Story: Evangelion (Unleashed) (chapter 10)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 10

Title: Meeting Jo

[Author's notes: The Nerv girls meet Jo]

“I still don’t see why we had to come.” Asuka moaned rancorously in the back of the van next to Hikari.

“I think it’s just polite to introduce yourselves. After all you’ll all be working together with for the time being, so try and get along.” Misato smiled from the drivers seat as Rei looked over at her from the passenger seat. Misato had to pick up the two new pilots and decided to bring the others along. She was now responsible for five pilots, their health, mental conditioning everything, but she knew it was going to be easier said then done.

“Who are they Misato?” Hikari asked as she closed the book she was read and looked to the front.

“Well Elly’s from England and Jo’s from the U.S.” Misato though it better just to tell them their names and not go into details. Like Elly’s split personality disorder Zoe, who was extremely rude and lacked manners of any kind or Jo’s sporadic violence and death wish attitude.

“That’s it?” Asuka asked unsurely as she leaned forward with her hands on the back of Misato and Rei’s seats.

“I don’t even know that much about them so we’ll jus’ have to see when we get there.” Misato assured as Asuka drop back into her seat mumbling under her breath in German as Hikari chuckled next to her.

“What’s so funny?” Asuka grunted as she punched the brown haired girl in the arm.

“Nothing.” Retorted Hikari as she simply open her book again and started reading. They pulled into the harbor entrance about twenty minutes later and parked. The harbor was busy with people loading and unloading everything from small boxes to large steel cargo crates to and from ships as the four girls walked along the water’s edge.

“I could’ve been watching T.V. and eating ice cream right now, but noooo I got to say hello to two more worthless pilots. God I hate my life.” Asuka continued to mope and drag her feet.

“Then why did you wear a dress?” Rei asked shortly as she glanced back at the red-head.

“Because it’s a nice day and I wanted to look prettier then you.” Asuka turned her face up with a huff, walking next to Hikari who still had the book open in her hand.

“Or maybe you wanted to look pretty for your new girlfriends?” Hikari snickered as she slowly walked away from Asuka’s grew contempt.

“Jus’ shut up Hikari, no one asked you.” Asuka’s felt the anger boiling as both Rei and Hikari were getting under her skin.

“Cool it you three, this is her up here.” The group turned onto a cement dock next to a large ship docked at it. The on-ramp was just ahead as the girls looked up at the massive ship.

“Jesus you never think how big these things are until your up close to one.” Misato stared in awe as she took in the full size of the ship. The group was coming to the back of the ship as a voice screamed from the top deck.

“Hey!!! You Captain Katsuragi?” The group looked up to a girl standing dangerously on the railing of the ships outer rim.

“Is’in that unsafe?” Rei asked the others as they all nodded and waited for the girl to fall. From the look of her she was a firmly build girl with short cropped black hair, wearing a pair of sunglasses, jean shorts and white shirt.

“Yes, is that you Jo?” Misato replied in a holler.

“Yeah!!! Wait right there I’ll be right down!” The girl yelled back with a smile as she came down from the rail and disappeared from sight.

“She seems nice doesn’t she?” Misato asked the others as they all wore different looks. The girls waited, looking up the on-ramp as Asuka started complaining again.

“What the hell’s taking her so long?” Asuka snapped as she looked around.

“Yaahhhhooooo!!!” Jo screamed as she ran and jumped from the top of the ship.

“What the fuck?!?” Asuka gasped as Hikari and Rei just stared in awe at the girl falling.

“Jesus, That’s like fifty feet up she’ll be killed.” Misato panicked as the girl hit the water and when under.

“Do you think she’s still alive?” Rei said dryly.

“I don’t know? That’s one hell of a drop.” Hikari wondered as she watched where the girl went under.

“Ohhhh, Ritsuko going to fucking kill me.” Misato groaned as she hung her head down. Suddenly a burst of water splashed up in front of the girls, freaking them out.

“Hi’ya anyone want to give me a hand?” It was Jo, smiling brightly as the other just stared in disbelieve of the insane girl and her reckless stunt. Rei and Hikari moved forward and helped Jo out. The black-haired girl thanked them and turned to Misato.

“Specialist first class Josephine D, Ferguson reporting for duty.” The girl saluted and stood at perfect attention.

“You don’t have to salute me Jo, or call me Captain, Misato is just fine.” Misato smiled as the others just glared at the wet girl.

“But you’re a superior officer.” Jo questioned as she still held her salute and pose.

“Fine, at ease, and it’s Misato now, that’s then order.” Misato responded with her own salute as Jo dropped her salute and relaxed. Jo looked strangely at the other as they looked at her like a alien.

“What’s your problem?” Hissed Jo as she threw her wet hair back.

“That was dangerous what you just did, what if you’d gotten killed?” Asuka snapped fiercely as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Well first you’d be pulling my dead body from the water and second I wouldn’t have to stand here staring at the stupid looks on all your faces.” Jo retorted spitefully as she rung out her shirt. At this Asuka and Jo started to argue as Misato closed her eyes and looked to the sky.

“Please God, give me the strength.”

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