Story: A Million Reasons (chapter 4)

Authors: Ororo

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Chapter 4

Title: How\'s Tricks

It was after midnight when Elisa left the police station.  They'd collard ten men total in the sting.

She was dressed in her hooker clothes when she left the building.  Keyed up from her earlier encounter with the Xanatos's.

She sighed admitting to herself that it was Fox's behavior that left her unsettled.

The looks she'd given Elisa were hot enough to singe her skin.

The sound of a familiar voice got her attention.  "How's tricks, Elisa?"

She looked up to see Fox Xanatos leaning against the passenger, rear door, of the limo.  Her husband was hanging casually out the window.

Fox opened the back door gesturing inside with her hand.

"Want a ride Cinderella?  We've got plenty of room."

Elisa hesitated uncertain of Fox's motives. She and the red head weren't exactly friends.

Elisa glanced at David Xanatos her eyes narrowing. She'd never forgiven him for his part in her brother's mutation.

Although she was wary of Fox she could honestly say she disliked her husband.

"Don't think of saying no Elisa. I can't believe they let you leave a police station looking so sinful." Fox said.

"You may need more protection than David and I to make it home." Elisa couldn't suppress her smile.  The one thing Fox didn't lack was charm.

"Are you certain it's not you I need protecting from?" Elisa asked. The red head walked slowly towards her closing the distance between them.

Fox's blue eyes danced with mischief a smile gracing her full lips.

The ex-mercenary looked as if she'd been poured into the slinky dress she wore.

A creamy white thigh peeked out from the dresses high slit with each step Fox took.

"I promise there's nothing dangerous about what I'd like to do to you." Fox answered once she was standing directly in front of Elisa.

With the four inch heels she wore Elisa found herself eye level with Fox.

The police woman arched an eyebrow at Fox. "Was that answer suppose to put me at ease?" Elisa asked.

Fox glanced over her shoulder to where her husband watched them from the limo.

"Are you uncomfortable with David's presence?" Fox asked. "I could hail us a cab if you prefer."

Suddenly more serious than Elisa had ever seen her Fox continued. "I'd like to spend some time with you tonight. Just the two of us or David included if you'd like." Fox stated. The offer sent shock waves to Elisa's core.

"What game are you playing?" Elisa asked. Fox looked startled by the accusation.

"I'm not your enemy Elisa. We know more about each other than our closest friends." Fox held out an elegant hand.

"Come with me. You won't be disappointed." Fox said in a soft voice. Elisa stared at the outstretched hand. Then into Fox's eyes.

Elisa swallowed hard at the promise of passion that swirled in the unfathomable blue depths. She shook her head backing away from Fox.

"I--I have to go," she stuttered.

She turned walking swiftly away putting as much distance between her and Fox as she could.


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