Story: A Million Reasons (chapter 8)

Authors: Ororo

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Chapter 8

Title: The Morning After

The next morning Elisa was awakened by the feeling of being watched. She opened her eyes to a sun lit room the sheer white drapes gave little protection from the early morning rays.

She turned her head to find Fox Xanatos watching her a small smile on her face.

"Good morning Elisa." The husky purr of her voice reminded Elisa of their long night of love making.

Exhaustion had finally won out forcing Elisa to push Fox away from her tender lips. The woman had growled in protest kissing her way up Elisa's body.

Elisa could remember looking sleepily up at Fox tracing the blue fox head tattoo over her right eye. Fox had submitted to the the exploration kissing the tip of Elisa's finger when she was done.

Feeling contented and safe for the first time in months, Elisa curled up next to the the woman that not so long ago she'd considered an enemy, falling asleep in her arms.

Looking at her now she couldn't help but return the smile being directed at her.

Fox placed a warm hand on Elisa's waist pulling her closer. "I'm glad you're awake. I can finally eat breakfast." Fox stated. With a flick of her wrist she removed the sheet covering their bodies.

She kissed Elisa opened mouthed moaning softly when their bodies touched.


"Let me come up. Just for a minute." Fox was looking up at her a naughty smile on her lips. Elisa was in the red head's lap stradling her waist.

The limousine was double parked in front of Elisa's apartment building. Fox's hands were on her hips holding her in place.

Elisa returned the smile her dark brown eyes twinkling with mischief. "No," she replied. She yelped when Fox raised her hands tickling her under her ribcage. Elisa grabbed her wrists holding them in place.

"I may work third shift but I still need to get some sleep." Elisa stated.

"And I think sleeping is the last thing on your mind. Besides you'd need longer than a minute for what you want." Elisa teased. Fox visibly shivered as she leaned forward taking Elisa's mouth in a hungry kiss.

Fox pulled her hands free using them to circle Elisa's waist pulling her impossibly closer.

The wet sound of their mouths separating echoed in the car. They stared at each other breathing hard. Fox was the first to break the silence. "Let me come up with you?" Fox asked making it clear she was no longer joking. Elisa was ready to give in.

Elisa leaned down kissing Fox hard on the lips.

The sound of a car horn blaring behind them forced her to pull her mouth away from Fox's lush lips. Fox threw her head against the car seat groaning in frustration.

"I have to go Fox." Fox leaned up trying to steal another kiss.

Elisa pulled away. "Don't you have a meeting to go to?" As if on cue Fox's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and cursed before answering.

"Hello Dominique." She winced pulling the phone away from her ear.

The voice of a screeching Dominique Destine could be heard on the other end.

"I'm sorry. Yes, I was eating breakfast." She winked up at Elisa. "It's the most important meal of the day didn't you know that Dominique?"

Elisa laughed burying her face in Fox's neck to stifle the sound. "What? Would I say it was worth a million dollars?" She turned her head placing a soft kiss on Elisa's cheek.

"Absolutely," she whispered. Her warm breath touched Elisa's ear. Elisa pulled back she wanted to see Fox's face.

Smoldering blue eyes stared back at her. "As a matter of fact I think I want some more. Why don't you call Owen to reschedule the meeting."

She disconnected the call throwing her cell phone onto the opposite seat. "Come here," Fox breathed out. Raising her head for another kiss.

Elisa placed a finger between their lips.

She looked at Fox incredibly. "You just blew off a million dollars? Is your ego so large that you would do something like that? People have killed to get a hold of that kind of money." Elisa stated.

Fox frowned as she removed her hands from Elisa's body. "Dominique will reshedule. It would take months for another technology company to reproduce my work. Fox crossed her arms over her chest looking up at Elisa.

"I blew off that meeting in hopes of spending more time with you. But it looks like I made the wrong decision." Fox huffed. Elisa slid off Fox's lap pulling her dress down over her hips. She blushed as Fox watched her every move her eyes caressing between her thighs.
"I'm sorry it's just that I don't want be the cause of you loosing that kind of money." Fox looked at her running fingers through her tossled red hair. "If you had asked me for a million dollars last night, I would've had it wired to your bank account within an hour."

She leaned across her seat to take Elisa's face in her hands. "I still think you're priceless so a million would've been a steal." Something was happening between them and it scared Elisa.

"I don't want this to be a one time thing Elisa. We can make this work." She paused continuing to look at Elisa.

"I can take care of you satisfy you in ways no man ever could." Elisa trembled remembering the passion they'd shared. She broke Fox's mesmerizing stare taking a deep breath to compose herself.

She'd been so consumed with Fox that she hadn't thought about the consequences of what they'd done.

In the harsh light of day reality settled in. Fox was not only married but she had a child "How can three people have a normal relationship Fox. Should I call Owen to schedule time with you?"

Fox pulled away from her. Elisa could see disappointment on her face. Elisa softend her voice as she spoke.

"The last thing I want is to break up your marriage. She blew out a deep breath. "Last night, this morning, it was," she paused searching for the right word, "it was incredible you were incredible.
But my happily ever after ends with two people not three." She didn't know what else she could say.

She was startled when Fox grabbed her wrist gripping it painfully. "When was the last time your life was normal Elisa? You've seen things other humans have only dreamed about. Been places most wouldn't live to tell about."

Fox raged on unable to stop. "The last male you loved was a Gargoyle who wasn't even strong enough to love you back. Tell me, Detective Maza, when was the last time your life was normal?" She asked.

Elisa wrenched her arm free hurt and anger written on her face.

Fox sat in front of her breathing hard staring at her intently.

"Don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you. Isn't that what you told me Fox?" Elisa's voice was laced with contempt as she used Fox's own words against her.

Fox closed her eyes. Elisa took that moment to exit the limo not turning around as it drove away.


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