Story: Spellbound (chapter 1)

Authors: Asukalover88

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Chapter 1

Title: Yuffie get's burned

[Author's notes:

This is one of my better written stories.






“I got this one.” Yuffie smiled brightly as she lifted an open palmed hand to the blue goopy monster.

“Are your sure?” Sephie looked skeptically at the ninja girl and then to Vincent, who stared blankly at the bouncing blob. Yuffie’s materia use was terrible, she had no control or focus on the powers she could unleash and usually ended up set one of her own teammates on fire.

“Here goes, FIRE!” Yelled Yuffie as the flames engulfed her hand. Yuffie’s strained her eyes at her target as the flames jumped from her hand.

“Yuffie?” Selphie asked worriedly as the fire started to grow out of Yuffie’s control, her eyes bulged as she started to back away. Yuffie’s arm swayed from side to side unsure of what its real target was as it passed across Sephie and Vincent’s direction.

“I can…” Yuffie struggled as she gripped her forearm tightly, trying to gain control of her casted spell. The blob, unconcerned with the girl’s casting abilities lurched forward in for a violent attack.

“Now, Yuffie!” Selphie screamed desperately, jumping behind her undead teammate as the flames erupted fiercely in every direction. The blob let out a terrifying screech as the inferno of red and yellow flames incinerated it's blue jelly like body into nothing but black ash. Breathing heavily Yuffie dropped to her hands and knees as small patches of grass burned around her. Selphie looked carefully around Vincent’s back to Yuffie, placed in the middle of a large ring of fire as smoke blackened the air.

“Are you crazy!?! You could have killed us!” Selphie barked darkly as she stepped around Vincent, who remained unflinching.

“I’m sorry, I though I had control…” Yuffie sighed feebly as she looked up at the distressed girl, feeling her eyes start to well up.

“Well you didn’t! Do you think jus’ bringing people back with spells or phoenix down is that easy? Vincent? Say something.” Selphie reprimanded harshly as she looked to the silent vampire. Vincent holstered his gun as he looked at the end of his cape that had been spotted with flames.

“The monster was vanquished.” Vincent said shortly as he whipped his cape over his shoulder, jerking the oxygen away of the flames, killing them instantly. Not wanting anything to do with the impending argument he started to walk away.

"Hey, Vincent?!" Selphie stared in disbelieve at her departing teammate as Yuffie looked up at her.

“Why not do us all a favor and jus’ stick to stealing.” Sephie suggested rudely as she turned her back on the girl and followed in Vincent’s wake. The small group returned to the campsite as dusk drew near. The others sat next to the fire, chatting and laughing happily as they shared food and stories of there lives before they came together except Yuffie who sat alone away from the fire, watching the sunset, moping.

“Why can’t I do it? Why can’t I use materia like everyone else? I’m useless…”

Tears streamed down her face as her cheerless thoughts comsumed her.

“Yuffie?” A melancholy voice asked from behind. Yuffie identified the sorrowful tone as Lulu, who sat down beside her.

“Are you ok? “ Lulu asked softly as Yuffie inhaled sharply, trying to fight back the urge to cry. Yuffie struggled to explain herself but failed as tears began to roll down her flushed cheeks.

“It’s ok if you cry. “ Sensing the young girl’s oncoming emotion Lulu wrapped a slender arm around Yuffie’s neck as the grief-stricken girl planted her face into her warm bosom and unleashed her unwanted tears. Minutes passed as the brown haired girl's balling turned into a quiet sob.

“Now will you tell me what’s wrong?” Lulu cooed as she lifted Yuffie’s wet face. Yuffie wiped her face clear of tears and she nodded.

“It’s Selphie, she got mad at me today for using my materia; I killed the monster, but lit up half of the plains doing it.” Yuffie moaned as she leaned up, looking into Lulu’s dark, but caring eyes.

“She always harasses me when I lose control of my spells, I think she’s right, maybe I should jus’ use my pin wheel attacks from now on.” Yuffie admitted sadly as a smile worked across Lulu face.

“Why are you smiling?” Yuffie asked angrily as her face contorted in the same manner.

“I’m smiling because you don’t know the whole truth behind Selphie reason for telling you off, have you ever seen her cast magic when you’re in battle with her?” Lulu questioned smartly as she crossed her legs under her belted dress. Yuffie though for moment but she was unable to recall a time when Selphie had used magic with her present.

“No, not really.” Yuffie answered unsurely, looking down as her index finger made little circles in the dirt.

“It’s because she’s just as bad as you, you two are like two drunk moogle’s with a mega-elixir, the other day she almost drown Quistis with the water materia Cloud gave her.” Lulu said blandly as she continued smiling.

“That doesn’t make me feel any better Lulu.” Yuffie groaned displeasingly, feeling the tears start to build again. Lulu nodded knowingly as she laid a hand on Yuffie’s thigh.

“If you want, I can teach you.” Offered Lulu as Yuffie smiled this time, her emerald green eyes meeting Lulu’s gunmetal gray’s.

“You’d teach me!” Yuffie couldn’t help the happiness flooding her heart as she launched herself at Lulu, gripping her in a tight hug.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Lulu grinned brightly at the girl’s enthusiasm as her face beamed with delight.

“It won’t be easy, so get some sleep and we’ll start tomorrow, ok?” Lulu soothed as she brushed the back of her hand down Yuffie’s damp, but smooth cheek. Yuffie nodded as she got to her feet and raced off to her tent, her thoughs racing.

“I’ll show Sephie who the better materia user is!”

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