter.

Dojima responded by lapping the young pussy even faster, rolling her tongue around just inside of the lips. She watched the young beauty arch up, slamming her shaved treasure against her face. She brought her hand up under her chin, and inserted a finger into the girl’s hole.

" Oh, My! Dojima..." Robin squealed, as she pumped her digit into the girl.

The older Hunter woman watched as the girl climbed closer to her first orgasm, and she smiled. She quickened her finger and tongue, making sure that she hit every good spot with pinpoint accuracy. She wanted her young lover’s first orgasm to one to be remembered always.

Robin felt the building of something inside of her. She felt like she wanted to explode, and was edging closer to that. Dojima had sped up, and she could only sink her head into the pillow under her and gasp. She felt the finger inside of her hit a spot that sent a overwhelming energy right through her.

" D... Dojima!!!" She shouted, as the dam broke inside of her.

The young teen arched off of the mat, her pussy slamming into the woman’s face, bathing it with it’s sweetness. Dojima lapped and sucked ever drop that flowed out of the girl, and continued her finger work and brought a few more orgasms out of the writhing form at the end of her tongue. She could feel every muscle in the young gal’s body twitching and jumping as she cried out her name many times over and over.

With a smile, the blonde girl let up on the girl, feeling Robin now going limp. She sat up from between the long legs and looked down at the sweat covered maiden.

Robin layed there, her chest heaving. She had her eyes right on the woman, who was busy licking her lips with a smile a mile wide.

" Oh my lord!" Robin said, her eyes dancing with light.

The girl stood up and pulled Dojima to her. She kissed her deeply, tasting her love juices that were on the lips of the woman. She pulled away for a second and smiled.

" I may not know quite what to do..." She said, blushing and pushing the blond girl to lay beside her. " But I want to try now..."

Dojima let her self be put on her back, as the girl’s lips now kissed with even more of a desire. She held the cheek as she was kissed, feeling the surging enthusiasm of the girl flow. A hand was now going down her body, lightly trailing all the way down and making her now shiver.

Robin’s hand cupped her pussy, fingers clumsily exploring her nether regions. As unsure as the girl was in doing this, it was making her cunt ache more than she ever had felt before. She spread her legs for the girl to keep exploring, letting the young teen figure out what to do. A finger slipped in to her very wet hole, and she smiled.

God, She is a fast learner..." She said to herself, noting the girl had found a very sensitive spot already.

Robin pushed her finger in and out, like the lady had done to her. She could smell Dojima’s excitement, and it was resurrecting her arousal once more. The hole was tightening around her fingers, yet felt so silky. She moved her lips to suck on the nipples, and heard the lady gasp, and knew instinctively that she was on the right path. Speeding up her hand movements, She found the woman’s moans becoming louder.

Dojima heard the blood pounding in her ears, as the girl became smoother with her hand. It was setting off many pre-orgasmic tremors through out her body. She could feel the main power of the orgasm that was quickly building, the girl was certainly doing all of the right things.

It was suddenly increasing, as the girl had stopped with her hand and now kissed her way down between her legs..Robin’s hot breath was now on her engorges pussy lips. The woman’s mind swooned with ecstacy, as the young lass now was at her very core.

Robin dove in, her tongue tracing along each little fold of the woman cunt. She felt a big shiver as her tongue found a little nub at the top of the slit, and the cunt was moving under her lapping. She rung her tongue around it with quick movements, tasting the woman’s sweet nectar that oozed out. Robin found the taste and musky smell to be heightening her own arousal, and she sped up her licking a little more.

Robin’s tongue was driving the now very sweaty Dojima to the very brink. She felt it right there, waiting for it’s time to pounce out under the actions of the young lady. She could feel her hips rubbing her clit against the attacking tongue, her hands had went down to rest on the girl’ head as she felt the rapture to come. When the young huntress changed direction, and inserted her finger just like Dojima did, the dam blew.

The blonde girl screamed out the lass’s name, as every muscle in her body trembled with the climax ripping through her entire body. She slammed her pussy like lightning into Robin’s face, wanting to feel ever little sensation that was wracking her. She kept gasping and moaning, as waves crashed through her one after another.

Dojima’s body went limp, and she layed there panting hard. Robin picked up her head from where it had been pleasing the woman, a smile on her face.

" This was your first time?" Gasped Dojima, her body now feeling like a wet dishrag.

" Yes." Said Robin, a little unsure of the comment.

Dojima brushed back her now very dam blonde locks and took a deep breath.

" You would not know it, by what you did."

" So I pleased you?" Questioned the tawny haired gal.

Dojima reached out and took her arm, pulling the girl on to her. She kissed the cum wet lips with a long draw.

" You did." She said, enjoying the girl’s lean body against hers.

Robin smiled and let herself be cradled in the lady’s arms. With a sigh, she closed her eyes. She felt at peace, in the arms of the woman that loved her. Serenity. Just what Father Yamamoto had said.

The two stayed right where they were, for the rest of the night. They held one another, talked and made love until sleep came to the both.

Chapter 8

[Author's notes: In the aftermath of a night, love pokes out and smiles.]

Chapter Eight: Epilogue



Dojima awoke the next morning. She could hear the birds in the trees outside, and found it so wonderful to hear. She turned her head to see if Robin was awake, but found her not to be there.

The woman’s immediately got a little worried, if Robin had been scared off by the events of last night. She got off the sleeping mat, and hurriedly went to check the rest of the house, without even grabbing her robe from where it lay on the floor.

She found Robin was in the kitchen. She was sitting on a chair, still naked, holding a cup of coffee.

" Good morning..." Said the blonde lady, relived to see that the young beauty was still there.

" Coffee is ready." She said, smiling.

The blonde woman came over and kissed the girl lovingly. The girl moaned a little, and was really kissing back. Dojima giggled and quickly got a cup of coffee and returned to sit with the young Hunter.

She looked over at the girl, who was reading a paper on the other side. In looking into those green orbs, she saw that something was different in the girl. She could not put her finger on it, but it was a change. In sitting there, the girl was different, but outwardly, she found the fact that she sat there in the buff a nice way to wake up.

Robin’s demeanor was older perhaps, yet still held the normal innocence in them... even while reading a paper. Dojima smiled, as she felt such love for the girl flowing through her. She took a sip and sighed, feeling contented. What ever had changed in the young beauty, she was liking it already.

Robin looked up at Dojima.

" We have a few hours until we have to be going in today..." She said, a twinkle shining in the gaze she gave.

" That’s good... hate rushing anyways." She said, smiling.

" More coffee for us then?" Giggled the girl, teasing the lady.

" Suits me just fine." Snickered the woman in her mirth.

Robin nodded, then looked her right in the face.

" So... what now?" She asked.

" We both just have to love and see just where it takes us..." Replied the woman, looking at the girl. " I don’t mind if we move fast or slowly."

" Do we move in... date... what?" The girl asked. " Guess I am a little inexperienced in all of this."

Dojima looked at the girl. Her question was valid as hell, but even she did not know what the answer was. She put down her cup and looked into the deep green of Robin’s eyes, her mind suddenly finding just what to say.

" The best answer to that is whatever we want." She said.

" That simple??" The tawny haired huntress asked. " I thought it was a bit more complicated."

" In love, it can be complicated at times... but if you do it with that same love... it’s simple." She said, feeling strongly with her thoughts.

Dojima giggled and looked deeply into the wonderfully smooth face that sat across from her. It seemed that it was dawning on the pretty one across from where she sat.

" Sometimes that is what it is... and you work it out as you go along." Said the lady back.

" Does this mean that you love me, even after last night?" Blushed the girl.

Dojima looked squarely at the girl, her eyes holding the pretty girl’s gaze.

" I do love you, more than ever." She said, her smile was reflex. " I have a feeling it always will."

" I do too." The tawny haired hunter said, with a strong conviction.

They held one another stares, smiling back at one another in silence. The only noise that could be heard, was their breathing.

Robin thought for a moment, breaking the intimate moment..

" What about the others at headquarters?" She asked, seemingly uneasy with what she was asking. " Won’t they know something is going on?"

Again, Dojima did not know what to say for a moment.

" I guess we tell them if we both need to, or want to." She said, then adding after a second or two of thought. " I would not right now..."

" I would not either." Said Robin, with a big smile crossing her face as she was taking a sip of her drink.

The two fell silent, holding hands across the table. Robin blushed and looked deeply into the baby blues of Dojima.

" We do have a few hours until we need to leave..." She started slowly, blushing a little as she said it. " ... And the coffee will not go anywhere on us..."

" What would you have in mind?" Quizzed Dojima, having a really good idea what the girl might be leading to.

Robin’s eyes twinkled as she stood up, her eyes holding Dojima spellbound. She gently pulled the woman up to her feet, and began to led her to the hallway to the bedroom. Dojima stepped beside the girl and put her arm around the very sensuous curves of the girl waist and kissed her on the neck. The girl giggled and walked a little faster, returning the kisses ten fold as they hurried themselves.

Robin giggled as they entered the room. Pulling the woman to the sleep mat, she deluged the woman with kisses, their hands roving over each other’s bodies as they intertwined in their dance of passions.

" I see what you wanted..." Mumbled Dojima into Robin’s mouth as she kissed her very hungrily..

" Don’t talk..." Said the girl, her hand already between the woman’s legs, a finger dipped inside.

With a moan of passion and anticipation, Dojima went silent, letting her body do the talking- along with the girl’s fingers that were probing her core. Letting her legs open for the girl, she gave herself wholly to her young lover, with no reservations whatsoever. Her young lover’s gentle forcefulness was pleasing to her.

With that, they melded into one another, the fury of their passions feeding off on one another. The only noises that were now in the room, were ones that were perfect in nature, and in love.

For right now, that was all that needed to be said. Two hearts, as one, expressing a love that was mutual and strong. It could only grow in it’s power. The future could be only as good as what it was right then.



[End notes:

I know my grammer was horrible, but it is better than normal. I wish that my first language was English, but I am learning. Don't be too harsh please.

 If you want a sequel, I already have a outline for it... read, review and tell me if you want more.  You may not like what the sequel is about, but I will let you readers make up your minds if you decide for it.




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