Story: Naruto - Boys will be girls...? (chapter 3)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 3

Title: With rain and thunder

The clouds started to darken as Naruto walked home alone to the sunless dawn. After a set of stairs Naruto unlocked his piece of heaven and stepped in.

“I need a shower.” Naruto slouched as she leaned against door. Blackness fell quickly over the village, threatening rain as Naruto stripped down and headed for the shower.

“Ohhhh so good.” Naruto soaked in the steaming hot water as she slowly stroked her slick, soapy body to the reverberations of wind and water picking up dramatically outside.

“What a day.” Naruto sighed, stepping out of the shower as she stood to admire herself in the mirror.

“I guess it’s not all bad.” Naruto smiled, caressing his sexy body. He’d seen this body a thousand times but it still turned him on every time he switched over; why? He didn’t know it just did. Combing her hair a sudden knock came on her door.

“Who could that be?” Naruto wondered as she wrapped a towel around her shapely figure and walked to the door. The long haired girl opened the door with pure curiosity, no one ever came over for anything. Naruto’s face quickly contorted despicably as a familiar face smiled a wet smile.

“What do you want?” Naruto groaned lowly as Kiba stood shaking in the dim hallway soaked from head to toe.

“I can’t stand being at my house, my sister won’t stop teasing me so I up and left,” Kiba explained as she shook her saturated hair like a wet dog.

“That’s not what I asked you, why are you here?” Naruto’s eyes narrowed on Kiba as the ninja girl started to dig around in her bag.

“Wondering if we could stay at your place awhile?” Kiba pulled out a package of ramen noodles and held it out.

“Wait a second, who’s this we?” Naruto demanded as she stuck his head into the hallway to find Neji holding out another packet of ramen and in the same state as Kiba, dripping water in soggy clothes.

“Please?” Kiba begged sweetly as he shoved the noodles at the blonde again. A sly smirk worked up the side of Naruto’s cute face as she looked over at Neji.

“I want to hear him say it.” Naruto continued to smirk as Neji glared harshly at wildly blonde.

“May I stay at your house?” Neji said dryly as she rolled her eyes.

“That was’ in good enough, say it like you mean it.” Naruto rejected as she crossed her arms over her full chest, grinning.

“Why you little…!” Neji snapped sharply and made a move to snatch Naruto as Kiba held Neji back with her own snarl.

“Jus’ do it Neji, I’m cold, wet and tried and I’m sure you are too so you two just kiss and make up already.” Kiba’s normally carefree attitude quickly turned bitchy as she looked up at the grinning Naruto. A few tense seconds passed as Neji finally gave in and asked nicely.

“May I stay at your house…?” Neji paused doubtfully as Kiba nudged her.

“…Please?” Neji sighed as she lifted the noodles again.

“Ok, hang on a minute.” Naruto announced gladly as she slammed the door shut. Neji looked at the cat-eyed ninja unsurely as Kiba just shrugged. A few more minutes passed until Naruto opened the door dressed in her P.J.’s with two extra pairs in her hands.

“Come in.” Naruto ordered stepping back as the other two leaf ninja’s stepped in.

“Ok, now strip down and put these's on.” Naruto held out the dry change of cloths.

“What? Right now?” Neji asked with pure surprise as Kiba started to undress right next to her.

“No, later after you get everything in my place wet.” Naruto said sarcastically as Kiba leaned up completely naked, waiting for her cloths. Neji glared at Kiba’s slim, hot body as Kiba covered herself swiftly.

“Pervert.” Kiba smiled slyly as Neji hastily turned his eyes away, blushing. Naruto handed Kiba a clean set of pajamas as she looked raucously to the Hyuuga.

“Well?” Naruto shrugged her eyebrows as Neji groaned and slowly unzipped her drenched coat. In fresh, dry clothes the three sat on the floor drinking tea as Naruto started cutting a sweet cake.

“So, where are Chouji and Shino?” Naruto asked as she cut a piece of cake for Kiba.

“Chouji’s at home, he said he was having BBQ tonight and he didn’t care if he was a girl or not.” Kiba explained as she took the cake from Naruto.

“And Shino?” Naruto continued cutting the cake as Kiba shrugged and shook her head.

“So what now?” Naruto asked as she handed Neji a piece of cake. The white-eyed ninja shook her head as she turned her nose up.

“I’m not hungry.” Neji declared as her eyesight wondered back down to the piece of cake. Her mouth watered as her stomach growled like a wild dog.

“Come on eat it, I know your hungry I can see it in your eyes.” Naruto knew the look all to well as Neji just stared at the cake.

“Fine.” Neji stopped pouting as she grabbed the cake and gobbled it down.

“I don’t know, the Hokage didn’t say how long we had to stay this way, maybe we should ask her tomorrow.” Kiba suggested as she took a bite of her cake.

“That sounds like a good idea, Neji?” Naruto agreed as she looked at Neji with an empty plate in front of her.

“More please.” Neji asked sternly as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Uhhhh sure.” Naruto cut another piece as Neji took the cake quickly and scoffed her second piece down.

“I’m going regardless of you and the others; this is your entire fault anyway.” Neji snapped rudely as she stared spitefully at the female Naruto.

“Why are you blaming me? You’re the asshole who was spying and tattled on us, you deserve everything you got, Hyuuga or not.” Naruto said harshly as she took her own bite of cake.

“The Hyuuga clan is the strongest and most respected family in the whole village and look at me now; I’m a silly, weak girl. My family won’t stand for this outrage!” Neji exploded loudly as both Naruto and Kiba rolled their eyes carelessly.

“Listen Neji, even as a girl you’re still the same old single-minded, hard-headed ass that has no respect for anyone else but yourself.” Naruto barked as she pointed Neji out.

“Why are you like that? Your so self-centered and conceited it makes me sick, and I don’t want to even talk about how you mess with Hinata’s head.” Kiba kicked in her two cents as she sipped her tea. Neji tried to keep her face straight as her emotions started to eat away at her from the inside.

“I, it’s.” Neji tried to defend herself as Naruto cut her off.

“Your not even a true Hyuuga, Hinata is, your jus’ a branch of the main family, your life is only to protect the main branch, you’ll always be second best because you’ll never be part of the main house and that’s why you always down other people all the time.” Naruto had hit the nail on the head this time as Neji’s face started to crack. Tears streamed down Neji’s soft cheeks as she got to her feet.

“Why are you making fun of me? You’re the losers! I-I hate you both!” Neji yelled feebly as she raced to the bathroom and locked herself in.

“Do you think we over did it?" Kiba asked weakly as she began to feel bad. The storm started to pick up as thunder flashed randomly outside.

“No, she needed to hear that, to take her down a peg.” Naruto didn’t give it much thought as Neji’s words had hurt a lot of people it was only right to turn her own words against her for a change. The two looked evenly at each other as a light tapping noise came from the front door.

“Did you hear?” Naruto asked softly as Kiba took a deep breath.

“There’s someone out there.” The two jumped to their feet and slowly moved to the door as the tapping continued.

“Hello? Who’s there?” Naruto asked as the tapping continued.

“Jus’ answer it.” Kiba pushed Naruto from behind.

“Kiba!” Naruto snarled as she glanced over her shoulder at the long black haired girl, gripped the doorknob and opened. Thunder flashed in the same second as a figure stood silently in the hall.

“Ahhh! What'd you want?” Kiba shrieked girlishly as the figure opened its mouth.

“I.” The figure whispered as it fell forward into Naruto’s arms.

“It’s jus’ Shino?” Kiba looked over Naruto’s shoulder at her own teammate.

“That’s good to hear now help me he’s passed out.” The two moved the unconscious girl into the warm home and set her on the couch.

“Kiba go get some warm rags, I’ll undress her.” Naruto ordered as she started pulling off Shino’s drenched cloths.

“How come you get to do all the fun stuff?” Kiba pouted chidingly as she headed into the kitchen.

“Stop moaning Kiba and do it, Neji! If you’re done crying in there grab us a blanket.” Naruto made her command clear to the Hyuuga wiping her teary repeatedly in front of the mirror.

“Is she ok.” Kiba asked with pure concern at Shino’s contorting face as she walked back in with two streaming towels.

“Slight fever, but she should be ok.” At this both turned to find Neji standing behind them with a blanket in her arms.

“Here.” Neji handed the blanket to Naruto as she avoided eye contact with the wildly blonde. Naruto and Kiba nodded, taking the blanket as they carefully wrapped Shino’s slim naked body and placed a folded cloth over her forehead.

“All we can do now is wait and see.”

To be continue...

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