Story: A Million Reasons (chapter 18)

Authors: Ororo

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Chapter 18

Title: My Brother\'s Keeper Part A

When Elisa woke the next morning she was surprised to find Fox still there an enigmatic expression on her face as she silently watched her.

The red head was dressed in a cream coloured skirt suit with matching heels.

Feeling suddenly shy Elisa pulled the sheet that was partially covering her up to her neck. Fox smirked arching an elegant eyebrow.

She didn't say anything just reached into the pocket on the side of her jacket. "Since you don't want this I need you to sign it over." She said handing Elisa the torn cashiers check along with a pen.

Elisa stared at it in surprise. She was about to endorse the check over to Fox when the red head stopped her.

"Make it out to Maggie Reed." Fox instructed. Elisa slowly looked up trying to read Fox. For a moment the red head refused to meet her eye. "I just assume the mutants, and the homeless people living with them, could use the money." Fox finally stated looking at her.

"We both know your brother, Talon, would never take it from me. But with your help I'm sure I could get Maggie to accept it." She explained.

Elisa didn't know what to think for a moment the pen hovered over the signature line. "Why are you doing this?" She asked quietly.

Fox seemed to debate how to answer. "I'll never be a saint but even sinners have a conscience." Her eyes were full of regret. "I want to help. I've even approached Talon but he refuses." Fox stated.

Elisa was stunned unaware of Fox's feelings and her offers of assistance.

She shook off her surprise. "Your husband tricked Derek then strung him along promising a cure." Elisa defended, even though she had warned Derek about her suspicions of Xanatos.

"David turned him against Goliath and the clan hoping the mutants would be able to capture them. He has every right to mistrust you both." Elisa said.

Fox's jaw clenched. "I know what David did but even the gargoyles have forgiven him." Fox argued.

"What did David take from the clan?" Elisa asked. "Nothing." She stated.

"He took away Derek and the other mutants humanity. He took away their lives." Elisa said choking up mourning the loss of the little boy she'd grown up with.

Fox reached out cupping Elisa's chin. "I can't change the past. Even if I had full use of my powers I couldn't undo what was done." She said sadly.

Elisa sniffled turning away from Fox. "I'll talk to Maggie see if she'll take the money." Elisa stated. Fox nodded watching Elisa intently.


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