Story: Girls of Haven: Rites of passage (chapter 6)

Authors: Jdwheels

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Chapter 6

[Author's notes: A loss, and a way to cope comes all in one fateful day.]

Chapter Six - Forward going.



Dark, menacing clouds hung over the Haven Campus. It had not rained yet that day, but the greyish black of each bank of clouds, told they would not be long in coming, and they would not be just a light drizzle.

Lori was up in one of the classrooms that made up the Grade Ten education building, taking her Algebra final, fighting with the long drawn out task of the test. For over an hour already, she was fighting to keep her mind fully focused on the test, but it seemed like she could not so that for any length of time Her mind was too busy drifting far from the test to do so.

In her mind, all she could do was mull over what the day was. Today Megan was leaving the hallowed halls of Haven for good, an event that she had been dreading ever since she had been told. Even though she needed to keep her thoughts on the test in front of her... the knowledge of it loomed in her mind, making her ache with sadness.

Even after over a week of trying to get a handle on her emotions, and to get use to the fact that Megan was soon going to be gone did not diminish. Her raw emotions actually seemed to be growing. She had not slept well, or even had a regular appetite, yet she had soldiered on the best way she knew how to.

Megan and Lori had tried to stay away from one another, so as to try and limit the emotional upheaval that the ex-president’s departure was going to cause. The two did so in the end, but that too had no effect on stopping the deep well of feelings that ran through the both of the girls. It had only served to deepen their sullen moods It was like there was a death in the family, but felt more acute than that..

Through even today’s test, Lori’s thoughts of their last night together still filled her mind, the passion of that night still made her shiver with remembered pleasures, and filled her with love for the tall stately girl.. The two had said their goodby’s the morning after, then went on their ways reluctantly.

Megan worked hard to concentrate on her finals, as the young blonde girl knew she would. Lori also just tried so very hard to forget and do the very same with her upcoming tests, but the brokeness of her heart made that all but impossible. Every fiber of her being wanted to yell out for the girl to stay.

From the window of the classroom where she took her test, Lori had already could see a very large limousine sitting idling in front of the Grade Twelve dorms. She did not have to wonder about the large automobile, for she already knew that this was Megan’s parents who were there to pick her up. The girl’s departure from Haven was not very far off, and her heart hurt with that knowledge

Squinting slightly, Lori could pick out Megan, standing like stone on the steps of the dormitory building. Even from where Lori was, she could pick out Megan’s lean frame easily.

Megan was watching a group of people moving her belongings into the large black auto in front of her. Dressed in a rich blue dress and wide brimmed felt hat, the tall beauty was a very lovely sight to see. Lori smiled, as the sight of her lover was still breath-taking.

Lori watched the girl, and held her breath, transfixed on trying getting a one last good look at the girl that had captured her heart and made Haven a better place for her. She yearned to throw her arms around her, to say her goodbyes again, but that was not going to happen.

Megan seemed to be almost ridged and cold as she stood at the top of the stone steps to the dormitories, a far cry from the relaxed and confident person she usually was. The girl was vacantly staring right at the limo that sat at the very bottom of the steps, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she watched.

The girl then began to move down the steps towards the car, then was seen to stop a few steps before the bottom Her head suddenly turned up, straight towards the window of the class where Lori was siting in her finals. The girl turned away from the car and walked away, heading across the courtyard, closer to the grade ten building. Lori felt her heart jump, as she realized Megan was coming closer.

Just in front of the large six story building where Lori was, Megan stopped and removed her large hat, and peered hard up at the window, her face was seemingly fighting the tears that were forcing there way out. The tall ex-Haven President’s eyes were searching each row of windows, seemingly with great urgency, then stopped right on one particular window.

Lori made eye contact with Megan as she stood there, the tall young woman had spotted her. She could almost feel the sadness pumping through the girl, and that made her tear up. She nodded, hoping the girl would see this little gesture and all of the thoughts and feelings that were coursing through her at that moment. Her heart needed to know that Megan saw her, this last time.

Megan nodded back in answer, her eyes still locked upwards. She blew a kiss towards Lori’s vantage point, mouthing the words ‘I love you’, then slipped back on her large hat as tears flowed down her long cheekbones. She could be seen bowing her head, as if just looking up was making her ache.

Turning with great slowness, Megan walked slowly back to the dorms and the awaiting car. She did not stop as she made her way, but had her head bowed forward told the tale of what her heart was going through. Unmistakably, the girl’s heart was breaking in two.

Megan reached the car and got in, the driver closing the door behind her before getting into the driver seat. The large automobile started driving off, turning around and heading straight towards the main gates, just as the rain began to fall like wet crystals that spotted the shiny black finish.

In a few scant heartbeats, the large car was gone out of the gates and out of sight, bearing Megan away from Haven and Lori, to a unknown future life overseas. What was left was the dank dreariness of the rain that was falling, wetting the school campus. It was a fitting epitaph to things.

Lori bowed her head after watching the limo disappear through the main gates. She was feeling so very empty right then, more than she ever had before. Not since Arriving at Haven School for Girls, has she felt as if she was totally alone and very out of place. Haven seemed to be now, just a place, and not a home.

The young girl looked up one last time to peer out of the window, sort of hoping the car would turn have around and brought the tall girl back to her school home, and to her. She could not deny reality though, she already knew that little wish was not going to happen, yet there was a slim part of her that yearned for it.

She fought back the tears that were threatening to explode from her, and made herself go back to the test booklet in front of her. She had to, as there was over an hour left to finish this monestrous test, and her overall final marks depended on each and every test score.

Lori kept telling herself over and over again, that the girl would want her to be strong, just like she was. The fact was, Megan was her strength... and it was a strength now gone. She began the test again, but her heart was not in it.

After Tests had been finished for the day, the entire school was to have the afternoon off to rest, and to study for the other upcoming finals. How many of the students would take advantage of the chance to have a respite or go over the study notes for the next round of finals that were looming over everyone, was anyone’s call at this point of time.

The blonde haired Lori already knew what she wanted on this day. It was for the love of her life to be still there. That, she knew all too well, was just a passing fancy.

Sort of her wants, Lori just decided that she wanted to lay down and try to nap for awhile, and hopefully her mind would take a break for awhile. She just was so weary, and wanted nothing else than time to rest, or the privacy to ponder her life that would be without the tall girl named Megan. Either way anyone could look at it, she just was not feeling very sociable today.

The young Brentwall girl trudged her way back to her dorm building, thankful that no one stopped her along the path she took. She just wanted to be as inconspicuous as she possibly could be as she made her way, so as to get to the seclusion of her room as fast as she could.

As she entered the building, her hopes of having some peace and quiet for herself was broken when she heard someone was calling her name. She looked up the staircase in the lobby area, and saw it was Tabby who was calling out to her from the second floor landing. She sighed and waited for the girl to get down the staircase.

Tabatha looked to be very excited, almost bouncing on the spot as she stopped in front of the downcast girl.

" My mother said I can take two friends to our beach property on the ocean side for the summer." She said.

" Sounds like fun." Said Lori, actually happy with the fact of somebody was having good news.

" It’s good for you..." Beamed the girl, almost exploding with her elation. " How would you like to be one of the two to come and stay at our place during the summer?"

Lori took a sharp breath in, and looked at the girl. She was taken completely off guard by the girl’s sudden offer.

" Me?" Lori asked, trying to get a handle on what the girl had just offered to her. " Why Me?"

" Why not?? You and my girlfriend Lea are the two I want to come along." She said, smiling. " I got to thinking that you should not have to wallow here at school, because your family is gone off making movies... and you would be hurting over Megan all summer long." She beamed. " I was thinking that a long vacation away, might just help those situations."

Lori thought over Tabby’s offer, thinking that if it was what it seemed to be, it would be better than the alternative of staying the entire two month span of summer break at Haven. Getting Megan off her mind was also something to think on.

" I will talk it over with my parents, when I can get a hold of them." She said, half wondering if she would get a hold of them, they were still working on that movie somewhere in East Europe.

" You do that... we have a couple of weeks until we leave for the bright blue of the ocean. " Megan said, very perky.

Tabitha raced off, almost skipping as she did as she exited from where Lori had entered. Lori agreeing to go had really made Tabby happy, and knowing she my be doing something this summer made the blonde girl see that things may not be as dark as they seemed to be. She headed up the staircase and up to her room.

She would still have to deal with her loss, but now it seemed that things just might be workable... but she did have one wish. That the tall beauty called Megan could be here.

She took a deep breath to clear her racing mind, as she headed up the mountainous stairs and to her floor. She would just have to phone her parents and ask. Something about this offer intrigued her.

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