Story: Evangelion (Unleashed) (chapter 13)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 13

Title: Soul sisters

[Author's notes:

Evangelion meets Warhammer 40,000

Jus' had to try this one out.


My name is Asuka Langley Sohryu…

And I am…

No, I was a space marine…

-On some distant god forsaken planet of the far reaches of the Imperium-

“It’s no good they’re moving to out flank us! We need to fall back or a lease surrender!” A guardsman yelled as lasers burned over his head.

“Necrons don’t take prisoners, Heresy loving SCUM!” Commander Katsuragi yelled viciously as she pointed her heavy bolter and put a bullet in the fearful soldier’s head.

“Anyone else want to fall back… or surrender?” Katsuragi demanded as she looked over the mix of Imperial guard and space marines.

No, was the firm and expected reply of the troops as they continued to fire in all directions.

“Goddamn Necrons have us surrounded!”

Katsuragi sneered as the rocket launcher in her group fired into an assaulting group of Necrons. To the back of the building two space marines talked quiet, well one anyway.

“Hold on Maya, we’re EVAC any minute, jus’ hold on.” Asuka removed her fellow soldier’s helmet. The girl was in bad shape as she tried to speak but only coughed up more blood on herself.

“Sergeant Langley! Why aren’t you firing your weapon?” Katsuragi demanded sternly as she marched back to the two space marines.

“Captain Ibuki is injured, she needs a medic.” Asuka reported as she looked over the large burn mark in the woman chest. Misato just shook her head as she covered the girl’s eyes.

“You fought well sister; may the god-emperor see you to the after life.” Misato sighed as she placed her bolter over the girl’s heart and created a hole in her heart.

“Put her helmet back on and start smashing the area, that’s an order marine!” Misato ordered as she looked down at Asuka.

“Commander, you better take a look at this!” A random marine yelled as he pointed outside of the build.

“It can’t be…” Misato awed as a massive laser beam destroyed two land raiders at the same time.

“Mobile Monolith, get DOWN!!!” Yelled Katsuragi as everyone hit the deck. The raiders vaporized everything in a 50-yard radius and then silence.

Marching Necrons stormed past the shattered building that commander Katsuragi, Sergeant Langley and the others defended. After the smoke cleared the destruction was everywhere.

“I-I’m still a-alive?”

Asuka managed to crawl out from some of the ruined building, as she knew something was wrong.

“My arm.”

Asuka groaned to herself as she raised her right arm that was nothing more then a bleeding stump just pass her elbow. She rolled onto her back for more bad news as she lifted her left leg, which was also ripped open and fountaining blood. She was losing blood by the second as she heard a faint voice talking into a commlink.

“This is C-Commander Kats-uragi, requesting an orbital bombardment of mobile monolith of my position bearing 66-099 area zolu-whiskey, (cough) confirm, roger.” Katsuragi ordered as she looked over at Asuka crawling over towards her.

“Hehehe, why aren’t you firing your weapon Langley?” Katsuragi chuckled and took off her helmet as blood streamed down her face.

“Sorry Commander I can’t find my weapon… or my arm.” Asuka’s pulled off her own helmet as she dragged her ruined body over the rumble and dead bodies.

“No excuses solider, we fight to our last breathe.” Katsuragi lifted her bolter across her chest that had a huge steel rod sticking out of it. The Monolith hovered pass the building with a monstrous blast of gears and pistons as it was heading for their base in the west.

“If we’re lucky, the bombardment will kill us instantly, but then again I always wondered what it would be like to burn to death.” Her commander’s words didn’t make Asuka feel any better as she continued to drag herself. The pain was mind numbing but that only phased her a little if not at all.

She needed to stop the bleeding and quickly as she saw a flame flicking. It was the flamethrower one of the marines had. Katsuragi noticed what she going to do as she chuckled up more blood.

“Fighting for survival? Don’t waste your time.” Misato tried to lean up as she roared in anguish of the rod holding her in place. Asuka ignored her commander as she reached out for the weapon with her only hand and aimed her stump at the barrel.

“If you scream, they’ll kill you.” Misato continued to verbally assault the young girl as she waited with a vicious grin.

“With all do respect commander, please shut up.” Asuka snapped back before she placed the leather strap from the flamethrower in her mouth. Asuka touched off the trigger as a quick flash of burning fuel touched her open wound, she almost blacked out instantly.

“Your one tough c-cookie I’ll give you that Langley.” Katsuragi laughed this time as Asuka rolled over literally biting back the pain.

After a few painful breaths she looked at her cauterized stump. It was black and bubbling but it had done the trick. Sweat pouring from her face she turned onto her butt as she lifted the weapon into her lap and turned the glowing red barrel onto her gash on her leg. A tiny whimper made it out this time as she threw the weapon away, cursing.

“Good job, n-now if the Nercons don’t get you, y-you still have the bombar…” Misato whispered lowly as she didn’t or couldn’t finish her sentence. At this Asuka looked up through the destroyed building as a red light beamed down sky. The bombardment was on it way, and there was no way to stop it. The battle-hardened redhead just laid back, closed her eyes and prayed.

“May the God-emperor watch over me.”

After the bombardment…

“Commander, we got a live one here!” A ghostly apothecary yelled out as he cleared the rubble from a practically lifeless body.

“That’s impossible, the bombardment was’in even a 3 click from here, nothing could of survived.” The commander, an librarian turned, her long blonde blowing in the wind as she adjusted her spec/goggles over the ruined body.

“Her vitals are weak and her body’s pretty much used up should I just?” The apothecary asked as the librarian gripped his shoulder.

“No, I want her boxed up and ready for EVAC in five minutes, we’re clearing out, call the rest of them in.” The Librarian ordered as she looked down at the half dead red head.

“Yes Commander Ritsuko, all units head back to the drop-ship we\'re pulling out.\" The apothecary ordered as he headed back himself. Ritsuko continued to stare at the girl and what she had lived through wasn\'t even possible.

\"The God-emperor must have definitely been watching over you.\"

To be continued...

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