Story: Evangelion (Unleashed) (chapter 11)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 11

Title: Meeting Elly

[Author's notes: Jo gets the other wild-up.]

“So how was your trip?” Misato asked Jo as she looked to the damp American girl in the front seat, digging through a dry book-bag.

“Boring, fuckin’ nothing to do but drink in my room and listen to my MP3, alone.” Jo sighed dolefully as she rolled down her window.

“Drink!?! You’re not even old enough!” Asuka’s tongue fired to life in a ranting rage as Jo just stuck her head out the window into the blasting sea-salt air. Misato stirred a little in her seat as she though about her beer in her fridge. Rei and Hikari stared at Asuka then to Jo as the hazel eyed girl pulled her head in.

“Were you saying something Asuka?” Jo smirked lightly as Asuka’s face burned with anger. Asuka hated being ignored more then anything in the world as the black-haired leg started to shake. Hikari giggled quietly as Rei joined her from the back. They had just met but the two acted like childhood friends… or enemies as an all out brawl was just bout to happen.

“So, are we heading home?” Jo looked over at Misato as the major continued to drive, lost in her own world.

“No, we have to pick up the other pilot.” Misato reported tensely as she rubbed the wheel.

“English Elly, right?” Jo rolled her eyes as the three girls caught the look.

“What’s wrong with her?” Hikari asked out of pure curiosity as the others leaned in again.

“Well, besides being blind, she has a split personally disorder, a complete nutcase.” Jo informed callously as Asuka huffed aloud.

“Look who's talking?” Jo threw a look back at the red head, holding the skin under her right eye down with a finger and spat a raspberry.

“I’m ready to take her over you and I haven’t even met her yet.” Asuka announced with scowl as Jo leaned into the back with a leer.

“Listen you little Nazi pig, I’m here now, so deal with it.” The black haired tilted her face, grinning.

“I wouldn’t be caught dead with you, Yankee whore.” Asuka leaned forward as Jo reloaded, ready to fire again, when Misato suddenly slammed on the brakes. Jo held herself in place with the back of the seats as Asuka flew forward and planted her red lips to Jo’s.

Both stared in shock at one other as they parted their lips.

“Knock it off, no more name calling, Jo sit forward and ignore Asuka, she hates that more they anything, Rei, Hikari talk to Jo like a normal girl.” Misato ordered austerely as she looked around the stopped van. The group continued on as the violet haired girl sighed.

“So Jo, what do you for fun in the states?” Hikari asked nicely as her book slid to her side for laters. Jo glared out the window as Asuka closed her eyes, breathing wildly just wanting to scream.

“Anything that gets your heart racing.” The American girl smiled as her mind geared with hundreds of thoughts.

“Racing cars, bikes, anything with wheels and goes fast…” Jo lifted her feet to the dashboard. “… But simple things too like freeze-tag with friends and crap like that.” Jo frowned slightly as she remembered a lot of people dying in tests and accidents; the U.S.A had the highest death rate of all the other countries involved with NERV, about 14 all together had died, even her younger brother and sister.

“Yeah, the states are fun sometimes…” Jo trailed off as the three in the back listened in silence. Even Asuka paid attention as Jo’s tone had change. Misato looked over as the wild girl had calmed down too.

“After we pick up Elly, we’ll grab something to eat huh?” Moans of agreement replied from all the girls as it seem like four daughters getting along or trying to at least. Minutes passed as Jo smiled on the inside.

“Misato, may I ask you a personal question?” Jo looked over at her driver as the girls in the back all paid attention.

“Do you ever feel not so “clean” down their?” Jo motioned with her eyes as Misato blushed.

“I didn’t even answer your first question Jo, and name one girl who hasn’t.” Misato countered quickly as she smiled straight-forward.

“Ok, if you got to know. Before I left as had sex with M.P. chick in her dorm at the base I was staying, we were going all scissor city and when she came she pissed inside me a little bit.” Everyone gasped at once as Asuka covered her mouth, forcing her breakfast back down.

“And on top of that her parents surprised us right in the middle of this and then, your not going to believe this, the girl shit on me!” Asuka’s other hand joined in covering her mouth as she threw-up. Everyone made gross sounds as Asuka turned around and puked again. Jo just started laughing out loud as no one else found it funny.

“Oh shit! I didn’t think that would really work!” Jo wiped the tears of joy from her eyes as the others looked at her in amazement.

“What are you talking about?” Hikari asked vehemently as Rei rubbed Asuka’s back as the red head continued to dry heave.

“That didn’t really happen; I just make up disgusting stuff to freak people out, I just can’t believe it was her who got sick.” Asuka’s blue eyes glared at Jo’s hazel ones as the same smile never left Jo’s face.

“Calm down, we’re here.” Misato pulled into the airport as Rei helped clean Asuka up. The van stank and stopped at the front as everyone darted out.

“Hey! Find, stay, Asuka, Jo!” Misato couldn’t even finish her sentences as the group ran in, leaving their major with the mess and smell.

“Damnit!” The purple haired woman pulled off to find a parking spot as the front door of the airport opened.

“You know who you’re looking for… bye.” Jo took off as Asuka stomped her foot.

“Who does she think is?” The German girl demanded as Hikari slowly followed the wildly American girl.

“And where are you going?” Asuka snarled as Hikari simply opened her book and continued to follow Jo.

“Do you want to keep an eye on her?” Hikari said sharply as she turned away.

“Come on Asuka, let’s find Elly.” Asuka felt at ease as Rei took her hand and lead her off. Jo looked back from time to time as Hikari just walked with her nose in her book. A sneer worked across Jo’s face as she suddenly took off. The brown haired girl didn’t even give chase as she continued to walk.
Jo raced down the wide halls as she saw a bar and hid inside.

“Ohhhh I could murder a drink right now.” Jo sat a booth in the back as a waitress came to her table.

“Vodka and red bull please.” The waitress looked at the young girl as her hand demanded I.D. Jo smiled as she produced her fake I.D. The waitress looked at her and then the I.D. again. Satisfied, the waitress turned to get the requested drink as the black haired girl sat back and closed her eyes.

“What a bunch of fuckin’ stiffs.” Jo groaned heavily to herself as she opened her eyes to find Hikari sitting across from her, still reading.

“Aaarggg, why didn’t you stay with the Nazi and Blue?” Jo grunted as she rubbed her face.

“We have to watch out for one another.” Jo rolled her eyes as her legs started to shake again.

“It’s true, I know Asuka can be a little blunt and rude and selfish and…” Hikari explained as Jo was done listening to this mono-tone girl.

“Where’s my drink?” Jo looked around as she pulled a pack of cigarettes and lit one.

“Anymore bad habits I should know about?” Hikari asked lightly as she watched Jo blow rings into the air. The waitress brought back Jo’s drink and asked if Hikari would like something. Hikari shook her head as the waitress nodded and disappeared.

“Will I’m…” Hikari began as Jo raised her hand.

“Listen Hikari, I drink to get away for my own problems not to take on yours, understand?” The two fell into silence as Hikari simply when back to her book. A few moments passed as Jo asked dolefully.

“What’ca reading?”

“Stephen king’s “gunslinger” why?” Jo perked up a bit as Stephen king was her favorite author.

“I’ve read all his books, he’s a freak and some of his stuff doesn’t make sense, but I still like him.” Jo smiled as Hikari joined her.

On the other side of the airport Rei ignored Asuka as the German continued to bitch about Jo.

“Urrggg, she’s such a bitch! Coming here thinking she owns the place! Who does she think she is?” Asuka grumbled as she walked next to Rei.

“You said that already.” Rei said softly as she scanned around the arrival section, looking for Elly.
Rei’s sharp red eyes found the other fifth pilot with white hair slowly wandering alongside the crowd towards luggage pick-up. The girl wore aviator glasses in a green dress with a white kane, but the girl moved swiftly between people as she didn’t even use the stick. Blind or not this girl must sense on a different level and being slapped with a MPD she had things well in order.

“There.” Rei pointed as Asuka turned and looked.

“Where?” Asuka stipulated as she glanced in the general region.

“White hair, glasses.” Rei tracked her with her finger as Asuka adjusted her eyes.

“She doesn’t look blind to me.” Asuka winced as she looked back at Rei just smiling.

“It’s her, come on Asuka.” Rei took Asuka hand again as the stubborn red headed German let herself be lead on… again.

“This is stupid.” Pouted Asuka as she already hated Jo and now another weirdo? She had Rei and Hikari, why more? Elly continued to walk as her ears pick up two sets of footfalls following her. The baggage round-about started up as other people collectively huddled around it. Rei suddenly lost sight of the girl as Asuka still wasn’t paying attention, listening to her own stomach groan.

“She’s gone?” Her crimson reds looked and searched as the girl couldn’t be found.

“H-Hey Rei?”Asuka spoke strangely as Rei hushed her.

“What?” The blue haired girl answered as Asuka grabbed her shoulder.

“I think she’s found us.” Rei looked back to see Asuka being held by her neck with Elly’s folded up cane.

“Why are you followin’ me, who are ya’?” A scouser lingo rang out she yanked on Asuka’s neck.

“Elly?” Rei asked softly as she lifted her palms.

“It’s Zoe, Cuntface.” The girl smirked as she pushed Asuka into Rei, tilting her glasses down, her pure white eyes glaring at the two. The grinned cracked as a small smile worked across her pale face.

“Elly, I’m sorry; Zoe can be a little brash at times.” The English pilot bowed nicely and extended her hand. Asuka and Rei just stared at the girl as Elly felt stupid, forcing Zoe back.

“Funstarin’ cunts?” Zoe popped back in as Elly covered her mouth. Rei took the girl’s hand and introduced herself.

“Rei Ayanami, nice to met you… two.” Rei said unsurely, reaching out as the girl’s smile got creepy.

“Asuka Langley Sohryu, Second child.” Asuka butted in as Elly frowned.

“The Nazi.” Elly played a smile as Asuka grimaced her face.

“Why does everyone keep call me that!” Asuka gripped her fist to the sky as Rei took her hand.

“Welcome to Tokyo-3!” Misato screamed as everyone turned to the small group of girls.

“Uhhhh, where can I get a drink?” Elly or Zoe said dully as she grabbed a random bag off the rotation.

“How do you know that’s yours?” Asuka snapped as Elly continued to walk off.

“I can smell it, jus’ like you’re vomit-breath.” Elly walked away as she traced boozes in the air and followed it.

“Where is everyone?” Misato asked as she looked to Asuka and Rei who both shrugged and chased after the blind girl.

“What the hell is going on here?”


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