Story: Evangelion (Unleashed) (all chapters)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 1

Title: In the Beginning...

[Author's notes: This had to get folded in sometime.]

“Better that then an outspoken, egotistic, megalomaniac like you.” Rei bit out uncommonly outside the elevator as she stood her ground against the wild red head.

“Why you fucking little…!” Asuka screamed violently as she planted her palms on Rei’s chest and pushed. Rei fell hard against the wall, banging her head as stars blurred her vision to the floor.

Asuka smirked in triumph as a hand gripped her shoulder and spun her around. The red head turned right into an open palm slap that connected cleanly across her cheek. Asuka reacted instantly, covering her burning cheek as her eyes demanded blood from the person responsible.


The German girl froze as her sight fell on Misato Katsuragi; Major Katsuragi to be correct, and a very angry Major to be precise.

“There better be a damn good explanation for this Miss Langley.” Misato’s normally smooth, carefree voice was cold and hard as a chunk of glacier ice. Asuka also notice that Misato had not simply called her Asuka for some reason; this made her more nervous, then just seeing the woman mad.

“Wonder girl called…” Asuka started discontentedly, pointing to the downed girl as Misato’s hand moved swiftly. Asuka tried to flinch back from the next slap, but Misato was’ in going to let her off that easy and extended a little farer and connected with more force than the first.

“Shut your fucking mouth Asuka!” Misato demanded menacingly as she snatched the young girl\'s red hair. Asuka yelped as she grabbed the tall woman’s hand to relieve the stress of the grip.

\"You see fuckin’ you?\" Misato jerked the girl violently towards her as she came face to face with the young red head.

“Misato you’re hurting me.” Asuka whined toughly as Misato’s hand squeezed her hair even tighter.

“That’s Major Katsuragi, BITCH!” Misato snapped viciously as she leathered Asuka’s face with another backhand to help her understand. In the background, Rei slowly got to her feet, shaking off the dizziness as she watched Misato whip Asuka into military conformity

“I don’t want to hear you ever call her that again, do you understand me?” Misato ordered sternly, striking Asuka in the mid-section with a solid fist, the hit forced the red head to her tippy toes as spittle shot from her mouth. Asuka fell to her knee’s as she held her stomach, gasping for oxygen. Rei moved closer to the two girls as she expressed her gratitude.

“Thank you… Major.” Rei thanked formally as she met the Major’s dark eyes.

“And you!” Misato yelled as she seized Rei up by the collar. Rei’s facial expression didn’t change as Misato’s brown eye’s burned into her red ones.

“How dare you let this little Nazi whore push you around like that, I would of broken her nose on the first day for jus’ looking at me the wrong way, much less name-calling.” Misato barked spitefully as she kicked Asuka in the ribs. Asuka grunted aloud as she rolled on to her back drawing air in laborious breaths. Rei’s eyes looked down to Asuka twisting in pain on the floor, then back to Misato, her face never changing.

“There’s going to be some serious fucking changes around here…” Misato threw her hair back as she pointed to the two pilots threateningly.

“…So you two better unfuck yourselves real quick…” Misato balled her other hand into a fist as she focused on Asuka and Rei with a murderous glare.

“…Or there will be hell to pay.” Asuka lifted her watery eyes to Rei as the blue haired girl stepped forward to help her up. Asuka staggered to her feet, throwing an arm over Rei’s shoulders as she propped herself up, cradling her side.

“That’s a good start, Dismissed!” Misato folded her arms across her chest as she waited for the two girls to leave her sight. The two turned away silently, fearing Misato would strike them from behind, they remained tensed. After a few stressful seconds, and relieve the attack never came both girls thoughts ran together as they moved slowly down the empty hall, looking off in different directions.


“…or hell?”

After a short walk and a long silence Rei and Asuka entered their locker room and moved to an empty bench. Rei slid Asuka to the bench without a word and headed for the door until Asuka spoke out.

“Rei…” Asuka whispered softly as she closed her eyes.

“…thanks.” Asuka admitted impartially as she opened her eyes gratefully to the blue haired girl. Rei simply nodded and walked out to head home. Moments later a figure appeared in the locker room doorway.

“Are you ok?” A voice asked softly as it remained in the shadow of the door.

“Yeah.” Asuka looked up and sneered as she flicked off the owner.

“You didn’t have to slap me so hard; it still feels like my face is on fire.” Asuka snapped as she rubbed her cheek.

“I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you tonight, come on let’s go home…”

Rei sighed longingly as she stood in front of her door of her apartment, wanting nothing more than just to lie down, go to sleep and forget about her day. Rei gripped the door handle and pushed down…


She tries the door with the same result.

“What’s this?”

The young girl looked at the locked door with contempt and wonder as Misato’s image filled her mind.


Rei looked to her mailbox which was empty for the first time except for a single letter with the NERV emblem on it. Rei pulled the letter out and removed its contents.

“Rei Ayanami,
You have been relocated to the following location; your personal effects have been sent ahead, Please report to Miki lane, Apt 331, ASAP.”

The letter was brief and to the point as she already knew where she was going.

“Misato Katsuragi‘s.”

Rei turned down the abandon hall and headed to her new home, dreading every step.

After an hour and half of walking, Rei found herself in front of Misato, Shinji and Asuka’s home. Rei lifted her finger carefully to the door bell as she hesitated to make her present known. Rei fidgeted from her left foot to her right as she started to have second thoughts and pressed the button. The door opened slowly as Asuka stood in the doorway, sporting a rueful smile.

“Hello Wonder…” Asuka gritted her teeth as she forced herself to be polite. “…Rei.”

“Come in…” Asuka whispered hardily as she gripped Rei‘s hand and yanked her inside.

“Jus’ don’t give her a reason.” Asuka warned offhandedly as she pulled the girl down the hall.

“Where’s Shinji?” Rei murmured quietly as she followed instep, looking around for their fellow Eva pilot.

“He’s gone, reassigned jus’ like you.” Asuka reported swiftly as her eye’s scanned with the alertness of a cautious prairie dog. Then she caught Misato’s door opening, stopping in her tracks she braced herself. Rei ran unknowingly into Asuka’s back as she looked over the red head’s shoulder for the sudden stop. Smoke crept from Misato’s doorway as the woman stepped out and blocked their way. A sinister smile split the major’s face as a cigarette met her lips.

“What’s the rush ladies?” Misato asked viciously as she leaned in closely to the girls, exhaling a sweet hazy mist in their faces.

“I was…” Asuka scrunched her eyes painfully as the violet haired women grabbed her left breast quickly and squeezed.

“I was showing Ayanami to her room, Miss Katsuragi.” Asuka informed informally as her eyes flared open with bitterness.

“Good, I want you two settled in before dinner.” Misato snapped as she cut Asuka loose and stepped out of the way to let them pass. The two stood frozen unsure to pass by the Major.

“Well?” Misato flexed forward as she motioned to the frighten girls with a sweeping hand gesture. Asuka preceded forward still gripping Rei, who looked at Misato as she passed.

“Don’t eye-fuck me tramp!” The Major ordered as she shoved the blue haired girl into Asuka, forcing them both to stumble down the hall.

“What did I tell you?” Asuka grunted under her breath as she opened her bedroom door and pulled Rei in. Rei looked around the room in wonder as she made a personal note.

“Where is my room?” Rei asked quietly as Asuka looked at her like she was crazy.

“This is our room, that‘s our closet and this is our bed, get it?” Asuka pointed around the room as she sat on the edge of the only futon and smiled.

“We have to sleep together?” Rei swallowed hard as Asuka nodded with vicious intent.

“Yeah, what’s wrong Rei? Never had a roommate before?” Asuka grinned lustfully as she patted the futon next to her.

“No.” Rei shook her head carefully as Asuka bounced up from the futon and moved closer to the blue haired girl.

“Well Misato did say to make changes.” Rei froze in place as the corners of Asuka’s lips curled up.

“We’ll... share everything.” Asuka whispered lightly as she cupped Rei’s face lovingly in both hands.

“Asuka…” Rei blushed deeply, looking into Asuka’s glazy eyes as the red head leaned forward her lips aimed at Rei’s. Rei could feel Asuka\'s warm breath on her face as…

“Asuka, Rei? Come eat!” Misato announced loudly as Rei jerked away from Asuka’s hands and approaching lips.

“I’m… sorry.” Rei mumbled sympathetically as she side-stepped Asuka and headed for the door. The wildly red head watched the red-eyed girl escape their room, smirking at Rei’s perfectly curved body as it disappeared out the door. Rei inhaled deeply as she walked through the hall to the kitchen. She rounded the corner to see Misato turn slowly as Rei expected another sneering face from her new tormentor.

“Hey Rei!” Surprisingly, Misato grinned widely as she stood at the stove stirring noodles with one hand and drinking a beer in the other.

“You and Asuka aren’t fighting again are you?” Misato tilted her head to the side, her eyes focused attentively on the blue haired girl. Rei stood silently as she simply stared at the full figured women.

“Rei? I asked you a question.” Misato struggled to keep her smile in place.

“No.” Asuka strolled in the room and sat at the table.

“Good, let’s eat!” Misato shifted back to the noodles gladly as Asuka stirred in her seat, mumbling under her breath.

“Asuka, help Rei set the table please?” Misato asked sweetly as she started to fill their bowls.

“Yeah, whatever.” Asuka snapped toughly as she stood up and started her tasks.

“Silverware, glasses here, plates, and bowls over there.” Asuka pointed out swiftly as she pulled open the draw for silverware with a bored look on her face.

“Don’t pout Asuka, you look silly.” Misato laughed cheerfully as she crushed her empty can and tossed into the trash. Asuka bit back a sharp remark as she set the table. Rei watched wordlessly as she remembered every cabinet and all the draws in the kitchen as she took her share and set the table.

The two girls finished and sat down, watching Misato’s body language with curiosity and contempt as the violet haired women brought their dinner.

“Eat up girls.” Misato smiled lascivious as she turned and retrieved her own bowl. Misato grabbed another beer and joined the soundless girls at the table.

“So, how was your day you two? Misato asked innocently as she sat down and cracked her beer. Asuka huffed aloud as she remembered being slapped, punched, and kicked perfectly; yeah that summed up the highlight of her day.

“Good.” Asuka answered irately, leveling her elbow on the table and cupping her right cheek as she looked over to Rei. Rei looked down at the steaming noodles in front of her and then to Asuka who motioned her eyes to Misato.

“Ok.” Rei replied softly as she picked up her silverware.

“That’s great to hear.” Misato said slyly as she raised a fork full of noodles without regret. The three ate quietly for a while until Misato broke the silence, spooking both girls.

“I’m sorry for earlier, I’m just so fuckin’ tired of you two always fighting.” Misato apologized considerably as she set her fork down and sighed.

“Given your age, you’re more emotional and distracted by everything around you.” Misato explained as she picked up her beer and leaned back in her chair.

“Shinji is worse off than the two of you, he doesn’t know if he wants to be a pilot or not, But you two are more or would be more compatible if you’d just learn to get along.” A smile spiked Misato’s face, as she watched both girls look at each other.

“Well if Rei didn’t...” Asuka interrupted as Misato raised her hand, cutting her off from the unnecessary and probably rude comment.

“That why you\'re living here with me, I’m to… condition you two like one another.” Misato continued as she paused for a drink.

“So sticking us together were jus’ supposed to fall in love with each other and be best friends, is that it?” Asuka protested hotly as she stared at Misato finishing her beer. Misato closed her eyes and shook her head despairingly as she set her drained can on the table.

“This is what I’m talking about; you and that damn mouth of your Asuka, sometimes I jus’ want you bound, gagged and thrown in my closet for a week!” Misato tone began to rumble as she slammed the top of her empty can crushing it. Asuka snapped her vision back to her half-eaten dinner as she felt Misato’s eyes smoldering into her.

“I wish you’d jus\' play puppet like Rei…” Misato alleged unkindly as she let out a deep and much needed breath.

“I’m not a puppet.” Rei spoke up as she looked to Misato with growing anger.

“What?” Misato asked deafly as she turned her sights on the normally silent girl.

“I said I’m not a goddamn puppet!” Rei yelled unashamedly as she slammed her fists on the table. Both Misato and Asuka gawked with surprise as Rei stood up for herself.

“I was wondering when you were going to grow a backbone Rei.” Misato smiled viciously as she got up, walked to one of the cabinets and pulled out a small white jug.

“This… calls for a celebration!” Misato roared as she grabbed three small shot glasses, sat back down and started pouring.

“But Misato we’re not old enough to drink.” Asuka declared as she watched the clear liquid fill the glasses.

“Well in Texas you can drink at any age as long as you’re with a parent or guardian.” Misato stated all knowingly as she finished filling the glasses and set one in front of both girls.

“But we’re not in Texas.” Asuka confirmed scornfully as she looked at Rei.

“Is it that hard to pretend little missy?” Misato spoke jokingly in one of the best southern accent Rei had ever heard.

“Bottoms up girls.” Misato continued her accent, as Rei and Asuka tried smiling as they lifted their glasses and drank together.

After an hour of drinking the super sake Misato had got from Hong Kong the three could feel the effects of the alcohol.

“And he says to the bartender, “That’s not a lion it’s a giraffe!” Misato laughed heartily as Asuka and Rei joined her for the silly punch-line.

“I want to listen to sooooome muuuuusic.” Asuka slurred as she stood up and fell in the same motion.

“Watch that first step it’s a do-z.” Misato chuckled on as Asuka basically crawled the rest of the way to the CD-player. Misato smiled at Asuka’s swaying ass as she looked over Rei.

“Are you having fun Rei?” Misato asked drunkenly as she poured another drink for her.

“Yeah, I really am.” Rei grinned saucily as she took the glass and downed it. Rei could feel the heat in her cheeks as she looked dreamily at Misato. She hadn\'t noticed it earlier how pretty Misato really was, her violet hair sided her soft almost wrinkle-free face that highlighted her brown eyes which were like windows to her kind and caring soul, lips so full they just begged to be tasted.

“You’re beautiful.” Rei blurred aloud as she covered her quickly mouth, blushing totally red.

“T-that’s good to hear, here.” Misato stuttered a little from the alcohol and shock as she filled Rei’s glass again.

\"Stupid, stupid, stupid.\"

Rei groaned softly at making a fool of herself as Asuka grabbed her hand and yanked the blue haired girl to her feet.

\"Dance with me Rei!\" Grinned Asuka as she lead the drunk girl into the music blaring in the living room

“What are we listening to?” Rei asked confusedly as Asuka started moving her body naturally to the music.

“Techno! Is’ in it great?” Asuka yelled gleefully over the music as her body twisted perfectly to the crazy constant beats.

“What’s techno?” Rei continued her questioning as Asuka stopped dancing suddenly and marched over swiftly to Rei, looking at her sternly.

“Jus’ shut up, and start moving your hips, like this.” Asuka ordered as she clamped her hands on Rei’s slim hips and began to push and pull them to the music. After a few minutes Rei broke away as she moved awkwardly to the repeated bass line. Asuka giggled hysterically as Rei looked like a dancing cardboard box.

“What’s so funny?” Rei pouted immaturely as her red cheeks didn’t help her appearance any. Asuka fell over laughing whole-heartily as Rei pounced on her and pinned her arms to the floor.

“Nothing, it’s nothing.” With tears in her eyes and a grin on her face Asuka studied the seriousness in Rei’s eyes.

“You’re making fun of me!” Rei grumbled hurtfully as Asuka speedily flipped her wrists over and pulled Rei down. Rei paused fearfully as she came face-to-face with the mounted red head. She could smell the potent alcohol on Asuka’s breath as they both stared with warm but lustful tendencies. Asuka pursed her lips together as Rei blushed down at her, their lips begging to connect, then suddenly.

“No, it jus’ was’ in…” A pair of hands gripped Rei from behind and lifted her up.

“…Sexy enough.” Misato grinned as she spun the girl around and fixed a leg in between Rei’s. Misato began to move her hips and body as she gripped Rei’s back and ass. Rei felt the heat radiate up from her crotch as Misato’s thigh grinded into her slit.

“Hold me Rei and move a little.” Misato smirked as she pulled the blue haired girls hands around her waist and placed them on her ass. Goosebumps rose on Rei’s skin as she grasped Misato’s ass securely in both hands and started to move more lithely to the beat.

Asuka got up off the floor and wrapped her arms around Rei’s neck as she initiated her own grinding. Rei purred softly as she tilted her head back over Asuka’s shoulder. Taking a chance, Asuka planted her lips on Rei’s neck and kissed it. Misato felt Rei quiver in her arms as she leaned over and kissed the other side of the red eyed girl’s neck.

“You taste so good Rei.” Asuka whispered frivolously into Rei’s ear as she licked it. Rei groaned compassionately as Asuka’s right hand slid down the top of her shirt, to her left breast and squeezed.

“How does it feel Rei?” Misato hummed avidly as she looked into Rei’s lust filled eyes.

“W-wonderful...” Rei stammered faintly as Asuka’s other hand worked its way into the front of her pants.

“That’s great.” Misato smiled attentively as she cupped the inebriated girl’s face and kissed her. Rei felt Misato’s warm tongue probe her mouth as it savored every inch of her taut orifice.

“Oh you’re getting all wet down here Rei.” Asuka giggled, her fingers playing with Rei’s panties, as the dazed girl\'s sticky love juices seem to pour right out of her. Misato broke off her kiss, and stepped back as she watched Asuka seduce Rei single-handedly.

“Asuka dear will you take Rei to my room and get her comfortable?” Misato cleared her throat as both girls look to her with aroused glares.

“Yes ma’am.” Asuka answered feverishly as she retracted her hands from Rei’s body.

“Come on Rei, now the fun really starts.” Asuka leered as she grabbed the love struck girls hand and hurried her off. Rei followed willingly as her legs shook with an excitement she had never felt before in her whole life. Asuka opened the major’s door and darted in as she let go of Rei.

“Are we going to do it?” Rei asked inquisitively as Asuka started pulling her clothes off effortlessly. Asuka\'s face turned maliciously as the red-eyed girl began to have second thoughts.

“You\'re not scared are you?” Asuka lips curled up as she moved closer and completely naked to Rei.

“I-I never did it before.” Rei backed up to the bed, her eyes looking everywhere else but at Asuka as the red head lifted and locked her fingers into Rei’s hair.

“Don’t worry, it hurts a little at first but then it feels great, and besides Misato is gentle she won’t hurt you, she understands how we feel she’s been there.” Asuka explained knowingly as she slowly unbuttoned Rei’s pants and drop them to the floor. Rei felt a little uneasy by Asuka’s words but the alcohol put her to ease as she pulled off her shirt.

“See? Nothing to worry about it’s like I said earlier we’ll share everything pain and pleasure.” Asuka reported as she got to her knees and lower Rei’s wet panties. Rei undid her bra clumsily as she stepped out of her underwear. Asuka slyly elevated the soaked undergarment to her nose and inhaled profoundly. Rei felt ashamed to see Asuka doing this as she tried to take them back.

“You want to have a sniff too?” Asuka jumped up and push the soiled panties into Rei’s face. Rei landed drunkenly on the bed as her hands failed to stop Asuka’s advance. Pinned under the red head, Rei became victim to her panties as Asuka pressed them firmly to her nose and mouth.

“How do you like it?” Asuka chuckled as she slowly wiped them across Rei’s face. Rei could feel the dampness of her own crotch on her face as she found her own scent intoxicating.

“Asuka?” A voice whispered from behind as a hand crossed over her face. Misato fastened Asuka’s underwear across the young girl’s nose as Asuka started drawing in her own teenage aroma reluctantly.

“I can’t leave you for a moment can I?” Misato laughed cruelly as the fingers from her other hand reached down between the blue-eyed girl’s thighs and dripping love hole. Asuka was also aware of something long and plastic brushing against her ass as she started moaning like a bitch in heat.

“I’ll take those.” Misato mentioned sweetly as she dropped Asuka’s panties, took Rei’s and stuffed them into Asuka’s mouth.

“Be a team player Asuka and show Rei how it’s done.” Misato leaned Asuka over Rei on the edge of the bed, adjusting her hips as she lined up her dildo with Asuka’s puffy pussy. Asuka looked back with the corner of her eye and nodded silently. Asuka groaned with unbridled pleasure as Misato penetrated the girl\'s seeping cunt with the precision of a pro. Rei watched Asuka slowly pump her body as her panties snuffed the German girl’s erotic groans. Misato rammed the girl’s tight gap harder, gripping her shoulders for better leverage as the wet panties fell from her mouth.

“Oh god!” Asuka screamed deafeningly, her legs shuddered uncontrollably as Misato kept impaling the red head on the rubber sex toy. Rei stared in awe as Asuka rocked wildly back into Misato’s crotch. Seeing this Asuka dropped her mouth on to Rei’s left nipple and sucked loudly as she played and pinched with the other. Rei cry out in ecstasy as she bit her knuckle excitedly. Asuka’s sex and sweat started to pour off her and cover Rei. Pure pleasure and burning nostalgia ached in Rei’s body and crotch as the blue haired girl launched her hand to her own lubricated cunt and joined Asuka’s sexual shrieks.

“I-I’m cumming!” Asuka threw her head back in heavenly bliss as her cunt spewed her hot teen-hood solution into Rei’s lap and collapsed on top of her. Fighting for air, Rei embraced the exhausted girl as Asuka looked into her eyes and kissed her sensationally.

“It’s your turn Rei.” Asuka whimpered as she slid off Rei’s slick body and locked her fingers together over her face still desperate for oxygen. Rei look up at Misato as the violet haired woman motioned her to back up on the bed.

“Are you sure you want this Rei?” Misato asked honestly as she crawled onto the bed and on top of Rei. The red eyed girl nodded apprehensively as the saturated dildo brushed her inner thigh with Asuka’s love liquid.

“Ok now jus’ lay back and relax.” Misato assured calmly as Rei slowly opened her legs, allowing full access to her most private part of her body. Rei blushed innocently; her sweet girlish scent drifted up leisurely as both girls inhaled it deeply.

“Du riechst so gut.” Misato spoke with a slight German tone, causing Rei to giggle lightly as her cheeks went from pink to red. Misato lower herself on top of the blue haired girl, planting her hands on both sides of Rei’s head as she looked down at the anxious girl.

“This may hurt a bit.” The major warned softly as she placed her hips to put the dildo into position. Rei nodded her head bravely, and with a little push the tip of the dildo pierced Rei’s pink, virgin petals for the first time. Rei grunted harshly, squeezing her eyes shut as Misato deliberately stretched Rei’s tender flesh. Misato carefully reloaded her hips as she pushed a little deeper.

“I-It hurts.” Rei yelped aloud as tears started to form at the corner of her closed eyes. Misato’s heart thudded painfully as she pulled out.

“I know it hurts Rei but it will pass.” Misato informed sturdily as she continued to spike Rei’s tight breach. Rei nodded her head as she wrapped her arms around Misato’s back, pulling her and her rubber friend deep inside her.

“She\'s right Rei, jus’ breath.” Asuka murmured as Rei screamed meekly, clenching the dildo as it went the full-length in. Rei felt something tear inside her as she dug her nails into Misato’s back. Asuka leered hotly as she knew what had happen and sent her hand to investigate.

“Look Rei, you’re not a virgin anymore.” Asuka moaned comfortingly as she showed Rei the trickles of blood in her hot cream. Concern filled Rei’s eyes as she looked to Misato for answers.

“You’re cherry just popped, it happens to every girl when they have sex for the first time.” Misato reassured as she slowed her pace as Rei’s hands relaxed. The pain gradually subsided in Rei’s crotch as her grunts of hurt turned to pants of passion.

“Get on your hands and knees Rei.” Misato ordered affectionately as she knew Rei was beginning to enjoy herself. Rei did what she was told as Asuka scooted around and stared wantonly at her new roommate and lover.

“Rei, my pussy?” Asuka sat in front of the blue haired girl playing with her little cunny.

“I’d love to.” Rei admitted happily as she lower her face between Asuka’s legs to the wetness below. Rei lashed her tongue repeatedly over Asuka’s clit as she continued to pierce herself with Misato’s “cock”. Misato fucked Rei silently as she watched a side of Rei she never seen before, taking it from behind and eating out Asuka at the same time was unbelievable.

“Misato it feels like I-I have to pee.” Rei panted as she lifted her mouth from Asuka’s dripping orifice. Rei was at her breaking point, as her love nectar filled inside her womb.

“You’re jus’ getting ready to cum that’s all.” Misato stated as she drilled Rei harder. Rei’s body bucked back, shouting amateurishly, her liquid explosion gushed from her opening rapidly as she couldn’t help but faint. Asuka caught the girl in her arms as she stroked the fatigued girls head. Rei slowly turned her head up as tears streamed down her cheeks

“You were right Asuka, It only hurt a little.” Rei smiled weakly as she closed her eyes for a much needed rest.

“Ohhhh Rei.” Asuka kissed Rei lovingly as she fought off her own sleepiness.

“Time for bed, Asuka, be sure to clean yourselves up a bit before you two lay down.” Misato instructed as she removed her strap-on and started pulling her soiled sheets from her bed. After a few moments Asuka finished cleaning Rei and herself they found themselves in bed. Asuka shut her eyes for forty winks as a pair of arms and legs wrapped and entwined her body as she looked to Rei staring at her.

“Asuka, you’re not ashamed of me for the way I acted tonight are you.” Rei asked disgracefully as her eyes glistened in the moonlight that shown through their window.

“Rei how can you say that? I had your wet panties in my mouth for like 5 minutes; I should be asking you that question.” Asuka stared up at the ceiling as Rei blushed at the mention of her panties.

“I’m just glad you were there.” Rei snuggled her face into the red head’s neck and lightly kissed Asuka’s flesh.

“We just shared sides of ourselves we’ve never shown anyone and it’s like I keep telling you…” Asuka continued as Rei cut in.

“We’ll share everything.” Rei giggled mockingly as Asuka huffed aloud.

“Ok funny girl go to sleep.” Asuka moaned irately as she rolled away from Rei.

“Asuka?” Rei asked again as she cuddled closely to Asuka, pressing her chest against the blue eyed girls back.

“What now!” Asuka roared wrathfully as she turned her head back to Miss 20 questions.

“Do you think we’ll…?” Rei paused as she breathed out and finished.

“…Fall in love?”

Asuka caught a noise in her throat as her skin began to heat up. A few seconds passed, Rei was about to ask her again as Asuka cut her off time.

“Maybe… if you show me that thing you did with your tongue.” Both girls giggled girlishly as Asuka turned back to Rei.

“Whatever you want.” Rei smiled brightly as she leaned in and kissed Asuka fully on the lips.

“Goodnight Rei.”

“Goodnight Asuka.”

Chapter 2

Title: One and only

[Author's notes:

This idea was posted to me through my review, and when I though about it there are very few Misato/Maya

So this one goes out to Queen of darkness


Enjoy and R&R me with thanks and ideas for pairs




It was 2:30 in the morning as the short, brown haired girl sighed, droning over her computer screen. Maya had been analyzing and computing data for almost 14 hours straight now, as she was the only one left in the empty, dimly lit office.

“All work and no play makes Maya a very dull girl.”


“I want these reports finished by noon and I want the readouts of units 0 and 2 from the last battle by tonight.” Ritsuko ordered strictly as she typed away on her laptop behind her desk.

“But that will take all night.” Maya moaned at the stack of papers on the blonde woman’s desk as she checked her clipboard.

“I didn’t ask how long it would take you, I told you I want it done by tonight, do you understand me?” Ritsuko’s eyes looked up sharply at the meek girl as she paused for a drink.

“Come on Ritsuko give her a break.” A voice from the back of the room asked smoothly as Misato’s head popped up from one of the cubical walls.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion Misato, she knows what she has to do.” Ritsuko snapped coldly as she turned back to her screen.

“Ritsuko, she’s your best analysis, if you keep pushing her she’ll surely work herself to death and you know that.” Misato chided as she looked at Maya and winked. Maya’s heart fluttered in her chest as she hid a growing smile from Ritsuko behind her clipboard. Seconds passed as Ritsuko groaned and rubbed her eyes. She knew Misato was right about Maya as she clicked her pen repeatedly then looked back at the waiting girl.

“You have until tomorrow morning to finish, no excuses.” Ritsuko instructed harshly as she turned back to her screen, frowning.

“That is all.” Ritsuko said slowly.

“Yes ma’am.” Maya saluted as she came to attention. Maya’s glance drifted over to Misato who was grinning wildly at her, smiling back Misato knew she had her thanks.

“Ritsuko can be such a slave driver.” Maya groaned weary as she laid her head on her desk and shut her eyes.

“I could fall asleep… right… now.” Maya said sleepily as her own thoughts made her more tired.

“Look alive Maya! No sleeping on the job!” A hard voice ordered from behind the half sleeping girl.

“Yes sir!” Maya rocketed out of her seat and saluted the voice in the shadows. Instantly, Maya couldn’t remember the last time she stood up as the sudden standing caused the blood to rush right to her head. She knew it was too late as black and white dots covered her field of vision, blurring the figure in front of her. Unable to fight the darkness growing in the corners of her eyes the young determined girl blacked out.

30 minutes later.

“Where I’m I?” She asked weakly as green lights from the shelves made the room hazy and unfamiliar. Maya looked groggily to find herself naked in a medical robe with an I.V. stuck in her arm.

“You’re in the hospital wing at Nerv HQ; do you know who you are?” Maya could sense the stern and joking tone in the same voice from earlier as she looked around for its owner.

“Of course I know who I I’m and what were you doing to me!” Maya snapped rudely, as she didn’t know what this person was playing at, the I.V. was one thing, but being naked was something completely different.

“Ok, I just wanted to make sure and I didn't do nothing but make you comfortable.” The voice reasoned sensitively as it came up next to the table. Maya realized immediately whom she was talking to as she regretted every word.

“Major K-Katsuragi! I-I sorry! I’m so sorry!” Maya stuttered stupidly as she tried to elevate herself off the table with the pure force of habit she had for her superiors.

“Salute, back straight, feet 45 degrees apart.”

“It’s ok Maya, jus’ relax, you’re exhausted.” Misato planted her hand on Maya’s chest and pressed her back down to the table as the girl continued to struggle.

“Maya, please?” Misato said warmly as the girl slowed her resistant attempt.

“Your lucky I was there when you stood up, you could have slammed your head and then you would have been in real trouble.” Misato stated distressingly as she looked down at the young girl.

“I’m fine; I jus’ need some coffee.” Maya rubbed her face faintly, still attempting to slip out from under Misato’s hand as the Major kept her hand firmly on the girl's chest.

“No, you don’t, I’ve been watching you Maya, lack of nutrition, no sleep, and I think you used the bathroom like once, what are you a camel?” Misato recalled Maya’s day as she ended with a kind smile.

“Watching me?”

Maya pondered the idea and then shook it off as she took a deep breath.

“No, I just love my job.” Maya smiled this time, feeling a warm proud sentiment spread through her as she glanced passionately at her commanding officer.

“You can’t be here all the time? Don’t you have a life?” Misato sadly doubted the girl did, since she always seemed to be here. She also caught the strange look that Maya’s eyes casted at her as she pulled up a chair.

“Nerv is my life.” Maya said shyly as the violet-haired woman caught a distorted noise in her throat.

“You’re kidding? Don’t you have a boyfriend?” Misato asked absurdly as she cupped her face and set her elbows on the edge of the examining table.

“No.” Maya blushed.

“What about a dog or cat? ” Misato continued as Maya shook her head at both.

“How about hobbies?” Misato found hope as Maya nodded this time.

“Analyzing and computing data is all I’m really good at.” Maya motioned a typing gesture with her fingers as Misato slapped her forehead. Silence fell over the two as Misato broke it with a final question that couldn’t fail!

“Don’t you have any love interests?” Misato knew she had hit pay dirt as Maya blushed and looked up at the ceiling.

“No, no, no please not now!” Maya’s mind screamed as she trembled all over.

“Ahhhh? So there is someone, come on who is it?” Misato teased unmercifully as she shook Maya at the ribcage. Maya’s adrenaline rushed through out her body, as the one rocking her was her one and only true love interest. Maya stammered as she tried to formulate a lie.

“Come on Maya or I’ll tickle you!” Misato laughed lightheartedly as she ran her fingers across Maya’s naked side playfully. The brown eyed girl squirmed around; she never wanted it to end, she wanted Misato to tickle her for the rest of her life.

It had always been Misato’s sometimes-childish mannerisms that Maya had secretly fallen in love with Misato along with other reasons. She was also caring and commanding in the same insistent and that was something Maya couldn’t help but admire.

“Hehehe, please hehehe, stop Miss Katsuragi!” Maya giggled girlishly as she rolled around on the table, trying to grip the woman’s mischievous hands.

“Not ‘til you tell me!” Misato taunted unrelentingly as she moved her fingertips up and down Maya’s tender ribs sending her into fits of laughter.

“I-It’s yo…” Maya started to confess as she accidentally rolled off the table. Maya prepped for a hard landing as the I.V. ripped out of her arm sending a painful sting up her limb. Misato dropped swiftly to her knees as she caught Maya in her arms. Since Misato was tickling the young girl, when she fell her hands had slid into the open sides of Maya’s gown and grasped her nude body. Maya’s face started to redden as she stared into Misato’s big brown eyes.

“What did you say?” Misato demanded partially as she glared confusedly at the girl.

“I-It’s… you.” Maya sighed humiliated as she looked away.

“I see…” Misato took the two words into consideration as she leaned forward and kissed Maya fully on the lips. Maya’s eyes shot open as Misato forced her tongue into her cute little mouth. Maya moaned hotly into Misato’s lips as the major gripped her chest through her opening in her gown. After a few passionate moments Misato slowly pulled always from Maya’s sweet lips as Maya looked her over adoringly.

“Your not mad at me?” Maya asked questionably.

“No, why would I be?” Misato retorted still holding the girl in one arm as she gently rubbed Maya’s chest up to her neck with her free hand and then down between her thighs. Maya closed her eyes in bliss, as her crotch grew hot and wet.

“I’ve had my eye on you for awhile.” Misato whispered wantoningly as she brushed her fingers across Maya’s erect clit, causing the girl to shudder in total ecstasy. Maya’s heartbeat began to race as her cunt started to leak into Misato’s hand.

“Wow, you do get turned on rather quick.” Misato teased lightly as Maya gripped the major’s red jacket tightly in her hands. Maya savored every second of the violet haired woman’s attentive fingers as they began to play in her sticky sex.

“Please don’t say things like that.” Maya panted passionately, pinching her nipple in her other hand as she twisted inadequately in Misato’s firm arms.

“Why, does it make you horny little Maya-chan?” Misato giggled as she pushed her middle finger deep into Maya’s love-tunnel. Maya’s head jerked back, her mouth open in silent desire as she started to buck her hips. Maya couldn’t believe what was happening, she had dreamed about Misato for as long as she could remember, touching her, tasting her, making sweet love to her.

“My dream has come true.”

Misato pumped her finger swiftly as Maya brought her head forward, her eyes filled with tears of joy as she leaned up and kissed Misato with all her heart. Maya wrapped her arms around Misato tightly as Misato knew it was time. Maya moaned longingly against Misato’s lips as she came harder then she had in her whole life. Misato slowly removed her finger as Maya’s body trembled frenziedly alongside hers.

The two didn’t move for along while until Maya looked up at Misato’s affectionate face with tears running down her cheeks.

“I’ve dreamed about this for so long Misato you wouldn’t even know.” Maya began to cry softly as she planted her head into the Major’s chest. Misato smiled fondly at the girl’s reaction as she stroked the brown haired girl's head and hushed her silently to sleep.

The next day:

“What do you mean they’re not done!?” Ritsuko demanded as she slammed her fist on the desk.

“I’m sorry, I-I just.” Maya stammered unable to lie as the door opened behind her.

“Sorry I’m late.” Misato walked in as she flung back her long violet hair.

“What’s all the screaming about?” Misato wondered with grin as she headed to the coffee machine and poured a cup.

“Well, my best analysis didn’t finish her work last night.” Ritsuko extended a dark glare to the major as she pointed ruthlessly at the young girl. Maya looked to the floor, ashamed, as she wanted to cry.

“I know.” Misato said cheerfully as she walked up and stood next to the depressed girl and sipped her coffee.

“What do you mean you know?” Ritsuko stipulated insensitively as she glared at Misato with fire in her eyes.

“I had her run through some scenarios with me for today’s test.” Misato lied cleanly as she continued to smile at the angry blonde. Maya turned her face up to Misato and then to Ritsuko.

“Is that true Maya?” Ritsuko asked as she started to drum her fingers on her desk.

“Yes ma’am, I’m sorry.” Maya bowed her head in apology as she felt a tingle of relief.

“Well don’t let it happen again, I have to report to Ikari in two hours I want that data done and in my hand in an hour.” Ritsuko barked, leaning back in her chair as the intercom on her desk fired to life.

“Miss Ritsuko your needed in the hospital wing ASAP, its Asuka again!” The voice relayed quickly and clicked off.

“I’ll be right there.” Ritsuko replied and got up out of her seat.

“I’m leaving, remember what I said Maya.” Ritsuko announced as she slid on her white lab coat and headed for the door.

“Yes ma’am.” Maya managed to get in word wise as the door slammed behind the two of them.

“Thank you Major Katsuragi.” Maya sighed as she slumped her shoulders.

“No problem you jus’ have to make it up to me.” Misato grinned as she walked over to Ritsuko’s desk and sat down.

“What do I have to do?” Maya asked unsurely as Misato kicked her feet up on the desk.

“Come to my house for dinner tonight.” Misato said evenly as she sipped her coffee again.

“U-Uhh ok, sure.” Maya’s voice quivered as she handled the simple question with difficultly.

“And wear something nice and we’ll see how far we can take your dream.” Misato leered lustfully as she leaned back. Maya blushed deeply as last night flashed before her eyes. Staring dreamily at the Major, Maya’s mind began to form beautful images of her new lover.

“Strong, funny, loving, she is my one and only."

“You better get to work on that report before Ritsuko has a shit-fit.” Misato stated as she eyed the staring girl.

“Yes ma’am!” Maya agreed brightly as she saluted, turned and headed for the door. Outside the door, Maya sprinted down the hall, grinning foolishly as she started thinking about her beloved Major again.

“As far as my dreams go?”

Chapter 3

Title: Movie time

[Author's notes: Asuka and Rei get bored until they find something very intresting to watch.]

“Seen it, seen it, boring, stupid, doesn’t Misato have anything good to watch?” Asuka grumbled as she went through the movies in the cabinet under the T.V.

“Maybe we should go rent some or play video games?” Rei asked shyly as she cuddled with a pillow on the couch in her blue underwear, long white shirt and blue tipped socks, watching the wildly red head dig for something to watch.

“We can’t drive and I‘ll just beat your ass at every game we got, so got anymore bright ideas wonder girl?” Asuka stated knowingly as she could beat Rei at any game put in front of her.

“Sorry.” Rei muffled her reply into her pillow, as she couldn’t help but stare at Asuka‘s white perky ass, perfectly outlining her red panties.

“This is stupid.” Asuka finally gave up her search as she got to her feet and looked at the blue haired girl sitting on the sofa, hugging her hello kitty pillow.

“What do we do now?” Rei asked as she sized up Asuka in her red panties and white wife-beater. Asuka thought for a minute as she remembered a footlocker at the back of Misato’s closet.

“Hey, there’s that locker in Misato’s room maybe there’s something in there.” Asuka suggested as she grabbed Rei’s hand and jerked her off the couch.

“Asuka, I don’t know if this is a good idea to be snooping around in Misato’s room, what if she comes home and catches us.” Rei stated skeptically as Asuka dragged her down the hall.

“Stop worrying about that, she won’t be home for a few more hours.” Asuka knew she had plenty of time to snoop as she slid open Misato’s door and walked in. Rei didn’t bother arguing, as she knew Asuka would bitch until she got her way.

“In here.” Asuka beamed cunningly as she opened the closet and got to her knees in front of Major Katsuragi’s footlocker. Rei knelt down next to the copper haired girl and noticed an immediate problem.

“Damnit, it’s got a lock on it.” Asuka grunted irately as she gripped the lock and started yanking.

“You have to dial in numbers.” Rei suggested as she looked over the red head’s shoulder.

“Duh, that’s what I was going to do.” Asuka snapped curtly as she looked at the three number dials on the bottom of the lock. Asuka flipped through random numbers for a while then gave up.

“Stupid, freaking lock.” Asuka stared at the lock with contempt as she hit the box out of anger.

“Try zero, zero, zero.” Rei proposed evenly as Asuka made a vulgar noise.

“That’s stupid Rei; no one would use those numbers.” Asuka hissed as she marveled how simple Rei sounded sometimes.

“Here, let me.” Rei scooted next to Asuka and dialed in the numbers. With a soft click the padlock opened as Rei nudged Asuka’s quietly in the ribs.

“Don’t get cheeky wonder girl.” Asuka ordered demandingly as she pulled off the lock, opened the footlocker and began to dig around.

“Medals, promotion papers, nothing… hold on.” Asuka spotted two blank tapes at the bottom of the box under a bunch of papers and pulled them out.

“Jackpot!” Asuka grinned wickedly at Rei as they both got to their feet and headed back in the living room.

“She always hides the good stuff from us.” Asuka complained, kneeling down in front of the VCR and pushed in the tape. Rei returned to her seat and pillow as she watched Asuka anxiously.

“Showtime!” Asuka laughed at getting the upper hand on Misato, even if she wasn’t there as she jumped on the couch next to Rei curling up shyly and hit play on the remote control.

“… And for heroism in the line of fire we present this medal to private Katsuragi.” A man announced as a young Katsuragi walked up onto a podium and took the medal, smiling.
“Boring!” Asuka sprung off the couch hastily with the other tape in hand and made a quick exchange.

“Let’s try this one.” With another click of the play button, the other video came alive.

“Today is my birthday and to celebrate, my friends threw me a little party.” It was Misato’s face talking drunkenly into the camera as she walked into the next room.

“A little party?” Both girls said in unison as the colored lights flashed and music blared on the video.

“…Great party Misato!” A strange red head screamed into the camera as her face filled the T.V.

“Thanks Gem.” Misato chuckled, moving through the lively party of people dancing and drinking as she came up to a group of girls cheering, drinking and laughing around the dinning room table. Asuka and Rei gasped as they recognized one of the women at the table.

“Is that Ritsuko?”

Asuka couldn’t believe what she was seeing, as the camera zoomed in on the tall blonde, blue-eyed woman. Ritsuko was one of the most professional women in the world, and now seeing her act so unprofessional was just really weird to Asuka and Rei. Ritsuko and another girl were playing some kind of game as they stood only in their bras and panties with a line of shot glasses in front of them.

“Go easy on that stuff or you’ll end up drunk and running around naked like last time.” Misato reminded Ritsuko as the tall blonde started downing shot after shot of tequila off the table.

“Shut up Misato I’m all ready half way there!” Ritsuko yelled cheerfully between a shot as she still finished her line of shots before the other girl. The other girl across from Ritsuko seemed familiar too as Rei dwelled on her face.

“That’s Maya.” The corners of Rei’s lips curled up sneakily as she ogled the tech girl’s semi clad body.

“Drink up Maya!” Ritsuko pointed across the table then pumped her fists into the air. The brown haired girl finished her last shot, licked her wrist, bit into a lime and made a bitter face as she looked at Ritsuko, smirking at her.

“You know the rules, take it off sexy.” The blonde laughed as Maya had lost and started taking off her bra. Asuka and Rei's eyes widened with fascination as the camera moved away at the last second of the girl taking off her bra. Both girls continued to watch the video with pure amazement as Rei finally spoke up.

“Did you realize there are no men at this party?” Rei questioned strangely as Asuka stirred in place.

“Well, look how there acting, would you want guys looking at you drinking liquor half naked?” Asuka whispered as her pretty blue bulbs never left the T.V. After a few pauses in the tape the party died down as people started leaving and thanking Misato for a good time.

“I guess…” Rei replied as Asuka’s sudden upstart scared her.

“Hey, did you see that?” Asuka blurred as she rewound the tape and played it in slow motion not taking her eyes off the screen.

“There!” Asuka pointed to pair of girls sitting in the background kissing on the very couch that Rei and Asuka sat on. Maya and the girl called Gem were making out passionately as Maya sat naked in the red head’s lap caressing her chest. Both Rei and Asuka began to get a little aroused from the video as they bother fidgeted in their seats next to each other.

“Ok you two break it up!” Ritsuko yelled, now completely drunk and naked as she tackled Maya to the couch and attacked the girl’s neck with loving kisses.

“Hey, you’re going to break that if you keep jumping on it.” Misato barked as the tape blanked out again. Asuka sighed unsatisfied as the blankness continued.

“Is that it?” Rei asked hopefully as a strange feelings started in grow in her loins. Asuka looked over at Rei and shrugged as she had different ideas.

“I hope not, it was just getting good.”

 Asuka thought surprisingly to herself as she pulled her red and black blanket over her warming lap.

“Is that how they really act when we’re not around?”

Rei wondered mentally, wanting to see more of the women in charge of Nerv behaving badly.

“I think that’s it’s…” Rei began as Asuka cut her off with a raised hand.

“Asuka.” Rei mumbled lowly at the strange tingling grew even hotter between her legs as Asuka's slim lips, hips, and thighs started to dance in her head.

“Shut up, somethings happening!” Asuka smacked the blue-haired girl's arm as the video came back on. Asuka knew where the camera was as the room was very familiar to her. Asuka recognized the urge to masturbate was becoming difficult to control as she glanced over at Rei looking so cute and innocent.

“That’s Misato room.” Asuka shook her head of impure thoughts as she turned up the volume. The two pilots could hear laughter on the video as Maya suddenly jumped on the bed naked, giggling on her hands and knees.

“Stop messing around with your camera and come play with me.” Maya pouted sexily as she squeezed her chest.

“Give me one second.” Misato said carefully, adjusting the camera on a stand at the bed. Misato finally came from behind camera and leaped on her bed in her birthday suit as she stood over Maya.

“Where’s Ritsuko?” Maya looked up at Misato on her knees as she started to caress the woman’s firm thighs.

“I don’t know maybe she passed out for a change, doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun.” Misato laced her fingers into Maya’s short brown hair as the drunken girl nuzzled her nose into Misato’s trimmed bush of pubic hair. Asuka and Rei eyes widened to a bulge as Maya extended her tongue and began to eat out Misato's gap.

“Is she doing what I think she’s doing?” Rei blushed darkly as she just kept staring at the homemade X-rated video. Asuka remained silent as she secretly slid her hand into her panties and commenced petting herself heavily. Misato started to groaned hotly as Maya slurped away loudly on her twat.

“Ohhh Maya!” Misato cry out raucously as she dropped to her knees in front of Maya and embraced her closely.

“I love when lick my pussy, your so good at it.” Misato kissed Maya eagerly as she tasted her own sex on the brown haired girl’s lips. Asuka couldn’t help but gently push a finger inside her swelling lips as she steadily monitored her breathing. Rei had let her own hand slip into her lap as her pillow hid her own mischievous act. Misato and Maya continued to pleasure each other in different ways and positions as a door opened off camera.

“Hey you bitches! Start without me will you?” Ritsuko’s voice bellowed as she dove on to the bed next to Misato scissoring Maya.

“About time, oh, and you brought me a present.” Misato said excitably as she started jerking off Ritsuko’s strap-on. Rei felt the wetness soak her panties at the sight of the rubber dildo and what they planned to do with it as she leaned back on the couch, panting lightly. Asuka knew what Rei was doing under her pillow, she was’ in stupid. Rei also had her own ideas of what Asuka was doing right next to her.

“Well, it is your birthday.” Ritsuko moaned as she tongued Misato’s ear voluptuously. The three girls began to lick, stick and fuck every orifice on each other’s bodies in every way they could. Asuka and Rei were unable to resist their own desires as they looked at each other and started to play with themselves openly.

“You smell wonderful Rei.” Asuka moaned coolly as she inhaled the scent of sweat and sex drifting thickly off Rei‘s body and crotch.

"Yeah, you too." Rei giggled shyly as she breathed in Asuka’s tangy fragrant rolling up from the German girl’s lap.

"You’re so sweet Rei." Asuka leaned over with total disregard and kissed Rei forcibly on her full lips as the pillow fell from red-eyed girl's lap. Asuka quickly gripped and pinned the slim girl’s wrists to the couch as the pillow hit the floor.

“Ohhh Asuka.” Rei moaned blissfully as Asuka pushed her wild tongue between her taut lips. The blue-eyed girl leaned back silently and relieved Rei of her long shirt and panties. Rei leaned back on the couch starch naked, but her blue tipped socks. Rei's body trembled in the AC cooled room as her insides burned in sexual anguish. Her cunt became instantly soaked as Asuka caressed every inch of her luscious little body. Rei closed her eyes and rubbed her inner thighs breathlessly as Asuka's face lit up at Rei’s tuneful moans. The wild red head looked over at the hot lesbian action on the screen and decided to play along with the video. Asuka carefully pushed two of her fingers into Rei's glistening pussy, forcing a whorish moan from Rei's innocent red lips.

Asuka could felt the intense heat coming off of Rei's small body as she also felt her own heat desperately escaping from in between her own legs. The red haired girl slowly planted kisses from Rei's chest down to her garden of blue pubic hair below. Asuka knew Rei was hot, wet, and ready for the taking as she looked up into Rei’s desire-filled eyes and pinched Rei’s hard nipple in between her finger and thumb.

“Are you ready?” Asuka asked as she placed her wet gap on Rei’s shin. Rei nodded as she gripped Asuka's hair and pulled her to her begging slit. Asuka quickly rocked forward and licked the girl’s hot snatch. Rei moaned softly as Asuka could feel Rei’s pink pervious pussy soak with each lick. Rei’s body tensed as Asuka’s tongue penetrated Rei’s cunt lips and attacked her stiff clit.

"Please fuck my pussy Asuka." The innocent blue haired queen muttered as Asuka did what she was told and inserted two fingers into Rei’s tight little pussy. Rei snuffed her blissful moans as she covered her mouth with both hands. Asuka’s bucked her own soaking wet cunt harder on Rei’s shin as her other hand squeezed her chest. The smell of sex thickened the room as both girls breathed it in harder and faster. Their adrenaline rushed through them as their blood boiled from the pure sexual excitement.

"I want to feel you inside me Rei." Asuka moved her body around and laid her cunny over the red-eyed girl's mouth. Asuka started her own lustily tunes as Rei’s tongue and fingers worked wildly inside Asuka’s pussy. Both were on the verve of orgasm as Asuka pumped her dripping twat on Rei surprisingly long tongue.

Their tongues and fingers sent both girls into sexual ecstasy. Asuka howled loudly as her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave as Rei shouted and bit her knuckle painfully. The girls moaned breathlessly in unison as Asuka slid off Rei to the floor. Rei stared at the ceiling as the unbelievable feeling of her first orgasm slowly drifted away. Asuka got to her feet her legs trembling as Rei could see Asuka’s love juices streaming down her leg.

“Good movie, huh?” Asuka grinned as she jumped back on Rei and kissed each good night and fell into a deep slumber.

To be continued...


Both girls could taste themselves as they swapped saliva as the front door swung up. Asuka turned the T.V. off quickly as Rei pulled the blanket over the two of them and pretended to be asleep

“Anyone awake?” Misato asked loudly as she stumbled into the living room drunk and looked down at the couch and “sleeping” girls.

“I wonder?” Misato looked to the T.V. and seen the VCR still playing. Misato shook her head slowly as she turned and walked to her room. Asuka sighed as she cracked an eye to Rei.

“That was close.” Asuka whispered as Misato yelled from her room.

“I know your not sleeping, I can smell what you were doing!” Misato was pissed off as both girls froze on the couch.

“Don’t let me catch you in my room again or I’ll break all your fingers.” Misato said sternly as she walked back in the living room and yanked the blanket off them.

“And if you’re going to fool around with each other do it in your own room, the smell and stains tend to hang around.” Misato smiled as she turned the T.V. on to her personal video. Asuka and Rei looked at Misato dumbfounded as the violet haired woman watched herself having sex on screen.

“God this is old, you need to see the DVD.” Misato chuckled as she looked back to Rei and Asuka.

“Your not mad at us?” Rei asked carefully as she picked her shirt and covered herself.

“Mad? Of course not, try fucking pissed off, you jus’ went into my room, broke into my footlocker, watched my X-rated home video, and screwed on my couch.” Misato explained step by step as she walked to her roll top desk and opened it.

“You can’t prove all that, anyway we seen your video we could tell everyone.” Asuka snapped as she got to her feet.

“So it's blackmail huh? You want prove huh? I got all the prove I need right here on this little tape, a homemade video starring both of you stealing and having sex right here.” Misato leered as she pulled a small tape from a hidden video recorder in the desk across the room and turned around. Both girls blushed as they stared at the tape in awe.

“Anymore questions?”

Chapter 4

Title: Nurse Ayanami

[Author's notes:

Rei plays nurse for the wildly Asuka


Her footsteps fell lightly as she walked down the empty hospital wing hall of NERV HQ. Rei Ayanami, the first child made her way at a slow pace as she pushed a small metal cart in front of her. The cart consisted of a large bowl of hot soapy water, sponge, towel, with a clean white shirt, and fresh pair of white cotton panties. Not for her of course, they were for her.

After the battle with the 15th Angel, Asuka Soryu Langley, the Second child had been seriously injured emotionally and physically. She was put in intensive care right after the attack and been laid up in bed for a week and a half now. Rei had volunteered to look after Asuka even if the hot-tempered German girl didn’t care about or like her much.

The blue haired girl stopped in front of the door assigned to Asuka, pausing unsure of what condition she might find the “Second child” in. For the first couple of days Asuka just stared in wide-eyed terror at the ceiling at an unseen monster, taunting over her. It hurt Rei to see her like that, Asuka tried so hard to be the best, but Rei knew what was really keeping her that way.


Asuka’s health and life-force seem to be based on her ego and pride; both had taken a brutal beating from her last battle with the Angel. She would recover and pilot her Eva again, but one day it would be her undoing. She was proud and confident and she would fight for those things, even at the cost of her own life. Rei inhaled deeply as she opened the door and walked in. Asuka lay sleeping peacefully in her bed, eyes closed, her life-monitoring machines beeped and hummed lazily as Rei pushed the cart in.

The red head looked like a coma patient lying motionless in a deep sleep as a bluish light shimmered over her through the blue curtains. Rei came up to the side of the bed and pulled back the upper covers, exposing Asuka’s slim, semi-clothed body. Rei knew what to expected, remembering the times she had been like this. Patches from the machines cover the young girl’s body, her shirt was clean but her panties were damp with piss. The smell was’ in too bad, Rei had awaken many times soaked in her own urine. Rei gripped the sides of Asuka’s soiled panties as a hand gripped her wrist.

“What… do… you think you’re doing… Wonder girl?” Asuka asked weakly as she tried to tighten her grip on Rei’s slim wrist. Rei froze as Asuka’s eye’s flickered halfway open. Half-drugged and totally exhausted, the fire in Asuka’s eye's never seemed to fade as they tried to burn Rei where she stood.

“I’m taking care of you.” Rei whispered dispassionately as she returned her grip on the Second child's underwear, knowing quite well Asuka was going to fight her every step of the way now.

“I’m not… a baby.” The red head bit out groggily as she threw Rei’s hand aside. Rei wished Asuka was completely drugged, so she’s wouldn’t have to speak or interact with the fussy girl.

“I don’t need... your help to undress pervert..., now look away.” Asuka’s tone began to grow as she flailed Rei’s hand away again. Rei turned away from the stubborn girl, letting her have her way as Asuka processed to try and strip herself down. Rei picked up a mixture of pain and frustration as she knew the red head was basically getting nowhere. After a few minutes of colorful German slang over her pointless struggle, Asuka sighed in defeat.

“Rei…” Asuka muttered irritably. “…I need your help.” It pained Asuka more then anything to ask for help from anybody, but from Rei? It was like salt in an open wound for her. Rei turned around to find after all that time waiting, bending for Asuka’s limbs had only managed to get her shirt up under her arms, showing off her small but firm breast and dragged her panties to the middle of her thighs, exposing her pretty little love flower.

“Hurry up and don’t try anything funny.” Asuka scalded as she looked away from the blue-haired girl. Rei began to wonder if some upper-power had done this to punish Asuka for her egotistic pride but thought it better not to egg the second child on with a smile. Rei started with Asuka’s shirt as she pulled it over her head and unbending arms.

“Ouch, you’re hurting me!” Asuka snapped rudely at Rei’s simple task which had painful results. The panties were easier, off with one quick pull. Asuka’s nipples had grown stiff as she blushed, realizing it was because of Rei's touch and not from the room which was quite warm. Asuka lay naked under Rei’s cool red eyes as she reached for the sponge on the cart and dripped it in the warm water. Asuka’s eyes focused darkly on the dripping sponge as she sneered.

“Oh no you don’t, your not going to wash me like some old crone on her death bed, I want a proper bath.” Asuka glared at the sponge distastefully as Rei knew Asuka was trying to turn the tables on the situation.

“How are you going to get to the bathroom?” Rei asked uncommonly, hoping to change the red head's mind. Asuka though for a moment as it hit her like lightning.

“You’ll carry me.” Asuka’s answer was the last thing Rei expected as Asuka's demands started to get on her nerves.

“Don’t help me, help me, don’t undress me, undress me, don’t wash me and now its carry me? Make up your mind!”

“Well? Get started, I haven’t got all day.” Asuka ordered as she stared demandingly at Rei. Rei now wanted to sedate the red head with her fist as Asuka was now taking advantage of her helpfulness and repaying it with insidious insistency. Rei moved silently to the bathroom to draw the pushy girl’s bath, wanting to end this little game quickly. After a few minutes and some bubbles Asuka’s bath was ready as she walked back into the other room.

“About goddamn time.” Asuka spat meanly as Rei moved closer to the bed. Rei remained silent as she leaned over to scoop the red head in to her arms.

“Careful, easy, watch those hands!” Asuka bitched and complained the whole way to the bathroom as Rei moved vigilantly with the whining girl in her arms. Rei stood in front of the shimmering bath as Asuka looked down at the unsure water.

“It better not be too hot.” Asuka grunted coldly as Rei seriously thought about just dropping the girl in and leaving. Rei lowered Asuka slowly into the bath as Asuka’s ass jumped up from touching the water. Rei expected the girl to complain some more as she lowered Asuka totally into the water, but she didn’t. Asuka moaned lightly as the temperature was just right. Rei sighed in relieve as the blue-eyed slowly went under water.

“Maybe she’ll drown.”

Rei's thoughts entertained her as she turned to a rack of towels to dry herself off. Rei started to head out of the bathroom as a growing splashing noise came from behind her. Rei turned back to see Asuka rowing herself back and fore in the tub. Asuka smirked rebelliously as she pushed her back hard against the back of the tub. All water seem to raise out her the tub as it rode up the wall like a huge tidal wave and came crashing down, soaking everything. Rei stood dumbfounded as she looked at the water all over herself and the floor.

“Now fill it again.” Asuka laughed spitefully as she splashed the water left in the tub.

“That girl's got...”

Rei gritted her teeth behind her closed lips as she walked back to the tub and turned back on the water. She couldn’t believe she had actually volunteered for this, and this would be the last time that was for damn sure. The water level rose again as Rei turned off the water again.

“Thanks that other water was getting cold.” Asuka leered as she submerged her head again. Rei stood, watching this time to stop the girl from pulling the same stunt twice.

“Ahhhh there's nothing like a hot refreshing bath.” Asuka moaned as she leaned up out of the water. Asuka seemed more comfortable now as she didn’t mind Rei looking at the hot, soapy water running down her exposed body. Asuka picked a sponge out of the water and started rubbing her chest as she stopped suddenly.

“Rei, I think I feel a bump, here feel it.” Asuka sounded concerned as she grabbed Rei’s hand and rubbed it over her left nipple. Rei blushed darkly as Asuka moved her hand over her slick breast repeatedly.

“I don’t feel anything.” Rei assured as she tried to pull her hand back.

“How about, now!” Asuka voice rose sharply as she caught Rei off guard and pulled her in the tub. Rei tried to stable herself as her feet slipped out from under her. Rei landed on top of Asuka's naked wet body as they stared into each others eyes. Asuka smile slyly as water from Rei’s face dripped on to hers.

“Your pretty when your mad Rei even if you do hide it.” Asuka complemented sweetly as she leaned up and kissed the blue-haired girl square on the lips. Rei gasped lightly from Asuka’s wayward action as she allowed herself to be kissed. Seconds felt like hours as there kiss became more passionate.

“Rei, Asuka, are you in here?” A familiar voice asked from the bedroom as it moved closer to the bathroom. Rei yanked herself out of the tub quickly as the figure entered the doorway.

“There you are Rei.” Misato smiled brightly as she stopped short of the water on the floor.

“I was just bathing Asuka.” Rei mumbled as she tried to keep the crimson color from her face.

“I see that, you can play water sports went you’re done, Ikari wants to debrief you.” Misato smirked lewdly at Asuka, who grinned from the edge of the tub. Rei straighten her appearance as she followed Misato out of the bathroom. Rei spared a look over her shoulder to Asuka who blew her a kiss.

“...some nevre.”

Chapter 5

Title: Playing "Sick"

[Author's notes: Asuka fakes being sick, and gets caught up in more then she bargin for...]

p>Asuka relaxed quietly on the comfortable, black leather couch in the livingroom watching T.V. after fake being too sick to go to school.

"So lame."

Asuka though miserably to herself as she rolled over on the couch, aiming the remote at the T.V.

"Sick my ass, I have the whole place to myself."

Asuka smiled mencingly as she clicked though the channels on the big screen T.V. Asuka surfed mindlessly through the selection as her attention stopped at a porn channel.

"Went did Misato get this channel?"

The young red head watched captured by the action of the potent content of the strange sexual bondage video. She had watched a few videos she had stole out of Shinji' room, but none of them were this hardcore or dark. The video showed a tall, dark haired, leather-clad girl, whipping a short naked red head furiously with a short kain like whip. The woman in control was laughing spiteful at the tied and gagged girl, squirming desperately on bed. Asuka felt her female warmth persist slowly out from between her sexy legs with each lash the cute girl took. Asuka's white flesh bursted into goosebumps as she unconsciously slid her right hand into her pants.

"Mmmm, Asuka, you naughty girl." Asuka told herself viciously as she felt the dampness on the front of her panties as she pinched her clit deliriously through them. The red head watched the leather lady as she kneed down and licked the tied girl's dripping clit.

"Moan you dirty little whore!" Ordered the woman as the girl moaned loudly around her pink ball-gag, slowly struggled around in the cuffs. Asuka's enjoyment and touching of herself increased ten fold as she laid back into the soft leather couch, which formed around her small luscious body.

Asuka's fingers from her right slid under her panty line and into her sweet cunt as it burned to be engaged. She quickly unbuttoned her tight shorts with her left, making a much-needed adjustment. Her hand sent the the shorts silently to her smooth ankles, trapping her legs as she sat them up on the coffee table.

"My body, it's so hot." Asuka closed her eyes as flashes of sex and strangely Misato flowed though her thoughts.

"Ohhhh Misato." Asuka felt an enormous sexual energy generate inside her as she dipped her other hand hand into her panties which made good acknowledge of her small red mound pubic hair. The blue-eyed girl gently bit her lower lip as she traced the outline of her slit.

"Yes, yes, jus' like that." Asuka's lusty words escaped her lips into the open room.

Under any other circumstances she'd never be doing this, with chance of Rei or Misato catching her, but at this point and time, this didn't even cross her mind.

"No ones home anyway."

She grinned slyly to herself as she glared at the two girls on the sexy exhibit. Asuka's thoughts began to overflowing wildly of Misato whipping her unmercifully. It thrilled her, as her knees circled in the air. Not to far away Misato's door slowly cracked open as her eyes searched the room.

"Why is the T.V. on."

Wondered Misato as she spotted Asuka's long punctual red hair, flowing over the back of the couch, along with her soft moaning.

"I though she was sick."

Misato crept like a tigera slowly up behind the couch without making a sound.

"Wow, it's not very often I get to see the girls KICK back."

The dark haired woman though mischievously at the porn and then to Asuka playing with herself. Even with the video playing away, Asuka was’ in even watching it now, her eyes were closed as she was already lost in her own fantasized world of sex and bondage. Misato shifted quietly around to the front of the couch and next to Asuka's parted legs. The red head's hands were placed neatly under her white cotton panties as Misato didn't have to guess what they were there.

"Ohhh the sweet little thing doesn't even know I'm here."

Misato though slyly to herself as Asuka continued to have her way with herself totally unaware of Misato being right in front of her.

"Mmmm Misato, again please." Asuka moaned softly as Misato just stared at Asuka's pettie body twisting on the couch.

"One more time, I promise I'll be good." Asuka pleaded harshly as she bowed her back, her clit red hot as she toyed with herself in everyway she could think of.

"Do it Misato, fuck her, come on just reach down there and touch her, she wants it, you know it."

A strange lusty voice told her as she forced herself to lean forward and shadow Asuka's face. Misato felt the heat radiating off Asuka's body like a warm front as the girl's angst-filled sexual scent filled her nose.

"When are you going to touch me Misato?" Asuka asked unaware of Misato as her body shuddered.

"Anytime sweetie." Misato whispered softly into Asuka's ear.

"Uhhh... huh!?!?" Asuka snapped out of her forbidden fantasy in a flash as she stared into Misato's grinning face.

"Uh, it's not what you think...Uh... Misato." Asuka yanked her hands from her panties as she could smell her stank rising from her crotch and hands. Asuka's face flushed a deep crimson as she turned it away from Misato, searching the room for answers. Misato smiled brightly at Asuka as she leveled her eyes off at the hot, half-naked red head.

"No need to be hard on yourself, your just venting, everyone does it." Misato explained caringly as she stepped over Asuka's warm thighs and hot crotch, keeping them between her legs. Asuka froze unsure what to do next as she finally met Misato's deep brown eyes.

"Uh, it's uh... just I-I-I don't normally." Asuka studdered as she made a fruitless grab to pull up her shorts. Instantly Misato grabbed and pinned her little wrist to the couch.

"Shhh, no need to explain, I understand." Misato sat on Asuka's lap, she could now breathe in the pleasant aroma coming off Asuka's body as she consciously reached out to cup Asuka's chin.

"You like that don't you?" Misato turned Asuka's face to the girls on T.V. The dark-haired woman's smile turned into a wicked grin as she tightened her grip of the German girl's chin.

"Tell me you love it!" Misato pulled Asuka's face towards the T.V.

"Tell me!" Demanded Misato as she grabbed a hand full of Asuka's long red hair as well.

"I-I-I love it?!?" Asuka cried feebly as she was clearly getting scared of Misato's attitude.

"Now tell me you want it." Asuka stared at the screen, fully confused and a little turned on.

"I w-want it?" Asuka studdered again unsurely as she though she'd answered wrong.

"TELL ME YOU WANT IT!!!" Misato yelled as she back-handed Asuka across the face. Asuka's head snapped to the floor, her eyes watered insistently as her face burned from the hit. Asuka finally cracked as her body shook violently.

"I WANT IT!!!" Asuka yelled deliriously as she lifted her tear-filled eyes, full of fear and excitement.

"You've been a bad girl, go to my room." Misato ordered sharply as she picked herself up with Asuka's hair in her hand. Asuka wanted to cry, but still showed her obedience as she stepped out of her pants and headed down the hall. The red head's mind screamed why as she walked to Misato's room, staring at the floor. Misato followed right behind the half-naked girl into her room, hair still in hand as she slammed her door and locked it.

"Now take off your cloths and get on my bed." Misato directed swiftly as Asuka stared blankly at the woman's request.

"Misato, I-I-I don't know about this." Asuka pleaded to Misato with her hands crossed over her small, pert chest.

"Oh Asuka, don't be silly." The dark-haired woman walked toward Asuka, backing her towards her bed.

"Here, let me help you." Misato dropped to a catcher’s position and gripped the top of Asuka's panties and yanked them to the floor.

"Now you listen to me and be a good girl, you’re a good girl aren't you?" The brown-eyed woman looked back up into Asuka's innocent little blue eyes and smirked.

"I guess." Asuka wondered, trembling light. It didn't matter now, her body burned for Misato's touch. Misato traced her hands up Asuka's inner thigh, causing her to crack a smile

"Good girl." Misato's nose hovered infront of Asuka's semi wet pussy, the scent of the young girl's wet cunt intoxicated her.

"Mmmm Asuka, you smell so delicious." Misato inhaled Asuka's sweet scent deeply as it rolled off her body. Misato extended her wet tongue out to Asuka's right inner thigh, goosebumps broke out over Asuka's body as Misato's taste buds connected and continued up pass the girl's small red mound to her bellybutton and pulled back.

"Ohhh...and tastes good too." Misato smacked her lips sensuously as Asuka let out a little giggle and stepped out of her panties. Misato stood up face to face with her little soon-to-be play toy and smiled.

"Lay down cutie." Misato extended her arm to Asuka's chest as the red head gently bounced back on the bed.

"What are you going to do?" Asuka asked as she settled back on the bed.

"We're going to play a little game." Misato said frankly.

"Uh...what kind of g-g-game?" Asuka's worried tone surfaced again.
"A fun one." Misato pushed Asuka's hands down on the bed and sprung on top of her.

"I don't know Misato." Asuka groaned carefully as she tried to struggle up from Misato's grip.

"Shhhh." Misato smiled as she pulled leather cuffs from the top of her bed posts and locked around Asuka's hands, then ankles, anchoring her the bed.

"Uhhhh, Misato, no, please..." Asuka begged feebly as she tried pulling up on the soft, but soild cuffs.

"Oh, but yes my sweet little nazi whore." Misato stared evily into Asuka's teary eyes.

"Please Misato, I've changed my mind, now just let me go please!" Asuka whinned meekly as she continued to test the tension of the cuffs.

"Mmmm, that’s right Asuka beg me, beg me more." Misato ran her hands over her body and started touching herself.

"Now you hold still, I'll be right back" Misato sneered, walking off to her bathroom. A few minutes passed until Misato re-entered the room dressed in a full leather domatrix outfit.

"I have'nt wore this thing in a long time" Misato continued to feel herself up as she walked towards the blue-eyed girl.

"You won't be needing this." Misato reached under Asuka's back and unsnapped her strapless bra. Asuka watched outraged as it slid off her chest and exposing her firm, white tits.

"So sweet and innocent." Misato grinned obsessively as she streamed her fingertips over Asuka's naked body. Asuka squirmed in the cuffs as her touch was like fire. Misato smiled and continued her finger roll as she reached under her bed.

"Now I know you'll like this." Misato untwined a whip and let it drop to the floor.

"B-B-ut Misato I don't Ahhhh!" Before she could finish Misato violently lashed the whip across Asuka's tight thighs. A unconscious shierk spat from Asuka's full red lips, her body remained tense as the burn set in.

"Did you like that?" Misato cupped Asuka's left tit as the red head closed her eyes, groaning.

"Mmmm a little bit." Moaned Asuka, her voice full of lust and want as her body shook on its own.

"Have another sweetie." Misato lashed Asuka's body again, the whip made contact right under her chest, causing Asuka to scream aloud. The red head pulled up on the cuffs painfully as the whip made contact again and again.

"Ahhhhh!" Asuka's body slowly relaxed to the bed as tears fell from her eyes. Misato curled the whip in her hand as she leaned over the bed by Asuka's sweating face.

"Your a dirty little whore, so this is what I'm going to do. First I'm going to make you feel very naughty and If your lucky I might make you feel nice." Misato tortured Asuka's ears with her lusty words as she tasted the girl’s sweat and tears rolling down her face.

"You'd do that for me?" Asuka stretched out for Misato as the cuffs kept her pinned.

"Yep, and now I'm going to make you scream!" Misato reloaded the whip and began lashing, screaming wildly Asuka's body jumped around on the bed as the whip hit her smooth, sweating skin again and again each followed by a vicious cry and meek moan.

"That's right, keep moaning for it you little slut." Misato teased as she worked the whip across Asuka's welted body.

"Please stop mommy." Asuka begged like a little girl as her words echoed in Misato's ears.

"You want me to be you’re... mommy?" Misato looked down at Asuka as the red haired girl just squirmed on the bed with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Let's see what I can do." Misato turned the whip around to the end as she slowly moved it to Asuka's wet cunt. The blue-eyed german could feel the burn all over her slim body as Misato toyed with her slit.

"Please Misato." Asuka's body pushed up off the bed, waiting for Misato to feel inside her.

"I think you've been bad enough." Misato leaned down face-to-face with Asuka and undid the cuffs. Asuka's motionless body dropped to the bed as Misato smiled pleased with herself and tossed the whip to the floor.

"Time to make you feel like a good girl." Misato shifted her body down between blue eyed girl's legs. Asuka moaned feebly as she shook her head. Misato's face hovered above Asuka's little mound of red pubic hair as the lovely scent of Asuka's hot, wet slit excited Misato's nose once more.

The dark haired woman dove tongue first into Asuka's glistening slit. as Asuka's pussy nearly exploded. The older woman's taste buds pushed deeply into the girl's dripping hole. Asuka pulled her knee's up silently and spread her thighs as Misato licked and explored every inch of red head's pulsing gap.

"More, Mmmm, more." Asuka moaned lustfully, her body convulsing on the silk sheets as Misato lifted her head up.

"It only get's better." Misato's head went back to work as her hand tracked up to Asuka's tits and sqeezed away. The sexual shock pushed Asuka into overdrive as Asuka crossed her hands and legs over Misato's hands and face.

"Don't stop, please don't stop!" Misato licked away, reaching the girl's breaking point as she was on the edge of a huge orgasm.

"Uh-uh-uh Misato I'm going to..." Asuka unleashed her teen cream into Misato's mouth as she moaned quietly and she pasted out from exhaustion. Misato lapped the last few trickles from Asuka's love flower as she looked down at Asuka's limp body.

"So sweet." Misato cupped the girl's cheek, licked it, then stood up. Misato heard the front door open and close as a voice called out.

"Asuka? Misato? I'm home." It was Rei back from school.

A evil smile cracked Misato's face.

"Looks like round two..."

[End notes:

R&R for me for more pairing and ideas




Chapter 6

Title: Theater thrill

[Author's notes:

Rei gets a little bored on friday night


Rei walked alone down the semi-empty streets of Tokyo-3.

“Another boring Friday night, with no one to hang out with but myself.”

She had done nothing for the last six months with no one but herself and frankly she was getting quite tired of it. Suddenly she looked up to a flashing board ahead.

“A movie? I guess I have nothing better to do.”

The blue-haired quickly bought her ticket with no line in front of her and strolled into the well-lit movie theater. Looking around she found a seat in the fifth row that was empty as the rest of the theater to say. Rei waited impatiently for the movie to start as her legs began to shake. It was already midnight and she was obviously making it known to the few that came in she was in a foul mood.

“I don't even remember what movie I'm watching, God I hate my life.”

Sighing deeply, she leaned back in the most uncomfortable seat in the world as the lights finally dimmed down. A flashing spear of light hit the massive screen in front of her as she still tried to get comfortable. The hazy light lit a dim figure strolling down the aisle and stepped into Rei’s row. A young girl about her age seated herself two seats from Rei, further annoying the already unhappy girl.

"Couldn't find your boyfriend or something?"

The theater was nearly empty now and there was no reason why this girl had to sit two seats away. The pre-movie advertisements for popcorn and candy boomed to life as Rei glanced at the newcomer out of the corner of her eye.

Rei's neighbor was a sexy, red head with long bangs that flanked her slim, creamy face as her blue eyes flashed merrily in the illumination from the movie screen. The girl wore a nearly see-through blouse and long black skirt. It was even stranger to Rei that even in the dim light she could see that this girl had no bra on. She really appeared to be ready for a night of clubbing and dancing rather than a late night at the movies alone.

“What a weird girl.”

The film started and Rei turned her attention back to the screen. Almost immediately, the other girl propped her feet up on the seat in the row in front of her. For the next ten minutes, both girls were absorbed by the intense car chase unfolding before them. Soon after, to Rei’s dislike the movie turned to an impressively provocative sex scene.

“These scenes are always so damn cheesy.”
About two minutes later, the lithe red head's eyes seem streamline on the screen as Rei glanced at her neighbor again. The movie was quickly forgotten as Rei realized with a shock what the other girl was doing.

The girl's feet still rested on the corners of the seat before her, but now her skirt was pulled up around her waist. Beneath the skirt, she was obviously wearing nothing to Rei’s surprise and with one hand the red-haired girl was stroking the inside of her thighs lightly, while the other was busy between her legs, slowly massaging herself in a circular motion.

Rei sat silently, transfixed by the sight of the masturbating girl only a couple seats. The sex scene on the screen soon changed, but Rei's neighbor continued touching herself.

“Is anyone else even seeing this?”

Rei turned around quickly, her blue bangs twisting, as her red eyes scanned the theater. No one else seemed to notice what was going on in Rei's row and she knew that the theater workers very rarely checked out the screening rooms while a movie was playing. Breathing quickly, Rei turned her attention back to the action two seats down.

The other girl looked up suddenly as she locked her gaze on Rei and smiled. With the slyest of motions the tip of her tongue slipped out of her mouth and licked across her upper lip in a slow, provocative gesture. Her fingers continued their work, flickering steadily between her legs as Rei found that she couldn't break the girl's gaze. Unconsciously or without warning, her hand began caressing her own nipple through the fabric of her blue sweater and bra. The redhead’s smile grew wider as her tongue continued to cruise her lips.

Without even an invitation, Rei's red headed neighbor slid from her seat and crossed the short distance between the two of them on her hands and knees. Rei's eyes grew wide with hesitation as her new “friend” pushed Rei's knees apart and softly kissed the milky skin on the inside of her firm, white thighs. A jolt of sexual shock shot through the red-eyed girl's body, causing her nipples to stiffen instantly as a hot current of lust washed over her skin. Her anonymous lover recognized the response swiftly and trailed her tongue all the way up and under the leg of Rei's tight cutoffs jeans.

“T-This is’in happening? Is it?”

The movie was totally forgotten now by both girls, as was any concern that someone else might see them. Rei fumbled with the buttons on her shorts, and releasing them faster than she'd thought possible. Rei kept her legs together as the kneeling girl ripped the cutoffs away, pulling Rei's panties with them.


Leaning back in her seat, Rei threw her legs over the back of the chair in front her as the red-haired girl's face immediately smothered itself in Rei's surprising dripping cunt. She began licking and sucking at the blue-haired girl’s engorged lower lips, while her index finger petted Rei's hardening clit repeatedly.

“Ohhhh my god, oh my god.”

Sliding her hand beneath her sweater, Rei rolled and pinched her erect nipples between her own fingertips in a clear case of uncontrollable bliss. The screen was exploding with blasting sounds and flashing lights as the movie turned into a raging gunfight, but Rei didn't notice or care for that matter and she was pretty sure her new friend didn’t either. The anonymous girl's skirt bunched up around her waist once more and Rei could see the smooth skin of the girl's ass. A skilled set of fingers opened the gates of Rei's pursed cunt lips and the strange girl’s warm tongue quickly began stabbing inside her gap.

Rei bit her lip, trying vainly to keep from moaning as her heartbeat got faster and nearly skipped a beat when the red-haired girl's tongue slipped down to probe lightly at her tight puckered asshole.

Rei started panting then, but lucky enough the sound was hardly audible above the thunderous sound of the movie. The kneeling girl returned her mouth to Rei's clit again and began stroking her slick asshole with one fingertip.

“She not going to...”

A second later, Rei gasped aloud as a long finger slid smoothly into her rectum at the same time as the girl's soft lips encircled her clit and sucked hard. Rei climaxed immediately, covering her lover's face with her sticky teen-hood juice of an almost unreal orgasm. The other girl continued licking and sucking as she slowly pumping Rei's taut ass with one finger. After a few minutes Rei’s convulsions ceased as the other girl slid up into Rei's embrace.

"I'm Asuka" She whispered hotly, tracing her tongue around the inside of Rei's ear.

“Rei.” Smiled the blue-haired girl, and as the movie continued playing, Rei led Asuka from the theater with something better in mind.

“Still, that was the best movie ever, whatever it was.”

Chapter 7

Title: Just tell me

[Author's notes: A little songfic I wrote awhile back ]

“You've been waiting so long
I'm here to answer your call
I know that I shouldn't have had you waiting at all
I've been so busy, but I've been thinking about what I wanna do with you”

Through the 56 level of Nerv headquarters, a blue haired girl walked silently through the empty hall glancing left to right as she stopped in front of a storeroom door marked B-3. Rei knocked quietly as she let herself into the darkness of the room and closed the door.

”I know them other girls, they been talking bout the way I do what I do
She heard I was good, she wants to see if it's true
She knows she the one I wanna give it to
I can see you want me too
now, it's me and you”

"Hello, Asuka?" Rei whispered to the darkness as something shifted in the room. Rei's body chilled as a light breathe soothed her neck.

“It's me and you, now
I've been waiting (Waiting)
Think I wanna make that move, now
Baby, tell me if you like it (Tell me if you like it)
It's me and you, now
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now
Baby, tell me if you like it”

"Your late first child." Asuka mocked slyly as she ran her nose up the back of Rei's slender neck. Rei shuddered as she turned and hit the light on her watch. A light blue haze lit Asuka's face with a seductive glare as she lit her own watch, her orange light colored Rei's face in perfect beauty.

“I was waiting for you to tell me you were ready
I know what to do, if only you would let me
As long as you're cool with it, I'll treat you right
Here is where you wanna be”

"You look unbelievable Rei." Asuka moaned hotly as she turned her light out and moved closer to Rei. The red-eyed girl watched Asuka glide her way across the path she had lit for her. Rei blushed to the side as she lost track of Asuka's piercing stare.

”I know them other girls, they been talking bout the way I do what I do
She heard I was good, she wants to see if it's true
She knows she the one I wanna give it to
I can see you want me too
And now, it's me and you”

"I like it when you say nice things to me Asuka." Rei whispered softly as she looked up in to Asuka’s blue eyes glittering in the soft blue light. Asuka smiled sweetly as she held Rei’s face in the palms of her hands and kissed her. Rei held her light on as she trembled under Asuka's lust. After a few passionate moments of kissing and tasting the copper haired queen broke off and leaned back.

“It’s me and you now (Baby, it's me and you)
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now (Thinking bout making that move)
Baby, tell me if you like it (Tell me if you like it)
It's me and you, now (Uh-huh)
I've been waiting (Hey)
Think I wanna make that move, now (Wanna make a move)
Baby, tell me how you like it (Yea)”

"You like that don't you first child?" Asuka teased as she gripped Rei's small mounds. Rei moaned her answer as her hand slid off her watch and landed both girls in complete darkness. Rei's thoughts turned physical as she felt the creamy wetness stir between her legs. Both of the girl’s hands caressed each other’s tight bodies as their tongues explored the other’s warm, wet mouth

"Touch me Asuka please.”

“Make me feel.”

“For I have no one..."

”Baby, I'll love you all the way down
Get cha right where you like it, I promise you'll like it (I swear)
Just relax and let me make that move (It's our secret thang)
Keep it between me and you”

"Are you all wet down here Rei-Rei?" Asuka whispered sweetly as one of her hands slid under the waistband of her schoolmate’s skirt, to her white panties. Rei's breathing became heavier as Asuka started to play with her moistening bud through her white cotton panties.

Asuka mind raced with desire as she continued to caress Rei's hot, perfect body with only the darkness and shadows to keep their secret. Asuka kept Rei in check single-handily as Rei leaned against the wall with the fiery red head’s hand in her pants.

"Tell me you want it Rei.”

"Tell me you love me.”

“For I have no one..."

”It's me and you, now (Oh Yea-a)
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now (Move now)
Baby, tell me if you like (Tell me if you like it)
It's me and you, now (Yea)
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now (Gonna make a move now)
Baby, tell me how you like it
It's me and you”

”Asuka, I’m going to…” Rei was at her limit as she gripped Asuka’s arms and hiked up her left leg. Asuka pinned herself against Rei as she wrapped up the blue haired girl’s leg and rubbed her hand harder into Rei’s crotch. Rei’s body tightened for a moment then went limp in Asuka’s arms as she rested her head and the blue-eyed girls shoulder.

”It's me and you, now (Oh Yea-aa)
I've been waiting
Think I wanna make that move, now (Move now)
Baby, tell me if you like it (Tell me if you like it)
It's me and you, now (Yea)
I've been waiting…”

Chapter 8

Title: Bittersweet blackmail

[Author's notes:

This is to a great friend of mine.

This ones for you neonrevelations ;->



“I hate this fucking place!!!” Asuka screamed insanely in her underwear as she threw cloths and other random objects around her room with total disregard. Anger fueled her frustration as she reflected on her sync scores, she’d scored the lowest for the third day in a row, and Rei and Shinji scored even higher then the day before!

“Stupid Shinji, stupid Rei!” Asuka threw herself onto her bed violently and buried her face into her pillow.

“I wish I never came here.” The red head yelled as she struck her bed with balled fists. Her anger simmered viciously as cold dread settled in her stomach. She tried to fight off her most hated emotions as they started to bear down on her

Fear, sadness, self-doubt gripped her like a cold hand as she wanted to cry so bad it hurt and she hated that more then anything. Her blue eyes started to well up as a light knock rapped on her door.

“Asuka? May I come in?” Misato Katsuragi asked sweetly as she peeked into Asuka’s room.

“Leave me alone!” Asuka yelled at the door as she buried her face back into her pillow. Misato ignored the girl's request modestly as she walked in and sat down on the crying girl's bed. Misato reached down to touch the girl as she jerked away from her.

“Asuka, tell me what’s wrong.” Misato asked motheringly as Asuka finally turned her wet face to Misato.

“Oh Asuka…” The purple haired woman groaned softly as the crying and half-naked girl threw herself into her warm embraced.

“Nobody even cares I’m alive.” Asuka sobbed loudly as she planted her face into Misato’s chest. Misato sighed lowly as she began to hush her quietly. The red head’s tears soaked thought her shirt as her body trembled. Asuka moaned slowly as Misato’s cool fingers brushed soothingly against her hot, bare skin.

“Asuka, people do care about you, I care about you.” Misato lifted Asuka’s chin, smiling warmly as she looked deeply into the young girl's watery blue eyes. Misato fought back her own tears at the sight of the normally angry, agitated girl had been reduced a bawling baby.

“They say they do, they talk to me, smile at me, congratulate me, but I want something more…” Asuka closed her eyes and lifted herself so quickly Misato never had a chance to react. Asuka pressed her soft red lips to Misato's as the older woman froze. Misato trembled lightly as the german girl’s hands started to rise in a loving gesture to cup her face. Katsuragi hands gripped Asuka’s naked shoulders and broke off the kiss before Asuka could explore her innocent kiss into something more.

“Asuka… you have to stop, you don’t know what you’re doing.” Misato assured calmly as she slowly pushed the red head away.

“I want something more then smiles and thanks, I want someone to touch me, to feel me, to be inside me.” Asuka whispered hotly, closing her eyes, as she crossed her hands over her chest.

“Be sensible Asuka, you’re still young and...” Misato tone remained anticlimactic as Asuka cut her off abruptly.

“I masturbate 7 to 8 times a day, my body craves the attention so badly and I just can’t control myself, at school, at NERV, here, even in my Eva.” Misato listened in shock and surprise at Asuka’s dirty little secret as a desperate desire began to grow in her words.

“It’s not just only touching either…” Asuka’s face flushed a dark crimson. “…Sometimes I go though Rei’s locker and smell her cloths, her plug-suit, even her underwear when I do it. I put your panties on and do it in them all th time, that’s why I always do the laundry, I‘m so scare of getting caught that it’s like a high I can‘t explain.” Asuka confessed, turning away from Misato, unable to look at the Major anymore.

“The worst part is at times I wish Kaji would just take advantage of me, or Shinji or Rei even you…” Sexual excitement spread thought Asuka’s body as she started squeezing herself through her tight orange panties.

“…and the only reason I even show up on time for my 3 week physical is so Ritsuko can touch me.” Pity started to grow in Misato’s stomach for the sexually oppressed girl that it hurt, she knew how it felt; wanting someone to make love to you so bad it twisted your whole attitude toward others, basically just being a bitch in heat with PMS.

“Bitte Misato, bitte…” Asuka slowly slid her bra straps down as she turned back to Misato unveiling her small, but firm mounds.

“Make love to me, I’ll do anything you say.” Asuka pleaded wantonly as she got to her hands and knees and crawled to Misato, staring up at her. The violet+eyed woman stood up, and step away from what the girl wanted, it was morally wrong, yes, but in some way felt so right it was disturbing. Sex had a soothing element for Misato; stress, anger, depression seem to melt away in seconds after a great orgasm with a sense of sublime and bliss to follow. Asuka could see the confused look in Misato's eyes as she darted the floor and went after Misato.


“…she’s jus’ a girl”

Misato’s legs felt like rubber as Asuka’s small hand’s came up to her feet, then shins and thighs until they gripped the waist of her pants. The older woman’s own sex began to grow hot between her legs as Asuka’s fingers grazed her firm stomach in a slow rhythm.

“What if I got caught? What if she told someone? But what if this helps her? Will she become more emotionally stable if I do this?”

Misato pushed the negative thoughts from her head as the positive aspect of doing good and her own sexual angst took over. The violet hair woman lifted the red head to her feet with trembling hands as she looked straight into red head's eyes.

“Asuka… if I do this for you, you can’t tell anyone, and I mean no one, I can get into a lot of trouble, I could lose my rank or be thrown in jail.” Misato’s word were soft but stern, she could lose everything with a simple toss in the sack with this young girl.

“Not a word.” Asuka smiled gladly as she zipped her lips.

“Ok, jus’ this one time, I don’t need another love slave hanging on me every second of the day, I already got one of them.” Misato moaned somberly as Kaji’s smiling unshaven face appeared in her mind. Asuka nodded rapidly as she grabbed the woman’s hand and pull her.

“What I’m doing? This is insane!”

Misato followed willingly behind Asuka as they headed for her room where the forbidden event was to be performed. Just before the two walked through the doorway something moved in Misato’s peripheral vision in the living room. The major jerked her head to find nothing out of the ordinary as she continued on.

“I could have sworn…”

Misato didn’t even get to finish her though as she was pulled into her bedroom. Misato returned her attention to Asuka who spun around and jumped into her arms and started kissing her wildly.

“Wow, I wish she’d devote this much energy to being a pilot.”

“Asuka, get off me.” Misato groaned with disinterest as she refused to kiss the red head back.

“But, I thought this is how you?” Asuka leaned back in Misato’s arms as she searched Misato’s face for the answer.

“Anything I say, remember?” Misato reminded the young girl. Asuka remembered, nodded and climbed down.

“You’ve watched too many movies or porn, kissing is an art, their supposed to be sweet, with a sensual feel to it.” Misato’s hand cupped Asuka’s face as her words followed her lips to Asuka’s. The German girl shuttered in place as Misato slowly pushed her wet tongue into her warm mouth with the greatest of ease. After a few minutes of tongue twisting bliss, Misato leaned back with a smile.

“That’s an adult kiss.” Asuka felt dizzy, she had just experienced her first French kiss and loved it. The heat turned to fire as wanting to jump Misato’s bones was becoming harder and harder with each passing second.

“She has that hungry look in her eyes…”

Misato couldn’t believe what she was thinking, but it had always been there, deep inside her…

“…the want to control.”

She didn’t make the rank of Major by letting others boss her around; she stood up to and stepped on anyone who got in her way. Fool-hearted pride had been her sin of choice, doing whatever she wanted while throwing caution to the wind.

“Asuka, undress me.” Misato asked sweetly as she knew Asuka would do anything on her slightest whim. Asuka began to strip Misato impatiently as she wanted nothing more then to see Misato’s full-figure before her. The violet-eyed woman watched with amusement as Asuka pulled her pants down then reached up and gripped her panties. The red haired girl's eyes met Misato’s, causing her to blush as she pulled down the black lace undergarment. Asuka looked up and directly at Misato’s perfectly, clean-shaven cunt.

“Your kitty is so pretty.” Asuka purred lusciously as she started petting the top of Misato’s clit-hood gently, sending shockwaves through Misato's body. The older woman trembled in surprise as Asuka touched her like an expert.

“Where did she learn…?”

Misato shook her head as she became side-tracked by her lust again. Asuka stood as her hand cupped Misato’s womanhood and drummed her finger in her sticky wetness. Misato’s want for Asuka was to a point of rape as the young girl continued to work her sex in her small hand.

“Please lay down Asuka.” Misato whispered sharply, gripping the girl’s wrist as she moved her back to the bed. Asuka’s hand slipped off Misato’s soaking love hole as she fell back onto the Major’s bed, glaring at her new lover with voyeuristic intent. Misato stepped over to her dresser and opened the top draw. Asuka rolled onto her stomach, kicking her feet childishly in the air as she watched Misato slid a smooth, white, 6-inch strap-on into place. Misato latched the straps tightly on her shapely hips and turned to the young girl.

“Are you sure you want this Asuka?” Misato asked honestly. Asuka nodded her head as she lifted herself up and sat back between her legs, waiting. Misato moved in front of the girl as she waited to see what the red head would do. Asuka smiled like she’d done this before as she grabbed the fake cock and pulled it into her open mouth. Misato watched in fascination as the young girl pumped her tight mouth over the dildo at a paced speed.

“She’s seen this before or done it…”

Even though the strap-on was’in connected to Misato physical, it didn’t stop the yearning inside her as she pulled her artificial member from Asuka’s mouth.

“That’s good, now lay back.” Misato assured as she could see the saliva trail from Asuka’s mouth to her plastic pecker. The red head laid back as she spread her knees, allowing full access to her most private part. Misato could see the darken patch of wetness that had soaked through the blue-eyed girl’s panties.

“She’s already to go; she didn’t even need to suck me off.”

Asuka blushed innocently; she knew what Misato was looking at and that made her even wetter as she bit her finger softly.

“Let’s get these things out of the way.” Misato smiled lightly as gripped Asuka’s panties. The red head extended her legs upward and in one swift motion they were off without any resistance. Asuka’s sweet scent drifted up leisurely as Misato inhaled it deeply.

“Du riechst so gut.” Misato spoke with a slight German tone, giggling lightly Asuka's cheeks went from pink to red. Misato decided to cut the fore-play as she lower herself on top of blue-eyed girl, planting her hands on both sides of Asuka’s head as she looked down at the anxious girl.

“This may hurt a bit, so please tell me to stop if it hurts too much, ok?” The major warned softly as she shifted her hips placing the dildo into position. Asuka nodded her head with a brave but spooked look on her face and with a little push the tip of the dildo pierced Asuka’s pink, virgin petals for the first time.

"Owww." Asuka grunted harshly as she squeezed her eyes shut. Misato carefully reloaded her hips as she pushed a little deeper. Asuka yelped aloud as tears started to form at the corner of her closed eyes. Misato’s heart thudded painfully in her chest as she pulled out.

“Asuka, please don’t make me hurt you.” Misato begged weakly as she started to really consider her actions. Asuka shook her head as she wrapped her arms around Misato’s back and pulled her friend deep into her. Asuka screamed meekly as the dildo went the full-length inside her, ripping her hymen. After a few painful moments Asuka was panting pleasingly as she whispered into Misato’s ear.

“Rei was right, it only hurts a little.” Asuka admitted happily, turning her head to the door as she slowly started to buck her hips on Misato‘s stiff member.

“Rei…? Oh no!”

Misato knew what Asuka was looking at before even thinking it. The movement early was Rei sneaking around. Misato turned her eyes up to the door as Asuka continued to penetrate herself.

“Hello, Miss Misato.” The silent girl stood half-naked in the middle of the doorway her short blue hair matched her panties and bra as her crimson red eyes stared in wonder at the awkward position the two girls where in.

“You two…” Misato looked down at Asuka and then back to Rei.

“… Set me up?” Misato was completely shocked as she tried to pull away from Asuka.

“Ah, ah, aah.” Asuka’s arms and legs gripped Misato tightly as she kept the sex-toy inside her. Rei grinned sharply as she moved closer, leaned in, and whispered into Misato’s ear.

“It was’ in that hard, we knew you’d fall for Asuka's story.” Rei twisted her finger in Misato’s hair as she tongued the woman’s ear

“Your maternal instinct to mother an angry girl is just something all woman your age want.” Rei’s words seem strange with a sense of truth to them. Asuka moaned whorishly as she struck herself harder in the violet haired woman’s crotch.

“Asuka gets mad, you play mommy, and the rest was easy, now jus' do what we tell you and no one will find out you like to have sex with young girls.'' Misato shook with anger at being tricked by the two girls as the rage erupted inside her.

“Get, off, ME!” Misato squeezed a hand between her chin and Asuka’s head to the girl's throat and squeezed. Misato closed off her air supply as Asuka gagged for air and let go. The red head dropped to the bed rubbing her throat as Misato got to her feet swiftly in front of Rei.

“Get on the bed.” Misato ordered coldly as Rei’s lower lip trembled. Rei froze, turned and jetted for the door in a last ditch attempt. Misato snatched Rei by her hair in a hurry and yanked the girl back to her bed, sending her crashing into Asuka.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re fucking with, but this is where it stops.'' Misato carefree tone was replaced with vemon as she glared at the two pilots.

“How dare you try something so stupid, blackmailing your superior officer, you think this is the first time someones tried this?” Misato questioned in disbelieve as her hands met her hips. Both girls gripped each other as they looked to her with total shock and surprise. This was not what they had expected; they had grossly underestimated the Major, taking her kindness for a weakness was the biggest mistake they could of made.

“I guess I jus’ need to teach you girls a little respect.” Misato wondered pugnaciously as she walked to her door and locked it.

“W-what are you going to d-do?” Asuka asked worriedly as her naked form gripped Rei tightly.

“I don’t know, but I think I’ll come up with something really fast.” Misato assured maliciously as she stepped over to her bedside table and opened the drawer. Misato smiled affectionately as she pulled her 9mm and cocked it.

“Please don’t kill US!!!” Asuka screamed as she buried her face into Rei’s chest. Rei squeezed her eye’s shut as she gripped Asuka. ''Why not? Your the only two who know about this.'' Misato snickered as she reached back into the draw and retrieved two pairs of fluffy handcuffs and tossed them on the bed.

“I’m not going to kill you, now handcuff yourselves and stop crying.” Misato’s weapon emphasized her request as the barrel fell in line with the two girl's head. The two locked their wrists quickly as they waited for their next order.

“Good, I’m glad to see your more obedient when your threaten, now where do I begin?”

[End notes:

R&R for more



Chapter 9

Title: New Pilots

[Author's notes: These girls may show up in a few of my stories down the line.]

“They’ll be here tomorrow Misato, so don’t forget to pick them up." Ritsuko mentioned demandingly as she watched the captain from her computer. Misato smiled lopsidedly as she sipped her drink and hit her cigarette.

“Don’t worry Rissy I’ll get them…” Misato teased with a striking pose as smoke crept up from her mouth.

You're not bored with Asuka and Rei already are you, Ritsuko Dear?" Misato sneered.

“We don’t know how many angels there are and after what happen to Shinji after his... breakdown, we need to assemble the other Evangelion pilots quickly.” It had almost been a complete disaster with the first angel attack after Shinji’s total mental breakdown left him in a coma. The girls managed to destroy the angel but at a heavy cost. Rei was laid up for a week and Asuka’s Eva was almost destroyed in the process.

“So, who’s coming to join our little Nerv family?" Misato asked carelessly as she rounded Ritsuko and stared at the computer screen as the pilot’s names, pictures, and backgrounds scrolled down.

“Elly and Zoe Timbers, England. The sixth child, pilot of unit 7."

“The Sixth child?”

Misato though as she only saw one picture.
Liverpool, England

“Miss Downingtown?" A brown uniformed British woman asked patiently as she waited outside of one of Britain’s most secure and guarded zones anywhere in the whole Island of the U.K.

"Please come in." A voice replied sweetly as a young girl stirred softly. The woman outside opened the door and walked in swiftly.

“Are you ready?” The ranking officer took two steps as Elly looked into the mirror, fixing her hair.

“Miss Dawson." Elly knew instinctively as the tall woman’s hazel eyes look over at the skinny, white haired girl.

“Elly…, you can‘t stay locked up in your room, this order is from the top, you have to go!” Major Dawson’s crisp English tone was as strict and stern as any male in the British military and she had taught Elly everything, from piloting her Eva in the stimulators to her sync tests that were improving at a staggering rate, but she was always there.

She was the best the English branch of NERV had to offer.

“They don’t need us, and there are plenty of others you can send!” Elly protested firmly as she stomped her foot still fixing her hair.

“Why us?”

A voice murmured inside Elly's head.

“I don’t want to leave, I want to stay here.” Elly’s own pride sparked as she wanted to stay in the U.K. and... She didn’t want to leave either.

“They can't make US!”

The voice got louder in Elly's mind. They wanted to protect their own country, the Island, not to go fight foolishly off in Tokyo-3. They didn’t care about NERV HQ; she had the 8th branch to guard and now her own country was making her leave. Elly turned slowly in her chair as her face twisted spitefully.

"This is'in a game Elly." Dawson moved closer as she could sense Zoe getting ready to take over.

"Ya'll can fuckin' burn! FUCKIN' ROTTEN CUNT!!!” Zoe screamed as she threw her comb at the major. At this, Dawson dodged the comb and for the first time raised her hand to Elly. Zoe was on her feet in a second as she gripped the Major’s wrist tightly and she shook her head.

“Damn you Zoe!!!” Elly stood unblinking or flinching as a smile crept up the young girl’s face.

Dawson knew all about Elly…

And Zoe’s...

Split personalizes, it was something most people couldn’t understand or put up with. How could this girl even control an Eva went she could barely control herself?

“Cheeky you, going to hit me are ya?” Zoe's dirty scouse kept her smiling as she started mouthing off again.

“I-I-I wasn’t” Dawson stuttered as she knew that this girl was also...

“Hitting the blind must take some real fuckin’ nerve to pull off huh Major?” Elly and Zoe were blind too, but there other senses we’re 10 times sharper than normal people, and that how they were able to control their EVA. Their split minds and energy waves gave them a special sight in there EVA that was specially design for them and them only.

"Ya' 'ear us, we don't want to go!" Zoe snapped viciously, she would do or say any to protect Elly. Elly always let Zoe take over in stressful times of anger or depression and she loved every second of it

"Get your things ready you two! And have box up what you don‘t want. You’re going to Tokyo-3 kicking and screaming for all I care and that’s final!!!" Dawson yelled without reason as Elly held her milky blind glance at the major’s strict tone. The woman turned on a dime and headed back down the hall without another word.

“They hate US!!!”

Elly and Zoe’s eyes watered up to the only person they had admired and respected.

Elly’s body twitched as Zoe smashed the first thing she got her hands on. Then they started crying.



“…Miss Dawson I don't want to leave...”


“Who else do we have?” Misato whispered sweetly as she set her chin on Ritsuko’s shoulder and pouted.

“Josephine Ferguson, the 8th child, pilot of unit 8.”

San Diego, U.S.A.

“Slow down Jo!!!" A girl yelled insanely, tightening her grip on the body in front of her as her “friend” Jo raced her 350-ZX crotch-rocket through the sunny streets of downtown San Diego, smirking wildly.

“Don’t be such a damn cry baby Lena, look, we’re almost there." Jo assured loudly as she bobbed and weaved in and out of traffic as it turned out of there way, honking.

“Pussies! All of them!” The 2nd branch post was just ahead as Jo sped up even more. All of a sudden sirens wailed on behind them.

“Jo! It’s the goddamn cops, slow down." Lena whined feebly as she knew Jo would do no such thing.

“Kiss my ass, you fuckin' PIGS!!!" Jo yelled triumphantly as she flew the bird and split between two taxi cabs without thinking. Jo rounded a corner to the left, and then took a sharp turn down a narrow alley.

“Jesus, JO!!!” Lena squeezed Jo tightly; paper and trash blew around the two girls as the end of the alley came closer.

"Jo, Jo slow down the streets coming up, Jo! JO!!!" Lena screamed wildly as Jo burst back onto the street with total disregard, people on the sidewalk dove out of the way as cars, trucks screeched and honked, causing half a dozen fender benders. Jo laughed brightly as she knew she had just missed getting her and her friend killed at least 10 times.

"Better than any video game, huh Lena?" Jo mocked jokingly as Lena groaned from the crazy ride.

“Why I’m I even friends with this psycho?”

A hidden gate along a strip mall opened as the girls passed through it at over-paced speed.

“See?” Blue lights lit the black tunnel hazily as Jo continued to the underground base entrance. Jo slowed at the guard post as two guards stood watch.

“ID’s?" The guard asked as the other leveled off his rifle. Jo and Lena produced their ID’s as the guard cleared them.

“Thank you ladies." Jo kicked her bike into gear and passed through the gates as she could see down the road that a roadblock had been put up.

“What’s this?" Jo wondered curiously as she slowed down again for more guards.

“What’s going on?" Lena asked the guard as he looked at a picture in his hand.

“Miss Ferguson, you’re going to need to come with us, it’s a matter of important." The guard reported as he moved forward with another guard.

“I’m not going fucking anywhere, it’s my day off!" Jo protested loudly as she shifted up in her seat.

“Please jus’ come with us." One of the guards made a grab for the girl’s forearm as Jo leaped right off the bike, smirking eagerly. She frog-stomped the first guard to the left and punched another in the face.

“Ohhhh Jo." Lena sighed lowly as she shook her head. Jo continued her hand-to-hand combat with the other guards as they encircled her with weapons drawn.

"THAT’S ENOUGH JO!!!" A hard female voice bellowed as Jo looked up to the voice.

"C-Captain Manson?!?" Jo’s voice quivered a little as she came to attention instantly, along with the rest. Captain Robin Mason marched up to the young girl as the woman looked straight-faced and angry as hell. Jo knew the look, she should have smiled and cooperated with the guard’s request, but like always, she had to do things the hard way.

"Stop messing around, Lena go home, and the rest of you, dismissed!" Jo’s Captain gripped her arm tightly as she dragged her off to her awaiting sports car.

"Jo this is very important, you’re going to NERV HQ." Robin announced as they got into the car.

"Japan? Why? They got enough pilots." Jo moaned as she looked out the window. Robin put the car in drive and headed for the main base

"Jo, I’m your friend but I’m also your commanding officer, this is from the top Steele so you’re going and that’s that." Mason commanded her voice as she knew Jo was about to give her a sly remark.

"Or what you’ll spank me? Oh that’s right you did that last night, lover." Jo sneered teasingly as she leaned in closely to Robin, breathing lightly into the woman's ear. Robin shrugged the young girl off as she continued to watch the road.

"So, who’s coming with me?" Jo smiled evilly, dropping back into her seat as she locked her fingers behind her head and closed her eyes.

"No one, they wanted the best so that’s what they get, you’ll be under Yui Ikari command, so do what you're told and try get along with the other pilots." Captain Mason ordered as she looked over at the sporty tomboy, slouching in her seat.

"Piece of cake, when do I leave?" Jo inquired sharply, thinking she had a week or two as she yawned aloud.

"Tonight." Robin said shortly as she caught Jo by surprised and continued driving.


[End notes: This may find its way to a different Evangelion story of mine.]

Chapter 10

Title: Meeting Jo

[Author's notes: The Nerv girls meet Jo]

“I still don’t see why we had to come.” Asuka moaned rancorously in the back of the van next to Hikari.

“I think it’s just polite to introduce yourselves. After all you’ll all be working together with for the time being, so try and get along.” Misato smiled from the drivers seat as Rei looked over at her from the passenger seat. Misato had to pick up the two new pilots and decided to bring the others along. She was now responsible for five pilots, their health, mental conditioning everything, but she knew it was going to be easier said then done.

“Who are they Misato?” Hikari asked as she closed the book she was read and looked to the front.

“Well Elly’s from England and Jo’s from the U.S.” Misato though it better just to tell them their names and not go into details. Like Elly’s split personality disorder Zoe, who was extremely rude and lacked manners of any kind or Jo’s sporadic violence and death wish attitude.

“That’s it?” Asuka asked unsurely as she leaned forward with her hands on the back of Misato and Rei’s seats.

“I don’t even know that much about them so we’ll jus’ have to see when we get there.” Misato assured as Asuka drop back into her seat mumbling under her breath in German as Hikari chuckled next to her.

“What’s so funny?” Asuka grunted as she punched the brown haired girl in the arm.

“Nothing.” Retorted Hikari as she simply open her book again and started reading. They pulled into the harbor entrance about twenty minutes later and parked. The harbor was busy with people loading and unloading everything from small boxes to large steel cargo crates to and from ships as the four girls walked along the water’s edge.

“I could’ve been watching T.V. and eating ice cream right now, but noooo I got to say hello to two more worthless pilots. God I hate my life.” Asuka continued to mope and drag her feet.

“Then why did you wear a dress?” Rei asked shortly as she glanced back at the red-head.

“Because it’s a nice day and I wanted to look prettier then you.” Asuka turned her face up with a huff, walking next to Hikari who still had the book open in her hand.

“Or maybe you wanted to look pretty for your new girlfriends?” Hikari snickered as she slowly walked away from Asuka’s grew contempt.

“Jus’ shut up Hikari, no one asked you.” Asuka’s felt the anger boiling as both Rei and Hikari were getting under her skin.

“Cool it you three, this is her up here.” The group turned onto a cement dock next to a large ship docked at it. The on-ramp was just ahead as the girls looked up at the massive ship.

“Jesus you never think how big these things are until your up close to one.” Misato stared in awe as she took in the full size of the ship. The group was coming to the back of the ship as a voice screamed from the top deck.

“Hey!!! You Captain Katsuragi?” The group looked up to a girl standing dangerously on the railing of the ships outer rim.

“Is’in that unsafe?” Rei asked the others as they all nodded and waited for the girl to fall. From the look of her she was a firmly build girl with short cropped black hair, wearing a pair of sunglasses, jean shorts and white shirt.

“Yes, is that you Jo?” Misato replied in a holler.

“Yeah!!! Wait right there I’ll be right down!” The girl yelled back with a smile as she came down from the rail and disappeared from sight.

“She seems nice doesn’t she?” Misato asked the others as they all wore different looks. The girls waited, looking up the on-ramp as Asuka started complaining again.

“What the hell’s taking her so long?” Asuka snapped as she looked around.

“Yaahhhhooooo!!!” Jo screamed as she ran and jumped from the top of the ship.

“What the fuck?!?” Asuka gasped as Hikari and Rei just stared in awe at the girl falling.

“Jesus, That’s like fifty feet up she’ll be killed.” Misato panicked as the girl hit the water and when under.

“Do you think she’s still alive?” Rei said dryly.

“I don’t know? That’s one hell of a drop.” Hikari wondered as she watched where the girl went under.

“Ohhhh, Ritsuko going to fucking kill me.” Misato groaned as she hung her head down. Suddenly a burst of water splashed up in front of the girls, freaking them out.

“Hi’ya anyone want to give me a hand?” It was Jo, smiling brightly as the other just stared in disbelieve of the insane girl and her reckless stunt. Rei and Hikari moved forward and helped Jo out. The black-haired girl thanked them and turned to Misato.

“Specialist first class Josephine D, Ferguson reporting for duty.” The girl saluted and stood at perfect attention.

“You don’t have to salute me Jo, or call me Captain, Misato is just fine.” Misato smiled as the others just glared at the wet girl.

“But you’re a superior officer.” Jo questioned as she still held her salute and pose.

“Fine, at ease, and it’s Misato now, that’s then order.” Misato responded with her own salute as Jo dropped her salute and relaxed. Jo looked strangely at the other as they looked at her like a alien.

“What’s your problem?” Hissed Jo as she threw her wet hair back.

“That was dangerous what you just did, what if you’d gotten killed?” Asuka snapped fiercely as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Well first you’d be pulling my dead body from the water and second I wouldn’t have to stand here staring at the stupid looks on all your faces.” Jo retorted spitefully as she rung out her shirt. At this Asuka and Jo started to argue as Misato closed her eyes and looked to the sky.

“Please God, give me the strength.”

Chapter 11

Title: Meeting Elly

[Author's notes: Jo gets the other wild-up.]

“So how was your trip?” Misato asked Jo as she looked to the damp American girl in the front seat, digging through a dry book-bag.

“Boring, fuckin’ nothing to do but drink in my room and listen to my MP3, alone.” Jo sighed dolefully as she rolled down her window.

“Drink!?! You’re not even old enough!” Asuka’s tongue fired to life in a ranting rage as Jo just stuck her head out the window into the blasting sea-salt air. Misato stirred a little in her seat as she though about her beer in her fridge. Rei and Hikari stared at Asuka then to Jo as the hazel eyed girl pulled her head in.

“Were you saying something Asuka?” Jo smirked lightly as Asuka’s face burned with anger. Asuka hated being ignored more then anything in the world as the black-haired leg started to shake. Hikari giggled quietly as Rei joined her from the back. They had just met but the two acted like childhood friends… or enemies as an all out brawl was just bout to happen.

“So, are we heading home?” Jo looked over at Misato as the major continued to drive, lost in her own world.

“No, we have to pick up the other pilot.” Misato reported tensely as she rubbed the wheel.

“English Elly, right?” Jo rolled her eyes as the three girls caught the look.

“What’s wrong with her?” Hikari asked out of pure curiosity as the others leaned in again.

“Well, besides being blind, she has a split personally disorder, a complete nutcase.” Jo informed callously as Asuka huffed aloud.

“Look who's talking?” Jo threw a look back at the red head, holding the skin under her right eye down with a finger and spat a raspberry.

“I’m ready to take her over you and I haven’t even met her yet.” Asuka announced with scowl as Jo leaned into the back with a leer.

“Listen you little Nazi pig, I’m here now, so deal with it.” The black haired tilted her face, grinning.

“I wouldn’t be caught dead with you, Yankee whore.” Asuka leaned forward as Jo reloaded, ready to fire again, when Misato suddenly slammed on the brakes. Jo held herself in place with the back of the seats as Asuka flew forward and planted her red lips to Jo’s.

Both stared in shock at one other as they parted their lips.

“Knock it off, no more name calling, Jo sit forward and ignore Asuka, she hates that more they anything, Rei, Hikari talk to Jo like a normal girl.” Misato ordered austerely as she looked around the stopped van. The group continued on as the violet haired girl sighed.

“So Jo, what do you for fun in the states?” Hikari asked nicely as her book slid to her side for laters. Jo glared out the window as Asuka closed her eyes, breathing wildly just wanting to scream.

“Anything that gets your heart racing.” The American girl smiled as her mind geared with hundreds of thoughts.

“Racing cars, bikes, anything with wheels and goes fast…” Jo lifted her feet to the dashboard. “… But simple things too like freeze-tag with friends and crap like that.” Jo frowned slightly as she remembered a lot of people dying in tests and accidents; the U.S.A had the highest death rate of all the other countries involved with NERV, about 14 all together had died, even her younger brother and sister.

“Yeah, the states are fun sometimes…” Jo trailed off as the three in the back listened in silence. Even Asuka paid attention as Jo’s tone had change. Misato looked over as the wild girl had calmed down too.

“After we pick up Elly, we’ll grab something to eat huh?” Moans of agreement replied from all the girls as it seem like four daughters getting along or trying to at least. Minutes passed as Jo smiled on the inside.

“Misato, may I ask you a personal question?” Jo looked over at her driver as the girls in the back all paid attention.

“Do you ever feel not so “clean” down their?” Jo motioned with her eyes as Misato blushed.

“I didn’t even answer your first question Jo, and name one girl who hasn’t.” Misato countered quickly as she smiled straight-forward.

“Ok, if you got to know. Before I left as had sex with M.P. chick in her dorm at the base I was staying, we were going all scissor city and when she came she pissed inside me a little bit.” Everyone gasped at once as Asuka covered her mouth, forcing her breakfast back down.

“And on top of that her parents surprised us right in the middle of this and then, your not going to believe this, the girl shit on me!” Asuka’s other hand joined in covering her mouth as she threw-up. Everyone made gross sounds as Asuka turned around and puked again. Jo just started laughing out loud as no one else found it funny.

“Oh shit! I didn’t think that would really work!” Jo wiped the tears of joy from her eyes as the others looked at her in amazement.

“What are you talking about?” Hikari asked vehemently as Rei rubbed Asuka’s back as the red head continued to dry heave.

“That didn’t really happen; I just make up disgusting stuff to freak people out, I just can’t believe it was her who got sick.” Asuka’s blue eyes glared at Jo’s hazel ones as the same smile never left Jo’s face.

“Calm down, we’re here.” Misato pulled into the airport as Rei helped clean Asuka up. The van stank and stopped at the front as everyone darted out.

“Hey! Find, stay, Asuka, Jo!” Misato couldn’t even finish her sentences as the group ran in, leaving their major with the mess and smell.

“Damnit!” The purple haired woman pulled off to find a parking spot as the front door of the airport opened.

“You know who you’re looking for… bye.” Jo took off as Asuka stomped her foot.

“Who does she think is?” The German girl demanded as Hikari slowly followed the wildly American girl.

“And where are you going?” Asuka snarled as Hikari simply opened her book and continued to follow Jo.

“Do you want to keep an eye on her?” Hikari said sharply as she turned away.

“Come on Asuka, let’s find Elly.” Asuka felt at ease as Rei took her hand and lead her off. Jo looked back from time to time as Hikari just walked with her nose in her book. A sneer worked across Jo’s face as she suddenly took off. The brown haired girl didn’t even give chase as she continued to walk.
Jo raced down the wide halls as she saw a bar and hid inside.

“Ohhhh I could murder a drink right now.” Jo sat a booth in the back as a waitress came to her table.

“Vodka and red bull please.” The waitress looked at the young girl as her hand demanded I.D. Jo smiled as she produced her fake I.D. The waitress looked at her and then the I.D. again. Satisfied, the waitress turned to get the requested drink as the black haired girl sat back and closed her eyes.

“What a bunch of fuckin’ stiffs.” Jo groaned heavily to herself as she opened her eyes to find Hikari sitting across from her, still reading.

“Aaarggg, why didn’t you stay with the Nazi and Blue?” Jo grunted as she rubbed her face.

“We have to watch out for one another.” Jo rolled her eyes as her legs started to shake again.

“It’s true, I know Asuka can be a little blunt and rude and selfish and…” Hikari explained as Jo was done listening to this mono-tone girl.

“Where’s my drink?” Jo looked around as she pulled a pack of cigarettes and lit one.

“Anymore bad habits I should know about?” Hikari asked lightly as she watched Jo blow rings into the air. The waitress brought back Jo’s drink and asked if Hikari would like something. Hikari shook her head as the waitress nodded and disappeared.

“Will I’m…” Hikari began as Jo raised her hand.

“Listen Hikari, I drink to get away for my own problems not to take on yours, understand?” The two fell into silence as Hikari simply when back to her book. A few moments passed as Jo asked dolefully.

“What’ca reading?”

“Stephen king’s “gunslinger” why?” Jo perked up a bit as Stephen king was her favorite author.

“I’ve read all his books, he’s a freak and some of his stuff doesn’t make sense, but I still like him.” Jo smiled as Hikari joined her.

On the other side of the airport Rei ignored Asuka as the German continued to bitch about Jo.

“Urrggg, she’s such a bitch! Coming here thinking she owns the place! Who does she think she is?” Asuka grumbled as she walked next to Rei.

“You said that already.” Rei said softly as she scanned around the arrival section, looking for Elly.
Rei’s sharp red eyes found the other fifth pilot with white hair slowly wandering alongside the crowd towards luggage pick-up. The girl wore aviator glasses in a green dress with a white kane, but the girl moved swiftly between people as she didn’t even use the stick. Blind or not this girl must sense on a different level and being slapped with a MPD she had things well in order.

“There.” Rei pointed as Asuka turned and looked.

“Where?” Asuka stipulated as she glanced in the general region.

“White hair, glasses.” Rei tracked her with her finger as Asuka adjusted her eyes.

“She doesn’t look blind to me.” Asuka winced as she looked back at Rei just smiling.

“It’s her, come on Asuka.” Rei took Asuka hand again as the stubborn red headed German let herself be lead on… again.

“This is stupid.” Pouted Asuka as she already hated Jo and now another weirdo? She had Rei and Hikari, why more? Elly continued to walk as her ears pick up two sets of footfalls following her. The baggage round-about started up as other people collectively huddled around it. Rei suddenly lost sight of the girl as Asuka still wasn’t paying attention, listening to her own stomach groan.

“She’s gone?” Her crimson reds looked and searched as the girl couldn’t be found.

“H-Hey Rei?”Asuka spoke strangely as Rei hushed her.

“What?” The blue haired girl answered as Asuka grabbed her shoulder.

“I think she’s found us.” Rei looked back to see Asuka being held by her neck with Elly’s folded up cane.

“Why are you followin’ me, who are ya’?” A scouser lingo rang out she yanked on Asuka’s neck.

“Elly?” Rei asked softly as she lifted her palms.

“It’s Zoe, Cuntface.” The girl smirked as she pushed Asuka into Rei, tilting her glasses down, her pure white eyes glaring at the two. The grinned cracked as a small smile worked across her pale face.

“Elly, I’m sorry; Zoe can be a little brash at times.” The English pilot bowed nicely and extended her hand. Asuka and Rei just stared at the girl as Elly felt stupid, forcing Zoe back.

“Funstarin’ cunts?” Zoe popped back in as Elly covered her mouth. Rei took the girl’s hand and introduced herself.

“Rei Ayanami, nice to met you… two.” Rei said unsurely, reaching out as the girl’s smile got creepy.

“Asuka Langley Sohryu, Second child.” Asuka butted in as Elly frowned.

“The Nazi.” Elly played a smile as Asuka grimaced her face.

“Why does everyone keep call me that!” Asuka gripped her fist to the sky as Rei took her hand.

“Welcome to Tokyo-3!” Misato screamed as everyone turned to the small group of girls.

“Uhhhh, where can I get a drink?” Elly or Zoe said dully as she grabbed a random bag off the rotation.

“How do you know that’s yours?” Asuka snapped as Elly continued to walk off.

“I can smell it, jus’ like you’re vomit-breath.” Elly walked away as she traced boozes in the air and followed it.

“Where is everyone?” Misato asked as she looked to Asuka and Rei who both shrugged and chased after the blind girl.

“What the hell is going on here?”


Chapter 12

Title: Pilot sleepover

[Author's notes:

Jus' bits and pieces


"No, no way GODDAMN there staying HERE!" Asuka yelled chaotically at Rei as she stomped her foot of the wooden floor. Rei sighed as she looked off to something else, thinking.

“Jesus Asuka, give the tough girl thing a rest.”

"What's your problem Asuka? We’re all girls and we're all Eva pilots." Rei assured serenely looking back with no interest as she let a tiny smile creep up her face.

"Don't use that nicey-nicey bullshit on me Rei, I don’t want them here Hikari's is a psyho and Jo... ohhhh someone jus' kill her." Asuka demanded brutally as she stuck her nose up into the air. Rei’s thoughts drifted again as she smiled deeply on the inside.

“Oh yes my red queen, anything for you my love.”

"I know you really like Hikari and the fifth pilot well..." Rei as she tried to find the words to explain their fellow U.S. pilot.

"That American BITCH!!!" Asuka yelled furiously as she grabbed the phone and threw it at the couch.

"Come on Asuka, Jo's nice even if she talks funny." Rei smirked as she remembered Jo telling her a dirty joke earlier after their sync test together.

"It could be fun." Misato announced happily stepping out of her room, yawning and scratching her ass.

“You just need to lighten up a little.” Misato soothed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she walked by the two girls to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

"But I, You, Rei, Ahhhhh! God I hate you both!" Asuka snapped malevolently as she stormed off to her room and slammed the door shut.

"Do period's every end?" Rei asked dully as she looked at Asuka’s door.

"Believe me Rei; no one will want to be around her when that happens.” Misato warned as she tossed her empty can into the trash.

Elsewhere the fourth pilot, Hikari Horaki walked alone still thinking of Nerv and the crazy tests she had to take.

"Why do I have to do this?"

Hikari asked herself as she walked down the street by herself towards the dawning sun. It felt so unreal sometimes as she reflected on the last 2 weeks.

“It was jus’ like before, they’d ask me to sleep over before...”

It just made no sense, sleepover or not she had been chosen and she had to do her part.

"It's just Asuka, Rei, me…”

She paused in though and step as she thoughts flashed to the newest pilot.

”…And Jo.”

Hikari had been curious of the fifth child since seeing her jump off the ship and the talk at the bar.

“That girl’s crazy.”

The school along with most of Tokyo-3 was shut down after final angel attack as mankind had got a foothold against them. Now Nerv was a training ground for the most promising pilots imported from all over the world, but was this Jo a first of things to come?

"Who is she anyway?"

Hikari, questioned…

"She is the fifth pilot of Evangelion Unit-11."

Her sub-conscious told her.

"Both from the USA, her trained, and Evan built into secretly, after the Americans we’re let into a secret meeting with Steele.”


“Hello, hello Miss Horaki-sama.” A voice chimed into Hikari's though as she stopped and turned

"Mind if I join you?" Jo stood smiling in an ocean of orange as the sun started to set over her shoulder. Hikari just stared at the fifth pilot, her height and built was the same as Asuka’s, but with short-cropped black hair, and sharp canine teeth, craving a smile of a vampire, staring hungrily at its prey.

"That smile…”

"If not I can walk behind you." Jo's smile shifted back into neutral as she looked down the street.

"I've paralleled you since we got off the train, jus’ watching the fourth pilot." Jo sneered slightly as she met Hikari's brown eyes with her shiny greenish blues.

“Why are you watching me?” Hikari's head tilted shortly as the girl's pretty hazel eye's captured her.

"Just to analyze you, you were walking awfully slow' somin' on ya' mind?” Jo continued to question as she stared strangely, passing Hikari's confusion and silence.

Are you coming?” Jo smiled to herself as she looked up into the dawning sky and walked down the street.

“You got to be kidding me, talk about speaking of the devil.”

“Ohhh sorry Jo, it’s nothing.” Hikari’s mind leaped into gear, disreguarding the girl's question as she hurried to catch up. The two stared in silence down the street as Jo started her own conversation.

"You want to know why I became a pilot? I’m sure it’s been on your mind a lot being new to this and all.” Jo grinned slyly as she looked over at Hikari. The question had been on Hikari’s mind since they meet, she pictured the look on her face as surprise as she curled a tiny smile.

"Your surprised how much I know? It’s a long story and a lot of computer work, I'll tell you later, we’re here." Jo stopped quickly as they both stood in front of Misato’s house and other two pilots, having the two girls made the apartment crowded so she got this place.

"Here we go, sleepover funzies, wunzies." Jo stalled a giggle as she pushed the ringer.

"Their here."

Both Rei and Asuka looked over at the doors in their own rooms in wonder.

"Come in you two!" Misato smiled brightly as she welcomed Hikari and Jo in.

"Hello Misato-sama." Jo replied politely the only way she knew how as she took off her shoes and set them to the side. Hikari followed suit as she whispered the same, with a bow of her head.

"Hey you two, get out here!" Yelled Misato as both girls face peered from their rooms and stepped out into the hall. A glum feeling struck the room as the pilots gathered, all staring at each other with strange looks.

"Nice pad Rei." Jo looked around, as she knew the German would shatter the ice for them.

"Rei's PAD! Listen here Yankee girl, this is Misato's home so don't go dirtying it up." Jo’s face tightened up then softened as she heard a familiar sound of a cracking beer can.

"You got another one of them?" Jo smiled sweetly to Misato as she felt Asuka's eyes burning into her.

‘’I don’t know you’re a little young.’’ Misato wondered with concern as she looked at the girl’s glowing eyes.

"I think we’re old enough, how old we’re you went you had your first drink? And on top of that we risk our lives for the safety of the world, don’t ya' think that's worth something?” Jo asked more then threateningly as she looked at the others, who all looked at Misato. Misato though it over then nodded. The room filtered to the table as Jo walked to the fridge and returned with an arm full of beers.

"Why do you need all them?" Rei asked as she took the handed out beer.

"I want to show you all a trick." Jo finished quickly handing out the beers as she sat down with three in front of her.

"Watch this.” Jo smiled wickedly as she cracked the first beer and started drinking, with in seconds cracked the second, followed closely by the third.

''Bbbaawwww!!! That hit the spot; I haven't had a drink since I got off the ship." Jo bruped longingly as she slammed the empty can down in front of her. Misato and Rei stared in amazement as Asuka gritted her teeth at Jo.

“She did that only to better herself in front of Misato and the others, the bitch!’’

"That not a TRICK!" Asuka interjected menacingly as she stood up and darted to the fridge, returning with her own lqoad of beer cans.

"Asuka..." Rei tried to protest as Asuka glared coldly at the blue haired girl and set the beers in front of her.

"Watch this." Bragged Asuka as she grabbed the first can and started. Asuka finished a hair faster then Jo as she threw the empty third can over her shoulder.

"I guess you have a little German in ya' after all." Jo’s grin grew as she got to her feet and stretched.

"If this is a challenge Asuka, I hope you can put your money where your mouth is?" Jo reached into her pocket and pulled out a hand full of cash cards.

"They’re no good if they don’t have money on them.” Rei sighed as he looked at the cards questioningly.

"Oh yeah? They gave me 100,000,000 yen on each card." Jo looked at the 4 cards in her hand.

"$400,000,000 Yen?!?!" Asuka shrieked hotly as she looked at Hikari and Rei.

"We don't get that." Asuka snapped as she looked back to Jo and her cards.

"Not them, But you did Asuka." Jo teased, looking Hikari and Rei then to Asuka as she headed to the fridge for another beer. Asuka's shoulders slumped a little, her mouth opened silently as she knew Jo wasn’t lying. Her government had gave her enough money to live on for a lifetime, but refused to show it off or spend it like some people.

"You didn't let the German government pay you off too?" Jo smirked sarcastically as she cracked other can and started drinking.

"They, you aren’t, it's a challenge alright!" Asuka retorted loudly at Jo as she threw back her long red hair.

"Here Miss Misato, for you." Jo handed the cards to Misato.

"Just keep them for me, get all the beer you want and maybe a few items for me to maybe keep here?" Jo offered gladly in spite of handing over $400,000,000. Misato stared at the girl and cards as Jo pushed them into her hand.

"Ok then, you'd all be ok with me leaving for more beer?" Misato asked instinctively as she looked at Asuka and Rei. Both nodded as she slipped her shoes on and stepped out the door. The girls all sat around looking at each other as Jo spoke up.

"Sooo... What do you do for fun in this city?" Jo sneered ruefully to Asuka, knowing with Misato gone she didn’t have to put on a show and neither did Asuka.

"I got the new K.O.D. 5 for PZ3." Rei suggested as Jo and Asuka stared violently at each other.

"Sweet, I'm first I love blastin' complete stranges!" Jo laughed heartily as she jumped up and raced for the TV.

"Not so fast!" Asuka yelled as she headed Jo off and tackled her on to the couch.

"Hey bitch! What the hell!" Jo spat surprisingly as her feet came off the floor and her body landed on the couch under the red hair. Asuka straddled Jo quickly as her long red hair draped down her face, flanking one beautiful blue bulb.

"This is my house before it's Rei's and I'M FIRST PLAYER!" Asuka demanded as she pushed off Jo and grabbed the first controller. Jo looked back at Hikari and Rei as they shrugged.

After a half in hour of continuous drinking and gaming, Jo and Asuka cursed and yelled insults at each other and other people on the mic as they mashed buttons and cut people down brutally. The two had settled down from the usually cut-throat demeanors, acting more like friends then enemies. Hikari and Rei watched from the table as their eyes locked. Rei blushed as the alcohol flushed her face. Hikari smiled into her hand as she looked at Asuka choking Jo, playfully.

"Ahhhh you damn Yankee! 25 and 5! How can you do that? They were just lining up to get shot down!" Asuka screamed meanly as she let go of Jo laughing.

"Just keep playing if you want to lost, I'm the WAW master...! Hey you two!" Jo grinned wildly at the other two pilots, sitting at the table.

"Come play with us." Asuka seconded as she drank from her beer. Hikari and Rei looked quizzically at the two as they remained seated.

"Jo, help me here slampa.” Asuka ordered in half german as she tried getting to her feet. Jo swayed as she helped the dizzy Asuka to her feet and put her arm around her. Hikari could see the drunken stupor in Jo and Asuka as they moved closer, glaring lustfully at them.

"Come on Hikari, play with us." Asuka asked playfully as she crashed into her friend.

"Or you?" Jo grinned distinctive as she sat next to Rei at the table. Asuka caught a sound in her voice as she looked over at Jo.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Asuka asked cautiously as she looked back to Hikari, who looked away.

"Go on Rei, ask them... I believe it was level 48, Closet B2." A ravenous grin split Jo's face as Hikari tried to hide behind her can and started drinking quicker.

"What's she talking about Asuka?" Rei questioned as she knew Hikari was’ in going to answer.

"Don't listen to her Rei it's just more of her American bullshit." Asuka huffed arrogantly as she avoided Jo’s glare.

"Bullshit? Please Asuka you and Hikari were getting hot and heavy in there, you both came out sweating like a pair of whores slutin’ it up at some churchy girl’s school.” Jo explained as she opened beer number ten. Asuka shook all over with anger as she launched herself over the table at Jo. Jo leaned back swiftly as she shifted Asuka's weight and dropped on top of her.

"Soooo, do you like girls better then boys?" Jo smirked viciously as she kissed Asuka forcefully. To Jo's surprise Asuka didn't reject or resist as she slid her tongue into her warm mouth. Asuka's body relaxed as she let herself kiss Jo back.

Hikari and Rei watched, mesmerized by the two, arguing to a point of murder one minute to kissing to next. Hikari could feel the heat built between her legs as watched the second and fifth child make-out on Misato's floor drunk, hot, and horny.

Jo's hands gripped Asuka's ass tightly as she felt the red head grind her crotch on her stiff abs

"Rei... would you kiss me like that?" Hikari looked at Rei deeply as her eyes glowed hotly. Rei felt the alcohol as Asuka and Jo started to moan aloud.

"Ohhh that's so fucking hot." Jo whispered gladly as she pulled Asuka's red hair back. Asuka giggled lightly as she locked her fingers into Jo’s hair and pulled herself back to her waiting lips. Hikari’s breath sharpened as she continued to glance over at Rei, wanting her, Asuka or even Jo to do the same to her. Jo managed to get her arms up behind her as Asuka fell into her lap.

"Asuka, Asuka." Jo pulled back and smiled.

"Hey, Misato going to walk through that door any minute..." Jo tried to explain as Asuka cut her off with kisses. Jo's eye's shuttered shut, her head dipping back as Asuka gripped her sensitive chest. Hikari moved closer to the entwined pair, wanting to join, and snuggled her face into Asuka’s neck tasting the German’s white flesh.

Suddenly the door open as Misato strolled in with two bags in her hands.

“I’m no even going to ask.” Misato walked in as all the girls got to their feet. Every girl apologized differently.

“Sorry Misato.” Asuka.

“Major.” Jo.

“Commander.” Hikari.

“Miss Katsuragi.” Rei.

To be continued…?

Chapter 13

Title: Soul sisters

[Author's notes:

Evangelion meets Warhammer 40,000

Jus' had to try this one out.


My name is Asuka Langley Sohryu…

And I am…

No, I was a space marine…

-On some distant god forsaken planet of the far reaches of the Imperium-

“It’s no good they’re moving to out flank us! We need to fall back or a lease surrender!” A guardsman yelled as lasers burned over his head.

“Necrons don’t take prisoners, Heresy loving SCUM!” Commander Katsuragi yelled viciously as she pointed her heavy bolter and put a bullet in the fearful soldier’s head.

“Anyone else want to fall back… or surrender?” Katsuragi demanded as she looked over the mix of Imperial guard and space marines.

No, was the firm and expected reply of the troops as they continued to fire in all directions.

“Goddamn Necrons have us surrounded!”

Katsuragi sneered as the rocket launcher in her group fired into an assaulting group of Necrons. To the back of the building two space marines talked quiet, well one anyway.

“Hold on Maya, we’re EVAC any minute, jus’ hold on.” Asuka removed her fellow soldier’s helmet. The girl was in bad shape as she tried to speak but only coughed up more blood on herself.

“Sergeant Langley! Why aren’t you firing your weapon?” Katsuragi demanded sternly as she marched back to the two space marines.

“Captain Ibuki is injured, she needs a medic.” Asuka reported as she looked over the large burn mark in the woman chest. Misato just shook her head as she covered the girl’s eyes.

“You fought well sister; may the god-emperor see you to the after life.” Misato sighed as she placed her bolter over the girl’s heart and created a hole in her heart.

“Put her helmet back on and start smashing the area, that’s an order marine!” Misato ordered as she looked down at Asuka.

“Commander, you better take a look at this!” A random marine yelled as he pointed outside of the build.

“It can’t be…” Misato awed as a massive laser beam destroyed two land raiders at the same time.

“Mobile Monolith, get DOWN!!!” Yelled Katsuragi as everyone hit the deck. The raiders vaporized everything in a 50-yard radius and then silence.

Marching Necrons stormed past the shattered building that commander Katsuragi, Sergeant Langley and the others defended. After the smoke cleared the destruction was everywhere.

“I-I’m still a-alive?”

Asuka managed to crawl out from some of the ruined building, as she knew something was wrong.

“My arm.”

Asuka groaned to herself as she raised her right arm that was nothing more then a bleeding stump just pass her elbow. She rolled onto her back for more bad news as she lifted her left leg, which was also ripped open and fountaining blood. She was losing blood by the second as she heard a faint voice talking into a commlink.

“This is C-Commander Kats-uragi, requesting an orbital bombardment of mobile monolith of my position bearing 66-099 area zolu-whiskey, (cough) confirm, roger.” Katsuragi ordered as she looked over at Asuka crawling over towards her.

“Hehehe, why aren’t you firing your weapon Langley?” Katsuragi chuckled and took off her helmet as blood streamed down her face.

“Sorry Commander I can’t find my weapon… or my arm.” Asuka’s pulled off her own helmet as she dragged her ruined body over the rumble and dead bodies.

“No excuses solider, we fight to our last breathe.” Katsuragi lifted her bolter across her chest that had a huge steel rod sticking out of it. The Monolith hovered pass the building with a monstrous blast of gears and pistons as it was heading for their base in the west.

“If we’re lucky, the bombardment will kill us instantly, but then again I always wondered what it would be like to burn to death.” Her commander’s words didn’t make Asuka feel any better as she continued to drag herself. The pain was mind numbing but that only phased her a little if not at all.

She needed to stop the bleeding and quickly as she saw a flame flicking. It was the flamethrower one of the marines had. Katsuragi noticed what she going to do as she chuckled up more blood.

“Fighting for survival? Don’t waste your time.” Misato tried to lean up as she roared in anguish of the rod holding her in place. Asuka ignored her commander as she reached out for the weapon with her only hand and aimed her stump at the barrel.

“If you scream, they’ll kill you.” Misato continued to verbally assault the young girl as she waited with a vicious grin.

“With all do respect commander, please shut up.” Asuka snapped back before she placed the leather strap from the flamethrower in her mouth. Asuka touched off the trigger as a quick flash of burning fuel touched her open wound, she almost blacked out instantly.

“Your one tough c-cookie I’ll give you that Langley.” Katsuragi laughed this time as Asuka rolled over literally biting back the pain.

After a few painful breaths she looked at her cauterized stump. It was black and bubbling but it had done the trick. Sweat pouring from her face she turned onto her butt as she lifted the weapon into her lap and turned the glowing red barrel onto her gash on her leg. A tiny whimper made it out this time as she threw the weapon away, cursing.

“Good job, n-now if the Nercons don’t get you, y-you still have the bombar…” Misato whispered lowly as she didn’t or couldn’t finish her sentence. At this Asuka looked up through the destroyed building as a red light beamed down sky. The bombardment was on it way, and there was no way to stop it. The battle-hardened redhead just laid back, closed her eyes and prayed.

“May the God-emperor watch over me.”

After the bombardment…

“Commander, we got a live one here!” A ghostly apothecary yelled out as he cleared the rubble from a practically lifeless body.

“That’s impossible, the bombardment was’in even a 3 click from here, nothing could of survived.” The commander, an librarian turned, her long blonde blowing in the wind as she adjusted her spec/goggles over the ruined body.

“Her vitals are weak and her body’s pretty much used up should I just?” The apothecary asked as the librarian gripped his shoulder.

“No, I want her boxed up and ready for EVAC in five minutes, we’re clearing out, call the rest of them in.” The Librarian ordered as she looked down at the half dead red head.

“Yes Commander Ritsuko, all units head back to the drop-ship we\'re pulling out.\" The apothecary ordered as he headed back himself. Ritsuko continued to stare at the girl and what she had lived through wasn\'t even possible.

\"The God-emperor must have definitely been watching over you.\"

To be continued...

Chapter 14

Title: Lovers Suicide

Asuka and Rei raced down the flashing red halls screaming bloody murder in their skin tight plug-suits. Nerv had come under attack and now the two were running for their lives.

“Move it Rei! They’re breaking through everywhere!” Asuka yelled madly over the sirens as she dragged the silent blue haired girl around a corner for a breather. They needed a plan…

…and fast.

“We have to keep moving, but where?”

Asuka looked around as she hardly ever really looked around the massive Nerv HQ. Rei clocked the look on Asuka’s face to confusion, she didn’t have no fucking idea where they were going

“Down, we have a better chance at get out through one of the underground vents.” Rei spoke up as Asuka looked at her with a leer.

“You really think we got a chance?” Asuka was honest with herself as Rei just shrugged with a emotionless face. Gunfire rang out a couple halls away as both perked up instantly.

“Great, lead the way.” Asuka started stretching quickly as Rei did the same.

“Right on me.” Rei said shortly as she darted down the hall with the wildly red head right on her ass. Screams and gunfire echoed from every direction as Rei cut and curved their path through the maze of white walls, avoiding any confrontations.

“Rei, we’re running out of places to get outta here.” Asuka panted as Rei swiftly pushed her into a charcoal burnt room that reeked with burning fresh.

“Quiet.” Rei hushed demandingly, pulling her behind some fiery crates as a roar of marching feet raced down the hall.

“This way!” A soldier yelled fiercely as more followed in his wake. A officer hustled behind, reporting on his comm-link. Asuka covered her mouth as she saw the bodies in the glowing flames around the room.

“Level 68 cleared, light resistance moving to 3rd geo front.” The officer hurried along as resisting fire started ahead of him.

“It’s too late we’re surrounded.”

Rei’s knew instinctively as she looked to Asuka trembling, her mouth still covered.

“Rei, the smell.” Asuka tried to head for the door as the smell was too much for her.

“No, wait!” Rei said harshly as she grabbed Asuka and covered her mouth. More soldier trampled by the door as Rei pressed their bodies tight against the wall. The march of battle boots passed as Rei sighed longingly.

“Mmmhh, Rei.” Asuka started to squirm out of control as Rei still held Asuka tightly. Suddenly Asuka threw up into her and Rei’s hand. Rei pulled her hand away slowly and swung off some puke.

“Sorry.” Asuka wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Rei looked around as a ventilation shaft with its cover blown off caught her eye.

“The vent.” Rei moved for the vent as Asuka tried wiping her puke off herself.

“Do you even know where we’re going?” Asuka asked darkly as Rei just looked at her.

“No, I’m just trying to stay alive, follow me if you want, I‘m not making you.” Rei’s voice and body disappeared into the vent as Asuka followed Rei. The vent was a lot wider and cleaner then she though as most vents were dirty and crawling with rats.

“Your going to get us killed.” Asuka bitched as the vent got smaller and smaller.

“We’re so screwed, we’re never going to get out of here and another thing…” Asuka continued to moan as Rei cut her off.

“Shut up.” Rei snapped as she crawled along.

“What did you say to me?” Asuka demanded fussily as she grabbed Rei’s ankle.

“I said shut up, now let go of me.” Rei turned her head back with a frown aimed at Asuka.

“Not until you’ve apologized!” Asuka yelled as she pulled the red-eyed girl roughly.

“We don’t have time for this.” Rei tried yanking her foot free as Asuka refused to let her go.

“Say your fucking sorry!” Asuka glared violently as she started pulling Rei back.

“No.” Rei turned swiftly as her knee caught Asuka up side the head. Asuka went mad with blind rage as Rei fought back with the same intensity. After a short barrage of fists and slaps Rei looked back down the vent as a light mist crept along.

“Asuka, gas.” Rei stopped suddenly her attention elsewhere as Asuka punched her anyway. The red head was surprised when Rei didn’t hit her back.

“What is it?” Asuka looked in the same direction as Rei.

“Move!” Rei quickly crawled off with the red head right behind her.

“Rei, move faster!” Asuka was almost crawling over Rei as the blue haired girl stopped and looked down a steep drop.

“Down here.” Rei folded her body accordingly as Asuka grabbed her.

“I’m not going down there, it’s a 20 foot drop!” Asuka yelled as she started yanking Rei back and forth.

“We won’t out run the gas on this level, if you stay here you’ll die.” Rei explained quietly as she lower herself into the downward vent.

“Rei! don’t leave me.” A mix of panic and fear filled the German girl’s beautiful blue eyes as Rei smiled a tiny bit.

“Then trust me.” Rei grabbed both of Asuka’s wrists and dropped down the vent. Asuka screamed wildly as she fell head first down the small vent, but she was actually more surprised to hear Rei giggling. The screaming and giggling stopped abruptly as they hit the bottom of the vent with a large thud. The two landed face to face as Rei looked up at Asuka‘s tears falling on her face.

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to DIE!!!” Asuka repeated softly, until she shrieked at the end.

Rei quickly gripped Asuka’s fiery red hair and kissed her deeply.

“You won’t die, come on.” Rei slid out underneath Asuka who was just staring wide eyed into space.

“Did she jus’ kiss me?”

Asuka touched her lips with her fingertips as she watched the blue haired girl crawl away. It was only her second kiss, but it was nothing like the first with Shinji. His kiss was empty, emotionless.

“Rei’s was so alive… so passionate!”

Rei looked back at Asuka daydreaming and yelled.

“Hurry up!” Rei turned back and crawled farer ahead. Asuka shook the thought of Rei’s tongue in her mouth. The two crawled silently as Asuka just had to ask.

“Uhhh, Rei, where did you learn how to kiss like… that?” Asuka blushed shyly as Rei though it over.

“Misato and Ritsuko, why?” Rei announced without much thought as Asuka gasped wordlessly at Rei’s careless bedside manner.

“You seem surprised.” Rei reloaded quickly as Asuka caught a sound in her throat.

“It’s not that, it’s just… never mind.” Asuka looked to the sheet metal moving slowly along beneath her hands. Dirty images filled Asuka’s mind about Rei, Misato and Ritsuko as she found herself glaring at Rei’s ass.

“We need to get out of these vents… Asuka?” Rei turned back again to find Asuka in a mindless haze.

“Hey, are you listening?” Rei snapped as Asuka spoke up.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Asuka focused back a Rei’s face as she cleared her throat.

“Let’s see where we are.” Rei looked down through a overhead vent to the to hallway below. She angled her head to see what level they were on as two Nerv personal ran by.

“Your ok? Good, Misato told us to meet on this level.” A male Nerv told his female counter-part as a short barrage of gunfire suddenly killed both on the spot. Rei lift her head to Asuka just looking at her.

“But they said Misato was here…” Asuka hurried as Rei just watched more enemy troops storm by a Level 88 insignia at the wall.

“Maybe, I guess we'll jus' have to find out.”


To be continued…

Chapter 15

Title: Soul Sisters II - The Awakening

[Author's notes: I live, again.]

When seconds pass like minutes, minutes like hours, and hours like days.

You’re life has a set time…

                                       …But death is time eternity.

“Unit 88...” A voice whispered in the darkness.

“Unit 88 please wake up.” The voice suddenly asked as Asuka stirred. Asuka\\\\\\\'s thoughts flowed groggily as she became aware of a dim light on her closed eyes.

“Wake up! that’s an order soldier!” The voice demanded as Asuka’s eyes jetted open. A swirl of white smoke and hazy blue overtones surrounded the red head as a figure stood a few feet away.

“Report, what happened at Ziony 5.” The figure started to clear in Asuka’s eyes as a young girl’s naked face and body filled in shapely and slim.

“Don’t stare, I asked you a question.” The girl frowned as she crossed her arms. Asuka shook her head in confusion as she couldn’t honestly remember what the girl was talking about.

“I-I don’t remember.” Asuka admitted as she lifted her hand and paused. Her hand started to tremble and shake as she lifted her other hand.

“M-My h-hands?!? They, what is THIS!!!” Asuka roared viciously as she looked back up at the girl.

“Your fine, let me explai…” The girl began to speak as Asuka cut her off rudely.

“No, you’re a dream! I’m asleep right now, this is’in real!” Asuka didn’t know why but large gaps begin to form in her memory as the line of reality started to blur.

“Calm down, your going to…” The figure tried again.

“Shut up stop telling me… what to DO!!!” Asuka shrieked as pain struck throughout her “body”.

In a operating theater behind a triple reinforce plex-steel glass window stood the head librarian Ritsuko Akagi with a number of assistants manning multiple computers. The group watched a large robotic machine known as a dreadnought start to rock and convulse violently.

“Unit 88 is redlining, she’s losing it!” Reported a male assistant as his computer flashed a crimson red.

“Switch full ballast to Rei now, and reduce Unit 88’s energy output to 25%, I jus’ want her barely conscious.” Ritsuko ordered coolly as she looked to the slim android plugged in next to the dreadnought.

“I don’t know what your doing in there Rei, but you better not lose this one.”

Ritsuko pondered as she swiftly worked a keyboard blindly in front of her.

“Rei” watched the red head’s voice and body give, head slumped as her arms raised, forming a T out of her body. Rei sighed lowly as she walked slowly to the silent girl.

“As I was trying to tell you earlier, you are not dreaming this is how you are now and will be forever. What you see feel, hear, touch, see, and taste from now on are all basic memories of “having” a body. You are now a “saved” soul, your body was beyond repair when my commander found you.” Rei continued to explain as she walked around Asuka murmuring to herself.

“My commander, saw fit to save you for some reason, you owe her your life and loyalty. You are aboard the “High purpose” in the 5th medical wing of the “Rouge Angels” where your soul was successful transferred to a dreadnought unit.” Rei stopped in front of Asuka who continued to mutter. Rei smiled a little at the girl as she reached out and touched her.

“They have switched the control-soul-ballast to me in your body, it keeps you from going insane and killing people and yourself, now if I give your voice back will you continue to listen to me quietly?” Rei offered shortly as she gave Asuka enough strength to moan an answer.

“Mmmm ye…s.” Asuka lifted her head with a sly grin that caught Rei off guard. Rei held steadfast with her bored frown as she knew she had Asuka’s complete attention.

“So… what now… doc?” Asuka asked slowly as Rei kept her closely in check.

“You have control of all you see now, you can take the form and shape of anything and create it here basically your own little world here.” Rei looked around proudly in control as she felt Asuka’s eyes strangely on only her. After many minutes of Rei’s calm explaining and fine detailing Asuka had decided and planned what to do with this “Rei”. Memory lose or not she still had the crumbs to deal with friendless nobodies.

“My name is Asuka Langley Sohryu, let’s be friends.” Asuka used all her power given to her to smile brightly, trying to force her hand down to shake. Rei felt a strange heat fill her cheeks as she cleared her throat and let their two hands embrace.

“Unit-0, uhhh I mean, Rei Ayanami.” Rei couldn’t remember the last time she had said her own name. Rei found herself staring into Asuka’s eyes as Asuka seemed to draw more power from her being connected to her.

“Rei, I’m not a child, let me do it.” Asuka asked quickly as Rei though it over deeply, hiding her confusion on what this wildly girl was about. Asuka learned swiftly how use her personal interface as Rei had to barely explain.

“Ok, raise your arm and wave.” Rei instructed to Asuka as Ritsuko sighed longingly and turned for the door.

“Thank god, I was getting fucking impatient with her.”

“Your online, all systems are green, she’s all yours, see you in a second.” Rei’s figure started to fade as Asuka waved carelessly.

“About damn time Rei.” Ritsuko stood directly in front of the slim android and massive monster of metal, smirking as Rei stood wordlessly next to Asuka’s dreadnought.

“Sorry Unit 88 was a little hesitant until the switch, but she’s ok now, right Unit 88.” Rei turned to Asuka with her emotionless face.

“Yes, Unit 0 I am ready to serve... again.” Asuka replied formally.

“Good, Rei take her training, we drop-planet in 6 hours I want her ready to make it fucking rain metal, got me?” Ritsuko’s formal tone disappeared instantly as Asuka flashed back to standing in front of her commander, Misato Katsuragi.

“You don’t have any problem with that do you Major Langley Sohryu?” Ritsuko tilted her head up proudly as Asuka gasped to herself deep in her bodiless host.

“You seem surprised? I know all about you. You were to be promoted after Ziony-5 but with everyone dead in battalion your rank when straight to the goddamn top, talk about lucky fuckin’ ducky, besides all that how do you feel?” Ritsuko laughed heartly as she scanned lightly through Asuka’s mind. Even with spacey memories Asuka’s proper respect of command and duty found itself first.

“It is better to die for the emperor, then live for yourself.” Asuka said proudly through her crisp static voice as the tall, blonde librarian nodded with a smile.

“Dismissed.” Ritsuko ordered as the two moved out into the hall.

“Well Misato, let’s see if your girl’s got what it takes.”

Ritsuko looked to the ceiling picturing Misato looking down at her.


To be continued…

Chapter 16

Title: Snowballing I

[Author's notes: Deaf-0 on chap 2nd]

After battling the last Angel, Misato had suggested to Yui that the pilots needed some down time away from all the danger and violence. The boys, Shinji, Toji, and Kaji had decided to go camping while Asuka, Hikari, Rei, Jo and Misato decided to go skiing in the mountains.

“I love this air!” Misato breathed in deeply as the icy air filled her lungs. Misato and the others stood at the bottom of the mountain, looking up at the large, snowy hills that surrounded it.

“I jus’ love your outfit; you think you could have got it any tighter?” Asuka sneered sarcastically as she and the others eyeballed Misato’s violet, skin-tight bodysuit.

“I think it’s nice.” Rei whispered politely as she clicked her white boots straps in to place and stood up between Hikari and Jo.

“You’re such a kiss-ass Rei.” Jo giggled meanly as she zipped up her black and red jacket and adjusted her matching, baggy snowboarding pants. Asuka’s eyes narrowed darkly at Jo’s comment as she pulled on her gloves forcibly.

“Why are you such a bitch Jo?” Asuka demanded as she stepped around Hikari and pointed at Jo.

“Why are you such a dog-faced whore?” Jo snapped back as she shoveled Asuka into Hikari.

“Hey!” Hikari yelled as Asuka pushed off the girl, keeping her balance but causing Hikari to hit the snowy ground.

“Why you…!” Asuka roared as she sprung back, pushing Rei out of her way.

“Stop it you two, we’re here to have fun so let’s start having some.” Misato seemed to appear out of nowhere as held the two girls apart. Both girls backed down, grumbling under their breaths as Rei helped Hikari to her feet.

“Come on, the lifts are over there, now get going.” Misato pointed as she skied there herself with Rei and Hikari in trail. Asuka and Jo stared daggers at each other as Jo clipped her foot into her snowboard and Asuka with her skis and followed the others. The girls approached the lifts as Jo grabbed Rei’s arm and pulled her onto the first lift.

“Come on Rei, Ride with me!” Jo yelled as she jumped on the lift with Rei.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Asuka raced after the two and hopped on the bench on the other side of Rei. Asuka and Jo continued their demeaning stare at each other as Rei’s eyes shifted back and fore between them.

“I really do hate you Asuka.” Jo grimaced as the three girls sat in silent up to the top with Hikari and Misato riding behind them.

At the top of the one of the large hills Misato warned the girls again.

“Behave yourselves; I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Misato looked over the girls, all waiting impatiently for Misato to finish.

“And remember… Hey!” Misato yelled as all four girls took off down the hill.

“We will!” Jo yelled back as she flew down the hill followed by the rest. The wind and snow rushed past the girls as they all laughed and yelled. Rei and Hikari swayed slowly down the snowy mount as Asuka and Jo, like always made it a competition. The red head hit a small ramp as she shifted her skis left to right and landed perfectly.

“In your face JO!” Asuka grinned as Jo cut right, aiming for a larger ramp.

“Fuck you Asuka, I live for this SHIT!” The black spiky haired girl sailed off the steep incline, pulling a wicked 360 back-flip. Asuka’s jaw dropped as she stopped and stared at the American girl with fire in her eyes. Rei and Hikari passed Asuka as the girls bobbed and weaved closely together. Misato stopped sharply as she sprayed Asuka with a wave of snow.

“Misato!” Asuka screamed, shaking off the wet snow as Misato smirked and continued down the hill.

“Hurry up Asuka, you don’t want to get left behind.” Misato teased as Asuka followed the Major completely pissed off. Halfway down the hill Jo grinned over at Rei and nodded. The two began to figure eight down the hill with precision and grace. Hikari and Misato flanked the two girls as they watched the 4th and 5th work beautifully in unison.

“Wow, you guys are amazing!” Hikari yelled as Jo put her hands behind her head, making it look even easier.

“Thanks, Rei’s a natural.” Jo commented as she shifted back to goofy-foot. Suddenly Asuka came out of as she cut in front of Rei, causing the girl to trip and fall. Rei hit the packed snow hard and began to roll as Hikari and Misato stopped abruptly to help Rei. Jo gritted her teeth and darted after Asuka.

“Hey, get back here you nazi bitch!” Jo demanded as she started to catch up with the wildly red head.

“You got to catch me first!” Asuka sneered over her shoulder as she headed into a thickly wooded area. Jo followed as she started to get nervous. The two pilots knitted though the trees as Jo came up next to Asuka.

“Asuka wait, you’re going too fast!” Jo cautioned as she ducked a large branch.

“What’s wrong Jo? Chicken?” Asuka laughed as she poked at Jo with one of her poles, forcing her to stop. Asuka looked back, grinning with her middle finger flying.

“ASUKA LOOK OUT!!!” Screamed Jo as Asuka turned to a massive tree right in front of her. With no way to stop, Asuka slammed into the tree and knocked herself out cold.



To be continue…

[End notes: I've been kinda a grumpyant today]

Chapter 17

Title: Raging Rescue

[Author's notes: Hikari comes to Rei rescue.]

Hikari walked out of her school in the late afternoon as she had been in the library longer then normal, she took the back way around the building as she heard loud scuffing and harsh words. Hikari looked around the corner first as she saw four girls standing against one. Hikari made out the “one” girl instantly. Rei had a very distinct look, the blue hair and red eyes were hard to miss. She didn’t know three of the girls very well; she had seen them in school but other then that they were complete strangers to her. The fourth one was an American exchange student, Rebecca Roberts. The long-haired blonde with bright blue eyes, she was pretty and from a rich family, but her Japanese was as bad as her manners.

Sudden the Yankee girl slapped Rei’s books from her hands and pushed her down. Rei did nothing, not a word of protest or feeble begging, and only started to pick her books up instead. The blonde laughed and said something vulgar as she kicked Rei over. Hikari had enough as she rushed pass the staring girls and pushed Rebecca away from Rei.

“Leave her alone!” The class rep said darkly as Rebecca quickly bounced back.

“Or what? You’ll tell the principle? I’ll get 3 days tops, then I’ll be back for you, fucking Jap-o plick.” Becky threatened bitterly as Hikari’s fists tighten until they glowed white.

“Hikari, I’m fine.” Rei slowly leaned up as Rebecca kicked the blue haired girl in the face, sending her back to the ground with a loud thud.

“I’m not done with you yet, you red-eyed weirdo and you...” Rebecca’s finger and eyes pointed daringly at Rei as she turned her attention back to Hikari. That was it, Hikari snapped on the inside as she blasted the American snob in her stupid, smug face without warning. The long haired blonde’s hand covered her face instantly as Hikari slugged her in the stomach. Rei just watched in amazement as Rebecca fell back with Hikari already straddling her. The two hit the ground as Hikari glared violently at the girl below her. The brown haired girl grabbed Becky’s collar, cocking her fist back.

“I told you to leave her alone, but you wouldn’t listen!” Roared Hikari as her fist dropped like a 10 pound hammer on Rebecca’s right eye. A shocked murmur spat from Becky’s throat as the class rep dropped her fist again, left eye, again, nose. One of the watching girls stepped forward to help Becky as Hikari elbowed her in the gut, causing her stumble back. The breathless girl hit the ground next to Rei, her face coiled agonizingly as she held her stomach, fighting for air.

“Is that really Hikari?”

Rei wondered as she managed to get to her knees and watch the bloody event unfold before her eyes.

“P-Please… S-stop!” Rebecca cried out as Hikari just punched her in the mouth. Both the top and bottom of Rebecca’s lips exploded open with fresh blood as a few drops splashed Hikari’s face.

What was she doing? She only needed to hit the girl once maybe twice, so why was she beating the living shit out of this girl? For Rei? For justice? No, it was something more primal, almost animalistic. She didn’t realize it then, but she was grinning from ear to ear as she stopped punching and began slapping the bleeding girl. The watching girls had now taken off as they didn’t want anything to do with the insane class rep or the situation she was putting herself in. Rei watched in horror as Rebecca’s head rocked left to right violently, her eyes closing slowly.

“She’s losing consciousness.”

The blue haired girl struggled to her feet as Hikari raised her arm once more.

“You like bullying people, does it make you feel good?!? Look where it got you now, you fucking cunt!!!” Suddenly a hand gripped her wrist as Hikari struggled to bring it back down on blonde’s already ruined face.

“That’s enough Hikari! She can’t feel it now.” A stern voice demanded and pointed-out as Hikari’s heart and blood started to slow as she looked back to see Asuka Langley Sohryu, standing into the sunlight with a frown.

“Are you crazy? You could have killed her!” Hikari’s grinning face cracked as she lifted her bloody hands. Her face warped as a loud sob pushed passed her trembling lips. Head bowed, tears dripped straight from Hikari’s pitiful brown eyes to the beaten girl under her. Asuka jerked Hikari off Rebecca and slapped her aggressively. Rei stood about two feet away, holding her side with one hand and pawing her face with the other.

“We need to call for help.” Rei said shortly as Asuka nodded, still holding Hikari’s wrist tightly in her hand.

“And you are in big trouble, Miss class rep.” Asuka’s voice held intimidation as Hikari felt like punching the cocky German girl in the face. Asuka was no better then Rebecca sometimes, always running her mouth and insulting everyone. Hikari’s eyes betrayed her as Asuka glared back at her unexpectedly, their eyes meeting in a menacing way.

“You want to swing on me now, is that it?” Asuka palmed the girl’s face and pushed her back callously. Hikari’s set her feet with a snarl as she wound-up. Hikari’s fury sparked her forward as she was ready to destroy Asuka where she stood.

“STOP IT HIKARI!!!” The brown haired girl froze in mid swing, her bottled up rage and anger ready to send the red head into next week, but even so, Asuka didn’t even flinch as she just shook her head. Rei held Hikari around the waist as the brown eyed girl came back to her senses again.

“I’m s-sorry, I-I’m so s-sorry.” Hikari finally broke down as Asuka connected the three in a group hug. Hikari sighed longingly as the heat from both Asuka and Rei’s body soothed her. Hikari’s eyes widened as she looked up at Asuka’s now grinning face, but it wasn’t the red head’s cute smile that surprised her, it was her roguish fingers.

“Did you get all wet from beating Rebecca up little Hikari-kun?” Asuka’s fingers gingerly worked up Hikari’s inner thighs and skirt as they found a giant wet spot on the bottom of the girl’s panties. Exhaustion took the brown eyed girl’s body as she fell into the red head’s arms, panting for breath and serenity.

“Rei, wake sleeping not-so-beauty up and explain to her Hikari had nothing to do with this, then get on her cell phone and call Sakura, Miki and Kikyo and tell them the same, if they know what’s good for them.” Asuka ordered as her fellow pilot nodded and pulled at a water bottle from her bag.

“And let’s get you clean up before someone notices you.” Asuka leaded the sobbing girl to the bathroom as they both heard a splash of water behind them. After an hour or so Asuka’s plan paid off as Rebecca said some older guy tried to rape her, and Hikari and the others had found her beaten bloody. The other three girls kept their mouths shut and Hikari kept her perfect reputation. Only Hikari felt a little guilty as Asuka and Rei went about like nothing had happened. They now knew her dark side, the vicious thug, the sadistic girl that got off on beaten the shit out of people.

“A closet masochist..."

                                 “...and a violent one at that.”

Chapter 18

Title: Snowballing II

Asuka woke a few hours on a hotel bed.

“Uuuuww-what happened, how long was I asleep?” Asuka moaned groggily as she blinked at the ceiling fan, spinning lazily away.

“Hehehe, a few hours.” Asuka instantly heard Misato’s drunken voice from across the room. Asuka ignored her superior as she swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood up. The red head yelled agonizingly as she fell back on to the bed. Asuka looked at her leg with confusion as it throbbed painfully.

“Why does my leg hurt, and why are you in my room?” Asuka may have been hurt, but it didn’t slow her quick tongue.

“We’re roomies! And you crashed into a tree.” Misato laughed inebriated as she jumped on to Asuka’s bed.

“Hey I though I was rooming with Rei and Hikari?” Asuka looked at Misato with a horrific look as the thought dawned on her.

“Then that means…” Asuka jumped to her feet with total disregard for her pained leg and raced out the door. Misato rolled her to stomach as she smiled at the empty doorway as Asuka hobbled back into view.

“What room are they in?” Asuka blushed stupidly as she crossed her arms and looked out the door.

“Across the hall.” Misato grinned as she crawled to the small mini bar and opened it.

“Come to mama.” The older woman smirked as she grabbed a load of small bottles. Asuka stormed across the hall and barged in to find Jo sitting on Rei’s butt massaging her back, naked.

“Hey what the hell?” Asuka and Jo screamed at the same time as Jo covered herself.

“Oh is its jus’ you, ever heard of knocking Asuka?” Jo groaned as she continued to massage Rei while Hikari painted her toenails in the same fashion. Rei turned her head too as she purred under Jo’s slick, firm fingers.

“You’re supposed to be rooming with Misato!” Yelled Asuka as she came right up to the bed.

“You were knocked out; besides I had to drag your sorry ass all the way back here.” Jo reminded Asuka as the red head just stared at her.

“What’s she talking about?” Asuka turned to Hikari.

“It’s like she said, you guys flew into the “out of bounds” area, you slammed into a tree and she carried you back, skis and all.” Hikari explainded shortly as she focused back on her toes. Asuka whipped back to Jo and Rei as anger flooded her.

“And you two! Have some self-respect for crying out loud!” Asuka roared off subject as she grabbed Jo and pulled her off Rei.

“You fuckin’ bitch!” Jo slid off Rei easily as she couldn’t get a grip with the oil all over her hands and thighs. Hikari was on her feet immediately as she back-handed Asuka. Asuka spun down to the bed as she caught herself at the last second.

“I don’t have time for your stupid games Hikari.” Asuka held her burning face with mixed emotions as Asuka knew Hikari had a very high tolerance for pain, but now wasn’t the time to test her.

“This is’in a game, leave them alone.” Hikari demanded darkly as she moved closer to the red head.

“Hikari? You’re taking Jo’s side over mine?” Asuka’s sadness was clear as day on her face, telling she was deeply hurt.

“You whore; I’ll gouch your fuckin’ eyes out.” Jo jumped up in a heart beat as Rei dove at her, sending them both to the floor.

“Stop.” Rei’s calming voice rang out as they froze in place. Jo panted ferocious as Asuka leaned up with sly posture.

“You heard her Jo!” Hikari yelled as Misato walked in.

“You’re all too fuckin’ LOUD!” Misato roared aloud as she looked at all the girls.

“At lease you’re not all beaten and bloody.” Misato rubbed her temples as Jo caught Asuka smirking at her.

“Not yet.” Jo hissed as she started to lift Rei.

“Knock it off Jo.” Misato glared at the naked girl as Rei let her get to her feet.

“I have a good mine to…”

[End notes: ...What do you think such happen?]

Chapter 19

Title: Getting to know you


7:00 A.M. Katsuragi’s place.

"Two more minutes." Misato leaned up in bed and slammed the snooze button as she buried her head in her pillow. Random noise broke out all over the house as the almost siren alarm clock when off again. Asuka slowly awoke across from Rei as Jo turned off her fan in her room the others found weird, which Americans normally are the walk-in closet.

Hikari slowly leaned up and stretched out a yawn as she blinked a few times. She smiled lightly as she felt rested for the first time in days. The nightmares were terrible as she was forced to live... a lie. Her family, her life, was just a deceit, another way for people to control other people. Hikari was a responsible, perfect child, the class president for crying out loud! But now she had to face the hard, ugly facts. She was clone of Hikari Hokari, grown in a lab somewhere, build to serve and follow blindly which she did to a fucking T.

The smile disappeared as she suddenly she realized her ass was wet. Her hand felt between her legs as the brown haired girl looked down her red and black dragon shirt to the massive wet spot between her legs. She lifted her shirt to find her panties in the same state as she groaned.

“It happened again!?!”

Rustling spooked Hikari as she gasped and covered her lap with her blanket.

“Is everything ok Miss Hikari?” Elly’s smooth cockney voice asked as the white-haired girl leaned up rubbing her face childishly.

“I’m fine Elly.” Hikari looked off from her roommate, even blind the English girl still looked like she could see right her. The two looked at each other for a minute as Elly asked out of the blue.

“So you pissed the bed again huh?” Hikari shook for an instant as she formed a quick lie.

“No, I just spilled some water on myself last night.” Most would of never second guessed Hikari as Elly smiled.

“I maybe blind but there nothing wrong with my sense of smell and I smell piss Miss Hikari.” Hikari’s blood went cold as she couldn’t believe that the blind girl could smell her perfectly from only a few feet away. Hikari’s brain went into gear as she jumped up and yanked her blanket and sheets from her bed. A giggle broke out behind the brown-haired girl as she froze and looked back.

“What’s so funny?” A pang of spite shot through Hikari as she knew something wasn’t right.

“I was jus’ thinking about how funny everyone will find this Miss Hikari.” Elly’s smile broke into a grin as Hikari went on the defensive.

“Please don’t tell the others Elly.” Hikari begged with no offer to keep the girl’s mouth shut as Elly shrugged.

“I guess that’s up to you…” The blind girl said offhandedly as her opaque eyes wandered around.

“What do you want?” Hikari replied knowingly as she prepared herself for blackmail.

“Nothing really but since you offered…, I like dolls.” Elly’s sized the girl up as Hikari felt naked in those white eyes.

“You want me to buy you a doll?” Hikari relaxed on the inside as Elly shook her head.

“I want you to be my doll… Miss Hikari.” Shock rocked Hikari’s body and mind as her jaw dropped.

“What? No way, out of the question!” Hikari snapped viciously as she glared at the girl who simply shrugged again.

“Have it your way…, Jo! Can you come here a minute?” Elly called out as she looked back at a panicky Hikari.

“No, please don’t Elly, I’ll…” Hikari heard slow footsteps heading right for them as Hikari looked between the door and the white-eyed girl.

“I’ll do it.” The brown-haired girl said hopelessly as she closed her eyes.

“What’s up?” Jo suddenly opened the door and leaned in the doorway with an interested look on her face.

“Sorry it’s nothing… Now fuck off.” Elly smiled as Zoe finished with sneer.

“Fuckin’ bitch!” Jo flipped her off and slammed the door, swearing to herself in the hall as Hikari sighed.

“That was close huh Miss Hikari?” The English girl smirked slyly as she looked her fingernails.

“That’s not funny Elly.” Hikari took a stern tone as Elly looked back at her.

“I wasn’t trying to be funny Miss Hikari.” Elly slowly shifted in bed and stood up. Hikari started to get angry as Elly moved closer to her.

“Stop calling me that.” Hikari got caught in the English girl’s milky eyes as her lips trembled, trying to make words come out.

“What do you want me to call you?” Elly lifted her hand as she let fingers touch the hem of the other girl’s shirt.

“Hikari-chan is fine.” Hikari blushed as Elly’s fingers brushed across her damp spot.

“What about Hikari-sama?” Elly purred softly as her fingers traveled upward to Hikari’s chin.

“Elly, I don’t really know you that well for you to call me…” Before Hikari could finish a small finger was pressed to her lips. Elly lifted her hands to the confused girl’s face and felt it. Her hands traveled down her neck to her arms, across her small chest and tight stomach.

“You have a great shape.” Elly slowly got to her knees as she reached up under Hikari’s shirt and gripped the sides of her panties. The brown eyed girl gasped loudly as she felt the damp fabric slide off her hips and crotch. The cool room stung the girl’s crotch as her body erupted with goose-bumps.

“You smell nice.” Elly breathed in Hikari’s musky aroma deeply as her toes curled in her green tipped socks. Hikari was flood with different emotions as most confused and scared her. Hikari sniffed a bit as Elly paused.

“Why are you crying Hikari-kun? I just want to get to know you a bit better.” Amusement was heavy in the English girl’s voice as the Japanese girl shook her head fighting back the tears.

“E-Elly… please stop, not like this…” Elly chuckled softly at the girl’s weak protest as she tapped her nose on the girl’s burning clit. Hikari gasped suddenly as her crotch began to burn against her will. She hadn’t masturbated in days and now the sudden attention from fellow pilot was too much.

“You sound cute.” Elly’s words set a wildfire blush across Hikari’s face as she looked up at the brown haired girl, her right hand dipping between her legs. Elly’s insides melted into her white cotton panties as she listened to her dolly whimper.

“I want to taste you Hikari-kun.” Elly asked hotly as she pressed her middle finger into her own cunt, panties in all. Hikari shook her head feebly as her legs trembled in place, unable to move. Words choked in her throat, hands trembling as she wished this would all end…

“Soooo, who do I tell first?” Elly sighed questionably, pumping her finger just inside her as Hikari steeled her face, unsure what to say. After a few seconds of panting, she nodded her head for Elly to continue. The blind girl smiled on the inside as she couldn’t believe she was getting away with this. She touched people’s faces out of politeness, but now she was getting a personal sense of this other pilot. The years of loneliness were all about to disappear as she just needed one more thing. Hikari waited for her hole to be invaded as Elly struck her tongue out and took aim. Before she could taste the Asian girl a light knock rapped on her door.

“Hikari, Elly, you two ok?” Rei’s cool voice asked as Elly’s milky eyes glanced over at the door, tongue hanging from her mouth. She was so close, this wasn’t in her plan, but she was a fast problem solver being one of her strongest talents.

“We’re fine, jus’ getting changed.” Elly lied softly and stood as she pulled her finger out of her cunt and glared at Hikari to say the same. Hikari swallowed acutely as she looked to the door. She wanted to scream rape, but she was sure Elly wasn’t going to hurt her, she was just “getting to know her better” right?

“We’ll be right out.” Hikari kept her tone in check as Elly listened to Rei move away from the door. Rei looked back unsurely as she walked down the hall and into the bathroom. Asuka was getting the shower ready as Jo sat on the toilet reading a heavy metal magazine. Asuka looked over as Rei sighed and looked into the mirror.

“Everything ok Rei?” Asuka pulled her shirt over her head next to the running water as Rei looked at her through the mirror.

“I’m not sure, Elly and Hikari are still in their room.” Rei checked her teeth as she picked up her toothbrush.

“Strange, Hikari is normally the first one in here.” Jo said carelessly as she continued reading. Back in the room the two girls changed silently as Elly broke it. Upset, Zoe showed her ugly face as Hikari’s mind raced.

“We’ll continue this later.” Elly said sharply as she walked to the door and out. Hikari just stood in the middle of the room dumbfound and a little turned on as she stared at her panties on the floor.

“Did that jus’ really happen…?”

[End notes: More to come. ]

Chapter 20

Title: Soul Sister III - In charge

[Author's notes: Asuka falls in.]

“Now I have to warn you, some of the dreadnoughts in this unit are a little shifty with new pilots, especially officers… now you’ll be charge of the 3rd armored core.” Rei and Asuka stood in front of a large hanger door as Asuka chuckled.

“I’ve dealt with worse.” Asuka remembered how hard her former commander was as Misato’s grinning face appeared in her mind.

“Just a heads up.” The huge bay door opened to even bigger hanger as dreadnoughts stood around, some firing at a shooting range. The two walked in as one of the dreadnoughts recognized Rei.

“Officer on deck!” The firing range went silent as the large machines began to fall in line about 20 in all.

The black and red machines lined up in two massive lines, the heavy Nap-flamers next to the 250Roc-Cannons in the rear row and the standard pulse rifle and machine guns in the front.

“Alright listen up this is your new commanding officer; Unit88, Major Asuka Langley Sohryu, are there any questions?” Rei looked down the line as a voice cackled to life.

“Ever seen any action Major sir?” A standard unit spoke up rudely as random chuckles poured fore in different pitch and tone making it impossible to know who was laughing or not. Rei began to step forward as Asuka stopped her.

“A little bit on SCREN’s... Ferguson is it?” Asuka asked slyly, looking at the girl’s stats in her control-frame display as she walked to where the armored marine stood.

“Yes ma’am…, I mean Major.” Again chuckles rang out as Asuka joined them sarcastically. The girl scored high in all areas as she scanned through a couple others.

“So its action you want ladies?” Asuka yelled loudly as she suddenly cracked the cocky girl’s soul-case with her claw hand.

“Fuck!” The damaged dreadnought screamed as she swung blindly at the new senior officer. The Major gripped the other’s claw as the bottom of her forearm cocked itself. The high-powered palm shotgun blew the standard’s to shit as the chuckling stopped instantly. Unit 88 then crushed the smart-ass’s machine gun barrels as the new officer continued to beat the living shit out of the cheeky trooper.

“Langley!!!” Rei hid her smirking face as the beaten and dented killing machine dropped like a hunk scrap to the hard metal floor. The red head leaned back chuckling darkly as she looked up at the others all gawking at her.

“Anyone else want some action?” Asuka looked over the rest. If they had throats still the sound of swallowing would have been terribly auditable.

“Listen up shit stains, I might be a fresh soul, but I’m sharper and harder then any of you bodiless sluts, now who’s you’re squad leader?” The group pointed to the smashed dreadnought gasping on the ground.

“The one you just recklessly destroyed.” Rei crossed her arms as the ruined corporal slowly crawled towards her new commandant.

“Ohhhh, well then I’m sorry Ferguson.” Asuka looked down as a small arm extended from the busted girl’s chest with a handful of bullets and slammed them into Asuka’s foot. The explosion destroyed the arm and blackened Asuka’s foot as a broken voice croaked.

“The names Jo…” The girl fell forward with a loud crash as Asuka looked back up.

“I like you…, now listen up! Everyone fights, no one quits, you fight until your last breath and when the time comes for you to bask in the god-emperor’s mighty glory! It will be! Even if I have to send you to his side myself, understand!” Asuka ordered aloud as the group came to upright attention.

“Yes ma’am!!!” Was the roar back as a pair of human hands clapped slowly.

“I haven’t seen this lot in upright order in a long time.” Ritsuko walked in as she eyed the smashed dreadnought on the ground.

“Warming up already Ferguson?” The blonde grinned and then looked to Asuka and Rei.

“Get her refitted ASAP, and give Asuka something more for her caliper to ride in.” Ritsuko stared at them intently as questions rattled in her head about what was going on in these girl’s head.

“Thank you Librarian, her too I want this one upgraded too.” Asuka pointed to broken girl as Ritsuko grinned, turning her back.

“You might be tough, but you’re no Misato Katsuragi.” The blonde strolled out as medic raced into to the bay. The whispers were there as most just kept quiet. Asuka smirked to herself as she turned to address her soldiers.

“I want reports and a lot of them by the time I get back, got me!” Asuka followed Ritsuko with Rei next to her.

“Things may get interesting now…”


Chapter 21

Title: Just Relax

“I’m home...”

Hikari said to herself miserably as she walked into Misato’s apartment and kicked her shoes off. It had been a terrible day today, her sync testing was harder then normally as she couldn’t focus, failed and was send home. Asuka, Rei and Elly had to stay and finish as Hikari was just glad to be home.

“Jo? Are you home?” Hikari looked around for Jo who wasn’t feeling good earlier and sent home too. Hikari called out again as she walked down the hall towards her room. She slowed down just before her door as she heard rustling around coming from Jo’s room which was a small walk-in closet.

“Jo? Are you awake?” The brown-eyed girl lightly tapped on the door as she kneed down in front of the sliding door, waiting for the girl to answer her.

“One minute please!” Jo panted loudly as Hikari tilted her head at Jo’s strange tone. After a few moments Jo cracked her sliding door and peeked out.

“Yes, {Cough} H-Hikari?” Jo asked softly as she looked guilty as sin. Hikari looked into her beautiful hazel eyes as she felt warmness wash over her.

“I’m sorry to bother you Jo, but I just wanted your advice on something.” The girl shied away as Jo chuckled to herself.

“You want advice from me? That’s rich! Look, I only know what works for me and really a lot of people don’t like the way I do things, soooo.” Jo began explaining as Hikari waved her hand in front of her face.

“Please I really need someone to talk to right now.” Hikari made with the ol’ frowny face as the black haired girl sighed.

“Ok, come in then.” Jo leaned back and opened the door as Hikari crawled in and sat at the door. The room was small but livable. Jo was dressed in a long black band shirt with matching socks. Everything seemed normal but what caught Hikari’s attention the most was a strange smell that blanketed the room. She knew everyone had their own body aroma but something seemed familiar about it. Jo moved to her bed that had a laptop playing some strange music quietly as she smiled, looking at something on the screen and sat down.

“I’ve been having trouble focusing during my sync tests, and I wanted to know how you do it.” Hikari looked at the girl as she noticed some sweat on her brow.

“Easy, I jus’ relax.” Jo smiled as she scrolled down on her computer.

“How do you relax?” Hikari looked across the small area at Jo as the American cleared her throat unsure what to really tell her.

“I do different things…” Jo blushed mildly with allure in her hazel eyes. Hikari frowned again as it seemed like Jo was just screwing around with her.

“Like what?” Hikari crossed her arms as Jo answered from her crossed-legged position.

“Listen to music, play video games, write fan fiction, masturbate.” Jo said slyly as Hikari looked away at the last thing. Jo only smiled as she rocked in place, holding her feet and waited.

“What did you say?” Hikari ordered as she looked at Jo spitefully. Jo simply smirked as she shook her legs, knowing perfectly well what she said as she did it and so did the others make no mistake.

“I said masturbate, and don’t get mad, you’re the one that asked… so do you… masturbate Hikari?” Hikari blushed as Jo chuckled lightly, licking her lips and squeezing her thighs together.

“Stop messing around! I am being serious!” Hikari yelled hurtly as her blush deepened.

“That’s what’s so funny I’m actually being serious.” Jo laughed out loud as she flapped her knees.

“Did you have to be so rude about it?” Hikari tilted her head as she crossed her arms and continued pouting.

“To really be honest I was in the middle of that before you came a knocking, besides what do you do when you’re by yourself?” Shock exploded across Hikari\'s face as Jo blushed a little this time.

\"I read a book or watch TV.” Hikari explained suddenly looking away again as Jo yawned in boredom.

“What was I going to do? I was home alone and a little…, see for yourself.” Jo lifted her shirt; she wasn’t not wearing any panties for one as Hikari swallowed deeply. The smell from before was sex, just a different flavor as Hikari suddenly got wet herself. The scent filled her nose again and again as she looked to Jo’s crotch. Sweat beaded on her head as the thick black hair was spiked with clear fluid.

“You wanted to know how I relax so here is your chance.” A set of Jo’s fingers slowly trailed down her chest to her crotch as she let out a well-known sound. Jo bit down on the hem of her shirt as her other hand gripped her small breast. Hikari\'s uniform felt tight on her skin as sweat soaked her slim body. She began to unbutton her shirt.

“Soooo Hikari, what are you in to?” Jo panted as Hikari pulled her school shirt off.

What is that supposed to mean? Hikari breathed in the hot, musky air as she gripped her skirt next.

“Well what gets that little pussy of yours hot, I mean every girl’s got one.” Jo smiled passionately as her fingers slipped inside her.

“What’s yours?” Hikari asked slyly as she as she unzipped her skirt.

“We\\\'re doing it right now, care to join me? We can go back to back if you like?” It was very tempting as Hikari found her herself panting mildly.

“So you like to watch other girls masturbate?” Hikari continued to strip as Jo shook her head.

“I just like girls.” Jo grinned lively, touching her g-spot repeatedly as she looked into Hikari\\\'s brown eyes. Hikari reach behind her back to undo her tight white bra that was soon followed back her panties.

\\\"Do you want to do it?\" Jo asked lightly as she could sense the desire in Hikari\'s eyes. The brown-haired girl felt her cum soak her pussy lips as she moaned lightly.

\\\"It’s cute that you can ask so bluntly, do you think every Japanese girl is so coy?\" Hikari whispered sweetly as Jo blushed this time. Blood flooded to both of the girls hotspots as Jo felt a little dizzy and reached out for the brown eyed girl\'s pussy, but pulled her hand back when her fingertips were just inches from the heat radiating from it. Jo slid down on her bed as Hikari moved into position, her mouth just above her gap.

\\\"Can you help me relax?\" The dark haired girl opened her legs and spread her cunt petals as she showed off her rare pinkness through black pussy hair. With her own pussy dripping wet, Hikari planted her knees into the bed as she rested her hands on the top of Jo\'s thighs.

\\\"Ahhhh!\" Jo groaned toughly as Hikari let her mouth sink into the aroma of Jo\'s musky cunt. The panting girls were making the air in the little room thick with sex as Hikari focused on the full smell and flavor of the pilot’s pussy. Her tongue scraped Jo’s slick inner walls with her wet member as the girl just shuddered in lust.

\"She tastes so strong.\"

Hikari pressed her tongue against Jo\\\'s clit, tasting a wave of pre- cum as the taste blew up in her mouth. Hikari\'s fingers filled into both of Jo\'s holes as she started getting turned on by the rough noises coming from Jo\\\'s mouth.

“Ohhhh fuck me! Fuck my dirty holes!” Hikari circled her throbbing button a few more times, letting Jo\'s hips find the rhythm of her tongue and fingers. The motions jiggled Jo\'s small breasts wildly as Hikari hammered away at the girl’s tight gaps. Hikari spared one of her hands as she softly caressed her new lover\'s small tits, pulling just slightly on the little tips of her nipples. Hikari played with the black-haired girl for some time as Jo poured sweat, speaking in rude murmurs.

\"She is driving me fuckin’ crazy!!!\"

Jo liked being taunted as her protests became more desperate each time Hikari pulled away, teasing her to ungodly heights of pleasure.

\"HIKARI!\" She screamed, digging her heels into her bed as she grinded Hikari’s face into her crotch. Jo’s lusty and perverted nature was becoming too much for even her to bear as her pussy opened up even wider and came. Clear liquid spurted from Jo\'s pussy, her body jerking violently as waves of lust crashed into her.  

\"I\'m so fuckin’ wet; I\'ve got to come again!\" Jo\'s eye\'s opened rowdily as she gripped Hikari\'s hair and drug her back. Hikari simply let herself be pulled back into the sopping hole of her fellow pilot’s crotch and continued to eat her tasty pussy.

"Fuck me! Make me come all over your pretty face!" Following Jo's request Hikari stuck two fingers from both her hands into her cunt and asshole and pump the shit out of them. She could feel Jo\'s wetness making her entrances slicker and wetter then before as her fingers moved all over inside her, she paused to take a deep breath and thrust forward with her tongue again.

"Come on!" Jo urged aggressively, lifting her abdomen upward.

"Fuck them harder! Come on I'm so close bitch!" Jo struggled around on her bed as Hikari’s attack became faster and harder. The Japanese girl looked up at Jo's smooth face, twisting shamefully in the light of her laptop as her language was even worst.

“Ohhhh fuck, fuckfuckfuck!” Jo shook her head from side to side as she tried to hold back with no luck. Her facial muscles were straining, her mouth widened as she breathed hoarsely. Her tone soon changed to passionate cries of desire as her orgasm peaked again. Jo came on Hikari’s face all the way through her orgasm, her palms banging on her bedding as Hikari stopped her fingers and let her come down from her climatic high.

“Did you like that?” Hikari smiled diffidently as she looked up at Jo’s sweaty face.

“Fuck me.” Jo’s legs trembled wildly as she gasped for air.

“I just did, so is it my turn to relax now? Hikari grinned, wiping her mouth as Jo grinned and jumped up.

“I’ll help you relax as much as you want Hikari-chan.” Both girls smiled and kissed each as Hikari let Jo lay her back.

Chapter 22

Title: Forever sorry

[Author's notes:

For my best friend in the later part, Im Asuka, Shes Hikari... 


“Ohhhh.... What a day.” Sighed Hikari as she opened her locker for her effects at Nerv headquarters.

“This testing is weird, my heads killing me and my body’s sore.” Hikari complained to herself, as she started to undress. She had just become the 5th pilot for Nerv.

“Save the world? Protecting mankind? How can I change the world by fighting?”

But she was starting to have second thoughts as she looked at her dark blue and green plug-suit. Hikari’s body tensed suddenly as a set of fingers wrapped around her chest and torso from behind her.

“Hey Hikari-chan.” Asuka whispered tenderly as she rubbed her nose up and down the cute brown haired girl\\\'s neck. Hikari turned around and leaned against her locker. Closing her eyes as Asuka’s sweet seduction began. Asuka\\\'s fingers and tongue moved energetically, caressing Hikari\\\'s nipples and neck. Hikari moaned sensitively as her teammate pressed their bodies hard against the lockers.

“A-Asuka, s-stop.” Begged Hikari as she tried to push her body off the lockers.

“What\\\'s wrong Hikari?” Asuka groaned unconvincingly as she continued to caress the brown-eyed girl’s curves.

“Please...” Hikari voice started to darken as she was trying to twist and turn away from her treacherous tormentor’s hands.

“Stop!” Yelled Hikari as her hands pushed Asuka back. Asuka stumbled back as she stared in shock at Hikari\\\'s reaction.

“I’ve done the same thing countless times and was always met with a loving embrace each time, what going on, what\\\'s happened? Why is she acting this way?”

Asuka\\\'s thoughts shattered like a pane of glass as Hikari started to speak.

“Asuka... I\\\'m sorry I didn\\\'t mean to yell at you, I just have some things to do.” Explained Hikari as she moved closer to Asuka and took her hands into hers. Hikari’s face felt tight as Asuka just listened quietly to her teammate.

“I have a date to keep, she\\\'ll wonder where I, I\\\'m now.” Hikari bit her tongue as she realized what she had said.

“She!?! Who’s this she?” Asuka\\\'s voice demanded meanly as she grabbed a hold of Hikari\\\'s shoulders. Hate rushed throughout Asuka’s whole body, as she wanted to slap some sense into her friend. Aside from the hate, a cold hand gripped her heart as she glared into the sweet girl’s brown eyes.

“A girl, I meet the other day.” Hikari felt the anger radiating off Asuka and her grip tightened on her shoulders.

“What about me?” Asuka asked fervently as she fought back the tears.

“I care about you Asuka, but I jus’ need something else right now.” Hikari\\\'s face flushed as her mind flashed back of Asuka touching her, kissing her, making love to her in every way possible. Asuka was beautiful, she could have any boy or girl she wanted, but she had chosen Hikari and she was willing to keep her, damn the cost.

“So you got another girlfriend? So what I’m I, chopped liver!” Hikari frowned sadly as Asuka covered her face and started crying all out.

“But it\\\'s not like that Asu...” Hikari tried to explain as Asuka cut her off sharply.

“But nothing Hikari, I care about you, I showed you a side of me no one’s ever seen, I want to be with you, I…” Asuka whispered meekly, looking up at Hikari as tears streamed from her eyes.

“…Love you.”

Chapter 23

Title: Unpunished

[Author's notes: Jo digs up Hikaris past actions.]

“So why did she lease this place again?” Jo asked mildly as she walked next to Hikari and Elly. It was a beautiful summer day, school had just got out and the girls were texted that NERV had rent the building next to Misato’s apartment which was a training building. The three headed to the front door as the brown-haired girl made her reply.

“Misato says we need to keep fit, mentally and physically.” Hikari said proudly as she hiked her gym bag up on her back. It had been a while since Hikari had trained her kung-fu, but deep inside she wanted to see if the others could fight.

“A whole dojo seems a bit much.” Jo shrugged her shoulders and eyebrows as Hikari shook her head.

“We Japanese are very serious about our training; I really wouldn’t expect an American to understand that.” Hikari snipped a little as Jo came right back.

“You saying I can’t fight?” Jo grinned wildly as she cracked her knuckles. Hikari simply looked back with a smirk and walked into the building without another word. The Dojo was well-equipped with locker room, steam room, and a bathhouse along with weapons and training equipment as the three walked through the building.

“Wow this place is awesome.” Jo looked around as she stripped down across from Hikari and Elly in the locker room.

“What part of serious did you not understand?” Hikari spoke crassly as she tightened her karategi obi around her waist.

“Hikari-chan? Are you any good?” Elly asked lightly as she slid into a set of tight, white trackies.

“I defend myself when I need to.” Hikari looked on seriously as she flashed back to all the times she had freaked and beat the shit out of a few people. Jo chuckled to herself as she knew better.

“Don’t let the smart girl act fool you Elly; Hikari-chan is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Jo grinned lethally as she pulled a pair of black loose sweat pants up to a matching wife-beater. Elly looked at Hikari as the brown haired girl frowned and slammed her locker.

“What’s that suppose to mean?!” Hikari demanded as she glared at the Yankee girl. The grin faded from Jo’s face as she met Hikari’s eyes dangerously.

“A couple months ago, you beat an American girl half to death right?” Hikari flinched quickly as she remembered rescuing Rei from a gang of girl’s and the ring leader was a blonde-haired girl named Rebecca Roberts.

“You heard about that?” Concern filled Hikari’s voice as the brown-eyed girl’s face paled.

“Yeah, just before she killed herself.” Jo looked gravely at the Japanese girl as she moved closer to her. Elly looked strangely at Hikari as the girl seemed harmless enough to her.

“How did it… happen?” Hikari bit her lower lip as Jo glared at her.

“You really want to know?” Jo asked sternly as Hikari nodded quietly. “She was sent back to the U.S.A. right after it happened, when I saw her face it was completely fucked up. A few weeks and many surgeries later I stopped in on her and asked what had happened, she told me your name and her side of the story that you had singled her out and beat her ass for no real reason.” Jo continued as the other two listened in silence.

“Beck was always a lair I didn’t believe her, knowing her the bitch probably fuckin’ deserved it, anyway out of my curious need for information I pen-palled a friend here in tokoyo-3 and she heard some guy tried to rape her, which I thought that was strange after hearing her side and now another way that was completely different, anywho even with the surgeries she was still ugly, and when told her face could never be fixed…” Jo’s grin returned as a shallow chuckle followed. “She hung herself.” Hikari was a taken back at the last part of Jo’s story as the fight was mostly forgotten to her. Jo’s smile was slowly fading now as her glare hardened on Hikari.

“You killed one of the best American pilots single-handedly and all you did was smash her fuckin’ face in.” Hikari folded her lips in as Jo tilted her face, the grin gone. The black-haired girl wasn’t done as her fist tightened.

“Now you feel bad? Did everyone help cover-up your fight? Told you it wasn’t your fault?” Jo began to look down on Hikari as Elly stared too.

“No, no it wasn’t like that!” Everything flashed back to the front of Hikari’s mind as a huge wave of guilt washed over her.

“She and a group of girls were bullying Rei, I-I didn’t think it would lead to her killing herself.” Hikari tried to explain as her eyes started to water.
Enraged, Jo fired back strangely.

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about Becky killing herself, but what I do care about is you weren’t punished for what you did!” Jo pointed her finger in Hikari’s face as Hikari’s hands trembled, her own anger on the rise. It was strange to Hikari and Elly that Jo didn’t care about Becky, but cared more for Hikari not being reprimanded properly. Silence fell as Elly spoke up softly.

“Let’s continue this later, Rei and Asuka are walking in now.” Elly turned her nose to the hallway as the heavy breathing between the two girls slowed. Jo was the first to speak as Hikari wiped the corners of her eyes.

“You’re one ruthless bitch Hikari, but you will pay for what you did to my cousin…” Jo smirked lightly as she turned her back on the other two pilots and walked out. Elly looked at Hikari and followed Jo out as the brown-haired girl looked at her hands as they started to tremble uncontrollably.

“Her cousin…?!?”


Chapter 24

Title: Crying Lightning

[Author's notes: A bit of a song-fic]

“Ok, your all are done.” Ritsuko announced over the intercom speaker as she looked at all five girls inside their entry-plugs with their eyes closed. Asuka, Rei, Hikari, Jo, and Elly/Zoe opened their eyes slowly as their faces reflected their mood.

“Uhhhh, I jus’ remembered how boring this is.” Jo moaned dully, kicking her feet up as she lay back in her seat.

“Who did the best?” Elly asked with a prided smile as Ritsuko smiled at her question.

“Asuka? Rei?” Hikari said softly as Hikari had a caring nature for her fellow pilots.

“Good, Everyone else?” Rei spoke with a small smile as everyone replied but Asuka. Asuka was in a mood the others all knew so well.

“Fine, jus’ let me fucking out already!” Asuka barked as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked to the hatchway.

“What’s wrong Asuka?” Elly wondered aloud as Ritsuko was ready to answer her before Jo interrupted.

“Well we know who did the worst.” Jo smirked as her entry-plug opened and she climbed out. Elly and Hikari opened next as Asuka huffed loudly.

“Hurry up!” Asuka demanded as she kicked wildly in the air. Rei’s opened next as a hand landed on Ritsuko’s shoulder.

“Let me talk to her, everyone please leave.” A well-known voice inquired as the blonde doctor nodded.

“Everyone out, put a hold on unit two’s opening.” Ritsuko ordered as she watched everyone leave. With everyone gone, the purple haired woman lit a cigarette and sighed.

“Are you ok Asuka?” Major Misato asked softly as the red head snapped back.

“I’m fine! Now let me out!” The red head glared at the screen as Misato just smiled.

“Outside the café by the cracker factory, you were practicing a magic trick.” Jo began singing as she hopped off her Evangelion, smiling. She didn’t do the best but she had beat Asuka, and that was all the reward itself. The American girl had butted head with German non-stop since she had showed up, one always trying to one-up the other. Elly was smiling too as Jo watched Hikari go to Rei’s plug. Elly knew she had did the best, she just knew it, felt it. Everyone’s reaction was calculated and thought on.

“Hands fuckin’ down!”

Zoe smirked as she faced Jo who smiled back. Rei looked at Hikari as they both looked to Asuka’s unopened entry-plug.

“And my thoughts got rude as you talked and chewed on the last of your pic’n’mix.” Jo shifted her feet to an unheard beat as she picked up her M-player from her bag.

“How’d ya’ do?” Elly’s proper cockney slipped on Zoe’s scouse as Jo stared at her M-player, scrolling wildly.

“Good, I’m more hands on if you know what I mean?” Jo grinned hotly as Elly frowned knowing what she meant.

“Yor’ very rude.” Elly bellyached as Jo sighed and went back to her M-player.

“You think she’s ok?” Hikari looked to Rei, who was staring at the said girl’s plug.

“Yeah it’s them! Jo and Elly! Slampas! Slampas! Slampas!” Asuka screamed viciously as her voice reverberated throughout her entry-plug.

“Wow, its jus’ a test for fuck sakes.” Jo looked up surprisingly at the red entry-pug as Hikari scowl at her.

“You’re not helping any Jo.” Hikari turned to the American girl, her face saying it all.

“Hikari.” Rei said softly as Hikari glared at the black haired girl, then to the blue-haired girl.

“Why is she doing so badly then? This is the third test in a row.” Elly asked curiously as Rei looked at her unsurely.

“Asuka…” Misato looked into the crying girl’s eyes as the German girl had lost it… again.

“You went through this before, why don’t you like Jo and Elly?” Misato threw her purple hair back as smoke filled her lungs.

“They’re just stupid I just hate them, I don’t need a reason!” Asuka sobbed aloud as she slammed her fist on her handle-grips.

“Fine, you can stay in there until you feel like playing nice.” Misato huffed as she hit the comm.-link button.

“Continue hold on opening unit-2’s entry-plug.” The major ordered and turned away from the screaming girl.

“Let me out! Let me OUT!!!” Asuka screamed again and again as she got up and started hammering on her hatch door. Rei and Hikari quickly jumped up as they both grabbed the handle.

“You’re past times consisting of the strange, are twisted and deranged I hate that little game you have called…Crying-lightning.” Jo sung as she and Elly hurried over to the others trying to open Asuka’s hatch.

“Ahhhh!!! LET ME OUT!!!” Hikari and Rei got the handles out and were ready to turn it when a cold voice called out.

“Rei, Hikari stop, she’s ok, but she will remain in there until she calms down, go clean up.” The four girls looked up to the high balcony where Yui Ikari stood frowning. Asuka continued to sob as her banging all but stopped.

“Misato?” The red head looked to the empty control.

“I don’t want to be alone…”

“That’s why you aggravate the icky man on raining afternoon…” Jo walked side by side with Elly, sharing headphones as Rei and Hikari followed behind them both worried about Asuka. Jo turned up her head phones as Zoe sang along. The two had started listening to A-monkeys new song and loved it, thing was Jo was crazy about all kinds of music, she had a million songs on her M-player and listened to it all the time.

“Please don’t encourage her Jo, she’s bad enough.” Elly griped through the singing pair as she felt Zoe breathing down her neck.

“Light’in up love, she’s not bad he’rrr.” Zoe grinned as Elly sighed and gave in.

“Uninviting…!” Zoe puffed her chest out like she never lost a war.

“But it’s not as easy as everyone assumes… you are… CRYING LIGHTNING!!!” Jo screamed back as the two continued to sing as Hikari and Rei shook their heads, but thinking about the same thing.

“Poor Asuka…”

Chapter 25

Title: Spar

The three were soon in the main area of the dojo as Jo began to moan again.

“This is boring!!!” Jo started to stretch as Hikari watched her. Jo looked up sharply as Hikari flinched a little.

“See something you like?” The hazel eyed girl smirked viciously as she licked her lips.

“You are so uncivil.” Hikari turned her nose up at her.

“I don’t like your tone Miss Hikari.” Hikari’s face cracked for a second as Elly smiled to herself.

“You want to fight?” Jo asked as she rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck.

“You don’t want to fight me…” Hikari frowned shadily as she lifted her hand.

“I’m not some sissy girl or a loud-mouth bully, fight me.” Jo was insulted to hear such shit as she lifted her fists into a strange stance.

“What’s that?” Hikari smirked as she saw Jo had no real fighting-style.

“The way I fight, if ya’ got a problem with it show me show real kung-ku Hikari-chan.” Hikari’s anger started to stir as Jo prodded on.

“You got the drop on stupid ol’Becky, but I won’t let that happen!” Suddenly Jo closed the distant swiftly as her fist connected with Hikari's right cheek. The girl stumbled back as she glared back at Jo and wiped the edge of her mouth. Elly stepped back as she tightened her thighs together as her tiny gash began to drip.

“Jus’ as I though, you don’t know how too really fight do you Hikari-chan?” The mockery was all Hikari needed as she tauten her fists.

“I done listening to your fuckin’ mouth Jo, you want to fight! LET’S GO!!!” Hikari roared as she exploded forward as Jo simply waited. Hikari swung wildly as Jo dodged and pushed Hikari off balance. The brown-haired girl slowly began to fall as the black-haired girl gripped her collar and smashed her knee into Hikari’s chest. Jo let the girl slide to the floor breathlessly as she stared down at her.

“Your strong Hikari-chan, but reckless.” Jo’s mothering taunts continued as Hikari was in full fanatical mode. Elly couldn’t see them fighting, but she could hear it, smell it and it was turning her on. Jo was swift but even she knew if Hikari landed a good punch or two it would slow Jo down if not stop her. Elly could tell Hikari was struggling as she suddenly began walking by them.

“I’m going to get something to drink, does anyone want anything?” At this Elly stuck her cane out and tripped Jo as the American girl lost her balance and watched Hikari’s fist crash into her face.

“FUCK!” Jo dropped her hands back as Hikari dove at her, Jo swung her legs up as they wrapped around the Japanese girl’s neck. To Jo’s surprise Hikari twisted off her feet at the last second as her legs swung in and clamped around the black-haired girl’s neck. Elly grinned widely as her right hand was inside her track-pants, pushing her panty-covered fingers into her burning cunty.

“Give it up!” Jo yelled as Hikari just screamed. The two girls squeezed one another’s necks as blackness began to fill their eyes.
Elly panted hotly as she watched both girls choke out and piss their pants.

“Ohhhh it’s no good.” Elly chomped her lower lip as she came to the sight of watching the two unconscious pilots pissing on each other.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Asuka stood in the main door with Rei next to her as Jo and Hikari loosened up, lying in a little puddle of piss. Elly straightened her posture and smiled sweetly.


Chapter 26

Title: Spar II

It wasn't much fun cleaning up Jo and Hikari as the others called it an afternoon and headed for the sauna and whirl-pool. Asuka, Rei, and Elly changed and got wet in the whirlpool as Jo and Hikari lay on wooden benches in the dojo’s locker room.

"So what happened just then Elly?" Rei asked softy as she looked over at the English girl. Elly just smiled to herself as her hands fell in her lap. Rei was uneasy as she remembered Hikari reacting the same way.

"Do you remember the girl that bullied you at school?" Rei and Asuka nodded as Zoe grinned even more.

"She kill'd hersef bac' in da' states, sir cousin' Jo, st'rate fists after tha." Zoe gripped herself tightly as Asuka tilted her head in confusion.

"What did she say?" Rei waited patiently as Elly took over to explain.

"Becky was Jo's cousin and she killed herself back in the states after that they started fighting." Elly finished politely as she still gripped her crotch under the water.

"Oh..., well why didn't you say so?" Asuka sighed carelessly as she laid her head back over the edge of the hot tub. Rei was deep in thought as she tried to think what to do with Jo and Hikari.

"They're both a little wild and they don't seem to really hate each other... for now anyways."

"What's going on in that brain of your Rei?" Asuka asked slyly as Rei smiled back.

"Do you really want to know?" The two smiled at each other as Elly came a little. Rei began to whisper into the red haired girl’s ear as Asuka grinned wildly. Unknown to Rei and Asuka, Elly had very good hearing. After a few seconds Asuka nodded her head as Rei leaned back.

"Can I go first?" Elly said shyly as both Asuka and Rei nodded and moved closer to her.

"Be gentle." The white-haired moaned as Asuka sat in her lap and wrapped her arms around her slim neck.

"We promise." Rei slipped next to the two girls as her hand dropped in between Elly's legs.

Back in the locker-room.

"What happened?" Hikari slowly awoke as she looked over to Jo stirring across from her.

"I can't believe Becky killed herself, poor Jo."

Jo's eyes opened slowly as she saw Hikari staring at her.

"What are… you staring at?" Jo snapped as she leaned up rubbing her neck.

"Jo... I'm sorry about Becky." Hikari explained sadly as Jo raised her hand.

"Don't worry about it..." Jo hid her frown as tears filled her eyes.

"But?" Hikari snipped.

"This is’in a fuckin’ game Hikari.” Jo groaned.

“Jo?” Hikari poked.

“Are you FUCKIN' DEAF!?!" Jo's hazel burned brightly as Hikari shut up.

"Who cares... another one bites the dust!" Jo suddenly screamed, tears pouring as she got to her feet.

"Who's next? Asuka? Rei? You?" Jo grinned through her tears as Hikari just stared her.

"You want to know why I became a pilot? I did it so no one else had to die..." Jo covered her mouth as she threw up. Even throwing up Jo’s hazel eyes glared in Hikari’s brown ones.

"Sorry, makes me sick remembering." Jo puked again, straight-faced as she whipped the puke from her mouth onto the floor. Hikari's heart clinched as silence fell.

Jo cleared her throat and spoke up, looking at the floor with painful remembrance.

"My little sister was the most gifted; she was killed in an explosion... I lost my best friend heather next, lost her mind... my younger brother was killed fighting an angel, self-destruction killed them both." Jo just stared as Hikari wiped a few tears from her face.

"I've lost so much... I'm completely numb to other people and that’s why I act like I do, to know you, will only hurt me." Jo stepped over to the brown-haired girl and sat in her lap.

“I really like you guys, even Asuka… even if she’s a snob-nosed Nazi pig.” Jo finished softly as the two pilots sat staring at each other.

“Do you want?!” Jo began to ask as Hikari suddenly leaned forward and kissed her red chops. Hikari began to twist her lips as Jo pulled away.

“W-We shouldn’t keep the other waiting.” Jo leaped up and dashed for the door as Hikari sighed happily.

“Ohhhh Jo… you’ll be perfect.”

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